LOXO7's forum posts
[QUOTE="TopTierHustler"] I find it funny that you defend the rich so much knowing jesus does not approve of people being rich.
Republican Jesus ftl.
He did not approve of living a life dedicated to being rich, a life where you did not care or use the gifts God gave you. Notice that the apostles who knew Jesus more so than you ever will, accepted wealthy people into the church. Dedicated men who were willing to expel people who made offense to the church or abused it, like Simon Magus. No, Jesus was not a republican. He wasn't a democrat. Jesus did not advocate taxing others to bring about social change. He advocated the individual doing something of their own accord.
Still a sin and a big one at that on top of him advocating for helping the poor, which would be medicare and Social security in todays world.Funny how you defend that sin though lulz.
Republican Jesus.
What is social security?[QUOTE="LOXO7"]How do you call what the Fed and the government do is stable beneficial inflation? We don't have either low or stable inflation. The market crash of 1929 happened because of what is happening today. That crash was a sign of an honest economy. We don't have a "crash" today, but instead we call them recessions. The economy wants to crash, but these two identities are holding it up. And everyone is kidding themselves that everything is okay, it's beneficial, it's healthy. Actually, we do. Inflation has consistently been under 4% since the recession started. For most of the time, it's been under 2%. That is both stable and low. And do you really think the economy crashed because of inflation? That and poor monetary policy, which is today's big government intervention. I'm interested to be educated by your wisdom. Do you have any sources you learn from, so I may learn as well?[QUOTE="Abbeten"] You realize that even the most conservative economists agree that a low and stable amount of inflation is beneficial for an economy, right?Abbeten
You realize that even the most conservative economists agree that a low and stable amount of inflation is beneficial for an economy, right?AbbetenHow do you call what the Fed and the government do is stable beneficial inflation? We don't have either low or stable inflation. The market crash of 1929 happened because of what is happening today. That crash was a sign of an honest economy. We don't have a "crash" today, but instead we call them recessions. The economy wants to crash, but these two identities are holding it up. And everyone is kidding themselves that everything is okay, it's beneficial, it's healthy.
[QUOTE="LOXO7"][QUOTE="Abbeten"] Yeah what you're advocating is deflation which has historically been disastrous.AbbetenThere is no other way out of this mess. Either depression or serfdom. One way we can work our way out of. There is no way the government can continue pushing money into the economy infinitely. First of all the government has no money. It either has the Fed make more or makes more tax. The best thing the government can do is reduce to national defense size spending and let the country go into depression to fix itself right. It's better than becoming slaves to the world bankers. These are all meaningless platitudes. It seems like you're worried about inflation, which doesn't make much sense because it's actually been below desirable levels for a while now. And what makes you think wilfully entering a depression will fix anything? And what does it mean to 'become slaves to the world bankers?' The Fed creates money at their will. The government uses others money and pushes it into the economy for stimulation. The government decides which corporations and industries are too valuable to fail, so they bail them out. The government guarantees loans for schooling and houses so banks felt no need to worry to loan other peoples money away. This is our current capitalism system. This is not capitalism.
Duh I'm worried about inflation! The Fed creates money out of thin air. Everyone's money is getting more and more worthless everyday. The politicians say capitalism doesn't work so we need this government intervention to make it work. This is the problem it's not capitalism. Inflation doesn't seem to be high because of the Fed and these other government controls of the economy. But compare it to real money gold. The value of gold is going up or gold is the same and the value of our dollar is going down. And we're supposed to believe this is capitalism?
[QUOTE="LOXO7"]Pfft. What do you call the governments bailout of the auto industries? That looks like government enslavement. I don't know how they got persuaded by those corporate lobbyists, oh wait, yes I do. The politicians got theirs. Didn't they? They couldn't have been turned by that line, "Too big to fail."[QUOTE="BuryMe"]
There's nothing wrong with capitalism. There's just something wrong with absolutely no government involvement. Markets are doing a very poor job regulating themselves. The government des sometimesneed to step in to make sure that people aren't being totally gouged.
Companies, left unchecked, can enslave us just as much as the government can.
Taxes are chains. McDonalds wouldn't make any profit if they paid their workers 10 cents an hour and still kept their dollar menu. Henry Ford started paying his employees $5 and hour so they could afford his cars he built (or government). Their would be no downside to removing the minimum wage regulation and reducing the taxes, drastically.
Except there would actually be substantial downsides. Namely, a middle and lower class with substantially reduced purchasing power and an even more pitiful safety net. You are making a moral argument which does not hold up to economic analysis. It's simple. If the majority of people in America cannot buy anything, then the prices go down or else.
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