>SBK I like the cut of his jib
>3D Era A lot of growing pains for the video game industry, but ultimately was for the best.
>Trolling From what I've seen of your work I wouldn't quite describe it as trolling so much as flaunting blatant facts in the face of people with skewed opinions.
>PSU I'm not sure what that stands for
>God of War Ascension It must kill you on the inside to have to dedicate so much time to such a lackluster entry. Do you ever have a foul taste in your mouth from the festering in your stomach?
>Collection The Vita version. I finished my plat for 2, which is one of the hardest plats to get in the big scheme of things from what I've read. You could probably appreciate the precision to detail and extremely precise and sensitive controls if you ever played it.
>Waffles I don't know what this Waffles is, but it sound disappointing.
>Progress I should get to it soon. I don't anticipate this run (NUR+) to be much different from my previous NUR. The only parts I anticipate to have any trouble with are Skorpius, Box 7, and Maybe Zeus.
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