....Bad thing!!! I had all this blog written but I did something and now I've deleted all!!! :cry:
I was writing some pesimistic things (like I always do! Xd) and now there's nothing here! Anyway, this blog is kinda to grow in this week! I don't know how things are going to progress and I don't think I will have good news to put in here the following days...:cry: Things are not working very well and I think that whatever happens in this week will lead the rest of my summer! So I guess I have to think a lot, try to understand what is happening and notice if i really wanna stay that way! anyway I have nothing to lose anymore....
So I just have to "esperar" to time to travel and to this week to pass and get at last an new answer, so "esperar" means wait and hope at the same time in my lenguaje,I don't know exacly what of the two verbs I would chose...
First day and I have already something to say... I didn't get in the list of university. :cry: I'm in the waiting list! I have to wait till September to get an answer. Anyway, it won't be a place for me in the thing I wanna do so... Maybe I will be able to chose another thing. For exemple maybe I can chose Biology (I don't know if in English is caled that way) Anyaway I have to wait... Bad thing!
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