@Thanatos2k I know that. I've even said that in other threads. But it can be revised to account for the trade-offs in the system if they really wanted to make it work. It would mean a lot of time and re-development. And of course money, which EA is never going to approve of given their current "lack of business drive" with Nintendo.
So CryEngine 3 runs perfectly on Wii U, but Frostbite 2 does not? DICE is clearly doing something wrong. Either they are not familiar with the system's architecture or they are fueling the feud between EA and Nintendo.
If Frostbite 2 can run on the PS3 and 360 then there's no doubt in my mind that this engine can be made to run on the Wii U which is approximately 4 times more powerful. So something stinks.
Besides, I'm a big fan of the CryTek Engine and that one DOES run on the Wii U without a single hitch. I'd prefer to see more games using that engine rather than Frostbite anyway.
IGN has a 9 minute video of the game's game-play. They don't say whether it's running on PC or the Wii U, but I'm guessing this is probably running on Wii U hardware since the GamePad's button prompts are shown in the video.
Either way, this is clear evidence that Wii U can put out some heavy duty graphics.
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