Happy Valentine's Day peoples! :D I don't care for this holiday too much cuz I don't care about any of that lovey-dovey stuff but I guess it's an okay holiday and it's fine if you like it. :) Just curious but do any of you have plans for today? I don't have any plans except to sleep, watch TV, go online, listen to music, and play Bakugan. :P
Right now my dad's at work cuz even though he has the week off, he's gonna work on Valentines Day cuz since he works for Fed-Ex, it's basically all overtime and the money will get added to his vacation pay-check, which is never as good as it is if he's actually working so that's why. I don't really mind cuz he's gonna be home by 2. :) And baby-sitting won't be too hard cuz my little brother has a packet of work that he needs to do over the vacation so all I haveta do is help him out if he doesn't know the answer to something (which rarely happens cuz he's smart like me) and then check his work and make sure that he's actually working and not drawing random pictures but it's easy to do that. :D And I don't have any work or any productive to do so I'm just listening to some music and typing this at the moment. :P So far my day's been unproductive.....but I think that's AWETHUM!!! :D :P One thing that is a little annoying but I sorta like is that I have the song "Picture To Burn" by Taylor Swift stuck in my head. I hate getting songs stuck in my head but I don't mind as much cuz at least it's a good song. :P The rest of my day's gonna probably be unproductive. :P
Sorry I didn't make a blog yesterday but I didn't really have anything to type about. :P Well...I didn't today either but at least I could say happy Valentines Day in this blog. :P All I did yesterday was watch TV, sleep, go online, play video games, and that's about it. :P The only productive thing that I did (which I actually don't wanna mention but I might as well) is help my dad clean the house cuz it needed to be cleaned up and we haven't for a while. :P I'm sure some of you might be shocked that I'd actually help clean the house cuz I'm the kinda person who likes to make messes, not clean them up. :P Well...I won't clean the house with my mom cuz she's a jerk, but I will for my dad cuz well...he's AWETHUM. Besides, I only like to torture my mom cuz she deserves it...and she's a neat-freak. :P And I guess I might as well have cleaned up the house a bit cuz I'm partially responsible for making messes there. :P So...I did. And it was sorta fun. :P But...I think a lot of stupid things are fun so don't listen to me. :P
That's about all I haveta say. :P Have an AWETHUM Valentine's Day! :D -MightyBFan25
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