Lostboy1224's forum posts
So is FF3 (6) worth the $45 price tag?I enjoyed FF3 (actually FF6) more than 2 (actually FF4). They are both awesome games, but FF6 had more customization, a better and more original story and a better cast of characters. But like I said FF2 is still an awesome game... Just much more traditional and less original.
Wasn't a great day for pick ups but did find two new hot spots for retro games that were not price gouging. So I'm pretty happy about that. But here is what I got today. Kind of held back knowing I would be looking again on Sunday.
- WWF Super Wrestlemania (SNES) $1.99
- The Untouchables Complete in Box (SNES) $5
- The Rocketeer (SNES) $2.50
I just grabbed a Wii and SNES from a thrift store for $10 bucks a piece. Good condition, too.
It was a pretty good weekend for myself. Picked up 9 NES titles, 2 NES Consoles without plug-ins or controllers, Gamecube without controllers or plug-ins but had memory card and game inside, and the big ass NES Advantage controller all for $23. Listing the games below....
- Donkey Kong Classics
- Marbles Madness
- MegaMan 2
- Battletoads
- The Punisher
- A Boy and His Blob
- The Legend of Zelda
- TMNT III Manhanttan Project
- Chiller (Blue Cartridge)
And then i picked up Sonic 2 (Genesis) and Gran Turismo (PS1) as well for $7.
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