Hey there Hotel Security. You may not know me but i'm a big fan of yours. >Taking a break from smoking Never a bad idea. Sorry to hear about your cough, hopefully it's something that passes by it's self.
>All 3 characters Who is the third character after Bayonetta and that broad with a man's haircut?
>GTA4 I didn't like the dates, I also preferred the outdoor areas of SA to the crowded urban environment of 4.
>Awesome game It really is. A must own for any action game fan.
>SA too long and too big I felt it was a good length. The bigger map meant a bigger and longer game. One thing I didn't like about V is that almost all the missions take place in the city, while there are giant portions of the map that go wasted as far as the main storyline is concerned.
>Love my vices I have mixed feelings about mine. I need to cut down on the drinking to lose more weight.
>MSU You think they have a chance to go all the way this year in football?
>Ali didn't need body blows That had a lot to do with his style of fighting. He was a pure outside fighter who always like to maintain his distance and beat his opponents with speed and conditioning. He was lightning fast for a heavyweight, and used his legs to move around more than his upper body, which was uncommon for the heavyweight division since such a large fighter required an insane amount of conditioning to fight like that more than a few rounds. Because he liked to move around and keep his distance so much he utilized mostly straight punches to the head, as those are the safest punches to throw, involving just extending your arm straight forward and then back. Throwing to the body would force him to compromise his defense by either making him throw angled punches, which would require him to be closer to his opponent and in their line of fire, or bend at the knees to deliver a straight punch to the body, which greatly increases the chance of being hit with a counter punch.
>Body blows "Hurt a man to the body. Make him afraid of what's coming up top" - George Foreman "Put water in the basement" - Teddy Atlas. A person has a lot more organs and bones to be hit and damaged in their body than their head. There's no legal punch in boxing more damaging than a liver blow.
>That topic I made a couple of posts let me update you with what's been posted since. Hopefully i'm confusing some people by contrasting my personal kind helping nature with your confrontational one. Spiderman 2099 (Topic Creator) Posted 9/30/2013 6:17:23 PM message detail quote I'm gonna use a combination of both strategies honestly if I ever get around to finishing it. I got distracted and am currently in the middle of Commander Keen --- R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg, 2/24/68-3/30/05 Andy Richter gave me HL2 for free! What a badass. Lithius Posted 10/1/2013 1:31:57 AM message detail quote Hey spiderman it's great to hear from you. >Combination of both strategies Which 2 are you referring to? >Get around to finishing it You really should. It's a really fun game and I know you'll like it all the way through. I'm also enthusiastic about helping someone with some specifics, given the overwhelming amount of knowledge I have on the subject. I'm behind you 100% and really want you to succeed and have fun. --- hiss hiss joe greezy Posted 10/1/2013 1:44:31 AM message detail quote GoW is trash, it's for people who aren't good enough to play DMC (not the new one because that's almost as bad as GoW) or Bayonetta. --- Let's be honest, the cards on the table, Jealousy's a sin, Cain killed Abel, Backstabber, Caesar had Brutus, It's hard to weed 'em out, even Jesus had Judas acepete90 Posted 10/1/2013 1:54:06 AM message detail quote >Which 2 are you referring to? Ahaha yours and mine! After all of that, square square triangle prevails! --- -- 2 -- Spiderman 2099 (Topic Creator) Posted 10/1/2013 2:03:48 AM message detail quote joe greezy posted... GoW is trash, it's for people who aren't good enough to play DMC (not the new one because that's almost as bad as GoW) or Bayonetta. lol at logic like this "I don't like this so everyone who plays it sucks" go home And yes. I like to get technical with games a la Lithius, but there's a Hulk in me that enjoys acepete's style when I'm distracted/frustrated/drunk/lazy. --- R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg, 2/24/68-3/30/05 Andy Richter gave me HL2 for free! What a badass. acepete90 Posted 10/1/2013 3:58:36 AM message detail quote Yea, I've only been having a light hearted joke for this topic. I get that Lithius has a greater insight into the game. Looking cool while pulling off sweet combos is what I would recommend the first time you play through. I still remember the first time my friend and I figured that you could launch a guy into the air, whip him down to the ground so hard he bounces back in the air, and just keep whipping him into the ground over and over. Square square triangle is a cool combo that will get them in the air and then you can lash away. --- -- 2 -- Spiderman 2099 (Topic Creator) Posted 10/1/2013 1:54:06 PM message detail quote joe greezy posted... GoW is trash, it's for people who aren't good enough to play DMC (not the new one because that's almost as bad as GoW) or Bayonetta. lol at logic like this "I don't like this so everyone who plays it sucks" go home And yes. I like to get technical with games a la Lithius, but there's a Hulk in me that enjoys acepete's style when I'm distracted/frustrated/drunk/lazy. --- R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg, 2/24/68-3/30/05 Andy Richter gave me HL2 for free! What a badass. Lithius Posted 10/1/2013 9:13:32 PM message detail quote (edited) I'm gonna go easy on you fellers in this post. You guys are lucky you came across myself and not a different member of The Ultimate God of War Union. They're much more stern than I am. >Entry level Do you have some manner of disagreement to denote, sport? By all means. The floor is yours. >first playthrough Yes, and? Do you intend to imply every foe is a Cyclops variant? The noted 's,s,t' was never paired with them outside of myself pointing it out. Just tossing out such a thing with no context is a waste of your time and Spiderman's. Come now. Surely this hasn't escaped your attention. Or maybe you just fancy chipping away at everything and hoping for the best? Great advice for Satyrs. I'm sure Spidey will be thrilled with the results. >simple man >simple How rude. >isn't interested in Presumptuous. >algebra and maths You trying to play up this angle of being prideful in one's own ignorance? Even for a joke, this is taking it a bit far. That said, what are you referring to in this jape? I don't believe values have been shared just yet. Just that some moves are stronger than others. Something which tends to be important information even to casual players in their casual blind run. Or do you disagree with that assessment? Do you imply they don't favor that which hits hardest? Quite the position to take. I'd like to see you defend it. >mash buttons So you wish to see Spiderman fail in his endeavor? Quite the community spirit we've got here. >always Absolutes are absolutely tricky business, son. It only takes one exception to bring them down. >STTT There is no such string. Are you not familiar with this series? Better to leave the delivering of aid to vets. If you wish to learn, you should make your own topic. I'll be sure to instruct you properly when the time comes. For now, do try not to distract from the instruction of our mutual friend, won't you? Misinformation for the purpose of a prank is already played out here. >trying to make sense That's what teacher is for. To answer questions. Have any you anything you wish to share with the rest of the class? >lithius Proper noun. >Logic like this To be expected from a board of thin skinned casuals. >Go home They are better off staying and learning from their daddy Lithius. --- hiss hiss SpiralSage Posted 10/1/2013 9:05:00 PM message detail quote http://feeltheflowdotcom.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/combatdesignfun.jpg --- http://gameramblings.wordpress.com/ http://i.imgur.com/OPB9Az0.gif Toejam and Earl Posted 10/1/2013 9:17:25 PM message detail quote there's a glitch you can trigger at one point where a monster infinitely drops red orbs til you max out. I just beat the game myself first time last month, didn't intrigue me enough to play the rest of the collection yet but i will eventually. joe greezy Posted 10/1/2013 10:46:30 PM message detail quote acepete90 posted... Yea, I've only been having a light hearted joke for this topic. Too bad certain people can't grasp that no matter how blatant you make it. One of them acts as if it's some major life accomplishment to be good at GoW and thinks that he should be put on a pedestal because of that. The other can't even manage to grasp a simple game that lacks depth and complexity and lashes out at anyone who won't coddle him. --- Let's be honest, the cards on the table, Jealousy's a sin, Cain killed Abel, Backstabber, Caesar had Brutus, It's hard to weed 'em out, even Jesus had Judas --- bawlz
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