$1 salary? That doesn't even make sense. I can't help but see it as just another one of those tax loopholes to get out of paying what he and the company should be.
The X360 came out ahead in sales and popularity, in large part, because of its one-year-early release. Considering the PS4 will be using an x86 architecture (a much appreciated decision by developers) and will likely come out at the same time as the next Xbox (if not before) it'll be a pretty even playing field. That said, Microsoft hasn't even announced their next console yet, its a little early yet to be making such bold claims.
"In the code of a gamer, even a deranged gamer like this little bastard, if somebody else kills you, they get your points."
...Huh? I don't think anyone involved in this so-called "psychological profiling" knows the first thing about videogames. Or the "deranged, little bastard" shooter for that matter.
Its about time they launch a campaign like this. For whatever reason, most parents do NOT understand the ratings system and some, believe it or not, do not even know it exists. Once enough people are educated, games will no longer be such the large-scale scapegoat it is right now (because currently the majority believe they have no control over what games their children get to play).
Also, its good to finally hear a member of Congress promote leaving this issue in the hands of parents, where it should actually be.
Apparently excessive violence and other derogatory sex scenes from past titles is okay, but one mention of a popular crass phrase and suddenly it's offensive? That's where the line is drawn?
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