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MightyBFan25 Blog

Happy Valentine's Day! :D

Happy Valentine's Day peoples! :D I don't care for this holiday too much cuz I don't care about any of that lovey-dovey stuff but I guess it's an okay holiday and it's fine if you like it. :) Just curious but do any of you have plans for today? I don't have any plans except to sleep, watch TV, go online, listen to music, and play Bakugan. :P

Right now my dad's at work cuz even though he has the week off, he's gonna work on Valentines Day cuz since he works for Fed-Ex, it's basically all overtime and the money will get added to his vacation pay-check, which is never as good as it is if he's actually working so that's why. I don't really mind cuz he's gonna be home by 2. :) And baby-sitting won't be too hard cuz my little brother has a packet of work that he needs to do over the vacation so all I haveta do is help him out if he doesn't know the answer to something (which rarely happens cuz he's smart like me) and then check his work and make sure that he's actually working and not drawing random pictures but it's easy to do that. :D And I don't have any work or any productive to do so I'm just listening to some music and typing this at the moment. :P So far my day's been unproductive.....but I think that's AWETHUM!!! :D :P One thing that is a little annoying but I sorta like is that I have the song "Picture To Burn" by Taylor Swift stuck in my head. I hate getting songs stuck in my head but I don't mind as much cuz at least it's a good song. :P The rest of my day's gonna probably be unproductive. :P

Sorry I didn't make a blog yesterday but I didn't really have anything to type about. :P Well...I didn't today either but at least I could say happy Valentines Day in this blog. :P All I did yesterday was watch TV, sleep, go online, play video games, and that's about it. :P The only productive thing that I did (which I actually don't wanna mention but I might as well) is help my dad clean the house cuz it needed to be cleaned up and we haven't for a while. :P I'm sure some of you might be shocked that I'd actually help clean the house cuz I'm the kinda person who likes to make messes, not clean them up. :P Well...I won't clean the house with my mom cuz she's a jerk, but I will for my dad cuz well...he's AWETHUM. Besides, I only like to torture my mom cuz she deserves it...and she's a neat-freak. :P And I guess I might as well have cleaned up the house a bit cuz I'm partially responsible for making messes there. :P So...I did. And it was sorta fun. :P But...I think a lot of stupid things are fun so don't listen to me. :P

That's about all I haveta say. :P Have an AWETHUM Valentine's Day! :D -MightyBFan25

I'm Finally On February Vacation!!! :D

Sorry I haven't made a blog for a coulple of days but I've either had nothing to type about or I've just been too lazy to do anything. :P So...sorry 'bout that and sorry that this blog is gonna be kinda long but I wanna talk about what happened in the past few days. :P

On Wednesday I had a snow day so it was AWETHUM but I did virtually nothing and my day was wicked unproductive. :P All I did was sleep, watch TV, go online, and play Bakugan. :P So...I didn't have much to type about that day and I don't like making ridiculously short blogs cuz I'm just not used to writing to typing anything short so if I do, it just feels...wierd to me...but that's just my opinion. :P

On Thursday I was too lazy to do anything really cuz I had a lot of homework and after that I just wanted to sit on the couch and watch Survivor. :P My day at school was good though. I was doing homework for like 5 hours though. I just had to take a break every now and again cuz it gets boring just doing work for 5 hours straight. :P It was cuz I had to research something about Italian politics cuz we were gonna watch the film "Il Divo" the next day in class. And for ELA we haveta write a short story and it's due after February break but I don't wanna spend my break writing crap so I just did it that night and it was surprisingly AWETHUM!!! :D I dunno why but word choice has always been the one thing that makes writing papers a little challenging for me but this time, all the words just seemed to come to me the minute a thought came into my mind and it was just AWETHUM!!! :D Maybe I should write short stories for reals. :P And the rest of my day was normal aside from Health class. Instead of having an actual class we got to go to the gym and play whatever we wanted to and I was in the mood to play a trick on a few of my friends in my Health class. :P I pretended to start reading some random stuff from my History book when the asked me to play with them and I said no cuz we didn't haveta play if we didn't wanna (and TRUST ME, a lot of people didn't wanna. :P ) and after a few minutes I left to go play with my friends. I just felt like messing with their minds a little bit at that time. :P And all we did for the rest of the class was play basketball and when we got bored with that we threw around a football. :P And when I got home I watched Survivor and then I went to bed. :P

My day was AWETHUM today!!! :D All my teacher assigned us nihil (Latin word for nothing) for homework over the break!!!!! :D And I had two studies so I just goofed around with my friends in those studies and drew random pictures. :P All my classes were pretty normal and not hard today. And in Italian class we watched "Il Divo" and had candy and soda and stuff. :P And today we celebrated Valentines Day at my school. (Which is one of my least favorite holidays of the year. :P ) And my friends and me gave each other cards and candy and that kinda stuff cuz we're friends. I just asked my friends one thing: Don't send me any carnations cuz I don't want them and I don't need them. I did send my friends some cuz well...they're my friends but I personally don't want flowers. :P And guess what, they sent me carnations anyways. :P I don't really mind, I guess that's a good thing. :) And some of my friends put messages that came with the carnations that had random stuff like pictures of dinosaurs on them. :lol: :P But overall, AWETHUM day! :D

I'm just so glad now cuz I'm at my dad's place and it's officially February Vacation!!!!! :D We don't have too too many plans but we have a few. We're (we meaning me, my dad, and my little brother) are gonna see the movie the Lightning Thief, we're gonna go to the Muesum Of Science, we have some errands to do, I have my doctor's appointment (which I can't wait for. :P ) and a few other things that I'm too lazy to remember right now. :P But I know this break's gonna be AWETHUM and I can actually sleep, which is AWETHUM cuz during the week I haveta get up at 5:15 (not go get ready or anything like that, it's just that I live far away from BLS so it takes me a while to get there) so being able to sleep just can't imagine how AWETHUM that is unless you wake up at the time I do or earlier. :D I'm probably gonna keep updates with how my February vacation is throughout the week. :D

RANDOM QUESTION: I'm just curious and wanna be a bit of a pain but can you help me prove how stupid my mom is please. Okay, this morning I asked her is she knows how to factor trinomials and she had no clue what I was talking about. Well...just to prove her wrong, if you know how to, factor this please...if you wanna: x squared plus 10x plus 25. If you did it right the answer would be x plus 5 quantity squared if I'm not mistaken. Hope someone knows that. :P

And that's all I haveta say. Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

I Might Have A Snow Day Tomorrow...

Yeah...I might have a snow day tomorrow but I'm not sure yet so I'm just gonna say that there's the possibility that I might. :P I really hope so cuz I could use a day to unwind and do nothing on the week before February break. :D :P I hope so and I'm gonna watch the news so see the school cancellations later. If it is a snow day I'm probably gonna post snow day in all caps in a comment in this blog. :P Anyways...I'm bored so I'm gonna type about my day for a while. :P

My day was pretty good and normal. I didn't have any wierd dreams last night that I can recall either. :P Today was Day 1 at my school so I had music sectionals anda sixth period study which was pretty good. :D All the stuff that we're learning in school right now is really me anyways. :P In math we're learning how to factor the difference of squares which is extremely easy in my opinion. In ELA we're reading short stories this month and we recently read the short story "Contents Of A Dead Man's Pockets" which I hated but I read and got a 100 on the Reading Check so I don't care. :P In History we're learning about the Americans establishing a republic and revising the Articles on Confereration after they won independence. In Italian...well...the class is just a complete joke and I don't care the least bit about it and no one else does. I just do my homework and pay attention in class...sometimes...hehe, and I get A's on all the tests. :P Yeah...I'm that smart...or the class is just that easy...I dunno. :P And in Latin we're translating a story and learning about how to form the present active and passive subjunctive which is really easy. And in Music we're learning about syncopation at the moment and it's really easy actually, just a different rhythm that sounds cool. :P And that's about it for what I'm learning at school for the moment. :P Oh, and I had no homework tonight either cuz I either did it all in advance or in a study. :D

One thing that was sorta interesting about today is that I apparently have another person at my school who doesn't like me now. I don't care cuz I never liked that person or talked to him anyways. :P But it's apparently cuz that person found out that I'm friends with another person who is enemies with that person. :P Ah...I don't care at all really. He's not the kinda person that'll bother me anyways. It's just gonna be one of those sorta "I hate you, you hate me, let's not bother each other and never speak with each other again" sorta thing. :P

One thing that was sucky about today was that when I got home since my mom got home early from work today she was already home. And...I had no homework tonight and it's actually really nice and sorta warm outside so I wanted to go outside and do something...I refuse to say what though. :P mom refused to let me leave the house to do something cuz she thinks lately that I've been acting "ridiculously immature and not like a proper young lady" and blah blah blah... :P I don't care if I'm immature cuz well...I feel that when it comes to my school-work I act mature but still...I'm only 14 and I need to tone down the maturity level down sometimes...mainly to zero at home and when I'm with my friends. :P I just hate it cuz I feel like I'm stuck inside and my mom won't even let my go on the porch to read some comic books or anything at all. I guess I'll just haveta put off my evil schemes for another day. :twisted: :P I'm probably gonna just play video games for the rest of my day...well...that and hope for a snow day. :P

That's all I haveta say. :P And feel free to throw me in a mud puddle cuz when you do and my mom comes home and I get in trouble I can blambe you. :P Kidding...haha, you can't do anything to me on this site...Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P Bye bye...and you're not welcome to do anything to me at the moment or I'll get my Ventus Altair to attack you! :P -MightyBFan25

The Saints Won The Super Bowl! :D

Sorry 'bout the title but I had to mention this cuz I really wanted the Saints to win and I watched the whole game last night and it was AWETHUM and I'm so glad that the Saints won cuz I hate the Colts. :D :P Now I Just wanna talk about my day and hopefully you won't fall asleep while reading this. :P

I don't have much to say really. :P My day was good and normal and nothing stupid or crazy or wierd really happened. I did have a lot of homework when I got home and I did it all so I'm sorta tired and I might not be thinking while I'm typing this (just to warn you) so if anything I say is really stupid or random...don't say anything please cuz I can't help it. :P Today I had all my normal classes plus Band and a study and it was Day 6. (My school does a 6 Day rotation thingy so the order of our classes and stuff differs every day and after the 6 days are up it goes back to day 1. The only class that's always in the same time at my school is fifth period but I dunno why. :P ) Band was really good and we nailed this song called Black Is The Color today and it sounds AWETHUM! :D It's actually sorta sad but it sounds really nice. And I loved how class was cuz from measures 27 to 35 in the song the flutes (I'm a flute player in case you've forgotten. :P ) and the oboes have the main melody and it's all these really low notes that everyone says is really hard to play but I personally think is easy. I dunno why but playing the flute just sorta comes natural to me or something. :P But...Mr. Harper was yelling at all the other instruments to shut up and be quiet so us flute players can actually be heard for once! It was AWETHUM!!!!! :D I mean...we're actually gonna get heard for a while instead of just balancing out the sound of the other instruments! I's just AWETHUM and you don't know how happy I am cuz of that cuz I mean...we're like NEVER heard cuz the flute is such a quiet instrument compared to like the low brass and trumpets. :D I'm just glad about that. :D That made my day. :P

One thing that sucked about today though was that since I had a lot of homework and now I'm really tired is that I'm not really in a mood to go outside and even if I's too cold to go outside. I can't wait for it to be the spring cuz it's gonna rain a lot and it's gonna be warm but not too warm and I just love being outside during the spring and fall. One thing that I really like about the spring though is that it's close to the end of the school year and I can always go outside to do something stupid if I wanna as long as it's nothing bad. :P But...I probably shouldn't be thinking this far ahead. :P

I heard that on Wednesday there might be a snow day where I live cuz it's supposed to snow and we're supposed to get 8 to 12 inches of it and it's gonna be in the afternoon and the schools probably aren't gonna want us to come to school just to avoid transportation difficulties like in years past so hopefully I'll have a snow day on Wednesday. :D I'm not gonna count on it but I'm hoping for it. :P

One last thing that I wanna say is this wierd dream that I had last night and I can recall most of it at the moment so why not I guess. :P So...I guess my dream was about basically what my life would've been like if I didn't get accepted into Boston Latin School (BLS). I was at my old school with the same eigth grade teacher and all my friends and stuff. And I guess it was at the beginning of the school year cuz I was still playing softball and I was old enough to go into the older division in my league so I did. And there was one thing that sorta freaked me out but I'll get to that avoid typing it at the moment cuz I don't wanna...hehe. :P So my dream was just about one day and how it would've been if I wasn't at BLS. So I was at my old school and I was in AP classes for every subject and still getting straight A's in every class and all that. And I remember that the classes were really boring and easy for me. And I remember that I was still getting picked on by all my arch-enemies, as usual. :P And I still had my same friends and they hadn't really changed except for one cuz now she was friends with the popular evil girls and I didn't even bother with that cuz well...I was ticked off and I don't need to get into a fight at school, verbal or physical I don't need it cuz I'm a nerd and watch TV, right? :P And the wierd thing that I didn't wanna say was that in my dream...I had a boyfriend and ugh...I can't stand the idea that my mind could think of something so stupid! But...forget about that and don't make fun of me for subconciously thinking that while I was asleep. :P And then the day was over and I stayed out in the school-yard for a while to hand out with my friends. Then I got home and changed outta that horrible school uniform that I had to wear in my dream cuz I had to before at my old school and then I did my homework which was really easy and only took me a total of about 45 minutes to do and I got all the answers right and didn't rush or anything. :P And then one of my friends who apparently was on the same softball team as me called me to say that we had a softball game that day in about an hour and a half and we had to be at the field to warm up in 30 minutes cuz I was pitching in that game. So I got down to the field and me and my friend were on my team and then everyone else were a bunch of the kinda prissy evil girls that I've come to hate. And our team was in dead last place in our division and we hadn't won a single game all year. :P And I remember that the coach told me to try to convince my team-mates to actually try to win the game cuz they didn't care at all really. So I was pitching in that game and batting I think third or forth in the line-up cuz I'm a pretty good power hitter with batting. It's not that I'm strong or anything like that, TRUST ME, I ain't. :P The only reason I'm a good power hitter is cuz I have a great swing cuz I always practiced it and I always had a good eye and knew the kinda pitched that I could kill. :P So...I basically used my smarts and I always try to with any sorta physical activity but anyways... :P Meanwhile in the dug-out in between innings I'd be trying to convince my team-mates to actually try and not be afraid to get dirty if they're playing softball and went horribly cuz of course they just think I'm crazy and a loser cuz I'm smart and wear glasses and I like getting dirty was an epic fail and at the end of the game...well...they were just fed up with me and wanted me to shut the heck up and just just threw me in a mud puddle and left. :P And then me and my friend and the coach were left with putting away all the equipment and carrying it to her van and then I saw those evil girls and they looked at me and after I was done putting away the equipment I just jumped into my dad's car (cuz he was there to pick me up) and locked the door. Then I opened the window and said something to them that I probably shouldn't repeat on this site. :P And them my dad drove me home to my mom's place and she wanted to kill me for getting dirty and I had to explain what happened and she didn't believe me and then I got grounded. :P And then I had to take a shower and then I went to bed and that was the end of my dream. :P Sorry that my dreams are so random but I can't help it I guess. :P

That's all I haveta say. :P Bye bye. :D -MightyBFan25

The Super Bowl and The Puppy Bowl Are On Today... :D's Sunday and one of the best days of the entire year to watch my opinion. :D :P The Super Bowl is on today and I REALLY wanna see the Saints win cuz since I live in New England I hate the Colts. :P And I like the Saints and they've never really won anything. :) But before that at 3 on Animal Planet the Puppy Bowl is gonna be on and I love watching that every year. :D It's better than watching those puppies on that webcam thingy on that episode of The Mighty B! called Awww-some. :P Well...if I don't go on too much on this site it's cuz I'm probably watching TV. :P

My weekend's been AWETHUM!!! :D We didn't really do much but it was good cuz it was relaxing. :P The only productive thing that I really did was translate more of that story for Latin class to get ahead of everyone. Well...that and I got some of that foam rubber stuff with the indents in it and lined this box that I have with it so I have another place to put my Bakugan in. It works really good and it'll keep my Bakugan protected and all that stuff and I used the rest of that foam rubber stuff to line this carry case with so if I ever wanted to take some of my Bakugan anywhere I could. :P And I could put a lock on it if I felt the need to but I don't think anyone cares about Bakugan except for me. :P But anyways, I doubt you care but that's about the only other productive thing I did this weekend. :P

I can't wait to go back to school tomorrow though for some odd reason. :P I think it's cuz I just wanna go to school, do AWETHUM, get all my work done, and then be on February vacation. I can't wait for February vacation cuz my dad has that week off from work so me and my little brother get to spend the weekend with him which will be AWETHUM!!! :D We have a few errands to do that week but we already have a bunch of fun things planned that we're gonna do. :D One thing that is considered an errand but I'm looking forward to is going to the doctor's to get my checkup. I dunno why but I love going to the doctor's and this time will be good cuz my mom's not gonna come (cuz when she does she stays in the room and if I wanna ask a question or mention a problem at home she doesn't let me cuz she's a jerk) and I can finally say what I wanna say about how my mom treats me and my brother and how she smokes in the house and all that good stuff and hopefully get my mom in some trouble and when my brother turns 12 (three years from now) and he can legally decide who he wants to live with when all that court stuff is happening one thing that would be good to pull up would be the stuff that was written down from this upcoming doctor's appointment. I just wanna get my mom in trouble though cuz she deserves it and it does involve my health when you think about it. There's a few other things that my mom does that effect my health to a certain degree but I'd rather not get into that. Anyways, I can't wait for February vacation. :D

I don't have anything else to say really. :P I hope it's sorta warm outside today so I can go outside later cuz I haven't been able to for a significant amount of time now. Bye bye. -MightyBFan25

If You Don't Read This Blog I Will Send Abis Omega To Attack You... :P

Sorry...but I was tempted to have that as a title for a blog someday eventually. :P You should count yourself lucky that you're reading this though cuz if you weren't I'd send Abis Omega (a Bakugan) to attack you. :P Hmmmmm.....I hope Girlygirl24 doesn't read this blog...hehe. :P Kidding. :P Seriously...I'm just being stupid and that'll never really happen. :P Well...Bakugan-related threats aside...I wanna talk about my day. :P

My day was pretty good aside from math class and having a significant amount of homework. :D I had some ELA homework and a TON on Latin translating to do, which was easy cuz I'm good at Latin but takes me forever to do. :P But my translation was really good so it was worth it. :D The only sucky thing about math class is that Ms. Gribaudo is letting us work with the people sitting around us in class occasionally now and we did that a lot today and I HATE who I sit near. These two prissy girls, HG and LC are always just turning around (they sit at the table in fromt of me and another one of my friends who's really good at math, TB) and just being mean and asking us for all the answers cuz they suck at math and we're the some of the top students in our class so basically in their eyes, we're math geeks. :P So I just refuse to tell them my answers and my friend who sits at the table with me does the same and they get so ticked off at me and they always turn around and bring up that stupid rumor about me having a boyfriend earlier this year cuz they know it gets me ticked off and just act like jerks to me and I don't really care though cuz they're leaving my friend alone at least and I have a bunch of witty comebacks for whatever they could possibly say to me. So after a while LC tried to be nice to me, in a suckish attempt to find out my answers for some math problems, and she asked what I do in my spare time and I just leaned back in my chair, crossed me arms and said that I refuse to answer that question. :P She got ticked off and turned back to face the front of the room after that. :P I don't think LC and HG will bother me for a while now and if they know what, screw them cuz math is easy and they can figure it out themselves if they try! I mean...we covered factoring trinomials in the form of ax squared plus bx plus c and solving equations using that method and by setting the equation to 0. Easy, right? They couldn't understand that concept to save their lives and I was laughing like mad to when I saw how confused they were. :lol: :P I mean...I know it's a little mean but c'mon, they're jerks to me and I think letting them figure out math stuffs for themselves will be good for them. Other than that my day was good. :D

I'm at my dad's place now and it's been pretty nice and relaxing and I was playing my Bakugan video game for a significant amount of time now cuz I've been bored. :P This is sorta random but I can't wait for it to be spring so it's somewhat warm again and I can go outside every day and do whatever I wanna at the park...especially cuz it's been too cold to go outside for leisure in a while now and I really wanna go get dirty at the park cuz I haven't for a while now. :P I guess it'll be warm again soon and until then I can't wait. :D :P

That's about all I haveta say. :P You know what my blogs this is my world so I'm gonna make this a Bakugan Pyrus battlefield. *throws a Bakugan* Pyrus Abis Omega, stand! Gate card open, Pyrus Reactor! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Abis Omega is gonna (not really) atack you no matter what! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Sorry but I'm bored and I wanted to do that. :P Bye bye! :D And you might wanna leave before Abis Omega breathes fire and your life gauge gets to zero. :P -MightyBFan25

Did Anyone Know That Yesterday Was GroundHog Day? :P

Sorry about the title but honestly, NO ONE at my school knew that yesterday was Groundhog Day and I was sorta taken back by that. :P I mean...I don't know what happened cuz I didn't watch the news or anything last night but at least I knew it was actually Groundhog Day yesterday. :P I'm just curious but how many of you actually knew that? :P I did but I was like the only person who did and I didn't wanna title my blog about that cuz well...I find that day sorta unimportant. :P

Anyways, my day was good and normal and I surprisingly had no homework when I got home so I've done nothing since I've been home besides watch TV and organize my new Bakugan Haos deck, trying to incorporate two of my new Haos Abis Omegas that I got yesterday from Hong Kong in it and it's going AWETHUMLY!!! :D Nothing was special about my day really except that I had health class but that was boring. :P And we took a Math test and it was really easy and I know I got at least a 95 on it. :D And that's about it. :P

I'm still playing pranks on my mom and troublemaking and all that but if you actually wanna know what I did today than you can ask when you leave a comment cuz I'm not gonna type it up if you don't even care. :P Those Italian lessons with my mom are going pretty good and I think it's HILARIOUS that she thinks that she's so good at Italian and all she knows is basic pronounciation, the alphabet, the numbers from zero to twenty, and some common words and phrases. I just find it amusing. :P That's about it for other things going on at the moment in my life... :P

Okay, ANYONE WHO GOES ON THE MIGHTY B! FORUMS SHOULD PROBABLY READ THIS: One thing that I've been thinking about doing on The Mighty B! forums for about two days now is maybe like once a month or something we could all go on at some set time and talk about something that's some sorta hot topic that's Mighty B! related and do it for a while. I dunno though cuz I'm not sure if it's a good idea but I think it sounds fun. Whaddya think? I don't have any details yet cuz it's still just a random thought but I'm thinking about how everything might work out. I just wanna know what any of you think about it. :)

And uh...that's about all that I haveta say. :P Bye bye. :D -MightyBFan25

My Bakugan From Hong Kong Came In Today!!! :D

Okay...sorry about the Bakugan related title but I'm really happy cuz my Bakugan that I won in an ebay auction came in today and they're all the way from Hong Kong. :D Thank God shipping was free for them. :P I got my Pyrus and Ventus Coin Scorpions about a week ago in the mail and they're AWETHUM!!! :D And I just got those 3 Abis Omegas today in the mail like I just said. :D They're AWETHUM too!!! :D I got Black Translucent Haos Abis Omega that has 550 G's, Orange Translucent Haos Abis Omega that has 720 G's, and Pearl Haos Abis Omega that has 750 G's and is officially my new favorite Bakugan cuz it's wicked powerful and it's Haos, which is an attribute I like, and it's a pearl Bakugan and that means that it's really rare and part of this limited edition collector series Bakugan set. Well...anyways...sorry about that and the title but I had to mention that. :P Besides, I guess you didn't haveta read that and when you read my blogs you're in my world so you must read...hehehe. :twisted: :P Kidding. :P

So...I also wanted to apologize that I wasn't on too much yesterday and I didn't make a blog cuz I was having some mood swings (I still do but it's not as bad as yesterday), and I had a bad headache and I didn't wanna be doing anything on this site that I might've regretted and might've gotten me in more trouble on this site so...yeah. I know why I'm having headaches and mood swings and all that stuff but ah...that's not the kinda thing I feel like mentioning.

Anyways, my day was pretty good. I had no homework when I got home cuz I either did it in a study or did it sometime in advance cuz I was bored and cuz I have no life. :P All my classes went by normal and Band went really good. We still haven't gotten the song Thriller yet cuz apparently Mr. harper wants us to play all the older music that we have before we learn the contemporary piece of music. But we did get a new piece of music that isn't Thriller. I forget what it's called but I think it's something like: Black Is The Color. But I dunno. :P It's pretty easy, even the part with all the low notes that all the other flute players are complaining about I find easy. :D The only sorta interesting part of my day was my last period study. So I did my work and I still had like 20 minutes left before it was over so I was talking to all the people in my grade who are also in that study and sit near me. Most of the other eigth graders are my old friends/enemies from last year that I knew who were in Cluster A. (It might seem wierd that I know people from Cluster A cuz I was in Cluster C last year but just happened I guess. :P I knew a bunch of peoples from Clusters A and B and I knew everyone from Cluster C for the most part.) And I forget how but we started talking about the Jonas Brothers and I hate them and I said that they were gay and most of my friends agreed with me but a few of my former enemies from Cluster A who were Jonas Brother fan-girls were saying that they weren't and we all got into an agrument. :P I actually thought it was sorta funny. :P And when those Jonas Brother fan-girls realized that they were gonna lose that argument that the Jonas Brothers are good, they decided to change the subject and wanted to be jerks and dared me to wear a dress to school tomorrow. Ha, yeah right! I'll never do that, wether it's a dare or not I'll NEVER wear a dress!!! I do some dares but if they're stupid I know not to do them and that was one time where it was good to be "a coward" and not do it. :P I don't care cuz I don't mind getting picked on really and it's only by those prissy evil girls and who cares what they think about me?! So uh...yeah...that's how my day at school was. :P

Nothing has really been going on in my life lately that's interesting besides me playing pranks on my mom but I'm too lazy to type them up at the moment. :P If you care about what I did you can ask when you leave a comment in this blog...if you actually do. :P

That's about all that I haveta say. :P Just one last thing: In a certain, random amount of days at a random time I'm gonna do something evil on a blog and it'll be an AWETHUM trick!!! :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :P that everything that I've wanted to say has been may leave my world if you do so please. :P Okay...that's too polite I think. He he he! :twisted: I know what to say now: GET OUTTA MY WORLD!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25

This Is The Wierdest Fact Ever... :P

Okay...I forgot to say this in one of my earlier blogs but I remembered that in History class my teacher, Mr. Ruzzo, read somewhere that Scott Brown is related to Obama. Wierd huh? :? It turns out that they're like tenth cousins or something and it dates back to like the 1600's. I'm not sure if I believe that but I thought it was random and interesting and I just felt like saying that. :P

So far my day has been AWETHUM! :D I slept in, watched TV, went online, and uh...yeah, that's pretty much about it. :P Oh, and me and my little brother played fort again and took all the pillows in the house. :P It was pretty fun but this time nothing ridiculously stupid happened. :P Now...before anyone says anything...I know it's immature and blah blah blah especially when we made the rule that no adults were allowed but come on, it was fun. :D :P And that's about it so far today. It's slightly warmer outside today so I'm gonna go on a walk later. I've been dying to go outside for a while now so that'll be good. :D And I'm probably gonna play a prank on my mom later before I give her her Italian lesson. :P I actually can't wait for that cuz it's actually amusing to boss my mom around a bit and to see how my mom thinks that she's just so great at Italian and yet we haven't even finished lezione preliminare. :lol: :P I'll tell you how both go later if you actually wanna know. :P

Anyways, I don't wanna go back to school tomorrow cuz well...I'm gonna be going back to school and I'm gonna be living with my mom again. :P But I guess I have no choice unless I wanna be a moron...and morons don't go to Harvard Medical School and become pediatritions so I guess I can't be a moron. :P And the good thing is that in two weeks I'll be on February Vacation which will be AWETHUM cuz my dad takes that week off every year so we're gonna spend the week with him. :D I'll just keep thinking about that for the next two weeks to keep me motivated. :D

And ah...I think that's about all I haveta really say. :P Just be glad I'm not being a nerd and talking about Bakugan right now. :P By the way...all this time that you've been reading this you've been in my world!!! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Sorry. :P Arrividerci. -MightyBFan25

Level 12/Can't Play Outside Today...

Well, first of all, I made it to level 12 a day or two ago but I didn't make a blog then so I'll just state that right now. :D I made it to level 12, YAY! :D I'm glad about that. :)

My day was pretty good so far. :D I didn't really do anything. :P I slept in, watched The Mighty B! on Nicktoons Network, played some random flash games on, went on this site...and uh...that's about it. :P One thing that sucks is that it's been pretty cold lately so I haven't been able to go outside too much for the past few days, including today. And the thing that made it worse today was that since I usually take a bath every other day or whenever I've done something stupid and need one and I didn't take a bath on Friday, I had to take one today which sucked. And the part that made it worse was that I wasn't even dirty so I felt that it was just pointless to take one and since it was too cold to go outside really, I couldn't leave and give myself a reason to take a bath which sucked. least it was just this one time and I didn't haveta clean out the bath-tub after. :P But other than day was pretty good. :D

You know...I could end this blog right now but since it's sorta short and all my blogs are usually pretty darn long...I'll just bore you with talking about Bakugan cuz I can cuz when you read my blogs you're in my world. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You're in my world now!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P I'm not an evil mastermind or anything...but I could if I wanted to I bet. :P Well...I just wanted to say that out of the 5 Bakugan that I recently got on ebay, two of them have already come in the mail and I'm still waiting for the other three. I got my two Pyrus and Ventus Coin Scorpions that each have 850 G's already and they're AWETHUM and I've used them in a few battles with my Pyrus and Ventus deck and they're just AWETHUM cuz you get to add 850 G's to the total G-Power of your Bakugan and it just becomes virtually unstoppable. :D The other ones that I'm still waiting for are those 3 Abis Omegas and I can't wait to get them. :D I know that once I get them I'm gonna add two of them to my Haos deck cuz all three are Haos. It'll really make my Haos deck AWETHUM!!! :D Then my Haos Bakugan for my deck will be Alto Brontes with 720 G's, Orange Translucent Abis Omega with 720 G's, and Pearl Abis Omega that had 750 G's. And then my Haos ability cards and gate cards but I'm not gonna rattle off those. :P I just can't wait to get them in the mail!!! :D And the Pearl Abis Omega is super rare cuz it's part of the pearl Bakugan collection which was this limited edition set of Bakugan that are just AWETHUM! :D Well...I think that's enough with Bakugan for now. :P I hope this proves how boring I can be when I start talking about certain things. :P By the way...I also hope that this had taught you that when you read my're in my world!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P

I think that's all I haveta say at the moment. :P I'm gonna use a different Italian greeting this time cuz I'm getting sorta sick of saying ciao so...Arrividerci. -MightyBFan25