MGS-GrayFox's forum posts
But i liked DMC4.
I didn't. Nero is lame. DMC3 all the way. That said I don't like the look of the new DMC, although it's not out yet so I could be wrong. so can you.
The fact that Vergil will be playable in UMVC3 is a pretty good sign that Capcom is listening to its fans.. just sayin'.
Yeah, they even added Phoenix Wright, a character that fans have been begging for since MVC3 original announcement. Then they announce Poison for SFXT, a character that has never been playable in any fighter. If they didn't listen to their community there never would have been a SSFIVAE Console or PC release, let alone a free re-balancing later this year for the title. (DMC is an entirely different issue. That's just Ninja Theory being stuck up and doing what they wanna do.)[QUOTE="the_ChEeSe_mAn2"]Logging online at least once won't kill you. Get real.EdenProxy
Plus inorder to use steams offline mode you must first GO ONLINE (Good luck if your at the cottage, powers out, your traveling, or youve reached your internet cap,)Thats only the begining; even if you dont use steam. More and more games are demanding a internet connection to either activate or play periodEdenProxy
reQuotedthat just for you.
Or you could set Steam up for auto login so if connectivity is unavailable the system will automatically log you into offline mode...
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