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Libby15 Blog

Little Shop of Horrors (My Horrors)

Hey everyone!

Just thought I would check in on everyone, it's been a while.

The past week has been an utter nightmare. Ella and Bill decided to have a screaming contest during the early hours of the morning so the hubby and I would have to get up and calm down one each. And it was my youngest daughter who proved to be the most difficult. That girl has some lungs on her. And then she got sick last night so baby vomit is hot on the agenda in this house. :roll:

In the meantime, have a quiz...

What are your initials?

What is your favorite thing to wear?
Maternity wear, nothing more comfortable...

Last thing you ate?

I say Shotgun, you say?
Back seat.

Last person you hugged?
Ella, the poor thing is sick.

How many U.S. states have you been to?

How many of the U.S. states have you lived in?
Again, none!

Does anyone you know want to date you?
The hubby. :P

Name something you like physically about yourself.
I don't know... maybe my eyes.

Why are you still up?
Two screaming babies. Oh, and it's morning... :roll:

Who/what made you angry today?
Everything, I haven't slept yet!

Favorite Food?

Favorite holidays:
Christmas and Easter, those are the ones the kiddies can participate and have fun in.

Do you download music?
Occasionally on iTunes.

Do you care if your socks are dirty?
I'm a mother, of course I do!

What are you wearing?
A jumper and tracky bottoms and ugg boots. It's freezing outside!

Do you like George Bush?

I'm torn, he probably is a nice guy, but he sucks at being President.

Have you ever bungee jumped?
No, but it's on the list. :D

Have you ever gone white-water rafting?

How much money do you have in your pocket?
My money is in my purse, not pocket. How careless. :roll:

How is the weather right now?
Freezing! If I had just woken from a coma and someone told me it was Spring, I would laugh and laugh.

What are you listening to right now?
Music from Aladdin. It's keeping the little ones happy. :)

What was the last movie you watched?
Little Miss Sunshine

Do you wear contacts?
No, I wear glasses, but only for reading.

Where was the last place you went besides your house?
The grocery store.

What are you afraid of?
Many things...

How many piercings have you had?
1, just the ears.

How many pets do you have?
2 horses. Do they count as pets? Hmm...

What's one thing you've learned today?
Nothing. :cry:

What do you usually order from Starbucks?
Don't do starbucks, the homemade coffee is enough for me.

Have you ever fired a gun?
Sure have, but while hunting.

Are you missing someone currently?
Many people! :(

Favorite TV shows?
LOST, ER and Desperate Housewives.

Do you have an iPod?

Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity?
It was once an older Heidi Klum but now it's Felicity Huffman.

Who would you like to see right now?
My sister so can I hug her.

Favorite movie of all time?
Too many to name...

Do you find yourself loved?

Have you ever been caught doing something you weren't supposed to?
Yes! Many things...

Butter, plain, or salted popcorn?

What magazines do you read?
The newspaper, how boring am I?

Have you ever ridden in a limo?

Has anyone you were really close to passed away recently?
Yes, my grandpa in March last year. RIP Grandpa Bill.

What's something that really bugs you?
I'm in a bad mood right now, so a lot of things come to mind!

Do you like Michael Jackson?
His music yes, but him as a person, no!!

Favorite football team?
Manchester United, it's kind of a family thing. :D

Favorite cereal?
Anything sugary.

What's the longest you've went without sleep?
Too many to name, mainly involving my first few nights with Claire as a newborn.

Last time you went bowling?
Last year in Malaysia. They had a bowling alley at our hotel. I won.

Who was your last phone call?
My father in-law.

Last time you were at work?
Umm... 2 years ago! :o



Aaargh, I'll Just Crawl Back Into Bed Then...

Hi everybody!

Well, it was going around, now I have it. So does Claire. We both have the flu. We managed to stay clear of it for most of Winter, and come Spring, what happens? We get the flu! :(

It's painful, I haven't been this sick in such a long time. My nose constantly feels like it needs to sneeze, and it's red and very, very sore. Plus, my body aches and I am getting the occassional fever. Claire's not much better, but she's without the body aches, lucky girl, that must be the worst part. So we've quarantined to my bedroom where Claire is wrapped up in my bed watching Madagascar (I love that movie :D ) and I've taken the laptop hostage while the hubby is responsible for Bill and Ella. He's probably going out of his mind, pulling his hair out (well, he has none anyway, so no loss there... :lol: ) wishing he never gave his wife and daughter the flu because now he has to sleep in Claire's bed. :lol: Oh, karma rocks.

Anyway back to topic, nothing seems to be doing us any good. We're keeping warm, drinking plenty of water and resting and we desperately want to get our live's back. Anyone had any miraculous and easy home remedies to speed up the recovery process? Please? Anyone?

Happier news, my McLeods Daughters Seasons 1-3 DVDs arrived on Friday. Yay! Thanks Amy. :) For those who don't know, its an Aussie drama about the daughters of a dead farmer. It was my favourite Aussie show, unfortunately after 8 seasons it's ending this year. Maybe I'll do an appreciation blog sometime...

Well, I sharn't bore you anymore.

Much love,


Tagged and Photos

Hi everybody!

I've been tagged... so here goes a boring list:

1. I was a young bride. I got married at 19, my hubby was 20, we were high school sweethearts I guess is the proper name. This year we celebrate 12 years married.

2. I'm the only person I know who doesn't use a mobile phone. The hubby has one for work matters and if I need to contact him in an emergency, I never saw the point of having one.

3. I have a family connection to one of the Proclaimer's. Now I would walk 500 miles... :D

4. Once broke my ankle when I fell out a tree I had climbed when I was 8.

5. Allergic to peanuts.

Is there anyone else I can even tag? Well, for old time sakes, I tag Felicity, Shana, Cindy, Rochelle and Taylor!

Here's some photos of William and I for enjoyment:


Sorry for my absence lately, it's been pretty full on with 3 children and a sick husband. I have had only time, but it's usually been spent going through Tasmania real estate guides, which brings me to a new subject. We're moving back to Australia! Yep, not the same state as my beloved sis, parents and brother, we're relocating to Hobart in Tasmania. We're thinking we may be back by August or September.

Spring time is here, and thank God! The weather has warmed up slightly, not much, but it's better. We braved the cold weather and rugged up in our coats, scarves and gloves and took Claire and Ella to the park, while hubby stayed home with William.

That's all that is new in Libby-land.

Much love,


The Boring Mummy Blog

Hi everybody! :)

For those who don't know, today is supposed to be "labour day" for me, it was Bill's original due date, however the little ray of sunshine arrived 2 weeks earlier! (see last blog)

Things are settling down for us, I thought that Bill was a sleeper, a very quiet baby, but the last week has been chaotic. Between Bill's newborn phase, Ella's mischievious phase and Claire's new tantrum phase, it's not been fun! Between the nappies, breast milk, laundry and cleaning, I am this close to pulling my hair out, who would've thought children could be this demanding? And what has kept me from pulling my dried up, blonde hair out? My TV fix. :) LOST returned a week ago, and thank the good Lord, my favourite show is back.

More good news, I am slowly seeing the baby weight come off, I still have a long way to go, but at least now it looks like I'm not about to burst.

News on Dundee, we arn't moving anymore, it's too much for us, but the hubby has been looking at other places, one including back home in Australia, as we are all terribly home sick here and not enjoying the cold weather. I shall keep you all updated on this...

Love Libby,


And William Makes 5

Hey guys!

On January 21, I gave birth to my 3rd child, my first son, William. He is an angel in disguise, keeps his mum, dad and sisters happy by sleeping... a lot, and giving us time to catch a couple of hours sleep between laundry, feeding the horses, changing diapers, cleaning rooms, doing dishes, cooking, bathing and so much more. Yes, welcome to the life of a full-time mum! But motherhood can be fun, it's not just all poo and pumping.

Here are few photos of our newest addition to our family:



We will also be moving to Dundee in April, something to look forward to.

Love Libby,


Ho, Ho, Ho!

Hi everyone!

It's been a long time, but here I am, alive and well, still kicking.

I'm sure most of you are aware of the trouble we have been having with Claire lately. She got very sick, a virus in fact. She couldn't keep her food down, had severe stomach pain and the spontanious dizziness. However after a trip to the docs she began to improve and was healthy in time for Christmas and ate all her Christmas dinner (made by the hubby!).

Our Christmas was a quiet one. On the 23rd I collected my grandmother from the airport (she's from Wales), she spent Christmas with us, her nearest family, after her husband, my grandfather died in March this year. She and Claire were the best of buds, she and Claire drew pictures everyday and braved the cold weather to take her and Ella to the park and walks while her mama got some much needed rest.

On Christmas Eve will all went to the mall we're Claire and Ella meet Santa, Ella screamed her head off when I handed her to Santa, I don't think she liked him. :roll:

Christmas Day morning was chaotic with Claire opening her presents, insisting I look and admire everything Santa got her while I helped Ella open her presents- her first Christmas! I also got a few things, I bought two copies of LOST S3, one which I sent all the way to Australia for Amy and one I wrapped for myself.:D My grannie bought me a back massager, which she insists I will need come February 6th, some new winter pj's and a couple of novels.

I bought the hubby some new jogging shoes, its become a habit recently for him to go for morning jogs, probably to avoid his grumpy, morning hating, pregnant wife. :P

We also went for a drive around the surrounding blocks looking at everyone's Christmas lights. It was a great day!

Saturday is Ella's first birthday, we're not doing a lot as we don't really know many people around the area, but we have a cake and she's getting even more presents, which I know is going to make her big sister jealous! Wish me luck!



That's just the sound I'm making right now. I have terrible back pain, and I'm screaming for some relief, make it fast! :roll:

Anyway, I thought this was a pretty cute quiz that I found on Amy's blog:

Best childhood memory: Being woken up at 5am on Xmas morning by my dear, energetic, younger sister! As much as we hated being woken up that early, it was still a great memory! Ahh well, Claire does that now. I wonder who she got that off.. :D

Best high school memory: Meeting my hubby in year 12. We didn't officially become a couple until a few years later.

2nd best school memory: Science class in year 11. We had the greatest teacher, and also the girls and I had a blast!

Best friends: Allison, my sister, mother and my two girls, oh and the hubby! :D

Best holiday: Malaysia. It was so much fun to show Claire and Ella the world that they are yet to see. It was fascinating!

Best dessert invention : Anything with chocolate! Probably mudcake. Oh, now I'm drooling. :P

Best concert: High School. My then boyfriend was in a band and they performed 2 songs at a music night at school. It was great!

Best girls weekend away:Amy and I went to Sydney for the weekend years ago.

Best song to make love to : I'll be damned if I know right now...

Best piece of clothing ever owned:Mymaternity clothes. They look horrible, but soooo comfortable like you wouldn't believe.

Best advice ever: Treat others as you want to be treated. I grew up always hearing this from my mum, and what great advice it was. I intend on passing it on to my girls.

Best humanitarian thing I have done: Not too sure.

Best visit to the Emergency room: I've never had a great visit to the ER, most of the times I had its because of pregnancy.

Best time of the day: When both Claire and Ella are asleep, it means some peace and quiet for a period of time.

Love Libby,


Glasses? Me? Oh my...

Hi everyone!

I just got back from an appointment with the eye-specialist, because lately I've had trouble seeing great detail in objects and finding it a little hard to read, and he told me I needed glasses! And I quote that the blog title is what I actually said to him!

So now I'm on the hunt to see some which I like, I want to keep up my "hot mom" image (oh, a teenage boy called me a hot mom the other day, he was American, so now I consider myself a member, a bit weird and self-centred I know, but... he called me hot! The first time in God nows how many years.

So thats all, oh and welcome to Felicity!



The News some of you have been Dying to Hear

Hi everyone!

Amy said on her blog that we had some news to share.

I got a phone call yesterday morning, and it turns out my little brother is engaged to his girl of 4 years. Finally! This will be his second marriage, his first phone ended after only 8 months.

Amy's only just gotten married, and now we have another engagement on our hands! I can't bloody wait, I wonder where this wedding will be. Thailand? Paris? You never know with our family!

In other news, the little tot is doing well, giving his mama a hard time with morning sickness and heartburn, but otherwise doing great.

Take care one and all. xox


It's a Boy!

Hi everyone! :)

Hubby and I went to the doctor today and we were told the sex of our little bundle of joy. A boy. At least thats what the doctor thinks, he's about 80% positive its a boy and we believe him. We're so thrilled, after all we've got two girls (who have been adorable angels recently btw) so it will make a nice change.

And my baby bump is beginning to form, this is going to be a big baby by the looks of it!

Love Libby,
