@fud_sang: I only play games like this offline with friends so I’m not too upset. But that does seem like an oversight, especially since Nintendo is trying to improve their online capabilities.
@jsprunk: She was one of the best characters in the show! She was basically a toned down Cersei Lannister, she'd do anything for her family. Her character ruined a lot of shit for the Sons, but she definitely didn't ruin the show.
@fulldisk: First of all, 10 hours is lowballing it even if you skip cutscenes (they’re really not that long. 5 minutes at a time tops). 20 seems reasonable, but most people don’t rush through open world games, as that defeats the whole point of open world games. I’ve already spent about 20 hours and I’m not even finished with act 2 yet. Also, the difference between 1368 and 1440 is so nominal, no one could ever hope to distinguish the difference. The game still looks and runs great. And where are you paying $69 for your games? I got mine for $48 on day one from Best Buy. And I can guarantee that if they wasted their time making a multiplayer mode, the single player would have suffered. More focused single player games are ALWAYS better than single player games with tacked on multiplayer modes. (See: Most AAA games from 2009-2012)
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