Some excellet points here, but let me redirect this thread now..
I agree Crysis is probably the best game right now when it comes to graphics AND gameplay. But, many Crysis players (I'm pretty sure) needed to upgrade their computer in order to run the game correctly.. Personnally, this is the only game I can't run right now on my computer, and I would probably upgrade myself if I had the money to do so right now.. But why ?
A console life expectancy is about 5 years.. right ? Xbox 360 and PS3 are still worth around 400$.. If the tendancy is right.. another generation of console will come out in 3-4 years by now.. and their cost should be around 500-600$.. A computer need to be upgraded every 2-3 years to keep up with the games.. each time several hundred dollars is needed...
I mean the fault is ours.. We are the ones asking for better graphics at the expense of gameplay (sometimes ! Not all games are like that.. Crysis is a right exemple)
Now.. how can we turn this around ? The Orange Box, Sins of a Solar Empire are just two good exemples of what developpers can do with, not bad graphics, but something everyone can probably run with a 2-3 years old computer...
Again.. Speak up people ! :)
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