@Saladudo: Even the name "Progressive" is insulting. "If you don't believe in our ideology you aren't for progress" ... what nonsense. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Progressivism now seems to be promoting marxism via hug boxes (aka neogaf style) where everyone must think the same.
What about intellectual diversity of thought and artistic freedom? Oh thats not allowed..someone may say something controversial and assault (feminist term for disagree) with someone over something.
Listen and Belive....
screw that I make up my own mind as an individual not a collective.
@jeepguy16: Ironically when they do diversity for diversities sake they cause discrimination and breed resentments... Positive discrimination is bad. And there is nothing wrong with being caucasion, straight and Christian, no matter what these people say. Why do they hate people? I just don't get it. There is nothing wrong with having different background characters in a game as long as it makes total sense, ala san andreas, tomb raider, star hawk..etc... Puting black people in a game about medieval Poland is just dumb and would ruin the story as much as putting a white or asian guy in 100 BC Africa.
Are all these people brainwashed? I just don't get it. It's like they all got put on some crazy hypnosis or mental illness drug. Stop forcing diversity for diversity's sake. If it makes sense for the character fine... but quota agendas are bullshit!
Imagine if San andreas had a posse of characters that was black, white, asian, latino and a muslim woman...it wouldn't make any sense what so ever and would make the story cringe worthy disney channel bad!
Or imagine if a game set in medieval England had asians and american indians as the main characters armored up in horseback... ugggh...so sick of the regressive left!!!!
I want video games to go back to being non-political!! Many games had different races, sexes and it has been fine, who cares as long as the story is good. The problem is now they force feed it and the characters say "hey look at me, I am this race, sex, etc..." that is not how people in the real world express themselves. I don't go up to a doctor and say "wow you are an Indian Woman...so progressive are you".... cringe worthy...
This is only going to force your audience away. Don't these tech companies see that? Or is it that they are so entrenched in San Francisco marxist rhetoric that they don't care? And why hate on white people from European decent?
Identity politics are destroying everything. Equal opportunity is great, but forced positive discrimination is wrong, and is basically communism.
Next they will be taking out guns and everything will be walking simulators where you have to interact with lesbians just so they can virtue signal "how progressive they are in 2016".... Can't have guns, men (and especially right wing christian individualist men) like them too much...
Whelp.... time to put on my boycott list. Tired of SJW bullshit and now naughty dog is infected. All you tech companies with your "Regressive" anti-free thought agendas need to stop. You will have no customers left. People are tired of this shit! Stop with your virtue signalling bull.
@musalala: while that could be a good idea, the term poc is a regressive term used by safe space social justice morons in this crazy agenda to divide and counqer, so individuals don't group up as nations. The more divided the more control they can have and the fleecing of citizens and rights are taken away.
Why must all people of different nationalities be grouped together by skin tone? That in itself is racist and creates a us vs them mentality and breed resentment. In my eyes, there is no difference between saying people of color or colored people... same shit different era... and it's insanity.
@dynamitecop: Well Said. I may disagree with you in system wars, haha... but on this subject we are on the exact same page, and these people are seriously pissing me off. I am so glad I am in my 30s and not in college or I would of been kicked out for speaking up to these crazies. I just hope this ends soon as I don't want my kids exposed to these wacko sjw/feminist/extreme communist leftests.
What needs to go is games media run in ultra leftist san fransisco. Where they preach bullshit straight out of a post modern pseudo science gender studiea course. Most gamers dont want politics in their games media or games or being told how to think.
Some of us have backbones and wont white night these crazy social justice bullshit trend. I love sexy armor and big busty and big butt women... why is this a problem? You say it doesnt represent real life but guess what... this is gaming its not supposed to unless thats what the dev was going for. I love fantasy art from the 70s and 80s
.. highly stylized and amazing to look at. I guess you people would call me a "mysoginst" ( a word.i.didnt even know.existed ) for that... what i say " then so be it! Your blame and shame means nothing to me". My wife is large breasted, so your theories on that real world wwomen dont.have large breasts is bullshit too!
Midnightshade29's comments