Midnightshade29's comments

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Edited By Midnightshade29

@Absalomx what? Dekard cain is an old man and his voice acting is perfect ... its the same as it was in D2, what you wanted them to change the voice actor? That makes so much sense../sarcasm

As for the game being short BS... I got the game on launch and am on level 22 for my wizard main. Level 22 and some 18 hours in on just this one class, not to mention the other characters I have started. Thats not short at all. Considering I am on normal and have 3 more play thorughs.

Sure healthpots aren't used much in the begining but they do need to be used. I have died a few times because there is a 30sec cooldown on health pots. I highly doubt you beat the game without using any health pots.

I don't get how people are bashing this game. And saying its short. Unless act 3 and 4 (which I am not at yet) is only a fraction of the size of act 1 and 2, than the game is not short. Some of you already on Inferno, must not have much going on in real life. I try to get in an hour or so a night, when I can, how are you guys on inferno. Maybe its because I am playing single player...don't know.

Most console games are at most 6-10 hours (call of dog crap is only 4 hours long) ..yet diablo3 is at least 30 hours to beat on one difficulty if you play solo, not rushing it (maybe faster to beat if multiplayer?) Thats 30+ horus for 1 character class, there is 5 and 3 difficulty levels that change the game up.

I even saw one dude post complaining it was short and he wanted a refund after playing it for 160 hours! 160 hours... again most games today are under 12 hours. The guy definatly got his money worth. Some people, especially on the internet are entitled spoiled whiners who don't know jack. I hate how gamers have become so entitled over the last few years.. its sickening. Been gaming since the beginning and it was never like this before.

People have too much time on their hands if they think this is short. It's not. It's a great game and I am glad it finally came out. Now back to playing my epic wizard and blasting some demons away.

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Edited By Midnightshade29

Don';t undestand the score. Review had only good points, only negative was the server maintanence. How does that take off a whole 1.5 points when so much is good. If this was a Halo or Cod GS would of gave it a 9+ you know they would. They have to get their advertising money somehow... lol

Bottom line is D3 is an amazing and addictive game, well worth your money. I just hope I'm not a senior when D4 comes out...

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Edited By Midnightshade29

Will my Packard Bell - Cyrix M2 -266mhz with voodoo 5500 card and 256mb sdram run this damn game? I sure hope so. You see that's the computer I originally played Dialbo 2 on, and well I haven't upgraded since... I have been waiting that long. I just figured you know.... we would of got the game a few years after diablo 2... Man I have aged 11 years since then..Everyone is waggling fancy smancy multi-cpu's ... I knew i should of got me that pentium pro 300mhz when I had the chance...damn!!! hehe...in all seriousness My core2duo 2.66ghz and geforce 9800gt (which isn't ancient GS, I got it 2 years ago to replace my fried 8800gts...) Still runs everything on PC just fine. Almost all new games I have been able to max. Until a game actually requires me to upgrade to play at mid range settings, i will wait. No need to buy new hardware for 5-10 extra fps... Besides I am still sporting windows XP ... Not giving M$ a dime...sorry, won't do it. And windows 8 can go suck it! They are trying to get pc gamers to pay for Online gaming again....when will they stop?

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Edited By Midnightshade29

Why would you buy one of these for a few seconds faster read/write when you can get a 1 terrabyte drive for your ps3 for around $100 .....more space == better in this case. Hell I upgraded my 40gb ps3 to a 320gb last year and only have around 70gb left... i give it a year and I will need a new one.. Thankfully external usb drives work too!