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Lostfinding Blog

Sentences that Will Change your Life

Hi People! I am here again, today I am still "living alone" at home, anyway only two days are left to my parents to come back :cry: Well... Remember that I said something about doing a blog about good sentences in songs? Well that it is... I am gonna write down the best sentences that I have heard in songs, the ones that usually go to my msn username and the ones that I hear over and over in my mp3. Well here is that list:

Before I post the list I gotta give you some news... I was in college and I have to loose a year! :cry: This year I will do biology and next year I will do what I want since the beginning :D And I had another thing... oh yep! Now I am submitting the things that I saw in DH season 1 and 2! I saw already the two seasons and I have to say that... the editor will be working extra houres :D

Well.... Here it is the list :lol: Tell me which one is the best ok? (The ones in spanish will have the translation right down ok?)

Shakira - Underneath Your Clothes

"You are a song written by the hands of God"

Shakira - Costume Makes the Clown

"I am not here to let you down, but the costume makes the clown. It is just that life is not on me"

La Oreja de Van Goth - Muñeca de trapo

"Me abrazaria al diablo sin dudar por ver tu cara al escucharme hablar"

I would embrace the devil without doubtig it to see your face hearing me speak

She is talking about not be able to confess to someone that we love him/her so much

Depeche Mode - Precious

"Angels with silver wings shouldn't know suffering"

Amaral - En un Segundo

"En solo un segundo, he comprendido lo que lo importa y lo que no; el fin del mundo, la tormenta, el dolor... quedan muy lejos de esta habitacion"

In just a second, I have understood what matters, what doesn't;the end of the world, the storm, the pain... they are far away from this room

Shakira - Moscas en la Casa

"Cazando motivos que me hagan creer que aun me encuentro con vida, comiendo mis uñas, ahogandome el llanto, estrañandote tanto"

Hunting reasons to believe that I am still alive, biting my nails, trying not to cry, missing you so much

My actual SUBNICK: This sentence is right now in my msn mall sentence thingy, it is a wonderful sentence

Joaquin Sabina - Contigo

"Y morirme contigo si te matas y matarme contigo si te mueres, porque el amor si no muere mata, porque amores que matan nunca mueren"

And die with you if you kill yourself and kill myself with you if you die, because if love deosn't die kill, because loves that kill don't die

My actual NICK: The big sentence in my msn right now it is this one. It is so great

Alejandro Sanz - A la Primera Persona

"Aunque lo diga la gente yo no lo quiero escuchar, no hay mas miedo que el que se siento cuando ya no sientes nada"

Even if people say it I don't wanna hear it, there is no bigger fear that the one you feel when you don't don't feel anything"

No Doubt - Don't Speak

"As we die, both you and I"

Daniel Bedingfield - If you are not the One

"I don't wanna run away but I can't take it, I don't understand, if I am not made for you why my heart tell me that I am. Is there any way I can stay in your life?"

Goo Goo Dolls - I'm Still Here

"And I just want a moment to be real, wanna touch things I don't feel, wanna hold on and feel I belong."

Avril Lavigne - I'm With You

"Why is everthing so confusing? / It's a damn cold night trying to figure out this night"

My Chemical Romance - The Ghost of You

"At the end of the world or the last thing I see, you are never coming home, could I? Should I?And all the things never ever told me and all the smiles that are never ever haunt me"

My Chemical Romance - This is not a fashion statement, is a death wish

"This hole you putted me in wasn't deep enough and I am coming out of it" - "I lost my fear of falling"

Blink 182 - I Miss You

"Don't waste your time on me you are already the voice inside my head"

Anastacia & Ben Mody - Everything Burns

"Till everthing burns, watching all fade away"

Anastacia & Eros Ramazzotti - I Belong to You

"You are the wind that is underneath my winds"

Avril Lavigne - My Happy Ending

"You were everthing that I wanted, we were meant to be, suppossed to be but we've lost it. Now all the memories so close to me just fade away" - "It's nice to know we had it all, thanks for watching me as I fall"


Well that is all! I searched all the songs I have in this computer so I think I have not forget any importnat there! Well, tell me what do you think?? Another day I will write two songs I kinda did...but they are not real. Well see you! :D

The day has come, in an hour I will be there

Well, as I told you in the last blog I wrote ( one read it so you won't know :cry:) today I have to go and do the inscripcion to the college, tecnicaly I have to write some papers and hope that I will get into the college I want to get in... So in one hour I will be there and now I am kinda nerveous, that is why I made a blog to calm myself. Well, I will tell you all how things went ok?

PD: Read the last blog I posted before this one! It was really completed and it had photos and all! So go there right now :D

I would embrace the Devil without doubt to see your face hearing me talk

Well... I've been alone all this week and I've been watching TV almost all the time so I have not written any blogs lately or do submissions or comment your blogs... Sorri for don't comment in your blogs, it will be only this week and Michelle, sorry for not being there this morning...

Well I have tons of things to say but I don't know if I shoul write too much in only one blog... I am plannig to doa big blog with my fave sentences in songs /The tittle of this blog is the sentence of a song that I forgot but I really listened in the past, it is all about what I would do to make the one I love that I would do anything to tell what I am feeling for that person/

Well, you know what!? I have noticed lately that I usually put "Well" in the beginning of the sentence and it is very anoying! :D :lol:

-----.,;: News :;,.----

ABOUT TV.COM: It is a fact now that for no reason I am the one that should shut his mouth in the forum! :lol: I have been in Charmed forums and apparently I am "awfully" about my opinion... you know what? I don't care at all... I am gonna be persistant whaterver happens if I think that I am right...

Submissions incoming! As a result of the big marathon of Desperate Housewives I am gonna submit tons of things tomorrow, so be sorry for the editor of that site because he/she is gonna spend the whole day reading my submissions :lol: Well, about my Charmed submissions they have not been accepted yet (only a few have been) and I am not still in that freaky list!

ABOUT MY LIFE: I am really concerned about my way right now. I am falling to the bottom of the barrel in one minute and in the other I am perfect, at least I wanna believe that... I realized what the big problem is with my emotions! I get very frustrated about lots of things and that make me angry and that make sad... vicious circle! :D

I am all alone this week because my parents are on holydays and I am here on my own, kinda independent. Well... at least the house is not on fire and I am not being eating for the litting, till this happen I will be ok!

Well tomorrow maybe I will have a friend sleeping in my house and we will watching TV till late and I hopw that will make me be "happy" temporaly (if that word even exists! :D)

ABOUT JOB: This week I am having at last the inscripcion to college! :D I saw the new "notes" and maybe I could get into the college I wanted from the very beggining... anyway I am not sure at all so I will info you all another day ok?

ABOUT INTRODUCING A NEW PART THAT MAKES NO SENSE IN HERE: lol :lol: I know that this is not... well, I guess it is a good way to say good bie to you all! :D I locked myself out of my own bedroom! :roll: I dont' know how I did but it was damn funny because you can only close the door from the inside and I have no idea how it happened! :lol: Maybe I am having some ghots over here. Well know I am search some photos to make this blog better! Good night you all! :D

Wathever happens...

My Show Marathon

Well, here is the deal... This week, let's say that I will have the big TV all day! :D So I can see shows all day! And I am planning to do a big marathon!

- DH Housewives Marathon: Well, this is the first one I will do, I am watching season 1 (Right now I am seeing episode 13 season 1 - Your fault) and I will see season 2 after that. Of course I will try to submitt any trivia that I can get in the show! :lol:

- Charmed Marathon: I think I won't be able to do that because I did some time ago, besides I have new shows that I can see. Anyway I will see lots of episodes, not in order...

- Supernatural Marathon: I have all season 2 so I will see that too! :D In fact I've seen only a time the whole season so a second time would be interesting!

Okey, I am going now... maybe I will not be here too much this week but I will get online to see emails submissions and fight with you all in the forum :lol: LOL! Just joking, well have a good day around there! I will :D Anyway my back will hurt because of the whole 24h in the sofa! :D

Happy Birthday to... Me

Hi People! Today is my birthday... Not any birthday but my 18th one. I am now older aged!!! :lol: Well, I hope life will go on ok! I am not feeling very different because I think it is another day! :D


Well, yesterday I had a good time and I saw little details as I always say that really touched me! And not only of my best friends but everyone else! So today I am in the mood! :D


About! You realized that all episodes of all shows has dissapeared!? :cry: I cannot make submissions!! :D Well, that is all! See you

Music Everywhere

Well...I think I should do a better blog and try to be more positive for once! :D Well I think that this blog is gonna be about music, I am gonna write my fave songs in here (Well, not all of them of course) if you know some just tell me ok?

Umbrella (Rihanna) One of my fave of the moments, the letter is very poor but the music is excellent! :D

Cancer (My Chemical Romance) The most touching song ever, if you wanna hear something very deep you should hear this, you will love it!

Don't Bother (Shakira) This is plain perfect, isn't it? The letter and the music

Everything Burns (Anastacia feat. Ben Mody) The better voice singing the most pesimistic / realistic song! It is just plain awesome :D (Yes, I know...this one fantastic four BSO :lol:)

My Happy Ending (Avril Lavigne) I have talked about his song a thousend times! :D It is such well written, and I really feel the same with this song

Pieces of a Dream (Anastacia) My fave song ever! :cry: It is so touching...

The Ghost of You (My Chemical Romance) This band makes me fell so different! They know how touch all of us

Wake me up when September Ends (Green Day) I don't know why but this song make feel very "in the same side" I know that the letter reflects my future (not literally :lol:)

I Never Told you what I Do for Living (My Chemical Romance) This song gives me strengh! :D

Well, Bad

Well, things were bad... :cry: This time I don't know if it was me or not. I am trying to changea little my mind but I cannot. Let's say that things started very well, but then things were bad, and I don't know... Well, this afternoon I will see him again and let's hope both will act differently. :|


About my points went up again, and I don't know... I will keep doing submissions as I always do! Bie,

My Answer

Well, now it is time to start this afternoon I don't know how things are gonna be like, I am trying to call but I cannot, so I have to wait a little till the phone works again. If things are good this night I will have an answer or something or at least I will feel better. If they don't... I will be bad again. Anyway I will try... Well, I am gonna call again, maybe now the phone will work... Just a minute!


Well, it's not working yet... I have to wait a little more... Now! I have called, I think there was a yes... :P I hope! Well, I am gonna go now, if things work out togay and I feel very this night I will make a better blog, if things are not... Anyway, I will think positive! :D

Why I am Getting the Feeling that Things are Gonna Fall Apart Again?

I don't get why but yesterday I was feeling insecure and now I am feeling even worse. I have the feeling that after all this awesome time without fights and with my best friend being so nice and my girl being "normal"... things are gonna be bad again. I know it is ridiculous! Today I was with my friend and he was great, we talked a lot and he even told me some interesting things... anyway after that, I don't know why, he said some things or was differently, and that is why I got insecure! Tomorrow is suppossed to come here to see a film but he said some things that made me believe that maybe he doesn't want to. Besides my other friend (He is not such important) told things that made me think too, anyway he was not there with us so I don't mind a lot, It is funny that after all this time saying that I don't want him all the time there, now I am kinda missing him. I don't know! I just need be more positive, try to spend time with them and don't feel that I am not one of them, Anyway, If tomorrow he doesn't come to see that film I will be again like this. So I am the one the is scre-wing all thisbecause of my pesismisticpersonality and my paranoia!? I hope not:cry: Lately I am really thinking that I have a problem of duality:SometimesI am really great and thenext timeI amreallysad!Well, being honest, I guess it is because I am only really happy when I am with some especific people and if they are not there I keep thinking about them!


I don't no why but today I am feeling very insecure. This afternoon I am gonna be with my friend and I hope maybe that will help me be better and forget about this feeling. Besides yesterday I had a strange day and I guess that is why today I am still not feeling so well.

So anyone knows a way to feel secure? I mean to don't fall into the bottom of the barrel everytime something happens. I guess my personality cannot accept bad things and that makes me be sad every little time.


About my submissions about DH have been already read and I am hoping that the Charmed ones will be soon, they have been there at least 4 / 5 days now. Well, now I am gonna go see some DH episodes and right now I am gonna submit more Charmed goofs that I found seeing "Someone to witch over me" (I have 5 submissions to make) later I will do a review too and I am thinking to do another submissions about one thing that is usually not shown in Charmed trivia but I gotta be sure if it is in TRIVIA or it is in NOTES. Well, have a great day you all! :D