This looked solid enough, hopefully the graphics will make up for the dumbing down of several important mechanics which I really liked in the original series such as arrows flying in an actual arc and having to judge it manually. The spirit of 'knocking everyone out and stealing stuff' still seems to be there, so I'll be playing it. No 3rd person is a plus for me, more immersive.
Yet another aging senator trying to impose their moral code that they remember foggily and through rose tinted glasses from the 40's on modern society. Of course they never had any deranged murderers before video games created them all, right Dianne? They should set a retirement age on politicians so they stop making fools of themselves with this kind of stuff.
All these anti-game senators and congressmen are likely on the NRA payroll. What we're seeing is a war being played out between different interest groups with common-sense struggling to get its voice heard somewhere in the background. Only advice I can give you is to write to -your- representative and make sure they are on the right side of the fence for you otherwise you know to vote them out next time.
@Blazius2 @Mausolus @EvilShabazz And we're facing an uprecidented spike in random victim gun violence. In my universe I worry about the lives of myself and those close to me before I worry about my pay check. It's just a relative priority thing.
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