360 - Shivering Isles
What does PS3 have similar ? NOTHING !!!!
360 - Mass Effect, Two Worlds
What does PS3 have similar ? NOTHING !!!!
360 - Elveon
What does PS3 have similar ? NOTHING !!!!
360 - Circle of Doom
What does PS3 have similar ? NOTHING !!!!
360 - Bioshock, Blue Dragon
What does PS3 have similar ? NOTHING !!!!
360 - Lost Odyssey
What does PS3 have similar ? NOTHING !!!!
360 - Overlord, Eternal Sonata
What does PS3 have similar ? NOTHING !!!!
360 - Halo 3, Too Human
What does PS3 have similar ? NOTHING !!!!
Early 2008
360 - Fable 2, Cry On, Infinite Undiscovery, The Precursors, Prohject Offset, Alan Wake, Ninja Gaiden 2
What does PS3 have similar ? NOTHING !!!! AT !! ALL!!!
Far deep into 2008, PS3 gets FF13 and maybe White Knight, and only then it can remotly compare, that IF another 10-12 NEW RPG's have not been already announced for 360 !!! Kotor 3 and Fallout 3 are already confirmed, a new Bioware RPG is already in the making, also a new IP from Liohead, and two new Mistwalker RPG that could be for 360 as well
So, canyone are to counter ANY of the above time table entries with some PS3 games ?
Shivering Isles is already confirmed for PS3 and Two Towers and Elveon..and i never heard about Circle of Doom and OverLord..I Enternal Sonata i dont hear enough hype for it..I dont even know if it will be great game..but ill wait for some reviews for it..
I dont think Project oFfset is even announced for any console yet..
Bioware is making new PS3 title and ..can i get all the link ? to lion head or mistwalker makin all these new rpgs for the 360..why spill all this when nothin is confirmed..its just usless without a link.
Shivering Isles could take 6 months to come to PS3, if ever, Two Worlds is nowhere near confirmed, they just said will consider a version, same with Elveon, they might come at some point in distant future, in a time that noone will care anymore, because another host of games will be for 360 by then, point is none of them come to PS3 this year or are even certain to ever come
Circle of doom is a RPG based on the strategy game Kingdom Under Fire on xbox, Overlord a action,strategy title that you control an army of goblins, looks COOL, Project Offset site has a 360 programmer job open, so it IS coming to 360, it might come to PS3 too, depends on the publisher
Bioware is making a PS3 title, that 1.) might come to 360 too 2) will not be ready until 2009, so again who cares ?
Mistwalker has two RPG's in the making CONFIRMED, now that does not mean both are for 360, but i bet they are
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