@Fembot_Eulogy Well the problem is. If you have to finish the game 10 times to buy a single weapon 20 times to buy the next one. I think is not going to be quick to buy the specials weapons without real money.
I cant believe this is happening. Im afraid in the next Gen games, the developers and publishers are going to steal more and more money to the gamers. I miss the old days that you pay once and have the whole experience and you unlocked everything.
@Kane04 Yes a Normal Parent who knows to protect their Children. The things i put is to educate parents, who dont want or dont have time to set the console or see if the game is M rated. So with that, they get that M rated games are bad for their kids. And next time something Happened dont Blame Games. Im tired that everything wrong that happened in real life. The bad Guys are the VideoGame Industry. And thats not fair.
rated games is like this. And Yes is stupid but i think is the only way.
1.When next gen consoles arrives. Everyone can buy that console but is going to be locked to play M games. If your 18 and up, you show youre id, and the guy at the store unlocked it for you.
2.Prepaid cards like Microsoft Ponints and PSN Cards you need to be 18 to buy those because digital you can fake youre age.
3.To Buy games you need to Show youre ID to the store before purchasing a M rated Game.
4. When you are selling youre console and do a format, the console locks again to play M Games again and then you can sell it to Gamestop or Evay or whatever.
I think that with that is going to be more dificult for a minor to play M Games.
And Yes this is stupid, Games are not responsible for violence in real life, but if they want to do it they have to do it better.
Thats Sad. Maybe the end of My Hobby is coming soon. But well i think gaming want the new generations and younger audience. Guys like me, wants ownership on our games
we buy. Maybe we are going to do something else. I hope they dont go that route. Im the gaming Generation since the Nes, and i cant beleive that gaming is transforming now
in all power for developers and publishers nothing for the gamer. Too much DLC too much Extra characters that you have to buy with real money. I mean this is seriously a Rip Off. But well i hope not and if they go that route. Im going to come here and say good bye to all.
@Getbacktogaming I think you have to set up before. If you see in the video all projections are outside of the tv. Theres nothing projecting in the screen so i think its the same with a projection screen.
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