I'll be filling out my skeleton for my NUR+ of 3 in this post Mount Olympus
Gaia:Shoulder - grabs into BR
Gaia:Arm -grabs into tear
Leviathan 1 - (Standing 1) sttt and I used magic to trick through his attacks
(Ceiling) hit him with s combos and moved from left to right, staying towards the center to avoid it's hits.
(Wall) same as ceiling
(Standing 2) same as 1
Mountainside:Exterior A -grabs
Mountainside:Exterior B -grabs
Moutainside:Interior:Tomb of Ares -I slapped the centaur with sttt until the legionnaires spawned, then I used grabs into BR
Leviathan 2
Stage 1 - chipped on the right side with sttt, I used magic to trick through his slam attack and I hit him as he crept forward to damage him enough to avoid his water spit
Stage 2 - Same as before but I dodged his other water spit attack to either side
Gaia:Chest:Interior -grabs into BR
Stage 1 - hit either side with sttt until a claw came down, or he used magic. When either happened I rolled to the other side and repeated
Stage 2 - stood in front of him and hit away with sttt, when he used his fist pound or slap attacks I blocked, and when he used his single stab attack I dodged and got in a few hits with CoC. He never used the multi stab.
Stage 3 - Same as before. His magic hits in different patterns than before, which I'll have to adjust to for PAIN+, but for this I was able to get past it without incident.
River Styx -Swim
Realm of Hades
Hades Path -grabs into BR
Palace of Hades:Exterior
(AoS Trial) magic
(Rope) grabs
Gorgon Serpent Chamber - returned the gaze and smashed everyone
Peirithous Puzzle - the Cerberus I killed with simple block and slap tactics. It never even used it's fireball or tackle. I just used s hits
Harpy Chamber - CG to air grabs and ground grabs if they were knocked down.
Underworld:Cliffside -Navigate
Three Judges:Lower *Trials of Erebus* -grabs -I only let the minotaur get to the end so after I cleared out the the cadavers I dealt with it using CG and T into air grabs to stun it. -I kept the gorgon alive until everything else had been turned to stone and shattered. I avoided the enemies until I got a gaze to reflect. Once the gorgon was alone I shattered her as well.
Three Judges:Upper:Section B -The minotaurs didn't even get close to me. I was able to get them mostly dead from the pots and i finished them off with a few shots each for a prompt.
Caverns of Hades:Bridge - I was able to ring these guys out with CG off the side of the bridge.
Caverns of Hades:Bramble Vent Puzzle - These guys were easy enough with grabs into OH infinite
Caverns of Hades:Hades Arms -Didn't do this
Palace of Hades:Outer Atrium - I used mostly t3 chipping just to be on the safe side. I hit them repeatedly on the way to the barrier, and once I got to the barrier I was able to hit them freely. Once the first 2 died I was able to use the legionnaires and a few slaps to finish off the last guy.
Caverns of Hades:The Forge -Lever
Caverns of Hades:Gazebo -(Dogs) grabs
Hades Path
(RoS Trial) -grabs into BR
Palace of Hades:Exterior
(Twin Hades Cerberus) I used rage here and was able to get prompts on both with s attacks before it ran out. I used magic a couple of times when close, and bow chipped until I got the second heads down. I stayed back and played it safe, using bow chipping and some slapping until I got them. This fight will be tough on PAIN+ to finish without damage.
Palace of Hades : Door of Hades -I got them with grabs into kicks and BR
Palace of Hades:Lower Chamber - Just some harpies. I killed them with the same CG into grabs as the ones before
Palace of Hades:Mezzanine - I killed the dogs with grabs, and I was able to ring out the minotaurs with the CG off the side by the tree.
Palace of Hades:Upper Chamber - Just some mooks. Took them out with grabs
Palace of Hades:Lower Chamber *again* - I killed these harpies with the bow just to be safe
Palace of Hades:Upper Chamber *again* -Finish puzzle
Palace of Hades:Throne Room
-Finish puzzle Palace of Hades:Throne Room
S1P1 - (Stand) Not too much to note here. He does a 2 hit attack that I blocked, and a stomp which I rolled away from. For damage I used tsss combos, with just a touch of bow chipping. I find Kratos's choice to shoot hades in the face questionable since his head is the one part of his body that has armor.
S1P2 - (Wall) Tougher than the standing phase. I stayed close, so he used his double claw smash attack regularly. I avoided it by rolling to either side. His grab I also avoided by rolling. His attack where he swings his claws wildly I avoided by jumping or not jumping as needed.
S1P3 - (Meat) I just kept it as far away from him as I could and hit away with s attacks.
S2P1 - (Stand) The same as phase 1, but how now does another attack where he crosses his claws and pulls them up at you. This can't be blocked so I rolled away from it. He'll also try to steal your soul, but he only did this once and I pressed the buttons to break out of it. I used the same tactic of avoiding the hits and damaging him with tsss combos.
S2P2 - (Wall) Not as bad as the earlier wall phase. I used the fleece to deflect his skulls back at him, stunning him, and leaving him open for free hits. I avoided the grabs and smashes as noted before. S2P3 - (Meat) Same as before
S3 - (Wall) I had full magic so I went ahead and used it, a few slaps and a few casts were enough to get a prompt.
S4 - (Tug-of-War) Pretty easy. His attacks can be blocked except for his smash which I rolled away from. I just used sss attacks and I didn't bother to pull away since there seems to be no drawback to staying close.
S5 - (CoH) His attacks are telegraphed pretty well in advance. The only thing that caught me was his one handed smash, but this phase was pretty smooth sailing. I used the grapple points to avoid his breath and rolled away from his other attacks. I used tt to damage him.
Palace of Hades:Soul Summon Trial - grabs into BR
Cavern of Hades:The Forge -Pass through
Cavern of Hades:Gazebo - I slapped around the first one and when the second came alive I used t3/t0 chipping. When the dogs spawned I grouped them up and used magic to clear them out, which also got me a prompt on the second talos. The third was at low health and I got a prompt after just a few more hits.
Hades Path *yet again* -grabs
Olympia : Door -Cast Gaia down - I burned them with the bow as I moved back towards the area you came from. Once I was far enough back I was able to ring out all of them with the CG. The rest of the fight was more of the same, luring them back in small groups and taking out the dogs with the bow, and the sentries by ring out.
Olympia:Cave -Navigate
Olympia:Building A -I picked off the first few with the bow, and as I'm sure you know if you stay towards the back wall by the chest the enemies won't approach you from off screen, so I lured the sentries one at a time back there and rung them out with the CG.
-(Centaur) I cleared out a few more sentries with the CG like before and I pulled the centaur back into that area. It was fairly long, but a straightforward hit and block type of fight. I used tsss combos until I had to block and kept going. Is it possible to ring out the centaur or bait out the charge?
(Snake) I used t3 and bow chipping while staying away. Not much else to not on this phase.
(Lion) Same as before, but I used bow chipping much more liberally. I was playing it safe here since I can afford to on this run.
(Goat) I used magic and rage here, that and a few shots with the bow got him to a prompt. Come PAIN+ I'll need to learn these guys more. I don't really forsee them being that hard though.
Olympia:Building B:Exterior:Balcony - Not a lot to note on this one. I was able to ring them out with the CG using the bow to burn them, causing them to stagger forward.
Olympia:Building B:Interior:Hallway - I used a combination of burning and BR to clear them out. Just a big group of mooks.
Olympia:Building C:Wall -Navigate
Olympia:Eos Cave Door - I was able to get the Cyclops with a bit of bow chipping and some slapping with tsss combos. He hollers often and his attacks are predictable so he is pretty easy. I was able to ring out and kill all the mooks with s attacks so there was nothing left to fight when it died.
Eos Cave:Corridor 1 - grabs
Eos Cave:Corridor 2 -grabs
Eos Cave:Catwalk 1 - Bow use with some CG into air grabs.
Eos Cave:Corridor 3 -grabs
Eos Cave:Rope -grabs
Eos Cave:Corridor 4A -grabs
Eos Cave:Corridor 4B -grabs
Eos Cave:Broken Bridge -Harpy ride
Eos Cave:Cliffside - I couldn't figure out any way to ring them out, but this is not a tough fight. I was able to defeat them with grabs into OH, blocking when needed.
Eos Cave:Catwalk 2 - Easy ring outs here with CG. I didn't bother taking out the archers until I defeated all the wraiths since it's hard to target them with attacks coming out you. I imagine some sort of rule is lifted here on PAIN+ for the archers.
Chain of Balance:Icarus Vent 1 - Avoided the obstacles Chain of Balance:Scaffolding -Navigate
Chain of Balance:Icarus Vent 2 - Avoided the obstacles
The Caverns:Box 1 -Burn bramble.
The Caverns:Box 2 -The mooks I took out with grabs into BR. The Minotaurs I defeated by ring out by ramming them with CG until they were close to the edge, then launching with T into CG to get them over the edge. I got the centaur to a prompt with bow chipping and ramming him with the enemies around. After I was done riding there were still 2 minotaurs left, but they were of little consequence and were rung out like the rest.
The Caverns:Box 3 -Listen to Hermes then get up the Chain of Balance Chamber of the Flame -Unveil 3 frescos, read them and watch the cutscenes The Olympian Citadel A -Proceed to the wall from the walk way, slide down, cross the grapple point and land on the burning, breaking bridge. -(Bridge) -Pursue Hermes. -grabs -Grab hold the Crane, pull the lever, cross the gap, make your way across another breaking bridge. - grabs on the dogs, CG into air grabs for the harpies. -Pursue Hermes past the portcullis. Use the catapult to reach Athena's Statue. Grand Vestibule:Lower Hermes - I stayed away from him as often as possible and got him with t3. He never used his jump attack where I could reverse it, but I also got in some damage with magic when he got close. Aside from that it was just stay away and t3 when he rested. Grand Vestibule:Upper -Grabs into BR
The Olympian Citadel B - The legionnaires I was able to defeat by ring out with CG. The first Cyclops I locked down with repeated t0, and when the 2 came out I rung out the legionnaires, then ran back to the entrance which caused them to repeatedly holler. I got the first one down with t3 chipping, trying to hit them both as best as possible, and got the second with t0 lock down.
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