Midnightshade29's comments

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@Aidemus MS pays gamepsot or a fanboy made the video.. He isn't even accurate... Direct x and Opengl can do the same damn thing. PC games used to be made with opengl back in the doom quake era.

2ndly... the ps4 has better specs better gpu and better ram,, and more of it for games to use. Plus the whole used game thing wsn't even brough up...i wonder why? Bs spin... Why are certian media coverage being bias again?

Here's a rundown on the ps4 gpu and ram differences with the xbone

Clock speed isn't slower its the same... the thing that is different is that the gpu in the PS4 has 18 compute units and 32 rops..with 1200 shader units... its the equivalent of a 7870 gpu (what i am using in my pc right now).

The xbox gpu, same hardware is a lesser version... it only uses 12 compute units, 16 rops and 768 shader units... Andandtech rated it as 50% less preformance than the PS4.

Plus there is the fact that the 3 os's on xbone take 3gb of the slow speed ddr3 , while Sony''s high speed ddr 5 is only going to take 1gb for the os. Thats 7gb of high speed sharable ram for games vs 5gb of slow speed ram for xbox... 167gb/s vs 68gb/s memory speed due to the ddr5 and ddr thing.

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@Clownbabby @Mimster22 Clock speed isn't slower its the same... the thing that is different is that the gpu in the PS4 has 18 compute units and 32 rops..with 1200 shader units... its the equivalent of a 7870 gpu (what i am using in my pc right now).

The xbox gpu, same hardware is a lesser version... it only uses 12 compute units, 16 rops and 768 shader units... Andandtech rated it as 50% less preformance than the PS4.

Plus there is the fact that the 3 os's on xbone take 3gb of the slow speed ddr3 , while Sony''s high speed ddr 5 is only going to take 1gb for the os. Thats 7gb of high speed sharable ram for games vs 5gb of slow speed ram for xbox... 167gb/s vs 68gb/s memory speed due to the ddr5 and ddr thing.

So yeah sony is way ahead in specs!

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@innocent69 You can't no dvr functionality... 2nd hard drive isn't replacable... have fun with no bluetooth either so all headsets won't work..all your voice chat will go through open air through kinect like the wii did...lol

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@c_teb @punkdsk8erdude @smackdowner360 thats a bunch of bullcrap pr spin... Cloud performance.. The cloud can store games or play them on a server but it doesn't take the place of internal specs.. not to mention the fact that xbox 1st party makes the same 3 franches for the last 4 years now...Halo, fable and forza... and kinect bs. Have fun with paying a fee for online, a fee to sell your game, a fee to do this , I hope you like being taxed.... Morinic how anyone would want that.. I just don't get it. It boggles my mind.

Xbox will kill gaming collections... all they will have to do is kill their servers and bam no more games. Have fun playing xbone games in 10 years when there is no more server support for it. I can still play my nes, tg-16, genesis, ps1, ps2 games fine... it won't be like that with ms approch. They don't give a rats arse about gamers, only money by taking a chunk out of each game sold used on their own marketplace where they get the money..driving prices up... Its all about greed with ms and you people are so blind not to see it.

/end rant.

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I can't believe there are poepl on here defending Microsoft for the stuff they are pulling... If Sony was doing what MS anounced everyone the media and everyone would be lynching them.

Have fun with having to pay a fee to sell your game.. have fun always being connected..sim city ring a bell. Have fun with worse GPU, less ram (5gb avaible vs 7gb ) and slower ram on xbox.. Have fun with TV, TV, TV, SPorts, TV, TV, Integration, TV, TV, COd, DOGs, TV, TV...etc...

Sony was all about the games...but true fanboys, still want to get ripped off by online fees and crappy fps and kinect games... I will be buying the ps4 day 1... the console that focuses on games, gamers and developers... not doritos, advertisinments, ripping people off by ruining the used game market, and stupid motion camera gimmicks...

You people who buy the xbox are going to ruin the industry!

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@lpool8 get educated... no one sells guns in the supermarket. Guns are sold in gun stores to people without criminal history... Guns are also sold on the black market You take away a person who hasn't commitd a crimes right to have guns...guess what.. only the criminals will have them as they get them not from the gun store but from the black market on the street. Illegally, because they are unregistered usually.

I hope you like having your home invaded by gangsters with no fear. Because that is what would happen regularly if guns were banned in the states. Criminals would know in advance that there is no guns in the house. They would storm in with no fear of being shot back at. Rape your wife and daughter, kill your son and beat you up so bad you can't walk, meanwhile all your possessions are removed... Have fun with that, because it could happen if guns are made illegal Guns don't kill people, its crazy people and criminals who pull the trigger on people. They don't usually get their guns from the gun store that makes them wait for a criminal background check...

Like I said , get educated!

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@Jager5 @JRLennis which is why they want to take guns and freedoms away even more. So we are powerless.. and the media spreads their propaganda and the dumb arse sheep believe it because they are popular and televised... its sickening how so few Americans actually know what the hell is going on.

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@Meta_Dragon You are wrong...Biden OBama will use anything like this as an excuss to tax the people. It has nothing to do with religion. They want to use this stuff to take guns away from the people and tax the sh#t out of us... with no guns they can do it more and we can't fight back. Yet the cirminals would still have them on the black market. I won't even get into that aspect. But taxing violent video games is against freedom of speech, and the fact that BIden/OB is for this is sicking... but I bet you won't bring that up will you?

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@Meta_Dragon How about stop blaming religion you athiest, and start by saying no taxes... You are ok with taxing video games, and would like them to tax books and the bible too. You are messed up man. Seriously. n/ice how you just agree with this plan because its endorsed by obama/biden...

How about second guessing your stance on them. and not dwelling on religion which this article isn't even about. Its about taxing us for violent media something the Obama biden camp would love to do as they want to tax us on everything. We need less taxs and less freedoms taken away. Not more....

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@iempire68 whats messed up is all the fools commenting about religion ... yet they aren't bringing up the fact of who is pushing this crap Biden and the Obama administration.. Same thing with the media.. they are in bed with Obama. He could push this law out and the media would praise it... and many here would be brainwashed thinking obama is always right.

People need to think for themselves and not rely on the media to tell them everything. Obama/Biden want to take our freedoms away and tax the hell out of us. That is something everyone should be against.