I am assuming every disc comes with some kind of DRM .. because how could you stop someone from selling the disc to a friend for $5 w/o giving it back to the retailer to 'Register' the disc as 'used' .. which then gives them 10% to retailers, undisclosed amount to microsft, and then an activation fee
drm on each disc, what's your opinion ladies/gents?
we are inches from watching live streamed TV directly from our cellphones for peanuts in cost, in comparison to a console with dated hardware and policies which alienate a majority of it's target audience
@zazzaro true ... but kinect has real potential - voice commands while playing COD GHosts ... or whatnot.. I'm low on ideas atm but it has awesome potential, and I believe the only way to improve it is to force it :/
atm it's too gimmicky... but in the future, it's gonna be really good
xbox though, can get most of it back through live subscriptions, cloud fees, used game fees, and.... maybe internet delivery fees, who knows
@foxrock66 @Redsyrup Privacy issues were just now addressed nicely ... now the issue on used game activation fees - and how well exclusives are handled, subscription costs, 'MS point' system clarification, Arcade game experiences (because not everyone wants to ONLY play Ghosts, sometimes I want some geometry wars - given I only have 30 min to play before I run to work, for instance)
so... one more plus for microsoft for dodging a bullet - they got more to dodge, but so far, I'm willing to wait and learn more
however ... time's done and over with when both consoles are released - we got to know what's what~
@malokevi @Kyffre how was the casual market catered to then?
Kinect is a fair point, but it also is always on, and data mining .. that is bad for privacy, therefore nullying the point of being a positive force for the casual market
360 was backwards to a point, some games did work, and explain arcade, which is way backwards
and true, there STILL is the 360, but we are talking about the ONE .. how is it good? there are nice things, sure, but they take out your privacy, and control
Also, does this casual market have high bandwidth? or in fact always connected?
Kyffre's comments