Midnightshade29's comments

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@SeverdSeouL Its funny that you are bashing fox news but the ones trying to push this through (Biden and Obama) are Democrats, who fox news doesn't side with.... Gun control and taxing violent video games and movies is not the answer... the answer is that PARENTS NEED TO RAISE THEIR KIDS RIGHT.

This wouldn't be a problem if they spent time with their kids, and didn't let them run loose on the streets so they can have free time to get busy with each other... its pathetic how many young kids I see on the streets with no parental supervision.

A good parent will spend time with their kids and be involved in their lives. Talking about everything, so they are well informed and love them so they don't get this attitude of violence.

I have 2 kids(ageed 10 and 8) and let them play some violent games with me. Its fine because I explain that things aren't real. They know the difference between right and wrong and I am always there while we play. Not every game I would let them play but some are fine. Again if you are a good parent that pays attention to your kid and doesn't pawn it off on someone else then these problems won't exist.

I have seen some parents that have the older siblings watch the younger ones...so they don't have to ... this is bad because the older siblings are may be at the stage of life learning about drugs and sex, and will be rebelous, this will rub off on these kids too as the older siblings are not parents.

Back in the day when it didn't require both parents to work this wasn't a problem either... but things have gotten so expensive in the last 3 decades due to inflation and wages that don't rise...well both parents have to work. When the cost of house alone is one persons monthly paychecks then there is a problem.

///end rant

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@chibi-acer @Nickolaz666 @maddog123 keep your ps3... I am. I own multiple tvs for my house, or I can keep both under my 60in. Plus Sony is using a new archtechrutre, to make it easier to deveolpe for. They would have to include the cell and rsx in the ps4 which would raise the price up at least $150. If you want a cheaper console you will need to keep your old one.

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@VGamesrule Your a racist prick... What type of comment is that last line? Really? You obviously don't know that Sony employees more non japanese people then japanese. Did you watch the ps4 announcment (of course you didn't) , not a single persion there was japanese besides square enix and capcom.. Sony has more first party deveolpers in North America and Europe then in JP.. Your ignorance is astounding. Seriously.

I am an American but will never buy the rip of M$ crap console that makes you pay for things that should be free and puts ads in your face. PS+ gives free games, and lots of them every week. Its the best damn gaming console (besides the PC!) And just so oyu know, M$ doesn't produce its xbox in America, its done in China in sweathshops...

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@fanboy999 exactly why you should buy a ps4.... PC/ PS4 == combo for next gen! :)

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Edited By Midnightshade29

@keysnsamples @vhalan53

Why not just buy a ps4 and support a company that wants your business and will not make you go through bs, and will supply a stronger 1st party lineup of core games as well as super strong 3rd party support? Go ahead mod the 720 but it seems like a wasted effort.

PS4 and PC is the combo for next gen and many of you need to realize this.

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@st4rg810 What you don't realize is they don't care about you. They want Soccor moms and little kids, and mainstream America... The target for kinect... When has ms cared about the core in the last 3 years?

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Edited By Midnightshade29

@stev69 @zephyrx50 you know they will.... with all the crap ms made them go through this gen with rrod, no 1st party core games for the last 3 years, pay to play online, advertisments on the ui. Kinect and justin beiber... ugly green game cases....non rechargable controllers, proprietary hard drive , no blu-ray...

Yet in America at least people are fools. (i live there, I can say it. ) They will buy what ever is promoted on tv the most or is cheapest. Its sad. Then they see their friends buying this crap and they think they need too. Peer pressure runs rampant and no one but the brightest think for themselves... sad but true.

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@BraollusBeBack @stev69 @VelvetKevorkian 360 fans have been "taking it"... all gen... with the pay to play multiplayer, lack of core games for 3 years, focus on kinect and justin beaber bs... focus only where the money is.

Meanwhile sony has been giving online for free, no pay wall. Offering a pay service that gives to the consomer not unlocks something that is free everywhere else.. gives free games, hell I got a Free $1 gift in my mail box 3 weeks ago just for being a loyal customer, what does ms give you 3 cents on your birthday ...lol. You also get $10 back for every $50 you spend on the store every few months... its great! You guys really need to check out the psn and all the great stuff that has been happening, and maybe everyone on here complaining wouldn't be so upset. There is a bright future out there for gaming, it just isn't with MS.... never has been. They went down hill once Balmer became CEO.

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@kljhkll which wouldn't be a bad thing. MS has made nothing but crap kinect bs the last 3 years while sony dishes out core game after core game. So let it happen... the ps2 had an incredible library!

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@SavoyPrime Good!

ITs about time you people return to the Sony fold... The company has shown all gen how devoted they have been to core gamers and yet so many of you 360 fans never even attempted to give the ps3 a chance... especially in the states. it never made any sense to me. Was the lure of halo (a crappy game to me.... ) so important? Io don't get it.