@josefo: If not for the funky controls, I would give it a perfect 10. It's like a 9.8 for me. The remake fixed all my other issues with it (framerate and camera). Next Tuesday couldn't come any sooner. This is the only thing that will tear me from MHW right now.
This is easily Top 5 favorite games of all time for me. A complete remake overhaul (as opposed to the remaster on PS3) is a dream come true. I actually bought the soundtrack for this game it was so good!
@silv3rst0rm: Unless you’re just speaking hyperbolically, there is no way you can put 1000 hours into FFVI. I’ve done everything there is to do in that game and I barely broke the 100 hour mark. Hell, last time I played it, I beat the whole game in about 32 hours (minimal side quests/grinding).
@LeoKRock: Oh wow I didn't know they were making a new Ori. Awesome! The first one was great on PC. I'll probably play the new on on there too since my X1 has already been sold off.
KahnArtizt's comments