The only games on that list I have any interest in are Witcher 3, Watch Dogs, and maybe Destiny. Overall I was underwhelmed by the game announcements at this year's E3 (although I haven't been paying too close of attention either).
That's my point, the gaming community is buying into the AAA market which has "ballooning" costs and will only continue to rise to try and make even more profit.
Rather than taking out the second-hand games market, how about we deflate the bloated AAA games market. Its about time for some change, although this would entail people deciding to not buy the annually released CoD's and AC's.
I've never had a problem with the Playstation controllers, but I also liked the feel of the X360 controller. I was hoping for a compare/contrast in this video but instead all I got was "oh, I, um, like it" about all 3 controllers...
@slim0ner85 Having cell reception isn't very similar to having an internet connection. Cell phones NEED service to operate, that's how they work. Gaming consoles, not so much.
I feel bad for the editor of this article. He was given the task of finding the differences between this game and every other CoD. The best he could find was that a "dog wears headphones". lol
McDog3's comments