Midnightshade29's comments

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Edited By Midnightshade29

@RPGFreak90 how is the ps4 terrible? Focus on the core gamer (Exact words by sony btw in their confrence and in their actions) ... top inidie support, largest number of 1st party devs... , new ips.. Easy to program for Architecture remote play to vita/tablets, every new game has been announced for it. PS4 doesn't require online connection. Ps4 plays used games. PS4 has instant off function and top specs.... How is the Ps4 terrible? Please fill me in because to me it seems like a godsend!

The only bad console i see coming is the 720.... and the current gen tech wii-u...

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Edited By Midnightshade29

@Smokescreened84 @lupodirosso Play Heavy Rain, Beyond 2 souls, The last of us, uncharted series, Gravity Rush, Persona series, Final Fantasy X-2, Final fantasy XIII, Assissns Creed 3- liberation, Journey, flower,fat princess(ok maybe not fat princess). If you only have an xbox you are missing out. There are tons of games that you would love!

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@Smokescreened84 @SporkFireXPS @lupodirosso Again buy the sony console or a pc if you want female characters. Its your fault by following MS, a company known to only follow the money and not artistic endeavors Play some Journey on ps3, where you are a non gender (or so is assumed) hood wearing wanderer in the desert mixing online with others with no talk but chirps as you make your way across a brilliant ocean of artistry.

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Edited By Midnightshade29

@Ghosthunter54 @malec_1 Buy the other console (ps3) or a pc and you will find plenty! ( I am assuming since this is a thread about MS and no one but me has mentioned Kat, Aveline, Narico and Kai, Persona, etc...)

The new ideas are there, you just need to look past the "box".

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Edited By Midnightshade29

@Zloth2 oh and there is also the girl from Mirrors edge... what a great game. Its a shame that most heere haven't mentioned any of the games I did... because they didn't sell well and weren't shooters? I don't get it. but my point is there are already female protaganists in games and as long as that continues with having both there really isn't a problem. Just don't shove casual kinect style drivel at us and all will be fine.

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Edited By Midnightshade29


thats not entirely true all the time... Gordon Freeman of Half-life , a scrawny black rimed glasses wearing "everyman" scientist is the main lead and is loved by all. Then there are the characters in a lot of Sony exclusives, like Kat from Gravity Rush, Nariko and Kai from Heavenly Sword and Aveline from Assassins Creed 3 liberation on vita, a black Louisiana girl. You see a lot of males want to play them, and love those games, I am one of them. These games are core games through and through, yet I bet most on this topic don't even know about these games because American media (I am american btw) , has brainwashed you to think that MS is the only game company you should buy from due to their emphasis on marketing over anything else.

I also recall some other PC games that had female leads, the longest journy and its sequel, beyond good and evil, and No one lives forever, these games all had strong female leads that again males have no problem playing because the games are good. They are character based and as such no self imaging is needed.. Its different in an rpg or mmo where you make your own character, but even in those games most guys want a female character to stare at..

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@Gallowhand @nanorazor and they wont because it sold like crap. If you want varied protaganists you need to look to Sony ... they have a more World view on the game market not focusing solely on the USA. Hence you have strong female leads like Nariko and Kai from Heavenly Sword, All the female protagonists in the persona games, and various other jrpgs. plus black guys like emmet graves from starhawk, a Black Woman main character in the exclusive Assassin's Creed game on the Vita. And a main character and strong protaganist Kat in another vita game Gravity Rush. These characters are great and the games were not made "casual" by any stretch...and hence remain core.

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@GasparNolasco How quickly people forget the black main protagonist in Starhawk - Emmet Graves (oh yeah the game didn't sell that well in the US because of the majority xbox owners...sad... it was a great PS3 game!) Also there is the black guy from Prototype 2 (another good game that got abysmal sales), and the main character in the highest selling GTA game San Andreas..

But you are right there has been a lot of brown haired , or more like bald headed marine types in games this last gen. Which is why Japanese games are usually great as their characters actually have actual hair. its almost as if the western devs find it too hard to do anything besides a buzzcut marine crop.

As for the women thing, I know my wife is addicted to bejeweled, candy crush and a boat load of other facebook games... but when I try to get her involved in ps3 gaming she doesn't want to. Besides the stray tetris or price is right family night game she hasn't been on it since 2010! It seems most females are like this , and only a select few are not (most I have only met working in gamestop, never in real life).

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@SergioMX @enoslives7 @MattPS2X I can't understand how many morons can't understand this simple concept. They would also be the frist to complain if they added a cell chip in addtion and the console cost $600... like last gen... Again morons. It's a seperate artchetecture.. PCs can't even emulate ps3... its not possible. And we are talking about a x86-64 cpu vs a hybrid cell which is so out of left field it would need to be done game by game and even then it wouldn't work.... wake up fools.

Sony not doing bc is fine... Play your ps3 games on your ps3... If you have ps3 games to play you would have one anyway... you don't need to sell it. I also wonder if the people are kids who need to sell their console to get a new one. Its stupid to sell consoles as you get ripped the hell off and get little return. TVs have multiple hdmi ports and you can hide systems in tv racks etc..

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@M-S-M-S Funny how DS3 was being sponsored a lot by MS. All the ads everywhere with that blasted phil collins song(wtf was that about anyway) showed the 360 logo at the end. It was most likely a way to get gears fans wanting it..as DS2 had PS3 exclusive content. EA, probably pushed for it know who was sponsoring the ads. Just a though... (probably not the case, but something I observed).

At any rate, I am getting so sick and tired of devs selling out (it's mostly EA published devs too..btw.. Bioware ring a bell?