Yep...I got my third term report card today...and it's AWETHUM in my opinion. I just kinda wanna say how I did and then talk about my day. :P's my grades:
Conduct- A (it stayed the same as last time which I'm glad about.)
Physical Education- A (also stayed the same as the last term which I'm glad about.)
Declamation- A (I'm a little disappointed about this one cuz last term I got an A+ but it's still an AWETHUM grade and it's a 4.0 GPA...if that gets factored into my overall GPA but I don't think it does. But still...I'll take it and I'm gonna shoot for another A+ in Declamation for forth term. :D )
Band- A (it also stayed the same as the last term and I'm happy about that grade.)
Italian- A+ (I'm really proud of this grade...even though it is just Italian class and Italian is a really easy subject...c'mon, it's an A+, I think I have the right to be proud of that. :P )
Algebra- A (I'm so happy about this grade cuz I tried so hard to bring this one up and last term it was a B+ so...yeah...I'm glad I brought it up a lot. :D )
ELA- A- (I'm a little disappointed about this grade cuz well...I had an A in it last term so it kinda went down a little but I guess it's okay...nothing major...I just haveta try a little harder I guess. But still, an A- is a good grade. )
History- A- (I'm so glad about this grade cuz I absolutely suck at History and it's my worst subject in my opinion. I actually can't believe that I managed to maintain that A- that I had from last term. :P )
Latin- B+ (Well...I'm glad that I managed to bring this grade up from a B to a B+ which I think is good considering how hard Latin can be at times. But...this was the only grade that I got a B in and it's so fustrating cuz I was one grade away from Approbation With Distinction. :P But...ah's a good grade and at least I managed Approbation. )
So...those are all my grades. Overall...I'm happy with all of them. :D I woulda loved to get straight A's but I still got Approbation which is honors. :D That's pretty hard to do at my school. And besides, Boston Latin School is such a hard and advanced school so trust me...I'd be getting straight A's easily at a normal school, not to brag or anything but it's the truth. Well...I can't wait to tell my dad about my grades. :D
Now getting onto my day... :P It was pretty good and normal. Even though it was Day 3 I only had Latin and Italian homework when I got home which was easy and I already did it all. I don't have much to really say about my school day... :P One thing that I'm so glad about though is that the weather's finally nice again. :D It's pretty warm out in my opinion and the sun is out and it's not raining anymore. :D It's kinda wierd was raining for like three days straight and it was the worst on yesterday which was the Ides Of March (or March 15th for those of you who haven't read Julius Caesar yet... :P ) and that was the day that the Soothsayer told Caesar to "Beware the Ides Of March" which was just warning him about the conspiracy and getting killed and stuff. And then the next stops raining. :P Ah well...I'm not gonna complain about it. :P
I'm gonna go to the park later.....actually...probably when I'm done typing this blog. :P It's just that for the past few days since I haven't been able to go outside I've just had all this evil troublemaking energy and I haven't had anything to do to kinda get rid of it all. :P So...going to the park will probably...hopefully...get rid of most of that energy...probably not all of it though...I always have some evil troublemaking energy unless I'm dead tired or sleeping. :P I can't wait to go to the park now...I should just end this blog... :P I wanna go and get dirty again. :P
I don't have much else to say and I really wanna end this blog so I can go to the park... :P If you ask nicely I'll tell you how it went and if you never hear from me again and I never come on this site ever again...either my mom killed me or I got beat up by some random bully and I'm in the emergency room hooked up to a bajillion machines. :P But...I doubt that'll happen. :P And this is random but do any of you know how to graph asypmtotes? We're learning how to in Algebra and it's really easy and AWETHUM. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25 (who you'll hopefully hear from again in about an hour or two... :P )
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