and maybe (hopefully this year) Final Fantasy 10 / 10-2
There was a ton of great vita games, those are the ones I remember. As for 3ds it had some great titles in the spring
Fire Emblem, Etarian Odyssey 4, SMT4, and a sub-par Castlevania,
but other than those there has been nothing I am looking forward to, as animal crossing, pokemon are not really my thing.. .So i feel the vita has had way more games out this year.
@Wesleypipes777 - its not on the xbox so what do you expect? This site has been a biased site since the 360 came out... PC and PS3 get shafted on video reviews all the time, and if its a multiplat game the xbox version gets the video... all versions links will go to that version... and notice which machine is the first in the list at the top nav this isnt surprising... messed up sure but not surprising.
As for the game, it needs work, the first tutorial didn't trigger my troops getting to the other units area and it failed me. The camapaign tutorial frooze on ai's turn.. I haven't played much since the patch but will soon. Hopefully things are fixed so I can actually enjoy the game.
Because the site is extremely biased in favor of xbox.
Whats first on the, when "X" comes after "N" and "P" yeah... no one likes when I say that though, but think about it for a second. And this bs site also gives great PS games like Last of US a game that has like 50+ Perfect 10's a 8.0 (just for hits and because mcshay is a arse!)
Also almost every review is done on the 360 on this site, they don't even try to hide the bias.... its frustrating and bs!
that and kingdom hearts 1.5 Hd remix, Dragons Crown (cross play with vita) , and Final Fantasy X, and X-2 hd collection (again cross play with vita :) ) Plus the 3-4 NIS exclusive Jrpgs that come out and tales of Symphonia 1 and 2 hd collection , and tales of Xillia 2 and FF13 -3 next year. PS3 is the go to console for sure.
@thomanji Should go with a playstation, there are sales everyweek not just once a summer. and with PS+ its massive discounts and free games every week.
Not to mention games like Cod black ops, cod modern warfare 2, Halo ODST all with 4-6 hour crap single player modes. getting 9.0+ but Last of us (and infamous 2 ) a 25+ hour masterpiece that got over 40 some 10/10 reviews by top sites around the globe getting a 8.0. Its crazy.
I am willing to bet if this was a Microsoft 360 exclusive they would be giving it editors choice 10/10, game of the gen and would be showering it with praise. I have been saying this for years. Gamespot is biased. Just look at the top navigation menu. You would think it would be in alphabetical order with PC | PS3 | Xbox360 , but no, they put xbox 1st.. .so that should already tell you how this site is. then every multiplatform game video review automatically goes to the 360 version page, even if you were on the ps3 page for the game... It's been like this since the management changed in 2006-7.. /end rant..
Bottom line the last of us is a single player masterpiece, and I only recently tried the multiplayer which is some of the most unique and compelling mp I have ever played!
Why don't you write an article like this for games like Halo or Cod, that you people always give 9+ to no matter what? Oh right, your marketing ad money prevents such things from happening.. Where is the woman master chief? Where is the women soldiers in Cod? But no you will praise those games for doing the same thing after countless yearly sequels, and give them good scores with their measly 6 hour campaigns...yet a Sony game, made by Naughty Dog , puts out a 27 hour (that's my first play though time) masterpiece, and you fools give it a lower score than it deserved. And write baseless flame bait articles for hits. This site is turning me off big time.
I want to see the same level of criticism on the next halo and cod games.. Basing off all the spin you guys put at the last of us COD should be scoring a 4.0. Will it happen, hell need your advertising dollars... I bet if this was a Microsoft exclusive you guys wouldn't be scoring it low (it scored 10/10 everywhere and got a 8.0 here...) and you wouldn't be trying to find problems in a masterpiece game that has very little flaws.
Also why do you women think all games need stories with women as the protagonists? Why does it bother you that Joel is a male, and is white? This is the story that was written , if you want a story about a black chick then write a script, start your own game company and get investors to fund it(well there was a black woman antagonist - Marlene, and a black joel and ellie like people in Henry and Sam in the game). Bottom line is most people aren't looking into these non-issues. They are enjoying the great gameplay and narrative. You are looking for problems that don't exist. The last of us is a masterpiece on ALL levels..
The free games on Xbox are for 360 only and stop at xbone launch time. Plus the games are 7 years old. Ps plus gives 4 games per month that came out in the last year. They just put out dues ex hr, sleeping dogs, saints row the 3rd , xcom,in the last a vita game a month. I have gotten over $2000 worth of games and discounts since I started plus started a year ago
Midnightshade29's comments