@skektek: Because it's a dedicated handheld. Show me a portable gaming console that can play HD games with the small form factor of a Switch (as in not a laptop) and I'll show you a pink elephant.
@mollinz: Social aspects? You can't even play with friends in DS. It's all randomly assigned matchmaking and no voice chat. That was part of the appeal.
@dragonagelore: Most gaming sites are reporting on the Switch constantly. I guess the entire industry is conspiring. Either that or people just really like it because it's a great system. I wonder which option sounds more reasonable.....
@heresmyopinion: God forbid they write about a console they like. Switch is a great console and worthy of all the hype and support. This is the first time we've had a handheld hold a candle to consoles so the analysis is interesting... at least to me. I probably won't even play this but I'm interested in the technical analysis nonetheless.
@Thanatos2k: the PS4 version was a remake. It was made entirely from scratch. They repurposed existing gameplay systems but all assets were redone. The PS3 version was a remaster. Same game, just uprezed textures and 720p.
@rjthakid: Because porting MHW isn't feasable and would be butchered. The Switch version already exists and is doing well in Japan. I can't see localizing it making them LOSE any money. There exist people that want portable Monster Hunter still, and people who have a Switch but not a PS4/X1. I would much rather have 3 friends come over with their Switches for some MH local MP because doing that in MHW is a lot harder (you need tvs, consoles, room, setup, etc). It's not gonna split their base because people will play the version they want to.
KahnArtizt's comments