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#1 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

well this is a nice surprise. My girlfriend, along with millions of others, gets to keep her healthcare. Well done John Roberts.

But, it's not freedom. Your girlfriend was free to get healthcare if she wanted it. What about the other people that didn't?

well they are the ones who drive healthcare costs up by getting emergency treatment and not being able to pay for it. And it's the high costs that keep her from getting it in the first place.

Yeah that's bs. There needs to be something to make people not depend on the safety nets. Oh right, capitalism, free markets, less government regulation forcing people to be less free. The possibility that an individual can make a better life for themselves when compared to what they receive from social welfare living, should be enough to make people want more.
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#2 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts
I don't get it. Democrats make fun of Republicans complaining about taxes. The neocons aren't complaining about taxes, because they're for big government too. Because their conservative views are liberal views. They just get to hide in Republican clothing and get to be called Republican. Yeah, I can see why people are poking fun at these so called Republicans. But I'm still not sure that's why they do it. I believe they think government programs are good for freedom and they promote a more free society. But government can't create before taking away from the people first with taxes. Do people not understand this?
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#3 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

well this is a nice surprise. My girlfriend, along with millions of others, gets to keep her healthcare. Well done John Roberts.

But, it's not freedom. Your girlfriend was free to get healthcare if she wanted it. What about the other people that didn't?
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#4 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts


your using the word 'entitlement' wrong.

if you and I sit down at a table and we agree that I will give you $100 but if I get sick then you will care for me that is an agreement and I am actually 'entitled' to invoke our agreement. you seem to feel if people sit at a table to agree on something that its unreasonable for you to honor that agreement.

That is how social security works. That is why its called an entitlement. Just like a bank is entitiled that you pay back the loan.

So on top of it making sense from a moral perspective it also just so happens to actually work better in practice too.


What I thought why they call it entitlement is because of the age discrimination it uses. Only people 65 and over or with disabilities can use it? Why can't I depend on myself to save my own money to pay for myself and family when we need it? I don't care about people who use their own money unwisely. I feel bad their in that situation, but it's not my responsibility for them to have their needs.

personally I think the idea of not participating should be an option, totally. But the reason its called an 'entilement' is the same reason the bank is entitled to you paying the loan. Its an agreement.

So that is why when they talk about taxes there is 1. 'discretionary' meaning money that can be spent however each year depending on how we want to budget it. and 2. 'entilements' which are loans and the like which the goverment are obligated to pay back because we made an agreement (social security).

the media however wants to spin it differently to push an agenda.

I would never agree to our table sit down if you gave me 100 dollars if I had to cover your medical expenses in the future. There is no profit for me if your medical bills go over said amount. But the thing is I can't remove this money only after a certain age permits me to. What if the absolute worst happens to me? I get brainwashed into thinking this is a good system. No. Just kidding. I die before that time? I was just forcibly taxed so I couldn't pay out of my debt sooner to spend money for the stuff I want. The media is scripted. I don't know how it's spinning this topic because I don't follow the main stream. But all it is, lights, camera, action. Just like movies.
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#5 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts


now there is precedent for requiring every american to buy one starbucks coffee every morning with the idea that either doing that or going to prision is in fact 'a choice'


I support that mandate.

I'd love to be able to walk into Starbucks and be handed a coffee without having to get out my wallet!

But it's a company. Now they charge ten times as much as before. And the tax the government enforces if you don't pay is how much a coffee would originally cost before the mandate. Hey, either your stimulating the economy with paying for something you don't want or providing for other social programs the government is using from you penalty tax.
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#6 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

[QUOTE="LOXO7"][QUOTE="SEANMCAD"]its actually very amazing how little people know and how much standard humor as been created around things that are actually not even true.

medicare and medicade are and have always been more efficient then private insurance.


I don't like them because it's an entitlement system that makes people not equal to each other. I would love to learn that heath care was less efficient before medicare was introduced.

your using the word 'entitlement' wrong.

if you and I sit down at a table and we agree that I will give you $100 but if I get sick then you will care for me that is an agreement and I am actually 'entitled' to invoke our agreement. you seem to feel if people sit at a table to agree on something that its unreasonable for you to honor that agreement.

That is how social security works. That is why its called an entitlement. Just like a bank is entitiled that you pay back the loan.

So on top of it making sense from a moral perspective it also just so happens to actually work better in practice too.

What I thought why they call it entitlement is because of the age discrimination it uses. Only people 65 and over or with disabilities can use it? Why can't I depend on myself to save my own money to pay for myself and family when we need it? I don't care about people who use their own money unwisely. I feel bad their in that situation, but it's not my responsibility for them to have their needs.
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#7 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

[QUOTE="LOXO7"] Well if the constitution did what it was supposed to do we wouldn't be in this mess. Oh but I forgot it's just a document that can't defend us unless we use it to as a tool to do so. But we are an ignorant lot and the majority wins when it comes down to voting officials that uphold this document. ****! ****! ****! ****!


It's supposed to protect us from the government, but the Supreme Justices don't think the same. The Judges are appointed by presidents to uphold the constitution (which kinda doesnt make sense, cause now you can see Obama giving us the shaft) Obama appointed Elena Kegan for a Supreme Judge, and she was his solicitor general before that. That cvnt was put in there to vote for that obamacare. I hope people wake up. We need a real revolution in USA. We need to clean the slate.

What kind of revolution?

A capitalistic one. Vote McDuck 2012!
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#8 LOXO7
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I don't see how it's unconstitutional because it's a tax. The government making up new taxes isn't against the constitution.
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#9 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts


I'm surprised and glad it was upheld.

If this was struck down, what's next? Doing away with states requiring every driver to have auto insurance?


Quit comparing auto insurance to health care. They are not the same, and you don't have to drive.

It's a good point he brings up. What is next since it passed? Food and houses! Everyone has to pay to provide everyone breakfast, lunch, and dinner and they have to eat it in the dinning room of their brand new home. Because after all heath care is a right, much like food and shelter! Ridiculous.

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#10 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts


1. Everyone needs healthcare, just like everyone needs an education. Basic human needs/rights. (This is the genreal idea we're going with. If you hate helping other people through a greater good, than I'm sorry for you. I truely am.)

I feel this is a generalized statement. I havent been to a doctor in well over 10 years and im still kicking, thus making it to where i do not need healthcare. I go to the dentist regularly, pay out pocket as it really doenst even cost that much to begin with.

As far as hate helping people, i dont mind helping people at all. What bugs me are the people that rape the system for all the freebies they can get.


You also graduated High School at 17 or 18. Are you mad you're going to be paying for everyone else to go to Elementary/Middle/High School for the rest of your life even though you're never going to school again?

From what I see of public school I will send my children to private schools or home school and I will gladly pay for other unfortunate families to send their kids to public schools, because I am that charitable. Safety nets are good as long as they remain as such.