That was a long time ago, multiple generations ago...two wrongs don't make a right... it's 2015.... we should all be united as a nation instead of bickering about race...
NEOGAF.... they are (or at least their moderators and most of the vocal forumites) militant communist sympathizers who find offense in everything and anything... They support censorship, Orwellian-style, want the internet shut down from criticizing anyone who doesn't support their views, and are against having a good laugh unless it's in their deranged hateful rhetoric that goes against common sense.
@slappy54: Really? he does... I wouldn't think anyone with any common sense would believe that femos' lies... and warped sense of "reality" ... "it's the patriarchy!... kill all the men.." lol... wtf... Sad if Druckman really does support that cult.
The only place that cares about something like this is the echo chamber of "social justice" activists known as neogaf...
Let me explain what that hell hole has become in case any of you happen to still think it's a gaming focused site. It's not it turned into a cultural cesspit of degeneracy and censorship for anyone who speaks commons sense, and lives in reality....
Anyone who is fed up of PC - "safe space", agenda ridden culture that has become in the past 3 years ...avoid neo gaf like the plague... the home of the SJW!
the forum that used to have some freedom of discussion is now full of hive minded cry-bullies, feminazis, and communist sympathizers, who hate everyone and everything that is deemed normal. It's like they are adults living at home rebelling against their parents in insane ways.... ughhh....
You can't even speak a view without being banned over there unless it follows the ultra radical commie-femi- agenda.... It's gross... Those people worship Anita Sarkeseein, hate games , hate gamers and anyone who doesn't follow their narrative.
Speak common sense ... banned. Say anything Conservative... banned. Stick up for developers ... banned. Stick up for Freedom of Speech ... banned. Stick up for Gamers ... banned. Stick up for the constitution of the USA.... banned. Stick up for your country not wanting to be invaded by terrorists.... banned.... Speak out against censorship.... banned. Like boobs... banned.
They don't call that place the hive mind, echo chamber for nothing.
Really? Sorry but this series originated on PlayStation.... Demons Souls. PC is great and all and been playing on it since the early 80s.... but after working on a PC all day at my job, the last thing I want to do is game on a pc for hours at night. Thats why console is great and it's great to have both. Both have games that suit it better. This style is more for console, for me anyway.
@David Chad Wilson I can because you know they will get a "pa$$" like always from sites like this.. on things that these same sites critizes the competition for.
I don't go by reviews as I disagree so much with them, but it bugs me that other people do. Thankfully other sites have rated kz:Sf 8's and 9s except for polygon the ms shill
Actually it's really not the same as a QTE, there are parts where u have full control of ur character, and u do running and cover takedowns and such, u are in control and choose a lot of the time.
All the haters need to shut the f up and play the game before dismissing... Ugh.
Midnightshade29's comments