@savagetwinkie I'd prefer... firstly.. to think about Bandwidth costs. ... I don't have the money, unless I buy a coffee at starbucks with my xbox1 set to wifi
@colt_a @Kyffre fair enough... theres a thing about downloaded content though, versus disc installed content in which you need the disc .. so.. I don't really know and I believe it a very valid question
@gamer20482 @USAPATRIOT21 @ZombieKen nice ... maybe the Xbox TWO will require thumb-print verification, or eye scanners ... who knows.. lock purchases to DNA sequences
Please, next time ask if the disc is required after install
(imagine .. paying for used discs, used activation, online subscription, any other 'live' services you desire, internet connection, and excessive bandiwdth, xbox1 itself, /likely/ a second controller for most people I'd assume, and DLC, small downloadables, avatar items)
... surely you don't need _all_ that.. but regardless.. it's becoming a frightening world where crack is cheaper than video gaming (not that I do it or support it.. but.. Really)
I keep imagining ONE disc.with Multiple system compatibility.. IE put that BF PC version (with a ps4 and x1 logo of compatibility) into either console and voila .. it runs, given console specific hardware patches
Kyffre's comments