publishers always lying. If second hand gaming is so good then WHY do you keep trying to get rid of it hmm? oh I forgot, it benefits the people and not the business, BIG surprise there. As if publishers don't make enough money as it is. They will never, ever stop seeing us as cattle with their rusty milking machines.
@dougmorr1s0n If anyone shops at bestbuy for electronics, you know nothing about it, or you have so much money you don't care. Buying anything from best buy is such a rip off compared to what you can find on the internet or even at target. Several times I've noticed target has the better price.
No, Nintendo realizes no one is buying a 300 dollar current gen tech with a measly 8 GB of space. Nintendo is running scared, and they should be, while the handheld system has been able to support the company, the level of respect has plummeted steadily since N64. They're just too proud to say it. Why do you think the prez stepped down and suddenly Nintendo is being so much more vocal about its plans? cuz shareholders are NOT happy.
things that needs to happen for me to get a Wii U:
Deluxe version drops 100$ in price or...
A newer version at 350$ but has 100GB of space
Other than that nope not getting one... period.
I wish Nintendo would stop kidding around. Discontinue is discontinue. Calling a tiger a qwijibo doesn't change the fact that its a 500lb meat eating predator.
@Mugzippit Wii U is already suffering. IMO it is a poorly designed device using old tech. Just look at what Nintendo is doing. Instead of investing on console tech, and making money off of games, they went for the get rich quick by releasing old tech and hanging a heavy price tag knowing loyal mindless fans will buy it. But even that money train has stopped as the Wii U's inferiority is completely obvious. (nearly 400 for 32 GB glorified current gen console? There is a battle going on, but you are not the player, you are the reward ( cattle)
I've no problem with Nintendo staying as console handheld developer. As much as I despised the Wii U, I can't deny that Nintendo has been an integral part of my childhood and I will always long for the retelling of Zelda, Mario and Metroid. But I will not tolerate gimmicky products purely by the Nintendo seal of approval. GET IT TOGETHER NINTENDO.
Kalbent's comments