Keb101's forum posts
I'm a real fan of MMORPG and I'd like to know what's the opinion of the professionnals. Which one is the best out there..? But here's the trick.. I've played WoW and I'm completly bored of it (fighting over some loot, power leveling and the number of ******* playing this game is astonishing.. but anyway).. So WoW isn't in the choice.
Plus.. do you think the upcoming ones (Age of Conan, Warhammer Online) have a chance to be even better ?
Your opinion people...
Hello there..
I'm waiting for my copy of CoD 4 (BO) and the more I read about it .. the more I wonder if I'll make a good move.
I already have TF2 which is a great MP FPS.. I like it a lot.. But I really enjoyed games like BF 2142 and their war feeling.. Which I don't really get with TF2.
And then I still hear echoes of BF2 (Which I never really tried for real..). Seems like a lot of people is still playing this game.
So.. the question is : Is CoD 4 is really the best online war simulation FPS out there right now ?
The Orange Box is really worth the money you'll put into it.. Portal is great and HL:2 is.. well.. what you would expect from a great single player FPS.
On the other hand, CoD 4 has really great graphics and is more of a war simulation.. I must confess that I'm growing tired of the cartoon look and gameplay of TF2
So.. If you prefer a real war feeling.. I'd go for CoD 4.. if you just want a great multiplayer FPS.. I'd go for TF2
Head to They have some nice lil MMOs.. all free except if you want to buy stuff with real money.. which is not really necessary to enjoy them. They have 5 games so far with another one on the way.. Games goes from golf to martial arts. Not bad.. I've played golf for 6 months..
But if you want to reconsider the free part.. I strongly suggest City of Heroes/Vilains. The Good vs Evil edition is down to 20$ and the game have made major improvements since last summer.
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