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#1 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts


Yea, because sitting in a waiting room for 3 hours in an ER-doctor queue is much more desirable than seeing a Primary Care Physisician every few months, who actually knows your name and tracks your personal medical history, to prevent whatever is ailing you from happening in the first place...

Relying on ER visits when you're already in bad shape is not a quality healthcare system.

(Sorry for all the edits- trying to eat and type at the same time)


Yeah? No sh*t. That's why the government encourages people to find jobs so you are not in that position if the time arrives.

lol, Ya find a good paying job in the Obama economy. Goo joke.

Well if the constitution did what it was supposed to do we wouldn't be in this mess. Oh but I forgot it's just a document that can't defend us unless we use it to as a tool to do so. But we are an ignorant lot and the majority wins when it comes down to voting officials that uphold this document. ****! ****! ****! ****!

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#2 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts
its actually very amazing how little people know and how much standard humor as been created around things that are actually not even true.

medicare and medicade are and have always been more efficient then private insurance.

I don't like them because it's an entitlement system that makes people not equal to each other. I would love to learn that heath care was less efficient before medicare was introduced.
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#3 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

Relax, I was making a joke.


A good one.

I agree with this. As of right now there are people who don't buy coffee in the morning. Those people are not fully awake and are a drag on society because they don't work as hard as someone who buys starbucks coffee in the morning. Their reduced ability to work increases labor costs which causes everyone to pay for those costs. So we might as well just force everyone to buy coffee so the costs are reduced. You, sir, are a genius. You just solved the labor cost problem.

But you know what? I think we should take it a step further. The government should actually TAKE OVER all coffee shops in the USA and provide everyone with free coffee so that way nobody pays anything AND everyone is well caffeinated. And now that I think about it, they should also provide us with food, clothing, hair, computers, TV, furniture, healthcare, and transportation. What could possibly go wrong with the almighty government taking care of my feeble self?


Why you do this? There are a lot of gullible people out there. I mean to people that get it it's funny, but sad for those who don't and it makes me feel bad. :(

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#4 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts



Let me try to decontruct this twisted hatred you have.

1. Everyone needs healthcare, just like everyone needs an education. Basic human needs/rights. (This is the genreal idea we're going with. If you hate helping other people through a greater good, than I'm sorry for you. I truely am.)



No, healthcare is not a right. If you hate helping other people we should stay on the sytem we have now. The system that can't turn people away from hospitals that can't pay. How is this system less helpful than this new tax?

Yea, because sitting in a waiting room for 3 hours in an ER-doctor queue is much more desirable than seeing a Primary Care Physisician every few months, who actually knows your name and tracks your personal medical history, to prevent whatever is ailing you from happening in the first place...

Relying on ER visits when you're already in bad shape is not a quality healthcare system.

(Sorry for all the edits- trying to eat and type at the same time)

Yeah? No sh*t. That's why the government encourages people to find jobs so you are not in that position if the time arrives.
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#5 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

So if I don't want health insurance then i get taxed. If i get taxed and don't want to pay it then people come to my house with guns. That means if I don't want health insurance then people will come to my house with guns. :?

Someday people might evolve past the point of behaving like societies from thousands of years ago - "I think it is right, therefore I will force it upon everyone." Liberals and so-called conservatives need to realize that they are moving societybackwords when they use government to do what THEY want. Government has always been used to take freedoms away from people, and it continues to be used that way.

And the US Constitution is supposed to protect the people from the government. But some people here would say that people shouting, "unconstitutional" are getting lame and boring with this defense.
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#6 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

If widely define "need", I want the government to provide me housing and food so I don't have to do $hit........Mafiree
Exactly. Biology is the need for food, sex, and shelter. Will the government be here to tax all so that everyone can have the same food, house, and spouse?

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#7 LOXO7
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But they do the same THINGS.. IF we rose taxes for every one than had tax write off, it would have the exact SAME affect.. And thats what the government does all the time based upon behaviors.. And through your logic its EXACTLy the sam ething, if we don't do certain behaviors we get taxed more all the time!..


I can behave a certain way without buying anything. The fact of the matter is I do not support the government forcing somebody to buy anything by threatening them with a tax increase. Nothing you say will ever change that.

Let me try to decontruct this twisted hatred you have.

1. Everyone needs healthcare, just like everyone needs an education. Basic human needs/rights. (This is the genreal idea we're going with. If you hate helping other people through a greater good, than I'm sorry for you. I truely am.)


No, healthcare is not a right. If you hate helping other people we should stay on the sytem we have now. The system that can't turn people away from hospitals that can't pay. How is this system less helpful than this new tax?

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#8 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts
Looks like it's time for a new poll.
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#9 LOXO7
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#10 LOXO7
Member since 2008 • 5595 Posts

[QUOTE="ad1x2"][QUOTE="sSubZerOo"]They are pro-life but support liberal use of the death penalty.. ?sSubZerOo

The theory that some people who support the death penalty but oppose abortion have is that with abortion you're killing an innocent child but with the death penalty you're executing a criminal that deserves to die due to their crimes. Keep in mind that not all pro-life people support the death penalty and not all people who support the death penalty people are pro-life.

Except we have had innocent people convicted and killed, Perry had one on his own watch that after his death new evidence surfaced that found him innocent.... And of course not, I specifically pointed out the core pro life group which is the heart of the Republican party not all "pro lifers".. Even if I was against abortion I wouldn't even use that term to begin with because its dishonest at best.. ..

Yeah that is unfortunate. Neocons what can you do? They say they believe in Jesus Christ, only to threaten Iraq with military action if they make nuclear weapons. They believe in pro-life policies, yet support state governments that still execute the death penalty. Democrats never do this. They promise more governmental programs, free stuff, and more liberty.