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MightyBFan25 Blog

I Got Approbation!... :D

...and that's not a Bakugan or anything like's something academically important. :P I got my second term report card today and I wanna talk about my day and my grades for term two on this blog, and I once again hope I don't make anyone fall asleep with this. :P day at school was overall AWETHUM!!! :D We got our report cards today and I'll tell you how I did soon enough. I had a substitute in ELA so it was basically a study. :P My math, Latin, Italian, and history classes were all normal. And I also had a study and PE today. PE was pretty fun cuz we got to play capture the flag against those stupid sixies. :twisted: :P We won too which was AWETHUM!!! :D It was pretty fun and it was a good opportunity for me to get rid of some of my bottled up energy. :P When we play, me and usually one or two of my other friends are jail gaurds cuz we do a really good job at that and everyone else is either too lazy or too scared that they'll screw up to do it. :P And I only had Latin homework when I got home. It wasn't too hard but it took me FOREVER!!! :P It took like two hours to do! :lol: :P I don't really care too much cuz I'm not gonna have Latin homework for a few nights now cuz I translated the whole story. :D And then I practiced my flute for a little while.

Now getting to the matter of my second term report card...

Conduct- A (stayed the same as last term.)

PE- A (stayed the same as last term.)

Band- A (went up from A- to A which I'm proud of. :D )

Declamation- A+ (We didn't do that last term. :P )

ELA- A (stayed the same as last term.)

History- A- (which I am so shocked but really proud about cuz I got it from a B+ to an A- and I suck at history. :D )

Latin- B (which I'm also shocked but proud about cuz I got it from a C+ to a B and I was in cluster C last year and had the worst sixie Latin teacher so I wasn't really expected to do good at Latin. :D )

Italian- A (which I'm not surprised about but I'm very much satisfied with. It went from an A- to an A which I'm pleased with to say the least. :D )

Math- B+ (I'm somewhat disappointed with this grade cuz I'm a math geek and it's usually my best subject and it's the only grade of mine that went down while all my others went up or stayed the same. But you know...usually when I try to pull up my grade in a subject or two...another grade or two of mine goes down so I'm glad it was only in one subject and it was only from an A- to a B+ so who's complaining?! :P )

Overall, I'l satisfied with all my grades and since I got all A's and B's this term...I got honors which is called Approbation at my school. Getting straight A's is called Approbation with Distinction. I've never gotten that at BLS. :P When you're thinking about my grades, keep in mind that my school is a super-hard advanced school and I'd probably most likely be getting straight A's at any normal school. I'm not trying to sound like a stuck-up jerk or anything and sorry if I do...but I'm just saying that. Sorry if I sounded like somewhat of a show-off or a jerk when I said that cuz I don't mean to.

The only sucky thing about today is that my voice sounds retarded cuz I have laryngitus. :P I forgot to mention this before but I've had laryngitus since Friday night. I mean, I can talk still and it's not contageous at least from my knowledge it isn't. :P I can talk, it's just that my voice sounds wierd...but I actually think it's sorta cool cuz I'm wierd. :P Of course my friends took that opportunity of my voice being screwed up to jokingly make fun of me. :P I don't care cuz they were just messing around with me. :P My laryngitus is getting better though...I think. :P

Oh...and last night my mom said something that shocked me but made me pretty darn happy. So... I was showing my mom my new Bakugan just for the sake of sounding like such a geek and a tom-boy around her and to annoy her. :P And after a little bit of talking about mom made this comment that she was surprised that I like Bakugan so much. And I wanted to really pull this one response from her so I was kinda doing that. :P And after a bit of mom...for the first time ever actually said to me that I'm a tom-boy!!! I know this isn't gonna change anything at all between me and my mom...but I was shocked that she said that even though I pulled it outta her almost. :P I just felt like sharing that with you on this blog. :P

That's about all that I haveta and wanna say. :P I'm not gonna play any pranks on my mom today cuz I've had a headache since R5 today and I took some asperin when I got home and I'm tired from my Latin work and I wanna take a nap. :P I don't need to take a shower luckily today so I'm just gonna nap for an hour or two. :P If I don't come on for an hour or two...I'll be in my room sleeping. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25 (who by the way is very very proud of her grades and is gonna call her dad later to tell him her grades. :P )

I Got This AWETHUM Translucent Ventus Alpha Percival Today!!! :D

Okay...for any of you people that don't know much about Bakugan, that one that's mentioned in the title is this really cool and powerful Bakugan and it's series 2, or B2. But...I'll get to that in a minute. I wanna type more stuff first. Ireally don't hope I bore you all to death. :P Friday night was AWETHUM and I did absolutely nothing and I was at my dad's place by about 6. :D And my Saturday's been pretty good so far...I take that was AWETHUM!!! :D I mean, I had to help my dad with some errands and stuff as usual, but it was actually sorta fun to me cuz I'm a nerd. :P And...I got some new B2 Bakugan today!!! :D They're AWETHUM!!! :D I'll talk about them in the next paragraph. :P Oh...and my mom called me and my little brother this morning cuz "she misses us". Hah, yeah right! She doesn't miss us at all! All she cares about us for is cuz of child support. :P And my dad got the phone, talked to my mom about the bare minimum of stuff that needed to be talked about. Then my little brother talked to my mom. My brother is still too young to know all the reasons to hate my mom so he still does like her sometimes but he's beginning to hate her too now. So...he was talking about stuff. And then my mom wanted to talk to me. I was watching TV...well...I wasn't actually watching was just on and I was setting up a new AWETHUMER deck of Bakugan stuff with some new ones that I got today included. And my little brother told me that mom wanted to talk to me and I told him to tell my mom that I was asleep and even if I was awake I wouldn't wanna talk to her anyways. :lol: :P I'm gonna get it when I get back to my mom's place! :P That's about it to say about non-Bakugan related things... :P

Now getting to the Bakugan-related things. :P So...I got some new Bakugan today, well...six to be specific along with six new gate cards and six new ability cards. They're all actually a great addition to my Bakugan collection and worth the investment. I'm not gonna run through the cards but for ability cards I got 1 black, two green, and three red, and for gate cards I got two gold, two silver, and two bronze. Now for the Bakugan... :P I actually have my new ones right near me along with a gate card to open them up so I don't forget like a moron. :P So...I just feel like bragging a little bit and talking about then cuz I'm a nerd. :P I got an Aquos Wildred (or Kilroy cuz it has two names, I dunno why) that has 520 G's. I got a Haos Midnight Percival that has 550 G's. (Percivals of all types are pretty common but they're powerful and cool looking. :P ) I got a Darkus Neo Dragonoid that also has 550 G's. I got a Subterra Fox-Bat that has 610 G's. And now...these next two are the same type of Bakugan but they're AWETHUM for different reasons. I got a Darkus Alpha Percival (Darkus is THE attribute to have Percival in cuz that's what he is in the show) that has 720 G's! That's AWETHUM!!! 720 is my highest one yet, higher than Naga!!! And it's basically THE attribute to have Percival in too. :D And don't get me wrong, I love all my Bakugan, even my Haos Falconeer that only has 310 G's, which is sorta pathetic. :P But this one is one of my favorites and that's why it gets a mention in the title of my blog. :D It's a Translucent Ventus Alpha Percival that has 650 G's!!! :D That's equal to the G's on Naga!!! :D's translucent which makes it look really cool. And it's Ventus, which is one of my favorite types along with Haos and Pyrus, but I like all types. And just like the other Alpha Percival... if you pull back the top of it's head it's mouth opens so it can rawr if you want it to. :P I like doing that. :P It's just AWETHUM and one of my favorite Bakugan that I have!!! :D Now...I guess I should shut up now cuz I already probably sound like a nerd. :P

That's about all I haveta say. Sorry about the lame, nerdy, Bakugan-related title. :P My family's going out for dinner in about 20 minutes and I guess I should get outta my pajamas which I was wearing the second I came home from doing errands. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25

I Just Realized Something... :P

I'll say what I just realized in a few paragraphs from now...but I wanna do more typing before that. :P I once again hope I don't bore you and I'll try not to make this too long. :P

So.....overall I had an AWETHUM day at school. :D The day went my really quick, I goofed around with my friends A LOT and I had two studies. The AWETHUM thing too was that I had no homework when I got home cuz I either did it in advance, in class, or in my first study. So...I had nothing to do in my sixth period study so I started drawing on my friend's book-cover. was more like random squiggles to make it look stupid. :P And then my friend took my pen and threw it in the trash. :lol: :P I didn't care cuz being a nerd, I have a bunch of pens and pencils on hand. :P And then I had to go to the bathroom so I wrote a pass and got it signed and left for like five minutes and when I came back, my friend wrote ALL OVER some pages in my agenda book and it was pretty funny. :lol: :P Besides, I already used the pages she wrote on. :P But overall...AWETHUM day!!! :D

Now this is getting to the thing that I just realized... :P Well, in band, which I had a few days ago, we started learning from the level two book which is a major accomplishment. And...we're starting to practice Amazing Grace, which sounds AWETHUM!!! :D Anyways, in band, my music teacher, Mr. Harper, mentioned that musicians are always sorta crazy and wierd and he considers everyone in his band musicians. And everyone in the band is sorta crazy and wierd. :P I completely agree with that though. :D And...I just realized this but: I sorta feel that it's even more fine for me to be crazy and wierd and I almost feel like I have the entitlement to cuz I'm considered a musician just like everyone in band. :D So...maybe I was supposed to play an instrument all along and my personality was just a sign...but I dunno. :P By the way, if you don't know, I play the flute. :D

Oh...and a few days ago I got into a bit of a fight with my mom. I'd rather not get into it but it wasn't too nice. :P It's fine and I don't care, but I'm too lazy to really talk about it. If you wanna know what happened though, you can ask in a comment on this blog...but I'm not gonna type it if no one's gonna read it. :P And...I was still doing my evil mind games all week long and still am. Today's the day where it all pays off!!! :twisted: :P I said that I was gonna invite all my friends over and trash the place and then when they left I was gonna leave and go get filthy at the park and drip mud all over the house...but the point of this mind game was to do nothing and still get my mom to have a neat-freak panic attack...which I bet she will. I just wish that I could see the look on her face when she comes home and everything's fine. :P But I can't cuz my dad's gonna pick me up before my mom gets home cuz she's working late to make up some hours at work. But I can just picture it. :P

That's about all I haveta say. :D I can't wait for my dad to pick me up for the weekend! :D And this is random...but I'm gonna be getting some new Bakugan this weekend. :D :P I'm planning on getting some Bakugan Traps cuz I don't have too many of those. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25

The Stupid Glitch on My Profile Is Gone So You Can Actually Read This... :P

Yeah...sorry about that stupid glitch on my profile yesterday. :P That's why I didn't get too many comments on my last blog I guess. :P Sorry for that inconvenience, but I honestly had nothing to do with that. It's just this site being stupid and cruel to me again. :P Hehe, I don't really care. :D Well...I wanna talk about my day and I hope I don't bore you to death like I think I always do. :P Oh, and this is random but I'm drinking soda at the moment. Why I mention this is cuz I rarely get to drink soda cuz my mom doesn't allow me to most of the time. :P I think she said it's cuz I'm crazy enough as it is and sugar will just make it worse. :P But the odd thing is that I never have sugar rushes when I do have sugar. :lol: :P So...I'm not crazy...well...I am, but not more than I usually am. :P I don't know why my mom's letting me have soda today though... :P I didn't ask or anything...she just said I could. Well, she's been unusually nice today so far...which scares me more than when she yells at me. :P

Well...overall my day at school was pretty good. :D Nothing stupid or crazy or wierd really happened. I had all my regular classes plus a study and band. We're starting to play Amazing Grace in Band and it already sounds AWETHUM!!! :D I didn't have any homework except a lot of studying and some optional reading which I did. :P So...I'm good with my work. :D

I got to talk to my dad on the phone yesterday and that was pretty nice. I finally got to talk to a parent about how I'm doing at school. My mom doesn't really care. :P I actually haven't missed my dad or been too upset so far this week. :) And I dunno why but every winter since my parents' divorce is when I get the most upset about that...and it's always after the holidays. I dunno why though. But I hope I'm not too upset these next few months and I haven't been so far. :)

I can't wait for the new Mighty B! episodes on January 16th!!! :D They're gonna be AWETHUM!!! :D I think they're gonna be Hive Of Darkness and A Pirate's Life For B, but I'm not sure. :P I hope it is. :D

I just finished reading Farenheight 451 today and it was one of the AWETHUMEST books I've ever read, not joking, it was. :D I really suggest reading it, ESPECIALLY if you're a Sci-Fi nerd like me. :D I was reading it for a few hours which is why I'm on this site sorta late. :P But I couldn't stop reading. Part three was so intense and exciting and I just couldn't take my eyes off the book. :D :P

I don't have much else to say. :P I'm continuing my evil mind games with my mom cuz I'm an evil mastermind and it all leads up to letting her have the biggest neat-freak panic attack ever on Friday and I don't even need to do anything. :lol: :P Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P I think I am an evil mastermind. :P I think I should blast my mom with a lightning bolt cuz I can cuz I'm taking wizard classes at BLS now. :P Awww...I'm only a level 5 wizard right now so all I can do is conjure up bunnies. :P Just kidding about the wizard stuff.

RANDOM QUESTION: Do any of you know what a monolithic obelisc is? I do...but I wanna see if anyone else does. :P

That's all I haveta say. :P Ciao, and remember "No taxation without representation". :P Sorry, we're learning about the stamp act and all that in History now. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

My Second Day Back Was Okay... was my second day back at school, as I'm sure it was for all of you who are around my age. :P I had a pretty good day and I wanna talk about it but I hope I don't bore you to death. :P Right now, I'm typing this from Gamespot. I'm not banned or anything, but there's some stupid glitch that won't let me go to my profile page on I'm not suspended or anything though cuz I was posting on some forums a few minutes ago. If anyone else is having this problem or knows how to fix it, could you please tell me cuz I'd really appreciate that. :D I had an overally good day at school. I had Band and a study along with my normal classes. I didn't have too much homework either. We didn't get any Latin or Italian, I did my Math and ELA in a study, and I did my History when I got home. :D I have a funny story to tell you about this morning though. :P So one of my crazy friends, JG, just came up and grabbed me by my backpack and was just dragging me through the hallway to homeroom and talking to me. :P I was trying to make her let go cuz I had to go to my locker, not homeroom, and she knew that. So then she told me to stop acting like a child. :lol: :P I said I wasn't just cuz I wanted to say that. :P of my arch-enemies walked past us and overheard the conversation and said yeah I was. :P I didn't really care. Why should I?! :P And this is random but someone who isn't one of my friends dropped out of BLS today. Random yes...but I wanna type more cuz I'm actually getting to be a WAY better typer since I've been on this site. :D I don't really have much to say. I'm continuing my evil set of mind games with my mom. I'm gonna take a shower later cuz I sorta need one and my mom's forcing me to sometime today anyways. :P This is sorta random and from nowhere but I like wearing this Patriots winter hat that I have indoors for no reason what so ever. :P I just do. :P Surprisingly, I don't have much else to say. :P Oh, and I wasn't tired like I was yesterday! :D And that's wierd cuz I stayed up till 11 reading Farenheight 451. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25

First Day Back To School And It Wasn't Completely Bad... :D

The title says it all. :P My first day back to school didn't completely suck like I thought it would and it was actually pretty good aside from...well...I'd rather not say. Hehe. :P Figure it out on your own people cuz I don't wanna say it. :P But uh...overall, AWETHUM day!!! :D Wierd huh? I mean, I thought that the day was gonna suck, but I am very rarely wrong and I guess I was this time. :P I just wanna talk a little bit about my day cuz my friends know what happened, my mom doesn't care, and my dad doesn't get home for another few hours so I can't call him and I'm dying to tell someone about my day. And this was the first day of the third term at my schoom by the way. :)

So...I had Band first period and that was good. :D I got to try out my new tuner and cleaning rod in band for the first time. Both were AWETHUM. :D And we played some of the old music that we still have and we nailed it. We're just practicing dynamics and stuff now to make everything sound even AWETHUMER!!! :D It's pretty easy. With the flute, it's all posture, breathing, and armiture. And although I am a sloucher, I sit up straight when I play the flute, and that's the only time I do. :P

Then I had math class. We're starting a new chapter and we covered the first lesson today. It was all about identifying monomials and multiplying them. It's pretty easy. I did my math homework in a study and I filled two full pages with work and numbers and variables and when I was done I looked at all the work and I felt sorta dizzy and wondered how I did it all. :P Oh, and we got back our term tests from before the vacation and I got an 88% on it. I'm happy with that, but I wish I got an A. :P Don't we all. :P

Then I had Italian class. It was pretty good, but sorta boring if you ask me. :P All we did was talk for a little while, finish watching Ladri Di Biciclette, and got back our Italian quizzes from before the break. I got a 100% on it. It was really easy. :P It was just conjugating verbs, regular are and ere ones and all the irregulars that we've learned so far. :D We didn't get any Italian homework either. :D

Then I had a study. I did my Math homework and I had nothing else to do so I talked to my friends and annoyed them a little and then they told me to shut up cuz they had work to do so I left them alone and drew a picture or a bunch of coatis playing poker. :P Don't ask why! :P

Then I had Latin. All we did was work in class on translating this short Latin story. I got pretty far in it. I almost finishes two thirds of it. That became our homework. So when I got home, finished my translation and vocabulary sheet and made and drilled some Latin flash cards that I've made.

Then I had History. One of the workers from ISGM came to do some more VTS's with us. I HATE THOSE STUPID THINGS!!!!! :twisted: :P All you do is look at a picture and talk about it. I mean, I contributed to the conversation, but I honestly didn't care. :P And for homework we had 8.3 notes which I did WAY in advance like two weeks ago.

Then finally I had ELA. We got new seats in ELA class. I'm friends with one of the people who I sit near, but the other is one of my arch-enemies. :twisted: Not good! :lol: We're starting to read Farenheight 451 and I like it cuz I'm into all that Sci-Fi stuff cuz I'm a nerd. :P And we did our Free Write, talked about the book a little, and we read a bibliography on Ray Bradbury, the author of the book. Then when we finished that...we had some time left in class so we talked about random things with Ms. Wenz. And I don't know how but we started talking about black holes and then monolithic obeliscs. (I know what it is and I've seen them in random Sci-Fi crap that nerds like me do and watch but it's sorta hard to explain. :P ) And my arch enemy who I now sit next to, HG (her initials), knows that I love that sorta stuff and kept bothing me about it. Revenge is never the answer for anything, but me and my friend were torturing her a little bit to get even. :twisted: :P And we had to start reading the book for homework and take notes. We also got back our essays from like November and I got a 90% on it. :D

So...overall, AWETHUM day!!!!! :D I only had Latin and ELA homework when I got home and it only took me 2 and a half hours. :D I actually enjoyed this day at school and I felt like talking about it. :P One thing that made this day really good though was I broke out all my remedies to make Mondays better. I have a bunch of those. :P Some of them are wierd ones so I'd rather not say any of them cuz then you'll ask about the wierd ones and Girlygirl24 will conjure up more evil kitty cats to attack me avoid that...I'll just keep my mouth shut about something for once. :P

I'm not gonna really bother with my mom today. Although I'm feeling much better now that I've gotten through one day at school...I'm not ready to play any pranks yet. I'm usually pretty happy and optimistic, and I am, but not as much as I usually am. Well...maybe I will. I can't help myself. :P I've had this evil plan for a prank that's not really a prank to play on my mom. :twisted: :P I think I'll start it tonight. It's basically this whole set of mind tricks to get her freaked out and think that I'm up to something and while she's thinking that, I'm not gonna do anything. I've never done this but I know how my mom's mind works for the most part and I have everything planned out like a good little dork. :P I'm planning on basically saying that on Friday when I get home from school I'm gonna bring some of my friends over and have a party and trash the place. :P Then when the leave I'm gonna go outside, get filthy, and get mud all over the house and she won't be home so there's nothing she can do about it. I'll fake a few cell phone calls to my friends about the "party" and talk about my plan all week long and it'll be believable for sure. :D I'm just such an evil mastermind, aren't I? :P

That's about all I haveta say. I hope I didn't bore you to death talking about my day. :P I feel that now that I've gotten through Monday, I can get through the entire week no problem. :D And I'm putting my evil game of mind tricks to a start tonight. He he he! :twisted: :P Don't tell my mom don't know how to contact her anyways so ha ha if you were gonna do that. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25

P.S.- Thanks everyone for making me feel a little better yesterday. I really appreciate it. So thanks for caring...and for not punching me (directed at Girlygirl24). :P

Last Day Of My Christmas Break...

*sigh* Today's the last day of my break from school and it's gonna suck. :( I know it cuz I'm going back to my mom's place soon after being at my dad's place all week, which will make my mom seem even worse than usual. And it's gonna be more worse than usual to say bye to my dad. I don't wanna go back to live with my mom and I don't wanna go back to school! This break went by WAY too fast. It was nice and relaxing but I wish it was longer. I'm not trying to make anyone depressed, but I am, so I apologize for coming on this site to type up a blog while I'm in such a bad mood. I know that I'm not gonna enjoy today cuz I'm gonna have that thought of going back to school at the back of my mind all day long.'s snowing outside so I can't go out to get some fresh air or get filthy or anything. And I'm too upset to play a prank on my mom when I get back there. I only play pranks and goof around when I'm in a good mood so I can enjoy it. But I'm just sorta depressed at the moment so I don't think I'm up for any pranks. Sorry about that. When I feel better I'll do something evil to my mom. :P But uh...sorry about sounding so negative at the moment and I'm usually more of an optimist, but I'm just upset and it brings out my pessimistic side.

I guess I should just try to think about some positive things though. I mean, my whole break was good, relaxing, unproductive, etc... I got to spend the whole week at my dad's place, I won my Bakugan video game, new Mighty B! episodes aired, it's officially 2010, I got to have my first decent x-mas after my parents' divorce, and some other things. When I get home I'll just unpack all my stuff, get ready for tomorrow, and then if I'm up to it I might play a game of Bakugan with my little brother. :) If I'm up to it, but I'm not sure if I will after being sent to my mom's place. That's enough to wear on anyone's spirit. :P I guess I should just try to stay optimistic. I mean, everyone hasta go back to school sometime. And if not, I guess I'd become an idiot. :P I can't remember half the stuff I learned this year, so maybe going back will refresh my memory. And I get to see my friends again. And there's a lot of snow on the ground so I might get a snow day, but I dunno. I hope it keeps snowing. I'm beginning to feel a little better. :) I don't know how I'll feel a few hours from now when I'm at my mom's place though. I hope I'm at least up for a game of Bakugan, and I hope I'm not too upset to play a prank on my mom.

Well...I'm probably boring you with this. :P I don't have any plans or anything for today. I'll edit this blog later to tell you if I played a prank on my mom. If I did I'll tell you about it. And I think I'll play some Bakugan later. If I do that, I'll tell you if I won. Bye bye. -MightyBFan25

EDIT: Well...thanks for making me feel a little better everyone. :) I'm still a little upset, but not too much. When I got to my mom's place, I put away all my things and got ready for tomorrow and I'm okay now. :) I was up for a game of Bakugan, well...two actually. I won my first match, but I barely lost my second one, so I'm gonna have a tie-break tomorrow. :D I hope I win that one. I actually have a pretty good Bakugan deck. I'll talk about it later in this paragraph. I couldn't come up with anything evil enough for a prank to play on my mom and I wasn't in a good enough mood to anyways. I mean, I'm okay, but not in good enough of a mood to play a prank. I don't wanna go to school tomorrow, but I guess I haveta and it won't be too bad I guess. :) Now I wanna talk about my current Bakugan deck. I've actually changed it a few times cuz I felt like it. :P But my current one is this: For my Bakugan I have Pyrus Serpentoid that has 470 G's, Pyrus Hyper Dragonoid that had 550 G's, and Naga (that has no attribute and can be anyone you want it to be) that has 650 G's. My ability cards are Blaze, Circle of Fire, and Call From Friends. My Gate Cards are Clayf, Fire Pit, and Limbo Gate. It's a good deck aside from my green ability card cuz I can't seem to come across a good green ability card. :P Well...that's all I haveta say. I haveta go to bed soon and then I'm gonna start getting back to work at school. :D Bye...again. :P -MightyBFan25

The First Ever 2010 Mighty B! Episodes Aired Today!!!!! :D

I'm sure that any of you who love The Mighty B! or at least care about it already know this and have already seen the episodes. I have and they were AWETHUM!!! :D Awww-some was well...AWETHUM!!! It was so funny and the end was pretty suspenseful and kept me on the edge of my seat. :D And...I actually fell of the couch while I was watching the end. :P I loved both the episodes but I thought that Dogcatcher And The Rye was a little bit better. In my opinion, it seemed to have more action and more gross humor, which I actually like in The Mighty B! because it's funny but they don't overuse it like some shows. :D But overall, both episodes were AWETHUM!!! :D It's just a shame that as of right now, the Mighty B! is gonna get cancelled after this season cuz it's really stepped things up for season 2 and it's gotten so much better.

I haven't been doing much lately. :P I've had a pretty unproductive break and I've had enough time to relax but I still don't wanna go back to school cuz I know what to expect, which makes it worse. I mean, I haveta go back to living with my mom, get back into the swing of things at school, and get used to having less time to do whatever I wanna, which all sucks! I still have a day and a half left, but...I know it's gonna go by so fast. And I've been staying at my dad's place all week and I've noticed that the longer I stay at my dad's place, the harder and more sad it is to leave. I mean, it's only a week, but that can drag on FOREVER sometimes. I just hate it. I just gotta think about The Mighty B! and other things like that to keep my mind occupied so I don't think about it. :)

Today's been boring so far and I would go out to go to the park but it's snowing outside so I can't. So much for that. I'm just glad that there's something good on TV besides those new Mighty B! episodes today. I've been watching this seven part documentary thingy on the Seven Deadly Sins and it's actually pretty good and interesting if you ask me. By the way, the Seven Deadly Sins are: Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Greed, Anger, and Pride. It's on for seven hours on the History Channel...I think. :P I hate to admit this, but I watch a lot of documentaries and educational stuff on TV. :P Don't laugh. Okay...fine...laugh cuz I don't care. :P It's just that most of that stuff interests me and I can usually make connections between what they're showing on the TV with what I'm learning in school which I think is good and sorta expands my knowledge of certain things. Yeah...I probably sound like such a nerd right now. :P I watch a lot of documentaries and educational things on TV along with cartoons and a few TV reality shows. Nothing else on TV really interests me. :P

Now, since I can't go outside and get filthy cuz I have this urge to at the moment, I guess I'll just torture you and talk about this wierd dream I had last night. :P So...I was playing softball on a softball team with all of the girls who were in my grade at my old school, including the ones who hated me. :P And it was sorta wierd cuz I was the age that I am right now and I quit playing softball to focus on my school-work in the sixth grade. But the wierder thing about my dream was that it wasn't focused on the game really. I mean, I only remember pitching (I was a pitcher in softball and I was really good actually. I actually could play anywhere AWETHUMLY except for catcher and third base cuz I never had the arm for those positions) the entire game and a few of my at bats. The thing that my dream focused on was just me trying to interact with my old classmates, which didn't go too good. I mean, I would just try to talk about something somewhat relating to school and I was treated like some sorta freak cuz I knew so much cuz of my super-hard advanced school. It was good though cuz I got to see my old friends at least. And they were nice to me at first, but then they started being mean to me cuz they were upset that I left them to go to BLS. That wasn't good at all. And I remember by the end of the game, everyone on my team wanted to kill me. And I forget what I did, but my old arch nemesis was chasing after me like she literally wanted to kill me. I must've done something AWETHUM to get her that ticked off at me, I just wish I remembered what. :P And then I woke up. It was a weird dream. :P

And that's about it. I don't have much else to say and I'm gonna continue watching that program on The Seven Deadly Sins. They're showing all of them, but they're outta order so Envy is on right now. :P I don't get why they're all outta order and if you ask me, I think that's stupid. :P But ah well...what can I do. Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

EDIT: Well, I'm bored so I guess I'll just add some description to that dream I had and I wanna talk a little bit about my neighbourhood in respect to my dad's place. :P So...all that I talked about in my dream is basically a summary. I only remember three of my at-bats, making two great fielding plays, pitching a shut-out for the enitre six innings, and A TON about seeing my old friends/arch enemies from the past. :P So...I was on my old softball team the Wildcats, and our uniforms were blue with gold letters. And the team we were playing was the Thunder, whose uniforms were red with gold letters. And I had three at-bats that I can remember. On the first one, I struck out swinging. On the second one, I got a double and two RBI's. Then, someone came up and got a single so I went to third. And then, one of my friends came up and hit this line-drive right down the sideline and it made it to the back of the field, so I came home, and even though it wasn't necessary, I slid cuz I wanted to. :P On my third at-bat, I hit this AWETHUM line-drive down right field and got an inside the park home-run. I was almost tagged out at home plate, but I didn't get tagged out cuz I slid headfirst underneath the tag. :P It was fun, but I remember thinking in the dream that my mom was gonna kill me. :P On defense, I was pitching for the enitre game and I pitched a shut-out for all six innings, and...I made two great fielding plays. I threw out someone at first base that was trying to steal second. And a line drive got hit at me and I caught it. I remember my hand really hurt in the dream after, even though I had my glove on. :P And this is the interesting part...seeing my former friends/enemies again. :P He he he! :twisted: :P I remember I was trying to talk a little bit about Latin and the ancient Romans and some mythology and all that stuff and at first I was treated like some sorta freak by anyone in the dug-out who wasn't one of my former friends. And they were picking on me a bit and just being jerks and they threatened to beat me up after the game. So...I just decided to talk about it to my friends who were actually kinda interested, and then they overheard me, called me a nerd and started laughing to themselves. I didn't really care. Then I continued, and they told me to just shut up and took my glasses. (I had to wear them at the games cuz my vision needed to be really good for the games and although I can see without my glasses, it's not as good as it is with them.) So then I was asking then for my glasses back and they didn't give them back to me till my at-bat. I wanted to kill them by that point cuz they're just jerks, just like they were to me in real life. So after my at-bat, I just kept bothering my former arch-enemies cuz I wanted to. :P Don't ask what I did cuz I was saying some bad things and I can't completely remember what I did, which is what I really wanna know. Just...don't ask. So...then my friends began to remember how I ditched them to go to BLS and got ticked off at me too! And they told me how things had gotten a lot worse for them with those evil bullies cuz since I wasn't there, they had to take out their anger on some other people besides me. So...then the game was over and we won, thanks to my perfect pitching game, but I wasn't treated nicely or anything. They all wanted to kill me!!! I got chased outta the field and ran home. It was sorta funny now that I think about it. :P I can even remember how I was dressed that day, not that I care how I look, but just for the heck of it cuz I'm bored. :P So I was wearing my Wildcats uniform, my white softball shorts, my cleets (those shoes with the spikes at the bottom for sports), My knee-socks (you had to wear those, just like all the other things), my glasses, and I had my sliding pad on my right leg. It's supposed to be on the left leg, but I'm not normal and I slide with my right leg underneath my left leg. :P I dunno why cuz that's not how I was taught how to, but it just felt better than the other way. :P And uh...that's about all I can remember about my dream and I hope I didn't bore you too much or confuse you with all the softball terminology. :P

And I just wanna say a little bit about my neighbourhood in regards to my dad's place. It's not too nice of a place. :P I mean, we have good neighbours and all that and most of the people are fine...but there's some bad things...well...actually a fair amount. So...down the block there's this house full of people who drink and do drugs, and we just call it the nut-house. :P Across the street from my house, there's this creepy former child molester guy who served 20 years in prison or something. Right next to that house, there's a bar. It used to be a salon or something, but then it became a bar and there's never any good parking spaces around cuz all the people that go there use them all up the the bar doesn't have a parking lot. And there's this creepy old couple that are always walking around doing something stupid and no good. We just call them Frankenstein and Frankenstein's Bride. :P There's more things like this, but I'm too lazy to type anymore. But ah...most of my neighbourhood's AWETHUM!!! :D Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

Happy New Year!!! :D

First of all, I wanna wish everyone on a Happy New Year!!! :D I know it's only New Year's Eve, but ah...who cares?! :P I'm just curious, but what are you gonna do today? Any plans? Since I'm at my dad's place, like I usually an every New Year, it's AWETHUM!!! :D So when my dad gets home from work our family is gonna go out to our favorite resteraunt for dinner, then when we get back we're gonna have a party while trying to stay up till midnight to watch the crystal ball drop. :D I have managed to stay up till midnight for two years straight now so I think I can this year. :D I will get the Staying Up Till Midnight On New Year's Eve Badge! That is a Honeybee badge. :D And uh...that's my plans. :P

My day's been pretty good so far. It's been nice and relaxing and I can't wait till my dad gets home from work. :D This whole break is still going by really fast and I wish it was longer but ah well. I'm also sorta preoccupied practicing my Bakugan shots so land them where ever I wanna on the gate card and that's going pretty good. And I already have the AWETHUMEST deck ever set up. :D If only I could find a decent green ability card... That's the one and only card that sucks in my deck. But the green ones are useless anyways. :P

And uh...surprisingly that's all I haveta say. :P Sorry about scaring everyone that read my blog yesterday. :P And don't forget to watch the Twilight Zone marathon on the Sci-Fi channel cuz the Twilight Zone is AWETHUM!!! :D Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

I Got Banned Again So I'm Just Leaving.....

.....Gotcha. :P I just felt like playing a prank on everyone. :P Hopefully I didn't give anyone a heart attack cuz I'm not a doctor...yet. :P I actually do wanna be a pediatrition when I grow up. :) But uh...I'm definately not banned. I only have one TOS on this account. :P And I'm not planning on leaving anytime soon. :D

So nothing much has gone on during my break and I don't have too much to say. :P My mom is just letting me and my little brother stay at my dad's place all week. I really like that but the only sucky thing is that now I can't tie her panties to a pole. :P But I'll play a bunch of pranks on her when I get back to her place. Mwahahahaha!!! :twisted: :P This is random but I love doing evil laughs. :P I already won my Bakugan video game. It was fun and pretty easy if you ask me. My last battle was AWETHUM!!! I beat Marduk and Vladitor with Pyrus Falconeer, Pyrus Ravenoid, and Pyrus Omega Leonidas. It was AWETHUM!!! :D My whole break seems to be going by really fast but I have no clue why. :P I don't want it to go by fast cuz I want it to lasy longer cuz I don't wanna go back to school. :P Well...I guess I haveta eventually. One thing that is a little sucky now is that it's too cold in MA to just go outside for fun now and I love going outside. I can't wait for the spring, even though that's a long time away. :P And this is sorta random but I can actually sorta mimic Bessie's voice when I wanna. I know how to do a fake lisp and all that, and my voice does sound sorta like hers, and I talk pretty fast cuz I'm an annoying motor-mouth, and I've noticed lately I laugh like she does sometimes. Sorta wierd, but I like it. :P

I don't have much else to say. :P This is probably kinda a shocker for you cuz my blogs are usually WAY longer, but're probably happy that there's not much else to read. :P I'm gonna go play Bakugan. (the real game, not the video game cuz I already won that) Ciao! -MightyBFan25