@blitxxx1981: it’s only “the worst” because every other game is superb. And no way did it look fugly in 2008. I remember that game being the prettiest game out at the time with the exception of Metal Gear Solid 4 AND it was open world. And the controls were still WAAAAAY better than anything from PS2.
@lostn: you’ll never see me referring to it as if it were a home console other than the fact it is trying to replicate console experiences on a handheld like the Vita tried to do. I hardly ever play docked since I’m a commuter. And it actually has sold comparably in its first year to the DS and 3DS. DS and 3DS were about 16-17mil in first 12 months and the Switch has done at least 14 mil as of January. So yeah it’s selling very very well as a handheld OR a console.
@gamingdevil800: Nintendo has thrived by making their consoles affordable for basically anybody. 4K is nice but not necessary at all. When I switch between 1080p and 4K on my PS4 Pro, I can barely tell the difference unless I’m a couple feet away from my 55”. Most people know video games are more than shiny graphics. Look at Ryse and The Order 1886. Extremely gorgeous, but shitty games. I’ve had more fun with Celeste than many “shiny” games that have come out recently.
@skektek: good luck playing dark souls on that in a convenient fashion. You’ll need a stand, a controller, and table or something to set it up on. You can play a Switch literally anywhere. Also, the K1 is out of production.
It's so sad that everyone completely misses the point this is a handheld running last gen games with improved graphics. As a console, it's not great, but that fact is is BOTH a console and a handheld is pretty damn impressive, especially at the $300 price point. Sure Sony or MS could probably make a portable PS4, but it would be fat as hell and cost $500-600, the price of an iPad. People would laugh Sony or MS off the stage if they did something like that.
@Eddie619: Lemme know when they make a portable Xbox or PS. OH YEAH the Vita and that bombed big time. Full disclosure, I still love my Vita but it doesn't hold a candle to the Switch in terms of replicating a console experience on the go.
@rmokeefe76: I commute 3 hours a day on a bus and it's like the switch was made for me personally. we have tray tables that can pop down and I can put the tablet in a stand and play with a controller and plug it in if necessary. I get more gaming done to and from work than I do at home, because you know, life, household duties, dating, friends. I could care less about high resolution, because if I don't have time to play at home, it's completely pointless.
@rmokeefe76: Yeah and they require you to sit it in a stand and play at a table. Let me know when you can play a tablet while waiting for the bus or on a park bench.
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