@cogadh @Kooken58 Except this is technically a PC...You dont have to be online to use Steam and play its games. You have always had to install games on PC and there has never been used games for it.
Family sharing was the only thing players really wanted to keep with the originaly Xbox One plan.
@BelaidKL This isnt really a console though...Its still pretty much a PC. Unlike a console you wills till be able to upgrade the hardware inside it if you want to.
@nameaprice Hey people love their hats. You know that game Team Fortress 2? Its completely free and people love spending their money on hats in that game.
This is a rather stupid study...how many of those participants actually fired a gun before? Having experience with shooting fire-arms can go a long way. Give me a Rifle and I can easily hit my target 100-200 yards away fairly accurately. Then there is the whole emotional aspect.
I think the issue was, not that you gave it a 9/10....that the reviewer pegged the game for being "misogynistic" Even though it is a game of Satire! All the mindless violence and such is okay, but the moment it stereotypes woman its GOING OVERBOARD!
Kooken58's comments