> The topic I'd like you to rate how well I did in the business and how good my advice was if you'd be so generous.
>any God of War first playthrough advice?
Spiderman 2099 Posted 9/23/2013 9:28:51 PM message detail quote I'm playing on Spartan mode. Never had a PS2 and I got the collection a while back...I've just beaten the Hydra. Any generic tips, stuff I should look out for? This is the most fun I've had since Ninja Gaiden. --- R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg, 2/24/68-3/30/05 Andy Richter gave me HL2 for free! What a badass. RulerOfTheWorld Posted 9/23/2013 9:30:04 PM message detail quote Use weapons to kill things --- The system has been feeding us THE BIG LIE! Show Discipline Posted 9/23/2013 9:30:29 PM message detail quote It's a button masher with QTEs. --- That's what the Internet is for, slandering others anonymously. i.imgur.com/V43Rhef.gif i.imgur.com/kpA4FeQ.gif i.imgur.com/3eAenIr.gif RulerOfTheWorld Posted 9/23/2013 9:32:52 PM message detail quote Oh and if Kratos loses his can and string contraption, just let it go and stay focused. --- The system has been feeding us THE BIG LIE! I think I am a phone Posted 9/23/2013 9:55:07 PM message detail quote dont --- Paranoia keeps things interesting. luc good Posted 9/23/2013 10:06:04 PM message detail quote I think I am a phone posted... dont --- I sure luc good. One could say I'm... *puts on glasses* dead gorgeous. YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! ccaad5 Posted 9/23/2013 10:46:31 PM message detail quote Not much to look out for. The games are pretty ramrod linear. Just enjoy the ride. --- ("o0o") My metroid thinks you are stupid. People who ..v...v disagree with metroids often get sucked dry. acepete90 Posted 9/23/2013 10:56:37 PM message detail quote square square triangle --- -- 2 -- The Bard Posted 9/23/2013 11:31:35 PM message detail quote The dodge roll pauses the combo counter. You normally have about 2 seconds of time between hits to continue a combo--well, while dodge rolling, those 2 seconds of time are paused. The dodge roll recovery is about .5 seconds, so you can roll a couple of times, and if you strike another enemy, you can extend the combo. --- But seriously; why on earth do you believe yourself incapable? Spiderman 2099 (Topic Creator) Posted 9/23/2013 11:52:08 PM message detail quote RulerOfTheWorld posted... Oh and if Kratos loses his can and string contraption, just let it go and stay focused. ? But yeah it's obv a button masher...I'm playing for story (I like mythology, even bastardized) and cause I like action games like this. Unlockable costumes is also pretty cool. --- R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg, 2/24/68-3/30/05 Andy Richter gave me HL2 for free! What a badass.
michaelbolton Posted 9/24/2013 12:52:55 AM message detail quote acepete90 posted... square square triangle acepete90 posted... square square triangle acepete90 posted... square square triangle --- ...for the snark was a boojum, you see. Lithius Posted 9/24/2013 12:59:52 AM message detail quote (edited) >God of War first playthrough No one else on this board is qualified to give you advice. The responses in this topic so far are evidence of such. As far as general advice the best I can give you is to use square followed by triangle to launch small enemies, then use circle to get them with Orion's Harpoon to cause collision damage. Poseidon's Rage is by far the best magic the invest your points in. As far as the first game is concerned your priority with experience orbs should be Blades of Chaos, then Poseidon's rage, then Army of Hades. The Blade of Artemis is fun to play around with, but isn't needed unless you're going for ring outs, which are a more advanced way of dealing with enemies, and aren't necessary for your playthrough. If you get caught up on any specific section please let me know and I will provide as much assistance as needed. Rage of the Gods should always be used to get in as many magic spells as possible, the additional damage from your normal hits is not worth it compared to having infinite magic to spam PR. Ideally what you want is to hit rage, use Army of Hades, use PR until you're borderline out of magic, then hit Army of Hades one last time before your infinite magic runs out. --- hiss hiss Spiderman 2099 (Topic Creator) Posted 9/24/2013 1:06:04 AM message detail quote ^excellent, thank you. This is pretty much exactly the type of advice I was looking for. --- R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg, 2/24/68-3/30/05 Andy Richter gave me HL2 for free! What a badass. ssjevot Posted 9/24/2013 1:10:10 AM message detail quote Lithius posted... >God of War first playthrough No one else on this board is qualified to give you advice. The responses in this topic so far are evidence of such. As far as general advice the best I can give you is to use square followed by triangle to launch small enemies, then use circle to get them with Orion's Harpoon to cause collision damage. Poseidon's Rage is by far the best magic the invest your points in. As far as the first game is concerned your priority with experience orbs should be Blades of Chaos, then Poseidon's rage, then Army of Hades. The Blade of Artemis is fun to play around with, but isn't needed unless you're going for ring outs, which are a more advanced way of dealing with enemies, and aren't necessary for your playthrough. If you get caught up on any specific section please let me know and I will provide as much assistance as needed. Rage of the Gods should always be used to get in as many magic spells as possible, the additional damage from your normal hits is not worth it compared to having infinite magic to spam PR. Ideally what you want is to hit rage, use Army of Hades, use PR until you're borderline out of magic, then hit Army of Hades one last time before your infinite magic runs out. This is actually decent advice, but honestly that game suck pretty hard compared to games like Ninja Gaiden in terms of having any actual depth. --- Favorite Games: Starcraft: BW, Starcraft II: WoL, Street Fighter III: TS, UMvC3, SSB: Melee thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss Spiderman 2099 (Topic Creator) Posted 9/24/2013 1:14:27 AM message detail quote better story tho (at least it's not "the dark dragon blade btw here's that buff nunchuck dude who died a long time ago now he's a demon o ya and here's a robot cyborg with a suit and it's feudal japan in cyberpunk modern tokyo and o ya boobs and GIANT AXE" love Ninja Gaiden but the story is so lol --- R.I.P. Mitch Hedberg, 2/24/68-3/30/05 Andy Richter gave me HL2 for free! What a badass. Vademon86 Posted 9/24/2013 1:18:51 AM message detail quote Yeah but what about square triangle triangle or any other variation? First time advice would be on God of War 2 make sure you get every(I do mean EVERY) collectible. Mainly in New Game Plus you need those collectibles. As for 1 I don't remember much about it, besides it being linear. I think the only collectibles in 1 are the Phoenix Feathers and Gorgon Eyes. One raises your magic and the other raises your HP. Also a word of advice. If you were to max out 1 weapon then max out your chain blades. You'll thank me later. Other than that have fun. --- ---I got a dig bick-------- You that read wrong-------- You read that wrong too--- http://imgur.com/ojBaa.jpg 49ers/Saints/Broncos Lehgo! Lithius Posted 9/24/2013 1:24:10 AM message detail quote (edited) >Thank you It's my pleasure. I'm a friend to any and all God of War runners. >The exact type of advice Glad to be of service. It's what I (we) do. >Decent advice I should be able to do better, it's just been a while since I've played the first entry and I can't remember a lot of things that should be obvious to one as experienced as myself. >God of War doesn't hold up to Ninja Gaiden in terms of depth A lot of folks seem to think this, and I understand since most folks have played the God of War games one time each on normal difficulty, which is extremely forgiving compared to normal difficulty of Ninja Gaiden. You have to do runs on the hardest difficulty, and more specifically challenge runs of the games (No upgrades run, etc) to mine the real paydirt. It's been many years since I have played Ninja Gaiden, but I remember that game being hard for a lot of the wrong reasons (Can't keep all enemies on screen, the grenades that have a delayed explosion, etc). God of War is almost free of such instances, with the exceptions being 2 fights in God of War 2, and several in Ghost of Sparta. >Better story The two aren't even comparable. Both in writing and execution God of War is far superior. --- hiss hiss Lithius Posted 9/24/2013 1:48:19 AM message detail quote [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster] Lithius Posted 9/24/2013 1:49:39 AM message detail quote >Square triangle triangle As far as the blades of chaos are concerned sttt is the highest damage combination to use, although most enemies are better dealt with other ways than just chipping away with the blades. The exceptions are bosses, and large enemies like Cyclopes, that can't be launched. >God of War 2 collectibles They are really fun to use on a NG+, but any serious runner isn't going to be very concerned with that compared to doing challenge runs. >God of War 1 is linear They all are. The first game is actually the least linear of them all. Pure action games generally are mostly linear with just a few side areas with collectibles etc. >If you're going to max one weapon it should be Blades of Chaos Very true. The Blade of Artemis is only needed for specialty runs. It's potential for ring outs is unparalleled, and it's base damage is higher than the blades of chaos, but at the same time it has a much shorter range so unless you're going for a no upgrades run or higher it's not needed to complete the game. --- hiss hiss ssjevot Posted 9/24/2013 1:51:51 AM message detail quote I beat God of War on the hardest difficulty. There was no depth just spamming. I haven't played the sequels though. Honestly the deepest game of this genre I played was Devil May Cry 3. Bayonetta is damn close though. --- Favorite Games: Starcraft: BW, Starcraft II: WoL, Street Fighter III: TS, UMvC3, SSB: Melee thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss
Lithius Posted 9/24/2013 1:39:40 PM message detail quote >Just spamming The first game lends it's self to this quite a bit unfortunately. When fully upgraded Poseidon's Rage and Army of Hades are both so powerful that even on the highest difficulty they'll massacre hordes of enemies, and if you save Rage of the Gods, which gives infinite magic for it's duration, for trouble spots you can get through the game without too much issue. Plume of Prometheus is also often abused by new players, even though there are higher damage and more practical options in nearly all circumstances (It's best utilized against Desert Kings). Spamming isn't gonna cut it on a NUR though, that's when things start to get fun. >Bayonetta and DMC3 Both incredible games. I never actually finished Bayonetta on the hardest difficulty. I might go back and do that once i'm done playing GTAV, although the new Batman might be out by then so we'll see. >DMC3 compared to God of War in terms of gameplay depth You've gotta take into account that DMC had 2 games before it to iron out specifics. God of War 2 benefited greatly from this and is overall a much more fun, challenging, and satisfying experience than the first. At first glance DMC3 appears to be the deeper game with many more weapons, and having different styles to choose from. And it is indeed a profoundly complex and fun action game. The thing about it that makes it different than God of War is it is the combat is entirely composed of hitting things with your weapons, which is fine. God of War has a much bigger emphasis on damaging and killing enemies indirectly. I've gotta leave for a few hours. When I get back home I'll go into more detail about the specifics of the combat in God of War. --- hiss hiss ssjevot Posted 9/24/2013 1:50:39 PM message detail quote (edited) For the record I want to note the first Ninja Gaiden becomes spammier as the difficulty increases, so it isn't a God of War exclusive thing. If you want to beat Ninja Gaiden on the highest difficulty Ultimate Technique spam is required. --- Favorite Games: Starcraft: BW, Starcraft II: WoL, Street Fighter III: TS, UMvC3, SSB: Melee thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss Xanthus179 Posted 9/24/2013 2:00:07 PM message detail quote When you get further into the series, you will learn a parry maneuver to use when you block at just the right time. Learning it and powering up your default blades are the best things to do. --- "What's worse, thinking you're being paranoid or knowing you should be?" Primer xRyukenx Posted 9/24/2013 7:31:13 PM message detail quote Cheat and use the sort of "glitch" on the stupid spike room with the box.... god I hated that part. --- Allow me to give you the finger! The Darkness Finger, that is!!! - Master Asia, Dynasty Warriors Gundam joe greezy Posted 9/24/2013 8:06:47 PM message detail quote acepete90 posted... square square triangle --- Let's be honest, the cards on the table, Jealousy's a sin, Cain killed Abel, Backstabber, Caesar had Brutus, It's hard to weed 'em out, even Jesus had Judas Lithius Posted 9/24/2013 11:05:41 PM message detail quote >Spam required to beat Ninja Gaiden on the hardest difficulty. I could imagine considering the design of that game makes the difficulty somewhat artificial. God of War is the exact opposite, where the more crutches one kicks out from under one's self the less viable spamming is. >Parry Parrying is present in all the God of War games. It's been a while, but I'm fairly confident that you need to upgrade the blades a time or two to gain access in the first game, making it worthless on any run worth mentioning. What you're referring to from the later games is the Golden Fleece, which allows you to reflect projectiles back by parrying. It's great, but once you get to PAIN+ (No one on this board is ever likely to attempt this save myself) you'll really wish you could turn it off. >Glitch in the spike room Trial of Aphrodite if I recall correctly. That part can be annoying at first, but becomes trivial after a few playthroughs. Much worse is the section where you have to avoid spinning blades while balancing on a thin beam of wood. >Square square triangle A casual are we? No need to be ashamed. Try clones on the hardest difficulty and see how far you get using this repeatedly. Certain foes can be locked down using this repeatedly, but aside from that there's little incentive to use this particular combination. st is better in that in can launch and get you collision damage or air infinites, and once you get the blades to level 3 it's completely obsoleted by sttt. >DMC3 compared to God of War A last note on DMC3 is that the camera issues are too prevalent to ignore. It's not DMC1 bad, but it's still a serious problem that will cause countless cheap deaths that could have easily been avoided had you not been blindsided. Aside from a single part where you might get hit from around a corner there is no such issue in God of War. DMC3 is exclusively striking with weapons and shooting with guns to deal damage, while God of War has a much larger variety of ways to damage and kill enemies. Magic, grabs, collisions, ring outs, sword summon tricking, punts, homeruns, turning enemies to stone, OH redirection, God of War has so many more options of how to deal with a given group of enemies. The enemies themselves also have more variety. DMC3 is mostly just varying level of mooks who can be locked down by attacking with anything repeatedly, and struggling to keep all the enemies on screen and accounted for. The bosses and Hell Vanguards are the most obvious exceptions. The fallen are also noteworthy for being a tough normal enemy, but are still extremely easy as long as they can be constantly kept in sight. God of War however has enemies that will turn you to stone if you don't roll constantly, enemies who can stun you from very long range, enemies who infinitely respawn copies of themselves until you've killed them all, Large enemies who break your block and can grab you at close range, enemies with extremely fast ranged attacks, and a large variety of areas that involve environmental obstacles on top of the enemy variety. I really wish I had some students who were serious about some runs to help. --- hiss hiss ssjevot Posted 9/24/2013 11:13:37 PM message detail quote I beat the spike ram by spamming the I think it was R1 attack. The dashing attack. Just spam that and you're fine. --- Favorite Games: Starcraft: BW, Starcraft II: WoL, Street Fighter III: TS, UMvC3, SSB: Melee thats a username you habe - chuckyhacksss joe greezy Posted 9/25/2013 11:59:11 AM message detail quote So who is this Lithius guy who thinks being good at GoW (one of the easiest series of games ever) is some major accomplishment in life? --- Let's be honest, the cards on the table, Jealousy's a sin, Cain killed Abel, Backstabber, Caesar had Brutus, It's hard to weed 'em out, even Jesus had Judas Lithius Posted 9/25/2013 12:57:20 PM message detail quote >This Lithius guy My my, what have I done to deserve such attention? I have been posting on this board for as long as I've had my account, but my posts may not be very memorable. I'm also a member of The Ultimate God of War Union. I try to use my knowledge and experience to help new players and I try to encourage people to become serious runners. >One of the easiest series of games ever You say that, but have you ever tried playing with the training wheels off? What's your run history? --- hiss hiss Sor Eddie Posted 9/25/2013 1:00:20 PM message detail quote Always go the opposite of the way that the camera is clearly trying to lead you towards, 99/100 times there's a secret or a collectable if you go the other way. --- And we keep driving into the night It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...
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