Why can't we have these people diverted from our overbloated and unneeded defense budget in which they are rebuilding nations like Iraq in the past few years.. To civil engineering jobs within the United States? Our infastructure is in shambles, our road ways, dams, bridges, energy + water utiltiies are in shambles..
This. infrastructure improvement would be such a better way to spend the money/resources.
The US govenrment could provide employment for a decade at least in fixing our infastructure... And it would not only hire countless, but you know.. It would actually IMPROVE our nation instead of having meaningless bases across the planet and 9 aircraft carriers crusing around fighting GURRILLAS that are lucky to even have a single tank. Not federal right, but state governments? I would like the federal if they were to build anything, a free transportation system throughout the entire country instead of these wars. Let the state taxes handle their own roads and the federal government to build free train transit. Image all of the money spent in America by Americans. That should stimulate the economy.
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