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MightyBFan25 Blog

I Had The Stupidest And Most Pointless Class Ever Today... :P

I'll get to the title in a sec but I wanna talk about my day before that just to bore you all to death. :P Kidding. :P If any of you died cuz of reading one of my blogs...well...I'd be in for a lawsuit probably...hehe. :P But anyways, my day was pretty good. :D It was a Day 5 at my school so I had PE and a study. I also had no homework when I got home so that's why I'm making this blog so early. :P Nothing crazy or wierd or stupid really happened for the most part...which was good but kinda boring I guess. :P It was a normal day for the most part...well...actually aside from my last class of the day, which just so happens to bring me to the title of this blog...

Well...I had PE last today and it was the most pointless and stupid class yet...which I didn't really mind. We played kickball and like half my class had to sit out cuz they "forgot" their gym clothes. Really...they just do that on purpose so they don't haveta participate.So only like 20 of us were actually playing. Of that 20, 5 were boys and 15 were girls and my PE teacher, Mr. Hollands, made it boys vs. girls. And of course since I'm a girl I was on the girls' team and we were absolutely pathetic. :lol: :P I mean...the boys basically killed us and the only reason we weren't completely obliterated is cuz Mr. Hollands kept making things harder for the boys by making them do stuff like kick with their bad foot, throw with their bad hand, they could only catch with one hand, they had to hop on one foot to the bases, they only got one out, etc... You get the point, we were pathetic. :P And even with all that stuff that the boys had to do...they still won. I didn't really care though cuz the boys looked really stupid doing all that random stuff and even though they won...I got a good laugh out of it so it was definately worth the loss. The only thing that I didn't like is one of my friends on my PE class who was participating and is a boy kept bragging about that on the train ride home and some of my other friends who aren't in my PE class got into a friendly argument about that on the train. So many random peoples were looking at us like we were crazy but I didn't care. :P Ah...I'll hear the end of the bragging from my friend in a few days probably. :P

I don't have much else to really say in this blog. :P I did go to the park yesterday and I'm sure you all know what I did. :P And later on yesterday I prank called my arch enemy at my old school and didn't go too well...hehe. :P She didn't fall for the prank call trick and she said that I'm gonna get it in CCD class next year. :P I don't care though...I'll probably see her over the summer or something in my neighbourhood and I'll probably just throw a water balloon or something at her. :P I'm dreading CCD class next year though...I'm gonna haveta see all those absolute morons from my old school and all the people who hated me and I don't wanna. Ah well...I guess I can deal with it.

I'm bored...I don't wanna end this blog at the moment though. :P Ah...I might as well tell you peoples a little something about myself which involves how I do my school work and my personality when it comes to doing things. Well...if you've read a good amount of my blogs you've probably realized that I'm the exact opposite of a procrastinator and I never ever procrastinate, right? Well...I'm the same way with most things that are work. I just like to do it right away, get it out of the way, and then be happy and stress-free for a while. Now...before I say anything case you don't know, there's two major types of personalities: Type-A, and Type-B. Type-A is the kinda person who does all their work right away and keeps on top of things. Type-B is the kinda person who would rather procrastinate and put off their work and do nothing. Well...I'd consider myself a good mix of both. I mean...I do all my work right away to just get it out of the way (like someone with a Type-A personality)and the reason I do that is so later I can do nothing (like someone with a Type-B personality). I kinda get that from my dad cuz he's the same way. I know I don't get that from my mom cuz my mom's so lazy and she has a major Type-B personality...which isn't a good thing in my opinion. So...just a little something you might wanna know about me. :P And this is random but did you know that the word procrastinate comes from the Latin words pro and cras. Pro meaning for, and cras meaning tomorrow, so the word does basically mean "for tomorrow-tinate". :P Ah...I doubt any of you care though. :P

I don't have anything else to really say. :P Bye bye. -MightyBFan25

Okay,I Know That This Blog Is Gonna Be Very Long So Read At Your Own Risk... :P

Yeah...this blog's probably gonna be kinda long. :P Sorry I didn't make one yesterday but I was busy doing a lot of History and Latin homework which took me about four hours and then I went on this site like one time just to check a few things and then I went to bed and read more of "Les Miserables". Well...the good thing about this blog being very long is that that might keep Girlygirl24 (AKA the evil wizard who stole my glasses in the middle of the night. :P Kidding. :P ) from reading this blog...and if she's not the evil wizard...then hopefully this will prevent whoever that evil wizard is from reading this blog. :P You know...if you just so happen to be an evil wizard please identify yourself immediately! I'll be glad to put you in Evil Wizard Prison...if there is such a thing. :twisted: :P Well...enough of that...onto the stuff that is actually somewhat interesting and real in this blog...cuz we all know that wizards aren't real...or are they? :P Kidding. :P

Other than this blog being really long...I'm gonna add to the read at your own risk part...MWAHAHAHAHA!!! :twisted: :P You haveta read this though cuz you're in my world when you read my blogs! :twisted: :P any of you who are reading this: *forces you to go to the park throws you in the mud* Ha ha ha! :P Sorry...I just was in one of my evil troublemaking moods. :P Sorry about that...feel free to do anything you want to me now...I'll probably deserve it. :P But what can I say...the blog title said: READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! :lol: :P I said before...I was very busy yesterday. I day was wasn't too bad for a Day 3 at BLS I guess. I had about four hours worth of homework when I got home though which sucks and is why I didn't make a blog yesterday. I don't have much else to say yesterday...all I really remember doing was doing homework. :P Ah well...I doubt you care anyways. :P

Today was one of the AWETHUMEST school days that I can remember though!!!!! :D I got to miss Italian class (which I'm not too fond of anymore) cuz I had to take the NLE (National Latin Exam) like about 30% of the eigth graders in my school and it was the easiest test I've ever taken! was so easy and I thought it was a joke but I guess that's the level of Latin that most kids taking Latin in the nation are at...which seems kinda pathetic to me cuz we've already learned adverbs, participles, forming infinitives, and the subjunctive and a ton of other stuff that wasn't even on the test. That made me feel so smarticle. :P The rest of my day was pretty good and since I did a lot of my school work in advance and I had two studies today...I have no homework tonight which is AWETHUM!!! :D I'm probably gonna do nothing productive for the rest of my day... :P One last thing that I wanna say is that I finished reading "Les Miserables" today and it was AWETHUM!!! :D I just hate reading the last page in a good book cuz it makes me feel depressed cuz the book's over and now I haveta find some other book to read or something else to occupy my time with. :P But...I have stuff to keep me busy so I'm okay I guess. :P A little usual...but I'm okay and normal at the moment...or at least what is normal for me. :P That's about it for school stuff.

Another thing that I wanna say but I'm not gonna get into much detail about is that I think I know who the anti-me is if one even exists. I just realized it today actually. First of all the person's initials, SA are the exact opposite of mine. My initials are AS. (But I'm not gonna say my last name on this first name's enough and even though I trust all of you...there could be creepy stalker peoples who read this stuff so better safe than sorry. :P I guess I'm just paranoid though. :P ). And there's a bunch of other things, including that our personalities are pretty much exactly opposite from each other. I'm not gonna get into anymore detail cuz I doubt you care but if you wanna know more you have permission to ask...but I doubt anyone will...I'd be shocked if anyone is even still reading this stuff. :P

That's about all I haveta really say. :P I'm bored and I have no homework... :P I guess I'll go to the park to play in the mud later cuz I have nothing better to do and it's fun...and I'm gonna probably prank call my arch-enemy at my old school later today too. :P If I do something really stupid...which I probably will...I'm gonna get it from her at CCD class but who cares?! :P It'll be worth it. :P Not much else to say... :P If I don't come on later it's cuz my mom has killed me cuz of what I did at the park...hehe. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25 (I don't have any clue why I do this at the end of all my blogs and I'm kinda surprised why no one's really questioned it, I just like doing it I guess. :P )

Okay...My Mom's Gonna Kill Me When I Get Home Today... :P

As the title of this blog indicates, my mom's probably gonna kill me when I get home today. :P It's cuz it was just so darn nice out today and I couldn't resist going to the park again so I did...and I got filthy there...again...hehe. :P It was fun...I just had to take a shower after but I didn't really care at all. :P My mom's probably gonna kill her cuz well...I always save my dirty clothes for her to wash when I get back just to be a pain and after this weekend...I have a bunch of dirty...actually absolutely filthy...mud-stained clothes mom's probably gonna wanna kill me. :lol: :P I love torturing my mom...but if I don't come on tomorrow...I woulda probably met my demise and got punished and haveta take yet another bath (for my mom to make sure that I don't get mud anywhere in the house). But...I doubt that'll mom only really punishes me when I do something really stupid. :P Like I said in my last blog...if you think I'm absolutely crazy for doing this...well...I honestly suggest you go to the park and get's fun...but you don't haveta listen to me. :P

The rest of my day's been unproductive for the most part. All I did for the rest of my day was sleep till about 10, watch TV, go online, and read more of "Les Miserables". Right now I'mat about page 280 I think and there's only 400 pages (we're reading the abridged version...which I kinda dislike...if I read a book I wanna read the full version but I guess we can't cuz it has like 1200 pages. :P ). So as of right now I'm approximately 70% of the way done with the book. I hope to finish book 4 of 5 tonight. Book 4 ends at page 305 so I just haveta read 25 pages tonight to reach my goal and even then I might get the urge to exceed that but I should just shut up now before I sound like a if I haven't already. :P But...that's pretty much all that I've done today. I'm probably just gonna read a little more and watch the Amazing Race later tonight and that'll be the end of my day.

I really don't wanna go to school tomorrow though. :P I's gonna be Monday and Day 3 at my school, which sucks for me. I mean...Mondays just suck period cuz it's the first day back to school so I haveta get back into the swing of things, and I haveta get used to living with my stupid mom again...which I also hate...but that starts tonight. And Day 3 at my school sucks for me cuz I have all my regular classes, plus a first period study (which I hate cuz it's not that useful for getting work done) and health class (which I hate cuz it's ridiculously boring). But...hopefully it won't be too bad I guess and then tomorrow will be Day 4 so I'll have two semi-useful studies. :D That's about all I haveta complain about. :P

I don't have much else to say. :P Even though my blog party isn't on my profile page anymore after I post this can still check it out if you go to my blog archive thingy and it'll be going on till tomorrow. :D Uh...that's about it. :P I wish I had more to say but I don't...hehe. :P Bye bye. -MightyBFan25

The Weather Today Is The AWETHUMEST It's Been In Months!!! :D

Well...before I get to the title I wanna talk about my day a little bit, which hopefully won't take me too long. :P So...aside from one stupid but fun thing I did...I didn't really do much today. :P All I did for the most part was watch TV, go online, sleep, and read about 100 more pages in Les Miserables, which I'm getting kinda caught up in and I'm really enjoying reading. I'm at about page 180 I think and there's only 400 pages so I think I'm getting pretty far along in it. My ELA homework was only to read up to page 20 but I'm an over-achiever with my school-work cuz I'm a nerd...kinda like a good way though. :P Not much else to type in this paragraph. :P

Now...I knew that the weather was gonna be nice all weekend so I was planning to go to the park today. The weather earlier today was AWETHUM, it was just below 60 degrees farenheit which is just AWETHUM weather to me...I'd prefer mid-sixites but who's complaining, it's still March. :D :P So...earlier today I went to the park and I just got so dirty and covered in mud there and it was AWETHUM!!! :D :P And by the way...just to prevent any confusion...that ain't code for anything...I mean that literally...I don't know why some peoples don't get that but ah well. :P It was really fun but I had to take a shower after...obviously. :P I didn't mind it too much cuz I can go to the park again tomorrow cuz the weather's gonna be nice again tomorrow too. :D And by the way...if any of you think I'm crazy for going to the park to play in the mud...well then...if you don't mind I suggest you do it and you'll see just how fun it is...but no one has to cuz if I forced someone to do something I'd probably get beat up and that evil wizard would never give me back my glasses. :lol: :P

I don't have much else to really say in this blog. :P Ijust wanna say that I had this really wierd but AWETHUM dream last night where I was Bessie and the Bakugan fell from the sky like they do in that show Bakugan and all the Mighty B! characters were in my dream and it had the same plot line as Season One of Bakugan and it was AWETHUM!!! :D I was Bessie...who was like Dan Kuso in the show and was a Pyrus brawler and had Drago. And I remember that Portia was Alice/Masquerade and was a Darkus brawler who had Hydranoid. I would get into all the specifics but that'd take me days and it kinda gives me inspiration to write this story on the Mighty B! Scripts Forum so I'll put the story on there when I find the time. :D That's about it. :P Bye bye. -MightyBFan25

I Haven't Made A Blog In About A Week So I Might As Well Make This Now... :P

Yeah...I know that I haven't made a blog in abouta week but I've either been too lazy, tired, or ticked off to write one this week and I wanted to keep that blog party at the top of the list of my blogs as long as possible. So...I'm just gonna talk about my week in this blog and hopefully it won't be too long. :P And if you haven't already tortured me and trashed my place enough at my blog party feel free tocheck it out. :P's how my week's been:

On Monday: It was pretty good and it was a Day 4 at BLS so I had two studies and had no homework when I got home. We did get assigned this History paper which I did that night and we got assigned this Italian dialogue thingy which I also did that night to get ahead of things like I normally do. That's really about it. :P

On Tuesday: It was Day 5 at my school so I had PE and a study. I also had Declamation that day which was pretty good. I got a 95 on it which is AWETHUM!!!!! :D And after I had Declamation, I had PE so I got to get out of my Declamation clothes and not wear them home which I kinda liked. :P I just kinda hated that that girl in my Math class HG, who hates me was asking me for declamation tips and kinda trying to be nice to me for a few days cuz she knows that I'mgood at Declamation and she had hers on Thursday and she sucks at it. And of course I didn't help her at all. :P Not to be mean or anything...I'll usually help anyone with anything...but she's just a COMPLETE JERK to me and I can't be nice to her even if I'm faking it. But that's about it for that day. :P

On Wednesday: It was Day 6 at my school so I had Band and a study which I enjoyed. Not much really happened that day except...well...actually...nothing wierd happened. :P The only thing was that my mom got me really ticked off so I just went to bed kinda early I think and I read a book until like 11 at night. :P

Yesterday: Ah...nothing much else happened that day either. :P It was Day 1 so I had music sectionals and a study. In music we got this new piece of music called Normandy Beach which is this march written in 2:4 time and it's really fast and our fingerings are all over the place and it's just really hard but I can play about the first 25 measures pretty darn good the rest...I don't wanna say how that sounds though. :lol: :P And I got home and I was really tired so I just watched Survivor and went to bed. My mom really got on my nerves yesterday and I didn't wanna make a blog yesterday for fear of saying something that I shouldn't be saying on this site cuz when I get ticked off...well...I tend toact kinda stupid...well...more stupid than usual so I try to control myself but yesterday I was too tired to even bother with self-control. :P That's about it though.

Today: Today was pretty good. It was Day 2 so I had Band and a study which was pretty good. All I had when I got home was ELA homework. We're not really doing anything new lately in school except in ELA. We took a History and Latin test today and I think I did pretty darn good on both but I think I did better on my Latin one cuz I'm AWETHUM at Latin. :D :P In Math we're learning how to graph parabolas which is easy. In Italian...I have no clue what we're doing cuz the class is such a joke and it's so easy. :lol: :P In ELA we're starting to read the book "Les Miserable" which by the way is French so it's not pronounced how you think it would be pronounced. :P I really like the book and it only had about 400 pages and I'm already at about page 75 and I plan to get to page 100 by midnight tonight...which will be pretty easy. :P I really like the book anyways so it's not like I'm forcing myself to read it...I actually enjoy it and if you wanna I'd recommend reading it...but do NOT read the unabridged version cuz that's like 1,200 pages the abridged one which is only 400 pages long...the one I'm reading. :P That's about it. :P The weather's gonna be so nice this weekend apparently so I'm probably gonna be outside a lot. :P That's about it. :P

So...that's how my week's been. :P Bye bye. -MightyBFan25

I Finally Reached 100 Blogs, Blog Party!!! :D

Yay! I finally reached 100 blogs and like I said, that means that this is my first ever blog party that I'm hosting. :D Personally,I think that's AWETHUM!!! :D's the stuff I brought:

For beverages I brought:

Mountain Dew.

Dr. Pepper

And Coca-Cola

I also brought:


cake (which by the way isn't intended to be thrown at anyone...mainly me. :P )

and cookies.

Now I just have a few things to say: If you wanna listen to any music just ask and I'll play whatever it is as long as it isn't by Lady Gaga or Brittany Spears because I absolutely despise both of them (no offense) and even then if you ask nicely I might. I'm gonna ask you peoples for any song requests cuz everyone I know says I have bad taste in music so well...yeah. :P And just TRY not to completely trash the place but if you do I don't care really. :P Andif you wanna go to the park and getdirty (which I highly doubt any of you will.:P ) the park's just a few houses down from my place and then just cross the street and you're there. :P And my only warning is that if you do anything ridiculously stupid (whichisn't stupid...I mean REALLY stupid...don't expect me not to do something evil. He he he! :twisted: :Pkidding.:P ) And the party will end on Sunday at 9 (would be midnight but I haveta go to bed at 9 so that's when it'll end. :P ) So...just have an AWETHUM time at my first ever blog party!!!!! :D -MightyBFan25

Finally A Day When It's Not Raining, Snowing, Sleeting, or Hailing... :P

Okay, I'm not sure if the last few words in my title or real words but anyways...the weather's been kinda sucky all week so it's AWETHUM because the weather's pretty nice today. :D It's just kinda cloudy but I don't really mind that too much, but I would prefer some sunny weather or even if it was just partially cloudy. But ah well...I'm not the person who controls the weather. :P I wish I had a weather machine though... :P That'd be cool. :P I just really want it to be spring time soon. :PAh well...I should stop day-dreaming and get on with this blog before I bore you to death. :P

And I know I've probably said this like a bajillion times already but my blog party is gonna be tomorrow because this is my 99th blog. :D So just don't forget to come...unless you plan on trashing my place and torturing me...but even long as you don't do anything ridiculously bad I don't care. :P'll be at my mom's place so I don't care, trash the place and do whatever you want at my blog party. :twisted: :PThe only people who are not invited are the following: Satan, a wizard who plans to destroy the world, Portia Gibbons, Ms. Gibbons, my mom, my stupid evil math teacher from last year who absolutely hated me, and any of the peoples who used to pick on and bully me at my old school. But...none of you peoples on this site are any of those just come. :D :P

So far my day's been pretty unproductive. All I did was sleep until about 9, go online, watch TV, and uh...that's about it. :P I'm just glad that it's the first day of March and I hope spring comes soon because I wanna have some AWETHUM weather really soon. And...then I can go to the park every day. :P Anyways, I'm probably gonna do nothing for the rest of my day. :P And I didn't have any wierd dreams that I can remember last night so I don't need to talk about any of my dreams in this blog. :P I don't have much else to say about today. :P

And so ends another boring ridiculously long blog made by yours truly. :P Happy March first! :D :PBye bye! -MightyBFan25 (who by the way doesn't wanna go back to school tomorrow. :P )

I Have Nothing Better To Do Right Now So I'm Just Making This Blog... :P

Yeah, I honestly have nothing better to do with myself right now so I'm just making a blog. :P Well...that and I wanna start my blog party as soon as I can. :P This is my 98th blog so just one more blog and after that my next one will be the blog party. :D Just remember to come as long as you're not Satan, a zombie (cuz I HATE zombies now cuz of that dream...they're making me ridiculously paranoid lately. :P ), a wizard who plans to destroy the world, Portia Gibbons, or Ms. Gibbons...or my mom for that matter. But I doubt any of you are any of those said things so just come. :D :P

And remember that if you go on The Mighty B! forums regularly the discussion will be at 6 EST today. I'll send you a PM later to remind you all. :D

So far my day's been pretty good and unproductive. I slept until about 10, I watched TV, went online, and uh...that's about it. :P It's been relaxing so far and I don't have any real plans for today except to do nothing...if that counts as a plan for today. :P And I just wanna say that I had fun at the park yesterday. :P The only sucky thing was having to take a shower when I got home but ah well...I guess I needed one. :P That's all I wanna really say about today. :P

The last thing that I really wanna mention in this blog is this really wierd dream that I had last night but it doesn't involve anything scary like zombies this time. :D :P So I remember that me and my mom went to see some guidance counselor person (I don't really do that...I don't have any problems that I'd need one for really, it was just part of my dream so don't think I'm mentally insane or anything) and the person said that since my mom never really does anything nice for my or my little brother she should use her tax money (which she had just recieved in my dream apparently) to do something for us and if she didn't she'd get into a lot of trouble. :twisted: :P So...we went back home and my mom asked me and my little brother if there was anything that we'd want. My little brother wanted some virtual Bakugan arena thingy (that would simulate Bakugan battles like in the show, but it seriously doesn't exist) and my mom did use a spare room in the house to put that in and it was AWETHUM! :D I wasn't sure what I wanted at that time but I knew I wanted something that would get my mom really ticked off just to be evil. :twisted: :P So I went to bed and the next morning I knew what I wanted to get and I told my mom (I dunno why I wanted this...I just did in my dream to get my mom ticked off) that I wanted a mud wrestling arena (like the kind from this Survivor challenge thingy) or something like that so my mom unwillingly put that in another spare room in our apartment and it was AWETHUM cuz I could get dirty whenever I wanted too without even leaving the house. :twisted: :P And I used it a lot. :P But then I remember I wanted to play a prank on my mom and I went a little too far I guess cuz I apparently threw my mom in the mud and she got so ticked off and wanted to absolutely kill me but she didn't punish me at all which was kinda wierd. But then the next day my mom paid one of my former arch-enemies who used to bully me at my old school fifty bucks to basically beat me up to the point where I'd be in a full body cast after she was done with me in the arena thingy and if I refused to go in the arena my mom would get rid of it forever so I unwillingly went into the arena thingy and was getting kinda beat up. So...I decided to play some of my mind tricks by saying stuff like: What are you doing her anyways? You hate me and you hate getting dirty. Why would you help my mom? I can't believe that you're stooping down to my level of immaturity. And just a bunch of stuff like that to mess with her mind and it actually did work and I only ended up with a broken left arm which got better really soon and then I got to keep my arena thingy without ending up in a full body cast. :D ended up pretty good I guess...aside from getting my arm broken. :P That's about it though.

That's all I haveta say in this blog. :P I'm still ridiculously paranoid cuz of the zombie dream and I hope I get over that soon. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25

Just When I Thought I Was Ahead Of Everything...We Get Another Stupid Project...

Yep, just when I thought that I was finally ahead with all my school-work...guess what? We got assigned another stupid Latin project!!! Luckily it wasn't too hard and I did it in about two hours which I'm glad about. :P The rest of my day was pretty good. It was just a normal Day 3 at BLS. And I only had Latin and Italian homework when I got home and I already did it all so now I have nothing else to to. :P One thing that I wanna say is that so far in math class this term we've taken four tests and my grades are: 95, 96, 92, 100, and then whatever I got on the term test I took today but I think I did really good on it. :D I'm such a math geek. :lol: :P Well...I'm just a geek period. :P I don't have much else to really say about school at the moment. :P

Right now I'm home alone cuz my mom's still at work and I'm waiting for my dad to pick me up which will hopefully be soon. :D I can't wait to get to my dad's place. :D That'll be AWETHUM!!! :D I survived the week and now I get to leave my mom's place for a few days. :D Oh, and it finally stopped raining today and the park is probably gonna be really muddy today so I think I'll go later to get dirty cuz I can and I wanna. :twisted: :P Yeah...I'm crazy. :P Don't question why I do this sorta stuff. :P Nothing exciting's been going on at home lately either. :P My mom's just been a nag like she usually is and I wanna kill her like I normally do. :P I mean...I don't kill her (that's illegal) and it's more fun to torture her and I just sometimes wish she'd leave me the heck alone but there's nothing I can do I guess. I just tortured her a lot. :P Nothing else I wanna say about home at the moment. :P

Uh...that's actually all I haveta say. :P This blog is kinda short. :P If you go on the Mighty B! forums regularly I'll send you a PM later and just reply to that sometime before tomorrow. :D And don't forget to come to my blog party in a few days. :D It'll probably be this upcoming Monday unless I don't make a blog someday this weekend. I think this is my 97th blog. :P Anyways...I should probably shut up now. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25

It Felt Like I Was Doing Homework Forever But It Was Only Three Hours... :P

It honestly did. :P But I guess that doesn't matter really. It was probably cuz I was doing Latin and History work, the two subjects I hate doing work in the most. :P I no other homework when I got home so I typed a history paper that I already did a rough draft of earlier today and I translated an entire Latin story. I didn't haveta do all this work tonight but I wanna get ahead like I normally tend to do and I don't wanna do all that work tomorrow or over the weekend. :P The rest of my day was pretty good and normal though. It was a Day 2 at my school so I had a study and Band which went okay...aside from the stupid trumpets constantly screwing up cuz they're idiots. :twisted: :P Ah well, nothing I can do about that I guess. :P That's about all I haveta say about today though.

The weather where I live right now sucks cuz it's been raining for two days straight so I can't go outside to really do anything which absolutely sucks. I hope it stops soon but the good thing is when it stops it'll be AWETHUM to go to the park again. :D :P I'm too lazy to torture my mom today though. :P If you think I'm crazy for not doing that today you can hit me over the head with something...but if I have my glasses on ( I wear glasses) you're gonna get it cuz you can't hit someone who wears glasses. :twisted: :P Kidding. :P That's about all I haveta say about that. :P

Now I have two reminders: Remember to come to my blog party whenI reach my 100th blog unless you're Satan or a wizard who plans to destroy the world or you just absolutely hate me cuz I'm a nerd. :P'll be AWETHUM if you come. :D This is my 96th blog right now so I'm getting there. :D And if you go on the Mighty B! forums remember: Our discussion will be this Saturday at 7 Eastern Standard Time. :D That's about all I haveta say. :P I've been really paranoid lately cuz I'm afraid that I'm gonna be attacked by a zombie cuz of my crazy dream. :lol: :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25