Hi guys, you might want to grow up and get over the idea of a console war. If you're happy with your console then great I'm happy your purchase suits you. If someone else is happy with the opposing console then good for them, it's excellent that there's so many great options on the market. There's really no point trying to convince them that you're choice was better than theirs. If you're both happy then you both made great choices and clearly own brilliant products.
@Grenadeh @yourdem1ze @Hurvl @Kane04 Difference is with WoW there is still plenty of interest even if it's waning. Expansions can definitely still be profitable so I imagine we'll still see at least one or two more.
And here I was thinking Blizzard couldn't get greedier. I usually defend companies, saying "They're a business, they need to make money", but Blizzard make more than enough already. Show your fans some love for **** sake.
@violeirolouco I disagree that his review is bias. He he explains his criticisms and they sound like they would hurt the enjoyability of the game. Before accuse people of being bias you may want to look in the mirror.
With all these references to Barrack Obama's involvement in Australian video game censorship this episode of Feedbackula could be used for next weeks Feedbackula.
As long as I'm fighting my opponent and not the map I'll be happy. I also wasn't a fan of the smash orbs, but it won't be the end of the world if they return.
@adamfp21 I'm a realist I have no issue with a company wanting to make money. If their product is good then their motives don't matter, I'm buying their product not their motives.
Gives email, name, age, location and even credit card details to gaming companies all the time - console has inbuilt camera and all of a sudden they're screaming about their privacy and "spying"
Kraken422's comments