@lostastsea22485 Im not...SOme people have Data caps, some people live in rural areas and have unstable internet (I do) When my net goes out, it goes out for a few days at a time often before it is fixed. Pretty much means I am screwed. I dont use my Console for online, that is what my PC is for. And my Xbox is never connected to the internet. (Too much cord hassle)
@francisismyhero Umm you do know that once you purchase and download a game, you can stay offline on steam as long as you want and still play? Also the fact is my Console is in a completly different room than my PC. Its a major hassle to hook my console up to the internet with all the wiring and such. I use my console for offline casual gaming, and my PC for multiplayer gaming. Then there is the fact that Microsoft has complete control over it. Xbox Live down? Cant play, internet down? Cant play. What happens when the next gen consoles come out and they stop supporting xbox1? What if microsoft goes out of business?
@Proftally Do you live in the city? If so that explains it, many of us in the US live in rural areas, where we can only maybe get 10mb connection. And sometimes unstable.
I dont understand the need to check in every 24 hours it...I can understand once when purchasing a new game. But every 24 hours? THAT IS FUCKING RETARDED! Say my net goes out for a day, which often happens to those who live in rural areas. Im pretty much screwed out of playing my xbox? What a damn joke. I dont even have to do this on my PC!
I mean seriously, what is soo importand that you have to check in every 24 hours. Its not like something is going to happen within a day. It makes zero sense for one to have to do this.
@Eggs-Benedict @jteag @The_Beanster @jediknight52501 Did you actually play the 2? Or you one of those kids who think graphics are everything? Torchlight 2 actually was great. It had an actual skill tree system where you could Customize your character instead of just given everything like in Diablo 3....The maps werent linear and actually open and offered Hidden areas to be found. Saw none of that in diablo 3...A stat system that was actually good...I could go on.
@FidelSarcastro Wise choice, I regret buying the game. I played a bit of diablo 2 back in the day...never fully got into it but I could see its appeal and did enjoy playing it. And even myself saw diablo 3s shortcommings and was very disappointed with it. Diablo 2, an over 10 year old game, has more depth and complexity and overall better game than this "sequel"
@AzatiS Get past Torchlight 2s visuals and its 10x the game Diablo 3 was. In terms of content and gameplay. It was nice to actually be able to customize your character to how you wanted to play.
@Mr_Mark_Legion barely, only thing that sticks out are shoulders and head pieces...most the gear looks the same. And a huge majority of the gear is worthless. The game has a terrible stat system where on the hardest difficulty you will only be wanting 2-3 certain stats while the other 30 stats are completly worthless. Everything is randomized to the extreme.
Kooken58's comments