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Libby15 Blog

My Life back? Not yet!

Hi everyone! :)

Firstly, Feel free to keep posting in the Eighties Party.

Today I did my first "grown up" activity since Ella was born. Hubby looked after the girls. I got my eyebrows waxed. Thank God as well! I was starting to look like Johnny Howard! I hadn't had them done in a few months so I had forgotten the pain, but I found it's nothing compared to the pain I went through about 3 weeks ago. But then I came home and what a bombsite! Toys on the ground, and then I saw hubby changing Ella's nappy while Claire was singing along to Playschool on the TV. Yep, my life isn't back just yet, but I kind of like it this way!

Ella is doing great. She's a real darling. Sleeping some nights, crying the next. She's very good though. She only cries when she's sleepy. She takes after my side of the family in her looks, she looks like she may get blonde hair like Claire and I. Whether or not she'll get curly hair like us I can't decide yet, she may end up having straight hair from her father's side. But she's always hungry and also needing her nappy changed. Obviously gets that from her father! :roll:

And Claire adores her little sis still. I'm very proud of her. Hubby and I are spending equal amount of time with both Ella and Claire, otherwise Claire might end up feeling a little rejected.

Love Libby,


PS. No recipe today, I'm too tired. Sorry!

Eighties Themed Party!

Hi everyone! :)

This is a rather unusual blog from me today. Suz and Rochelle has been having a little eighties party over at Suz's blog. So I thought maybe I should have one here at my blog!

Feel free to type in some lyrics from wonderful eighties songs... Madonna, George Michael, Kylie... anything! Also you may like to share a memory or re-live a massive event that occured in the decade that was:

If I may, I would like to share some pictures with you all.

Mama's Recipes...

Hi everyone! :)

I bring you another recipe...

Rainbow cupcakes

Cooking time: Less than 30 minutes


250g butter, chopped
1 cup caster sugar
3 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 ¼ cups self-raising flour, sifted
¾ cup milk
2 tablespoons cocoa powder
1 tablespoon milk, extra
Pink or blue food colourings
Coloured sprinkles

Buttercream icing
150g butter, chopped
2 cups icing-sugar mixture
2 tablespoons milk
Pink food colouring


1. Preheat oven to 180°C. Line 16 holes of 2 x 12-hole muffin pans with paper patty cases.

2. In a large bowl, beat butter and sugar together using an electric mixer until pale and creamy. Add eggs, one at a time, beating well after each addition. Beat in vanilla.

3. Lightly fold flour into creamed mixture, alternately with milk. Divide mixture into three portions.

4. Leave one portion plain, add combined cocoa and extra milk to another and a few drops of food colouring to the remaining portion.

5. Drop alternate colours into each recess of prepared pans until 2/3 full. Swirl gently with a skewer.

6. Bake 20-25 minutes until cooked when tested. Cool in pan 5 minutes, before turning onto a wire rack to cool completely.

7. Buttercream icing. In a small bowl, beat butter with an electric mixer until pale. Add icing-sugar mixture and milk, beating until combined.

8. Stir in a few drops of colouring. Spread over cooled cakes. Decorate with sprinkles.

Makes 16

I only make these cupcakes on special occasions. Like birthday parties etc. They're not low in fat, and gets the kids excited, but they enjoy them.

Love Libby,


Oh Boy, Dinner time!

Hi everyone! :)

Lately Ella has been quiet and very sleepy (got tired from all that crying?), which means I have had some time on my hands, which I used to try and become a Trusted Contributor on Amy has agreed to let me become a TC for one of her editorships. So I have just finished submitting for Bobbie Eakes (The Bold and the Beautiful and All My Children).

I had an idea while I was cooking the other day. I love cooking and I've always wanted to share some of my great recipes I have managed to dig up that I cook for my family for you to cook for yourself or family and friends. Every blog post I decided I will share a recipe which we have all enjoyed, just for fun. Some you may even like to use!

I have a very handy site where I get my recipes from. I keep them all in file in the kitchen draw and frequently I ask Claire to choose a recipe for dinner, she likes. This way she has to eat her dinner because SHE chose it. Works a treat:


Red Capsicum Soup

Serving size: Serves 2
Cooking time: Less than 60 minutes
Per serving:
0.8g fat; 453kJ

INGREDIENTS: Double the ingredients if you are making this recipe for a family. It only serves 2 people. I do.

1 large red capsicum (350g), halved
½ teaspoon olive oil
1 small brown onion (80g), chopped finely
1 cup chicken stock (250ml)
½ x 250ml carton vegetable juice
1 cup water (250ml)
½ teaspoon sugar
¼ cup low-fat plain yogurt (60ml)
1 teaspoon chopped fresh chives


1. Cook capsicum, skin side up, under hot grill until skin blisters; peel away skin and chop capsicum.

2. Heat oil in large saucepan; cook onion and capsicum, until onion is soft. Stir in stock, juice and the water. Bring to boil; simmer, covered, for about 20 minutes or until capsicum is soft.

3. Blend or process mixture until smooth; return to pan. Stir in sugar; stir until heated through. Serve soup drizzled with yogurt and sprinkled with chives.

Store: Soup can be made 2 days ahead and refrigerated, covered.

I frequently use this recipe for a starter during dinner. It's tasty, low in fat and even Claire likes it. It's really hard to get her to eat anything that doesn't contain sugar. :roll: I normally give her bread or put a roll in the oven to make it crispy for her to dip in the soup and she loves it!

That's all today.

Love Libby,


Sleeping... Now What?

Hi everyone! :)

Thought I would just drop in and say hello while Ella is sleeping, and Claire is watching her cartoons.

The last few days have been a mix of nice and hectic. Hectic as in Ella not sleeping some nights, then sleeping for a couple in the next (trust me, it's a good thing, even for a couple of hours!). I'm starting to feel like a "Desperate Housewive"! I've lost time to shower and sleep. Oh well, I just keep thinking to myself, it's all worth it, which it is! I love my girls. Sorry for that rant.

But on the bright side, hubby bought me "Lost: Series 2" on DVD yesterday, so in my spare time (isn't much of that) I treat myself to some chocolate (to hell with the diet!) and an episode or 2. Thank God for husbands! I'm guessing it's his way of saying, thanks for giving birth to another one of my children and going through hell (occassionally) to raise them!:roll: He says that when Ella is old enough, and we're settled in Scotland, he'll take us all on a nice holiday to a tropical country! Any ideas?

Dinner time now, must go and cook and then set the table.

Love Libby,


The Life of a Full Time Mum...

Hi everyone! :)

I'm back after days in the hospital. As most of you are aware I gave birth to my second daughter on the 29th of December, Ella Grace. She looks so much like Claire when she was a bub! I spent days and days in hospital, and was finally allowed to go home this morning. Thank God! Amy kindly brought in my laptop so I could go online, but it wouldn't work, which made me further frustrated. :roll:

Claire loves her little sis. This afternoon when I was changing Ella, Claire just sat there and watched and asked if she could hold her and if she could help me with anything. She even watches her sleep sometimes as well! It's too cute! She's becoming the overprotective big sister quite early.

So far so good. Ella has only woken up once this afternoon and has slept the rest. Of course thats what you expect from newborn babies.

I also no longer work at the childcare centre where I work, so now I'm a full time mum, and it feels fantastic!

Amy tells me everyone has been asking for a photo of Ella, and here is one I took about an hour ago:

It was dark in the room, which explains the blurring.

I was in hospital over the New Year. I had a rather quiet new years eve. Hubby and Claire visited, we watched the Sydney fireworks on the telly, and listened to some music. We counted down the new year and then they went home.

Well I better go, I must start preparing dinner. I wish everyone a belated Happy New Year!

Love Libby,


Picture Blog

Hi everyone!

I would it would be nice to share some photos of Claire with you from when she was a bit younger.

Quality of the photos is crap I know. These were taken a couple of years ago.

Just an Ordinary Blog from me...

Hi everyone! :)

Did we all enjoy our Christmas break? We sure did! I'll give you the short version of our Christmas.

Christmas Day, hubby and I were woken up by Claire at 7am on the dot.:roll: "Santa's been!" she yells. So we pretty much don't have any other chose but to get up so she can open her presents. Needless to say, the presents were un-wrapped within 5 minutes with responses like "Wow!" and "Ooh! Look mummy!" or "Look at this daddy!". She got stacks of presents. The hubby and I also exchanged presents. We had a big, cooked breakfast and then while Claire was busy playing with her new toys, hubby and I made some roast potatoes and pasta salad to take to my mothers.

A few hours later we were at my mothers and having lunch. I was positively in food heaven! :D

We went home and it was an early night for all of us, recovering from the days excitement. And then yesterday for Boxing Day we went to hubby's parents and had a BBQ. So as you can imagine I've had a good few days!


I'm still pregnant. In fact if the baby hasn't arrived by Saturday, then it's late.:roll: Hmm... I should admit myself into hospital, but it's only a 2 minute drive from my house, not that I could drive in my condition. Hubby would, or if he's not there, then the neighbour has said she would do it if that was needed. I love my neighbours, I sure will miss them when we move to Scotland in a months time. I will miss everything here: family, friends, lifestyle, weather. You name it, I'll miss it!

Well that's it, see you everyone!

Love Libby,


Baby Shower and Sky high cravings!

Hi everyone! :)

Well, yesterday afternoon was my baby shower, held at my house. I had fun, and for those who were wondering... yes, I'm still pregnant, the excitement didn't start any contractions. I did feel the baby kick however, which was a such a sweet moment because all my friends and family could feel it.

Gifts wise, I got: endless amounts of nappies and blankets, bottles, clothes, socks, shoes, dummies, and toys. I felt so special at the time, until I realised those presents wern't for me. :roll:

Tomorrow is Christmas Day. I actually prefer Christmas Eve, it just seems more magical. We're going to drive around tonight and look for the house with the best decorations and fairy lights. Claire loves it and so do we. It's traditional. Tomorrow we're going to my mothers for a big Christmas lunch and Boxing Day it's off to hubby's parents for a BBQ. I'll be in food heaven for the next few days. Good, especially since those cravings are sky high!

That's all from me for today. I'll be back hopefully Tuesday night or Wednesday, not so sure.

Everyone: Have a very Happy Christmas, and an excellent Boxing Day!

Love Libby,



Hubby, Claire and I went to the doctors this morning for a baby check up. I got an ultrasound and some stunning news!

While Claire sat in the corner playing with toys, the doctor told me, wait for it.... he expects me to give birth a "little earlier than first thought". End of December or early January is when I'm now due! :shock:

Hubby is hoping for a Christmas baby which I must admit does sound pretty good, but I still haven't prepared! I just hope all the excitement tomorrow afternoon (baby shower) doesn't make me go into labour before Christmas!:D

Must go now, we're all going to my mothers for Christmas drinks and nibbles.