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MightyBFan25 Blog

I Can't Come Up With A Title For This Blog... :P

Sorry...I can't come up with a title for this blog so my excuse is the title of this blog. :P I just wanna talk about my day and hopefully not bore you all to death. :P

My day's been pretty good so far. It was pretty unproductive...all I did was sleep, watch TV, play video games, go online...and go to WalMart to pick out some AWETHUM Bakugan that I'm not gonna get till Easter. :P I want Easter to be here so badly but it isn't at the moment...wish it was though. :P Today the weather is pretty nice so I went to the park toplay in the mud and get absolutely filthy. :P It was fun but then I had to take a shower and at the moment I feel way too clean and my hair looks way too nice...which I don't like too much. :P Ah well...I can mess up my hair all I want when I'm done typing this. :P So far I haven't done much else. :P I have this feeling that I'm gonna get some evil prank played on me later...ah well...I don't care too much and it'll probably be funny and I always play a bajillion evil pranks on everyone I know. :P If that does happen I'll tell you what happened and how that went. :P I'm probably gonna play my Pokemon Emerald game for a few hours later cuz I'm been addicted to it all week and I've gotten all 8 gym badges and I'm going to Ever Grande City next. :D :P I don't really have much else to say. :P

This blog is pretty short...I really didn't have much to say. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25 (who by the way is now very paranoid and just wants a prank played on her to get it over with... :P )

It's Finally The Weekend So I Can Finally Do Nothing... :P

Yeah...I'm just so glad that it's the weekend and I can finally do nothing. :P Even though this week was relatively easy for just seemed to take forever to go by. :P I just wanna talk about my day and then a few things that I plan to do this weekend... :P

My day was pretty good. It was a Day 4 at BLS so I had two studies along with all my regular classes which are: Italian, History, ELA, Latin, and Math. I didn't have any homework when I got home cuz I managed to do it all in my studies which is good. :D I actually did it all in my second period study so I had nothing to do in my sixth period study so I was talking to my friends about the movie Les Miserables and we kinda got into this huge argument about Fantine. All my friends said that she's just stupid and a prostitute who can't do anything right and well...I completely disagreed with that and I kinda felt bad for Fantine in the book and stood up for her and I actually won that argument cuz I'm a really good debater and I have a bunch of reasons for thinking what I think usually. :P So...just a warning: NEVER get into an intellectual conversation with me and then try to have an opinion that differs from mine and try to force it upon me. :twisted: :P It won't work...EVER!!! :twisted: :P But then my day ended and I went home and then my dad picked me up and now I'm at my dad's place. :D I'm probably not gonna do much else tonight...just relax and play some games. :P

PLEASE READ THIS PART: Just wondering but did any of you peoples also get this PM thingy from The TV.COM Comminuty Advisory Board asking you to give the person your name and email address so they can get your input for ideas for future changes to the site or something like that? If none of you peoples got it...well...I think I'll just ignore it cuz I don't haveta and it could be something stupid to get me in trouble. But if at least one or two other people got that PM I might do it. But...I dunno yet... :P

I don't have too many plans for this weekend except to sleep, go online, and watch TV and play video games. :P The only thing is that I'm gonna go to WalMart tomorrow morning to pick out some Bakugan that I'm not gonna get until Easter. :P I'll probably get some B3's cuz they're more powerful that B2's and obviously B1's as well. :P I already wanna get them but I'll just haveta wait... :P Or I could get a sub-set of B2 Bakugan like some B2 Pearl Bakugan...that'd be cool as well. Ah well...I'll make up my mind soon probably. :P

I don't have much else to say. :P I have this random urge to get filthy and make a I normally do. :P Ah's kinda late...I'll just haveta do that tomorrow. :P Hopefully the weather will be nice tomorrow so I can go to the park and play in the mud...that'll be fun. :P And I'm not mentally insane brain functions fine...actually better than most kids my age probably...I mean...c'mon...I can graph quadratic and exponential functions on a TI-83 graphing calculator and find the Vertex and Zeros. :P How many eigth graders can do that? :P I just lack common sense and I'm a tom-boy. :P Well...I'm looking forward to that tomorrow. :P Aw crap...I was just drinking some Dr. Pepper and I spilled some on my shirt. :P Ah well...I don't care too much...I'm not a neat-freak, I don't care how I look, I'm not self-concious and I can change my shirt whenever the heck I wanna. :P At least I'm not at my mom's place where if she found out about that I'd haveta immediately change my shirt...probably take a shower...and my shirt would get put in a heavy-duty washing machine. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

Nothing Exciting Happened Today But I'm Just Making This Blog Because I Wanna...

Lately nothing's been going on in my life that's too important so I haven't really felt the need to bore you all with another one of my ridiculously long blogs. :P And I don't have much to talk about today but I'll just talk about my day cuz I'm bored and have no life outside of school. :P

My day was pretty good today. Nothing too special really happened that I know of. :P It was just a normal Day 3 so I had Health class and a study along with all my normal classes. I didn't have much homework when I got home...just Italian which only took me about 30 minutes which is no big deal...just a few exercises in the workbook. I don't have much else to say about my school day really... :P

Today my mom got home early from work because she always comes home early on Thursdays cuz she has to pick up my little brother from school and then she comes home a little before I get home at around 3. (yeah...that is kinda late I guess but I live kinda far away from my school so it's about a 45 minute train ride home on the MBTA.) And when I got home I changed into my shorts and a hoodie cuz I wanted to and the weather was really nice outside so I decided I'd do my homework on the porch but my mom was kinda reluctant to cuzshe said that the way I dress is not how "a proper young lady is supposed to dress up". Please...that's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard except one of my friends asking me if George Washington was a Native American. :P But honestly...there's not a law that says I haveta dress up all nice and stuff and it doesn't say that I haveta in the U.S Constitution so I don't really care. :P But eventually my mom let my outside even though she though I looked stupid. :P But I don't care...I'm not self-concious at all really. So I did my homework and then I went back inside. When I'm done typing this blog I think I'm gonna go to the park cuz the weather is really nice and I haven't gone to the park to get filthy for almost a whole week...which for me is like an eternity. :P It's just cuz I've been too caught up playing video games lately though... :P Ah well...I don't have much else to say. :P

That's about it for this blog. :P Hopefully this isn't ridiculously long like most of my blogs. :P I wanna go to the park now... :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

The Weather's Been Near-Perfect All Weekend...

The title is correct...which I'm so glad about! :D The weather where I live has been near-perfect all weekend. It's been about 70 degrees farenheit, pretty sunny outside, and kinda windy...which to me is like perfect weather. I kinda forgot to make a blog yesterday but I was taking advantage of the AWETHUM weatherand by the time I got home I was too lazy to do anything like type a blog. :P I didn't really do anything yesterday...just what I'd normally do on a Saturday when the weather's almost perfect. :P Other than that I just slept, watched TV, went online, and played video games. :P Nothing really exciting to type about. :P I wanna talk about my day so far which has been AWETHUM...

Today I slept until about 8:30 which was good cuz I need a lot of sleep on the weekends cuz I never seem to get enough sleep during the week. :P Then I helped my dad with some yard work cuz during the spring and summer we like to spend some time in the backyard. It didn't take too long really...we just mainly had to rake up and throw away all the leaves in the backyard from the fall cuz there's a tree in our backyard. And then we just had to clean some of the chairs and tables we have in the backyard. It didn't take too long...about an hour and a half. I actually kinda liked doing it cuz it was dirty work so I got to be outside and get kinda dirty. :P Now...I woulda taken a shower after that but I wasn't really that dirty and I had to help my dad cook dinner for later today so it woulda been stupid to take a shower and then help cook cuz I'd just get dirty again and haveta take another shower. So...I helped cook dinner and while that was cooking I decided that I'd go to the park and then take a shower. So then I went to the park and got dirty and then I came back and took a that time I felt like I needed to take one. :P I haven't done much else today so far though. All I've done other than that is watch TV and go online...and play video games. :P

I just wanna say one more thing. I've been kinda addicted to my Pokemon Emerald game for Game Boy Advance for the last few days so I've been playing it on my Nintendo DS and I've been doing pretty good. Right now I'm at Dewford Town training my Pokemon in that cave cuz it's a really good training spot. I have 2 gym badges already and I already delevered that letter to Steven. And I have 4 Pokemon at the moment. A level 21 Grovyle, a level 21 Linoone, a level 17 Aron, and a level 8 Abra. I'm gonna train all my Pokemon in the cave until they get to level 21. Abra will be hard to train until it evolves but after that it's the AWETHUMEST Pokemon ever...or at least one of the AWETHUMEST Pokemon. :P I'm gonna play that game after I'm done typing up this blog. :P

I don't have much else to say. :P I wanna go play my Pokemon game... :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

How My Day Was/What's Been Going On At My Mom's Place For The Past Few Days...

As the title this blog I wanna talk about how my day was and what's been going on at my mom's place for the last few days. I'll start with how my day was first though cuz...I kinda wanna procrastinate on typing about what's been going on at my mom's place...I know I don't haveta but I might as well. If you've read my blogs you already kinda sorta know about how I behave at home and how my parents are. :P

Anyways, my day was pretty good today. It was just a normal Day 5 at my school which means that I had PE and a study which was good. I had two substitute teachers today for Math and ELA cuz Ms. Wenz and Ms. Gribaudo were out today for some odd reason that I have no clue about. :P And our substitute teachers were the Franklin Twins. TRUST ME...if you go to know who they are. They're the worst substitute teachers ever but they're AWETHUM cuz you can do whatever the heck you wanna and they try to teach you but it's pathetic cuz all of us know more than her (I mean...most of us know much more that all our teachers actually but with them it's so pathetic. :P ) so it's so funny when they try to teach us anything. :P I math class we had this practice MCAS packet to do which was so easy and Ms. Franklin had no clue how to do like problem number 1. :lol: :P The class was a disaster so I just did the whole packet while she was trying to "teach" the class how to do problem number 1 which took like 15 minutes. :lol: :P It was so pathetic but I enjoyed watching it. :P And in ELA class the other Ms. Franklin had us read aloud for the entire class from the book"Les Miserables" which I already finished like two weeks ago. :P And I kinda had to be a teacher's pet in that class though cuz no one was even paying attention to her cuz they were doing their homework and I already read the book and did my homework so I had nothing do to except pay attention and I volunteered to read a lot and she actually liked having me read cuz she said that I was a great reader or something like that but c'mon, that's easy...just speak up, articulate, pause when you need to, don't read ridiculously slow like you have autism (no offense to anyone) and just put in some emotion. But...I guess she liked that and complemented me on that like a bajillion times. :P Ah well...I don't care...I guess that's a good thing that I'm never recognized for. :P Other than that my day was pretty good and normal. I didn't have any homework when I got home either which was AWETHUM!!! :D My dad already came to pick me up and I'm typing this at my dad's place, and now I have the rest of the day to enjoy this near-perfect weather outside in MA. :D Really...the weather's AWETHUM!!! :D It's like 70 degrees, and it's sunny and kinda windy which I like, and it's not humid at all. It's like perfect my opinion anyways. :P I dunno what I'll do outside's kinda a toss up at the moment. :P Ah well...I'll probably think of something. :P

Now I wanna talk about what's been going on at my mom's place for the last few days, Tuesday to today to be more exact. So...I'll just do a small paragraph for every day. :P (This blog is gonna be ridiculously long...I know...sorry about this. Reading my blogs must really torture you peoples, huh? :P Well...who cares?! :P Kidding. :P )

On Tuesday- Not much really happened but I was getting into some arguments with my mom and I could kinda tell that I was getting her ticked off but at the time I didn't really care and just kinda ignored it.

On Wednesday- I had the day off and I got into a fight with my mom before she went to work which put me in a bad mood. Then when she called our house at like 11 I just got so ticked off at her (I don't even know why...I was just ticked off at her) and I said some things to her that I really shouldn't repeat for the rest of my life...including on this site cuz I don't want the evil mods to ban me again! :P And my mom got really angry at me and said that she'd punish me when I got home (which is why I said I wouldn't be on later that day). And then when she got home she said she'd put me in my room at 6:30 and I got into another fight with her and then she sent me into my room right then and there so I went to my room and she said that I was banned from the computer for a week. I played my flute for about an hour cuz I was bored and had nothing better to do with my life at the time. Then my mom came in at about 7:30, yelled at me, and told me to put away my flute so I cleaned it, put it in it's case, and put away my concert music. Then I sat down on my bed for a while doing nothing...still kinda ticked off at my mom cuz I couldn't even play my flute! Really...that's just the most ridiculous thing ever! Then at about 8 my mom came back into my room and said that she'd basically un-punish me if I apologized but I refused to just cuz...I'm kinda stubborn and I'm always set in whatever mind-set I have and well...I felt that my actions were justified at the time ( was stupid...and I'm not just kidding either...what I did was stupid...especially cuz I'm a nerd...I should know better...being stubborn just really gets in the way sometimes.) So then I just went to bed. I was really ticked off at my mom after what she did and I really just didn't care about even trying to behave. Then I kinda went to bed.

On Thursday- Throughout the day I was still ticked off at my mom and just kinda holding a grudge against her (which is wierd cuz I'm not one to hold grudges against peoples and I find it stupid...but it's really hard not to when that person is your mom and you live with her five out of seven days of the week and then you think about how stupid she is and all the problems that she's caused in my life...mainly the divorce.) and I was just acting like a jerk around her for the rest of the day until about 6 when she kinda left to go to the store down the street from her place and then to do some laundry (and the washing machine and dryer are down in the basement so well...didn't haveta see her for about an hour) so I just kinda watched TV and finally got an opportunity to just kinda zone out and calm down...which I didn't have for the past few days...and it's kinda hard for me to calm down cuz I do have a quick temper sometimes and with my mom...I definately have a quick temper. Then at about 7 or something she wanted to talk to me and I was just saying to myself: "Oh great, not another one of her stupid lectures about something stupid that I don't care about." But for once...she actually sat down next to me (which is wierd cuz well...whenever she talks to me...she's always standing up like she's all high and mighty and crap and she hardly ever actually goes down to my level to talk to me) and she was talking in a calm voice to me...not she normally does and that time I had calmed down and I was listening to what she was saying and then she gave me like ten minutes to think about some things. And then I realized that I should probably apologize for what I did cuz what I did was wrong and I was acting like a complete jerk...which is kinda hard for me to admit cuz well...I'm very stubborn, hard to be persuaded,a good debater/persuader, and I hate to admit that I'm wrong cuz I'm almost always right...except in History class... :P But I was kinda weighing the pros and cons for apologizing or not...but from what I gathered the pros outweighed the cons...I actually couldn't think of any cons... So...I actually did apologize to my mom (first time I can remember doing that in a long time) and I did get un-punishedand I'm un-banned from the computer at my mom's place and it just doesn't feel as awkward being around my mom as it did a few days ago. I will try to behave somewhat better when it comes to arguments and that kinda stuff but...I'm still not gonna quit troublemaking. :twisted: :P I'll still troublemake but I won't give my mom as hard a time as I do with getting into verbal arguments with her...I'll try not to at least. :P And I do honestly mean that...not for my mom...but mainly for me and to be a good role model for my little brother. I'm just glad that I did apologize makes me feel a little better. :)

I don't have much else to say. Sorry this blog is so long. :P I hope at least one or two people/wizards read the entire blog though. :P But no zombies...zombies are evil and wanna eat my brain cuz I'm smarticle and give me nightmares. :P But...I shouldn't talk about zombies anymore...I'm still paranoid of them cuz of that dream. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

Happy St. Patrick's Day/Evacuation Day... :D's St. Patrick's Day and Evacuation Day. :D I'm sure you all know about St. Patrick's Day but I think Evacuation Day is only celebrated in Massachusetts...but I could be wrong. :P Evacuation Day is basically just celebrating when the British left Boston...which is kinda cool cuz I do live in Boston, MA. :P So...I don't have school today and so far my day's been pretty good. I haven't really done much so far. :P I've just slept, watched TV, and went online. The only productive thing I did was practice the flute so I can get better at playing Normandy Beach which is going pretty well. I's not perfect but it's getting much better and since it's such a fast-paced march, the audience won't notice a small difference like playing an F instead of an F Sharp or something like that. That's about all I've done so far today and probably all that I will do for the rest of my day. :P I don't have much to say about today...

I'm still pretty proud of all my grades and I really wanna tell my dad about them but my mom doesn't hardly ever let me talk to my dad during the week cuz she hates my dad and I guess she doesn't want me or my little brother to talk to him.'s okay I guess...I can tell him about my grades on Friday night when I get to my dad's place. :D It's just a little annoying but I guess it's okay. I can't do anything about that I guess. And I had fun at the park yesterday and my mom wanted to kill me but she hates my playing pranks on her even more so she's lucky that I'm just going to the park and getting dirty and messing up the house. :P Well...she'd be more lucky to have a different kid but...that's her problem. :twisted: :P My mom's been kinda ticked off at me lately though. I think it's just cuz we haven't been getting along at all...I mean...most of the time we can just kinda ignore each other but my mom's just been evil lately so of course I'm gonna say something about that. And I got my mom really ticked off this morning just by being kinda annoying and she says that when she gets home from work today (which will probably be around 5) she's gonna punish me. I don't really care though. :P I mean...some of you might think that I'm a horrible kid and I can't behave myself to save my life but I can...when I wanna...which is always at school in my classes, which is why I have an A in Conduct...but when I get home I'm just horribly behaved cuz I don't feel the need to behave myself as much. :P And I hate my mom and she thinks that I'm just a rebellious teenager even when I'm not doing anything so I just like to give her a reason for thinking that. :twisted: :P So...I'm just horribly behaved at home...but if I wanted to...I could easily control myself. :P But...anyways...I'm just on my mom's bad side lately but who cares?! :P I honestly don't. :P I don't have anything else to really say. :P

That's about it for this blog. :P I'm just saying that if I don't come on this site later it's cuz I'm being punished by my mom so don't panic...I'm not leaving the site...and I probably won't for a very long time. Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25 (who you hopefully won't miss tonight :P )

Got My Third Term Report Card Today...

Yep...I got my third term report card today...and it's AWETHUM in my opinion. I just kinda wanna say how I did and then talk about my day. :P's my grades:

Conduct- A (it stayed the same as last time which I'm glad about.)

Physical Education- A (also stayed the same as the last term which I'm glad about.)

Declamation- A (I'm a little disappointed about this one cuz last term I got an A+ but it's still an AWETHUM grade and it's a 4.0 GPA...if that gets factored into my overall GPA but I don't think it does. But still...I'll take it and I'm gonna shoot for another A+ in Declamation for forth term. :D )

Band- A (it also stayed the same as the last term and I'm happy about that grade.)

Italian- A+ (I'm really proud of this grade...even though it is just Italian class and Italian is a really easy subject...c'mon, it's an A+, I think I have the right to be proud of that. :P )

Algebra- A (I'm so happy about this grade cuz I tried so hard to bring this one up and last term it was a B+ so...yeah...I'm glad I brought it up a lot. :D )

ELA- A- (I'm a little disappointed about this grade cuz well...I had an A in it last term so it kinda went down a little but I guess it's okay...nothing major...I just haveta try a little harder I guess. But still, an A- is a good grade. )

History- A- (I'm so glad about this grade cuz I absolutely suck at History and it's my worst subject in my opinion. I actually can't believe that I managed to maintain that A- that I had from last term. :P )

Latin- B+ (Well...I'm glad that I managed to bring this grade up from a B to a B+ which I think is good considering how hard Latin can be at times. But...this was the only grade that I got a B in and it's so fustrating cuz I was one grade away from Approbation With Distinction. :P But...ah's a good grade and at least I managed Approbation. )

So...those are all my grades. Overall...I'm happy with all of them. :D I woulda loved to get straight A's but I still got Approbation which is honors. :D That's pretty hard to do at my school. And besides, Boston Latin School is such a hard and advanced school so trust me...I'd be getting straight A's easily at a normal school, not to brag or anything but it's the truth. Well...I can't wait to tell my dad about my grades. :D

Now getting onto my day... :P It was pretty good and normal. Even though it was Day 3 I only had Latin and Italian homework when I got home which was easy and I already did it all. I don't have much to really say about my school day... :P One thing that I'm so glad about though is that the weather's finally nice again. :D It's pretty warm out in my opinion and the sun is out and it's not raining anymore. :D It's kinda wierd was raining for like three days straight and it was the worst on yesterday which was the Ides Of March (or March 15th for those of you who haven't read Julius Caesar yet... :P ) and that was the day that the Soothsayer told Caesar to "Beware the Ides Of March" which was just warning him about the conspiracy and getting killed and stuff. And then the next stops raining. :P Ah well...I'm not gonna complain about it. :P

I'm gonna go to the park later.....actually...probably when I'm done typing this blog. :P It's just that for the past few days since I haven't been able to go outside I've just had all this evil troublemaking energy and I haven't had anything to do to kinda get rid of it all. :P So...going to the park will probably...hopefully...get rid of most of that energy...probably not all of it though...I always have some evil troublemaking energy unless I'm dead tired or sleeping. :P I can't wait to go to the park now...I should just end this blog... :P I wanna go and get dirty again. :P

I don't have much else to say and I really wanna end this blog so I can go to the park... :P If you ask nicely I'll tell you how it went and if you never hear from me again and I never come on this site ever again...either my mom killed me or I got beat up by some random bully and I'm in the emergency room hooked up to a bajillion machines. :P But...I doubt that'll happen. :P And this is random but do any of you know how to graph asypmtotes? We're learning how to in Algebra and it's really easy and AWETHUM. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25 (who you'll hopefully hear from again in about an hour or two... :P )

Okay...I'm Bored...The Weather's Absolutely Terrible...and I'm Ticked Off...

The title says it all at the moment. But...I'll get to that in a moment, I wanna talk about my school day first. My day at school was okay I guess. I had Band and a last period study which was good and I had no homework when I got home which was good I guess. I think I deserve it after getting 6 hours of homework on Friday. :P day at school was pretty good, I didn't really do anything special, it was just a normal day. The only thing I really did that was something I don't do every day is I was helping one of my friends in my study with her math homework cuz for some reason she had no clue about how the Quadratic Formula works but ah well...I'm glad to help a friend in all subjects except for History cuz I'll just make things worse in that cuz I suck at history. :P But...I don't have much else to say about my school day.

Now...getting to the title...the weather absolutely sucks still in MA. It's been raining for three days straight now! I don't get why, it's just stupid. It was supposed to stop this morning I think. I hate the weather peoples. I want it to stop soon cuz I wanna finally be able to go outside. And I'm wicked bored right now cuz I have no homework, I have the house to myself but I have no plans and absolutely nothing to really do with myself, and I can't go outside cuz well...the weather sucks. I hate today...I really do. Sorry for sounding like such a pessimist...I'm usually an optimist but this kinda weather and circumstances just brings out the worst in me...and not in a good way like me pulling the worst possible prank I can think of on my mom just puts me in a bad mood. But...I'll be over this soon...hopefully. :P

One thing that I wanna mention now is Band. I think I might have mentioned before that we're playing this really hard and really fast-paced march called Normandy Beach and it's so hard. Band today...we were trying to play that song and well...of course the trumpets, low brass, percussion, saxophones, and french horns were fine and well prepared and knew their parts perfectly...cuz Mr. Harper actually gives a crap about those sections and helps them out. woodwind instrument players were completely lost...I mean completely lost...we had no clue what was going on. I flute players had it the worst though. I mean...there's only 2 oboe players so no one really cares about them too much, and the clarinets were fine cuz gee, there's only like 30 of them in the band (yes that's an exaggeration, but not a big one) so they could kinda back each other up when they screwed up. flute players had the roughest band rehearsal ever. Okay...first of all, Normandy Beach is a really hard song and it's really fast-paced and stuff cuz it's a march.'s even harder for us flute players cuz our fingerings are all over the place and we need to reach such high notes like a two octave F, two octaves! C'mon, that's just ridiculous! So...I think we have it much harder than other instruments, not just in that song but all the time in Band actually. I mean...we're never heard either and we never get the attention in Band that we need cuz Mr. Harper is so focused on his precious trumpet and percussion sections that he can't even remember to give us a cue when it's our turn to come in after a long rest for like 16 measures! So...we don't get the much needed attention that we need, and we're hardly ever heard either! I mean...the stupid low brass, percussion, and trumpets don't know how to shut up so us woodwind instrument players can hear outselves think! So...I also kinda feel that we're sorta under-appreciated instruments. I mean...that's just how I feel though. I mean...the flute is sometimes referred to as "the song-bird instrument"...well...can we ever hear the song-bird...apparently not! I mean...when us flute players are on the rare occasion sounds just so AWETHUM...I mean...if we sound so nice and pretty and stuff why can't we be heard more often? I personally think it sucks that we put in just as much time and effort in as every other instrument player and yet they seem to almost hog all the glory while we're never ever even heard! Does that seem fair to any of you? I highly doubt it... And the other thing is that there's only like 8 flute players in our band so if one of us screws's really noticable, while if a clarinet player screws's not a problem at all really. I just feel that the flute is such a goofy and under-appreciated instrument. I mean...they're so small and long and have a bajillion keys and are silver and make such a random high-pitched sound that only a flute could make and they're held sideways. :P Now us 8 flute players have kinda given a nick-name for ourselves and that is "The Phantom Flutes". It's just catchy and it makes sense in so many ways. :P But...anyways...I'm getting better at Normandy Beach...I still have some practicing to do but it's getting there. Sorry about that long rant...I should just shut up now. :P

I'm kinda ticked off about the whole Band thing and Normandy Beach is such a hard song to play so practicing it is just very fustrating. But...I guess the rest of my day was okay. Sorry this blog is so long and I'm being such a pessimist. It's just the weather brings out the worst in me. Bye bye. -MightyBFan25

It's Been Raining For Two Days Straight...'s been raining for two days straight which really sucks. I mean...I usually like it when it rains but this isn't a warm rain, it's a cold rain, probably from Canada or somewhere north of the U.S. And it also sucks cuz I haven't really been able to go outside all weekend either. I mean...I can't go to the park cuz I'd probably just catch a cold and get sick and who wants that? I can't go on a walk cuz it's just a stupid idea and nothing good will come out of it, I'll just get soaked. And I can't even go out on the porch cuz well...the rain isn't falling down straight, it's coming down at an angle so if I'm out on the porch I'll get soaked. So...I can't go outside at all and I hate it. I might have said this before but if I didn't...well...I get kinda crazy...well...more crazy than I usually am when I don't get to go outside for a long period of time. So...if I do or say anything stupid or crazy...just ignore's the bad weather and the fact that I can't go outside. :P I know that the second it stops raining I'm going to the park. I think it's supposed to stop raining tomorrow though. I really hope so and if not I hate the weather peoples. :P

I haven't really done much today. :P All I did was sleep until like 11, watch TV, go online, and that's really about it.:P I hate that we lose an hour of sleep cuz we set the clocks forward an hour. :P I already did that with all the clocks in my house that don't do it automatically except for my watch cuz I'm too lazy to do so at the moment. :P I always sleep in really late on the weekends cuz that's really the only time I can sleep cuz during the week I haveta wake up at like 5 in the morning. But there's nothing I can do about that. :P

One other thing that I wanna say is that a few of my friends have e-mailed me or called me this weekend, daring me to procrastinate on my Latin translation and ELA charts. :P I just said that I'm not gonna and I already did all my work. :P I'm probably gonna call them or email them later and just laugh at them and say that I already did all my work just to annoy them cuz they all procrastinate. :P I don't get why they do procrastinate good comes out of it. It just makes your life harder and more stressful than it needs to me. I mean...I've noticed that I'm much more happy and relaxed and stress-free than all my friends who procrastinate. :P Yeah...I'm just gonna call them and laugh at them later. :P I'll never procrastinate and I know better than to fall for a dare. :P Sometimes when I get dared to procrastinate I kinda feel like Bessie in that episode Hive Of Darkness when Ben and Happy came up to The Hive to tell Bessie not to get the ever-elusive Bee-Keeping Badge cuz they hated the bees and Bessie said: I can't believe you guys. Don't you want me to get all the badges? Don't you want me to become the Mighty Bee? Don't you want me to over-achieve? I mean...I kinda feel like that but you know what...if they wanna procrastinate, that's they're problem and they're not gonna make me do that...even though they are just goofing around. I know better than to procrastinate. :P But...I just felt like mentioning that. :P

One thing that sucks is last night I had another dream with zombies in it and it was wicked scary. I don't even wanna talk about it though. Just please don't mention zombies around me unless you absolutely hate me and wanna be mean to a glasses-wearing nerd. :P

I don't really have much else to say. :P I don't wanna go back to my mom's place tonight and I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow. The only good thing is that I can watch The Amazing Race tonight and tomorrow I shouldn't have much, if any, homework cuz I'm ahead in everything cuz I'm so smarticle. :P I can't wait for Wednesday though cuz I'll have the day off from school...I think it's Evacuation Day or some stupid holiday like that. :P I really wanna go to the park and get covered in mud but since I can't cuz it's raining...I'll just mess up my mom's place when I get back there in a few hours. :twisted: :P I'm a horribly behaved child...I really am. :P I don't care though. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

Sorry I Didn't Make This Yesterday But I Was Doing Homework For Six Hours...

The title of this blog is true and it's not an exaggeration either. I didn't make a blog on Thursday cuz I was too lazy to and yesterday I was doing homework for six hours. I'll tell you what I was doing for six hours right now in case you're wondering. I was to do History Cornell Notes on Chapter 13.1 which discusses what's going on in the lands west of the Mississippi River. That took me about an hour. Then I had to translate a 29 line Latin story into English. It wasn't too hard but I had to look up a lot of words cuz the story used a lot of new vocabulary words that I'm not too familiar with and c'mon, it was 29 lines long! That took me about two hours. And then I had some ELA charts to do on the book "Les Miserables". We had to find the definitions of 30 vocabulary words. I used an online dictionary for that cuz it's much easier and quicker to me anyways and that took me about another hour. Then I had to fill out a character chart thingy, also for ELA, and it had 38 characters on it and that took me about two more hours. total, about six hours. I didn't haveta do all that work last night but I wanted to get ahead in Latin and ELA and I don't like doing anything productive on Saturday or Sunday and when I get assigned something I feel this urge to do it right away. But...I should end this paragraph now. :P

The rest of that day was okay I guess. It was a Day 1 so I had Music Sectionals and a study which was good. The rest of my day was good and normal...aside from one thing that happened in my study. So in my of my friends was asking another person in that study who is in my grade for some help with a math problem that was for homework (she couldn't ask me cuz I didn't have math yet so I didn't know how to find the descriminant cuz that was what the lesson was on.) and that person was being a jerk to my friend so she didn't bother asking that person again. I was very ticked off that someone would be a jerk to one of my friends...I mean...I don't care if people like that are mean to me...but if they mess with my friends...I'm gonna do something about it. Now...I can't go and beat someone up (obviously. :P ) but I planned to humiliate that person who was being a jerk to my friend. She was the kinda person who acts like a know-it-all when she obviously doesn't and she sucks at math so...I just turned around and asked her to tell me the Quadratic Formula. She didn't even know what that was! :lol: :P I completely humiliated her and some of her friends were with her in that study which made it even better. I just humiliated her in front of all her friends. It was AWETHUM. But how can you not know the Quadratic Formula? :P It's x equals negative b plus/minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac all over 2a. Well...anyways...I don't have much else to say about my day. I went home, my dad picked me up, I had dinner, continued doing my six hours worth of homework, went online for like five minutes, and went to bed at about 10. :P I actually ended up sleeping for like 12 hours last night. :P I guess all that homework made me tired. :P

So far my day's been pretty good. I haven't really done much and I don't plan to anytime soon. I'm probably just gonna watch TV, go online, and play video games and that's about it. I would normally go outside on a day where I have nothing to do but I can't cuz it's raining where I live at the moment which kinda sucks at the moment. Ah well...there's nothing I can really do about that. :P

The last thing that I wanna say is that I might get Approbation With Distinction (which is straight A's) for term three (which is last term). I'm not sure though but I know most of my grades. I have an A+ in Italian, an A in Math, an A- in History, an A- in ELA, an A in Declamation, an A in Conduct, an A- in Band (probably but I'm not sure about that one entirely). So the only grade I don't know is Latin. I don't know how I did on it though...I mean I usually get A's and B's on all the tests and quizzes and participation and homework should bring up my grade a lot so hopefully I managed an A- and get Approbation With Distinction. That'd be AWETHUM if I did! :D I mean really...that'd be so AWETHUM! I ranked 213 out of the 524 people at BLS on the ISEE test and it would just be AWETHUM if I could manage straight A's at BLS even when last year I wasn't even in the top 40% of the people who took the test and made it in. But...I'm not counting on it...I always seem to get a B or B+ in Latin. :P

I don't really have much else to say. :P Sorry this blog is kinda long but I hope at least like one person read the entire thing. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25