Clearly, this is the origin story of Kanye West. You see, (spoilers by the way,) Kanye's Mom ascends into heaven/space, and meets Big Dad (god? its open to interpretation) .. and.. Well, if you think you know how babies are born, your wrong. Kanye, you see, came first. Boom! Revelation! Plot twist! Then hell mode activates and your Kanye, standing on earth.
I think the only thing facebook could do now to maintain good relations is to release a rap video on youtube, like miley cyrus and her dad, except on hatin' rather than booze, drugs, and naked videos.. that might very well swing the net pendulum in their favor, viral style
Ten minutes into the video and I'm asking myself.. Why am I watching this? I stress _this_ when otherwise I could be playing, or in relation, viewing gameplay footage. (That last portion is my ten minute take-away from this video) ....
Back to dark souls, then sleep, ,and then work. Peace out.
honestly.. my 360 was horizontal because it scratched all my discs while position vertical. Microsoft consistently defends itself poorly while also ignorantly insulting it's customers
@northArrow @arqe some people don't get that this will be a bandwidth beast, it will eat your 20gb monthly like a cookie monster, and lure you deeper in debt like a moth to a flame. It'll dance like a butterfly and sting your pockets like a bee. It'll hurt, like MrT
@revil2 @Kyffre that's what I'm hoping .. but I'd like confirmation by someone who has registered Fable 3.. or deletes and reinstalls :) And for those who haven't registered it
I believe though.. just that confirmation would be nice because I consistantly install to HD every game I play, and then I'm forced to remove it later for another game :/ and my little boy scratched some discs... so doubly so, I need to install to HD to reliably play anything :)
After you have "Purchased" AC2, or Fable 3, for 0 MSP... later on, can you download it again w/o paying? or do they 'reverse' the 0MSP payment
hrm.. in doubly short ... can you download and play Fable 3, the first game, for free right now, assuming; it's not 'registered' as paid yet for 0msp, or it is paid, and not yet downloaded
I gave the 0msp and registered it, and I just want to know if I can download it next month because my hard drive space is limited (20gb)
Kyffre's comments