LOXO7's forum posts
Bailouts of only $1.4 billion and greater only get documented by the US. Sorry. http://www.propublica.org/special/government-bailouts
Yeah, its not the most believable article. Bain & Co. is a consulting firm. What does it have to do with deposits?
However, the link you posted doesn't actually proove your point. Its just a list of some 2008 federal bailouts.
Not just some federal bailouts. My point was to point out what $30 million to $1.4 billion and above is. I'm sure the 1993 Americans felt the .12 cents they paid for the bailout of Bain, while the Americans in 2008 felt the $82 dollars they had to pay to bailout the automotive industry.Bailouts of only $1.4 billion and greater only get documented by the US. Sorry. http://www.propublica.org/special/government-bailouts
[QUOTE="Laihendi"]You make it sound as if capitalism is clearly defined when in fact, it is not. What the government want's you to think is capitalism is hard to understand. It's got to be. They are trying to control every market. America is under the influence of crony capitalism, which is not capitalism. The Fed has the ability to create money. Some people call money wealth. Confusing? It is, because it's been corrupted and still called capitalism.What is wrong with individuals owning their own things, and choosing what to do with their things? Why can't we all be free (that means economic freedom), and respect the freedom of others? Why do so many people try to control what others do with their money/property?
[QUOTE="LOXO7"]Who is recording this? That's what I want to know. How offensive. Video on phones should be illegal!k2theswissThere is no way your serious. In this case i don't believe cop is in the wrong, BUT there is countless videos of showing cops in wrong. Then is even few reports that we will never Truth where people claim the cops smashed people phones because they was recording them. Thankfully there is a App in works :) that uploads the video At the very same time of recording to the internet. I wasn't. Yet the governments are trying to control information on the Internet. They're called "freedom" bills and acts (for the people who just read headlines), that are thousands of pages long. I'm sure there is some pretty messed up stuff in them that can be used against real freedom, like witnessing police in any event.
[QUOTE="Neoklondiak"][QUOTE="kuraimen"] You get paid for your transportation too since all the roads are publicly funded and I don't see you complaining about that. In fact the internet you're now writing on is a product of public funds...kuraimen
So now the coversation has shifted to taxes and the public sector in general.
Not interested.
Well public sector is public sector be it healthcare, education, infrastructure or communications. In the end everyone ends up paying for something that benefits everyone. I seriously consider that everyone take a look a these benefits. Maybe looking at the statistics and see if these payments are helping our children's education are helping once in a while? I hear our students are becoming less educated. I know America is one of the top spenders of public education. This doesn't make sense.[QUOTE="Neoklondiak"][QUOTE="BossPerson"]Between socialism and capitalism, which system do you think he would prefer? How about this, would he rather have the world shaped in the mold of a place like Sweden and Finland (which still arent even socialist) or a place like Hong Kong or the US? BossPerson
How am I suppose to know? And why do we even care?
If you had to put your money somewhere. By not answering, we all know what you're thinking. And its important because of hypocrisy of republicans and religious conservatives who praise Jesus one minute, then Paul Ryan the next. Maybe they're just ignorant, like the liberals here who think Obama is helping the poor and middle class with more government, the status quo, and the same as the presidential republican candidates?[QUOTE="LOXO7"][QUOTE="Abbeten"] Actually, we do. Inflation has consistently been under 4% since the recession started. For most of the time, it's been under 2%. That is both stable and low. And do you really think the economy crashed because of inflation?AbbetenThat and poor monetary policy, which is today's big government intervention. I'm interested to be educated by your wisdom. Do you have any sources you learn from, so I may learn as well? I'm not sure how you reached that conclusion. The economy crashed in the wake of both the housing bubble collapse and the derivative market failure. Obviously it is a more complicated and nuanced situation than can be adequately detailed in a forum post, but the gist of it is that the failure to update regulation to reflect the development of new financial tools like credit default swaps, mortgage backed securities, and derivatives allowed banks to take crazy amounts of risk which yielded enormous short term profit but ended up collapsing on itself eventually. During the buildup to this, the level of easy credit had seduced households into taking on larger and larger amounts of debt (mostly mortgages). When the market crashed, everyone started trying to alleviate debt by selling off assets. But the sudden influx of supply of these assets into the market drove their prices down, which consequently drove the ratio of debt to household wealth up. Demand crashed and here we are, with low inflation rates, interest rates at the zero bound, and a government weirdly calling for austerity. As for sources, I would start here. http://delong.typepad.com/sdj/2011/03/lecture-seven-sects-of-macroeconomic-error-part-i.html Those mortgage backed securities were backed by Fannie and Freddie, which was created by the government. It wasn't the bank's risk because it wasn't their money. The government guaranteed the bank's "risk". So the banks loaned out the government's money (from taxes or "borrowed" from the Federal Reserve) and people used that money to buy houses that they couldn't afford. Then the money being paid back to the banks if any is easy money. Money they didn't rightfully earn because it wasn't their risk to begin with. My view is that I just parrot Peter Schiff and Ron Paul, because the current system isn't working. They seem more sensible than Paul Krugman.
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