The children that are influenced by video games have other problems completely than violent video games; such as bad parenting, and social connections to whom should have noticed warning signs. Rap influenced bad language, and wearing pants knee-high, but in most cases, people and children can understand that when you wan to pop a cap in someone's knee, you ought to kick them first, not shoot them. It's the ones that can't distinguish reality from virtual reality, or their own imagination.
It's a whole common sense / mental counseling thing IMO, not how violent games are, or movies, or songs. Not to mention how common drugs are - and how a quarter of the employee's I've worked with had taken them. Good people, bad choices - got to be careful of crossing that line of violence though - even druggies are rather timid, they just party and swear a lot more.
Control, or help for those who need it - not banning video games.
Kyffre's comments