SNOW DAY today!!!!! :D YIPPEE!!!!! :P I found that out last night but sorta forgot to say anything. :P Well, I'm really glad that I had a snow day cuz I wasn't in the mood to go to school anyways. :P It's AWETHUM!!! :D My whole day has been completely unproductive and I slept in till like 11 and since then, I watched TV, and went online and played video games. Oh, and I haveta babysit my little brother, but that's not really a problem or ruins my day cuz I'm actually pretty good with kids. :D So...I'm gonna continue my unproductive day and do nothing. :P And...when I go back tomorrow, I'll only have two days of school till break which is AWETHUM!!!!! :D Yep, this day is AWETHUM!!! :D Zeus is AWETHUM and made it snow so the students of Boston didn't haveta go to school. :P Thanks, Zeus. :P Sorry, I really like mythology and talking about the Roman gods and goddesses. I wish I could change my religion or something and believe in them but ah well. :P Nothing I can do.
Now I'm finally gonna write an angry rant about my mom cuz I have the time, and whenever I think about her lately, I get very ticked off, so I'm gonna be fueled by rage while I write this, but I'll try to control myself. I'm also gonna tell you EVERYTHING bad you need to know about her for future references. Well, here it is:
Opening Statement: My mom's just an aweful person all around! There's many many reasons why I have the right to say this without being called a liar or over-exaggerator. This is gonna be a multi-point agrument discussing why I believe that my mom's just the most NOT AWETHUMEST person ever.
Point One- She's Just Plain Stupid: She honestly is. I found out from my dad that she never even graduated from high-school! She was a high-school drop out! She did terrible in grade school, crappy in some of high-school, and then she just dropped out. She never even TRIED to go back and finish high school or aim to even go to college! And you can tell that just by talking to her about ANYTHING school-related. I mean, I try to discuss to her what I'm learning in math class, which isn't hard in my opinion at all. And...guess what, it's high-school math and she doesn't know it! It's obvious that she's stupid in both book smarts and people smarts. She doesn't have many friends at all and the ones that she does have are always temporary cuz they tire of her after like a month. She also lacks street smarts and even common sense sometimes. So...overall, she's stupid in every sense of the word!
Point Two- She Used To Get In A LOT Of Problems: I plan to dish out a lot of dirt about my mom in this point. Before my mom met my dad, she was an absolute mess and she still is, just not as bad. I mean, she didn't even know how to drive, and my dad tried to help her with that but she didn't wanna learn cuz she's lazy! She was also very stupid and my dad tried to help her go to college and get a diploma, but she refused that too cuz she's lazy! She also used to smoke and my dad tried to help her then, but she didn't wanna do that either! Also, when my dad met my mom, my mom was boyfriend and girlfriend with some really mean guy who abused her and was just a jerk to her. When my dad found that out, he actually beat up that guy and threw him in his car and pushed the car down a hill and he wasn't ever seen again. So...basically, my mom got into a ton of problems including these and my dad was the one to always fix them for her. And the only reason my dad married her was cuz he felt bad for her and basically became used to fixing all her problems.
Point Three- She Never Wanted To Better Herself: Like I said in point two, my dad wanted to help my mom do a lot of things like go to college, quit smoking, and learn how to drive, but my mom refused. She never wanted to better herself and make herself a better person. My dad gave her 19 years to do that but after that, enough was enough. She had her chance and didn't wanna do it. She didn't have the willpower or motivation to make herself better.
Point Four- She Smokes: Like I've said before, my mom smokes and she never wants to quit. She was weak-minded and stupid to do it in the first place and now she's addicted and can't stop. And she does it all the time now IN THE HOUSE and is killing herself and it smells aweful. Whenever she smokes, I either leave the house, go in my room and slam the door, or put my shirt over my mouth so I don't breathe that crap in. I hate it and everyone that she knows, including me, want her to quit. I mean, I hate her, but come on, it's just stupid to smoke! No one needs that crap! I swear, my mom is starting to drink too. I've noticed it. My mom's gonna become a dead-beat soon I think. She already is in my opinion, but she'll get there for real soon. I know it. Unless she can wake up and realize that she's killing herself and change.
Point Five- She's A Liar: It's true. My mom is a liar. She lied to my dad about a bunch or things like money and bills and all that junk and about quitting smoking and taking driving classes and stuff like that. She lied to me about being really smart and getting straight A's in school and graduating from college and taking the flute and doing well at it. And...she also lies on job applications and says that she went to college even though she didn't. And when we had to fill out an application to rent the apartment that I'm in now, one of the questions was: Does anyone in the family smoke? or something like that, and my mom checked the NO box! My mom just lies about everything and I can never believe her!
Point Six- She's A Terrible Friend: Yeah. I think I mentioned this earlier but she hasn't had one friend that's lasted for more than two months! She's a terrible and annoying and clingy friend and everyone gets sick of her after like a month, sometimes earlier! And...she's never there to support her friends yet she wants them to support her. So...she's just a bad friend to her so called "friends".
Point Seven- She's A Terrible Wife: My mom was a terrible wife. All she did was use my dad, well...mainly his money. She never got along with my dad really and they would ALWAYS fight! dad told me that my mom NEVER held up any of her wedding vows. Her main ones were to go to college and quit smoking. She never did either! She's just a terrible wife.
Point Eight- She's A Bad Worker: My mom honestly is a terrible worker! She barely does any work and didn't have a job for like 10 years! Now though, she hasta work but she barely does. She works two small, part-time jobs for like eight hours. And I've actually gone to work with my mom a few times and what she does is REALLY easy. Ironically, she says that it's SO HARD. For more irony, my mom works at Dana Farber, which tries to find a cure for cancer, as her first part-time job, and she smokes! And her second part-time job is basically being a care-taker for this women who's in a wheelchair. So...yeah, her work seems really easy and stuff and it's not even for too long! She's just a bad worker.
Point Nine- She Caused The Divorce: My mom basically caused my parents' divorce. She's the one who caused all the fighting and arguing and stuff and then it was her decision to have the divorce. My dad wanted to go to counseling and try to work things out but my mom refused that too! So...after putting up with all that fighting and arguing, we moved. And it took a huge emotional toll on my cuz I was 11. I missed my dad a lot and I cried every night for a year and a half. After that, I learned to suck it up a bit and get used to it, but it still gets me upset. I mean, I like my dad better than anyone else in my family and I hardly ever get to see him anymore! mom just told me stop over-reacting and blah blah blah and that I just wanted to complain and that I wasn't really upset! I was upset every gosh darn night and day for one and a half years and my mom didn't care! She wanted to hide the fact that I was upset and just sweep it under the carpet! She wanted to forget about me and my emotions cuz she didn't wanna realize how aweful I felt and put up with it! So.....after I got over that, I basically vowed to make her life miserable. I still do with all my pranks, but ah...she really deserves worse. I want her to die and if she did right this second, I would cry one bit! I'd probably be happy! I could live with my dad at least!
Point Ten- She's A Horrible Parent: My mom is a terrible parent. Like I stated in point nine, she never wanted to deal with me and my emotions and she never could accept me for who I am. I've heard her over the phone COUNTLESS times saying how she wishes I was prissy and junk and that I wasn't such a tom-boy. I mean, tough luck! Screw her! It's sorta her fault anyways that I'm a tom-boy. I mean, when I was little, I spent all my free time with my little brother and dad, and well...that had something to do with me being the way I am I think. :P If she wanted me to be different, she shoulda spent more time with me when I was little and tried to shape my interests. But ah...I'm glad that I'm a tom-boy and I wouldn't change it for anything. But mom wants me to change my personality and I'm not gonna! Why should I?! I mean, I'm a teenager and I've spent 13, almost 14, years developing my personality and I don't think I'll just throw that in the trash cuz my mom sez so! Besides, I like being the way I am! And...she's also a huge neat-freak. That's one thing a parent can't be! There's two things kids are gonna do: Get hurt, and get dirty. I do both. I'm very clumsy so well...I always get hurt. :P And I go outta my way to get filthy to get her ticked off. But I mean, I don't get why my mom is such a neat freak. I mean, it's just stupid. It's fun to get dirty and besides, you can clean up later. What's the big deal?! My mom's definately prissy. She hates messes, she hates letting me or my brother have fun, and she hates me. Not good, huh? So...I don't care if I get on her nerves! I mean, she already hates me! What do I have to lose?! My mom's just a BAD BAD parent!!!
Point Eleven (this is my last one)- She's WAY Too Self-Concious: My mom is. She gets embarrassed over the stupidest things and she cares WAY too much about how she looks and cares WAY too much about impressing others. I mean, she uses me being so smart and "well-behaved" for bragging rights whenever the topic of kids comes up in one of her uptight adult conversations! It's stupid! She uses me for bragging rights but yet I'm not worth five minutes of her time so I can talk to her! Anyways, she's just a self-concious mess! I don't get it.
Closing: These are the eleven main reasons why I hate my mom and I hope you hate her by this point now too. Any questions or if you want anymore dirt on her, ask on this blog. Mwahahahaha!!!!! :twisted: :P
Okay, I REALLY hope I didn't go too crazy on that rant, but I think I did. :P Sorry if I did. :P Well, I just have two AWETHUM ideas, one practical, the other not, and that's about it. So...uh...the impractical one is how AWETHUM it would be to have my own talk-show. It would be so cool and AWETHUM!!! If I did, I'd have a bunch of segments that'd probably go in this order: Intro. Video of prank I played on my mom or someone else I hate recently. New Mighty B! updates/take about The Mighty B!/organize some Mighty B! related event at a model of the Hive that I'd have made and on the roof of my house. An angry rant about something. Invite an AWETHUM guest star on. Do some Q and A with him/her/them. Randon segments like preformances and stuff. Say bye to AWETHUM guest star. Invite horrible guest star like Brittany Spears on and dump mud or slime or garbage on them. Get horrible guest star ticked off at me and get chased out of studio. End show. :P Yeah...that'd be AWETHUM!!! Too bad that'll never happen. :P
Now for the practical idea. I've actually had this thought in my mind for a while now and I was gonna do it months ago but The Mighty B! forums weren't active enough in my opinion to do it, but now they definately are! I think I'm gonna do this contest thingy on The Mighty B! forums called Who Wants To Bee A Millionaire, of course not with real money. It'd be just like the show only with all Mighty B! related questions and you don't win real money and anyone on the forums who's participating and not the contestant can ask questions. but other than that, just like the show. I'm gonna do that later. Be sure to answer my PM later if you go on The Mighty B! forums. :D Ciao! -MightyBFan25
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