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MightyBFan25 Blog

I'm Quitting Troublemaking Forever...

Yeah...that's it for troublemaking from me forever. I'm hanging up my dirty, mud-stained clothes and putting away all my pranking equipment in a storage box at the back of my closet and I ripped up the list of future pranks that I had in mind. That's it! I'm never gonna troublemake again! I kept thinking about this and by the end of my thinking process...I made a T-Chart of all the pros and cons and the cons outweigh the pros. Troublemaking is now officially abolished from my life..........

YOU ALL BETTER READ THIS:....................Gotcha. :P If you actually believed that, no offense, but you really are dumb and please feel free to let me hit you over the head with something. :P Seriously, I'm not quitting troublemaking and I know that for a fact now. :D On my T-Chart...the pros weighed out the cons RIDICULOUSLY. :D And you know what though...even though some people disapprove of my troublemaking-ness and I might be questioned by peoples why I do it and people think I'm just crazy for doing's part of who I am and I will never change that for ANYONE ever! :D Besides, it's my life and I feel that I can do whatever I wanna with it as long as it's legal and there's nothing illegal about playing a few harmless pranks and getting dirty at the park now is there? :P Anyways, I'm not quitting troublemaking for a while at least. :D I mean...eventually I will need to grow up and be a little more mature...but why insist on speeding things up and not have any fun? I mean, I'm still a kid. And I know a few adults who are my family members that are mature when they need to be and any other time they're really fun and immature and AWETHUM and when I grow up...I definately wanna be like that. :D I'm just glad cuz I think I made the right decision and now that's off my mind. Of course...I'm not officially back to troublemaking yet though cuz I took a break from it and I haven't played a prank or anything yet today...but I'm back to that normal mind-set of mine at least. :P

Now that that matter is aside...I wanna talk about my day. It was pretty boring and nothing stupid or crazy or wierd happened really. I had no homework when I got home cuz I did a lot of things WAY in advance cuz I have no life and I had two studies. :P The weather's really nice now in MA in my opinion and I'm in a WAY better mood today. :D One thing that I'm really glad about is that January is almost over and my average in math as of right now is an A cuz I got a 96 and a 95 on two tests cuz I'm AWETHUM and cuz I'm a math geek. :P

One thing that made today AWETHUM though was that we played Jeopardy in ELA class with all the questions based around the book that we're reading, Farenheit 451. It was really fun. :D My team was actually behind for most of the game when the questions were only worth 10 to 50 punti (Italian word for points). :P the time the board of questions were cleared we were in dead last out of five teams. :P But then we did "Double Jeopardy" which was nothing like how it is in the show, and you got 1000 punti every time you got a question right and you could choose between either a quote from the book or defining a vocab word. By the time the bell rung and class was over, my team won and our reward for winning was a few extra credit punti on our test on Farenheit 451 this Friday which is AWETHUM!!! :D We had a grand total of 3110 punti by the end of the game. I actually got 1050 of them which is really good in my opinion, especially considering that there were 4 other people on my team. :D I did a 50 point question and got it right. Ms. Wenz actually thought my answer was wrong at first but it was right and she looked so shocked and said that she needs to brush up on her Farenheit 451 quotes. :lol: :P And the other one was a 1000 point question in Double Jeopardy that was also a quote and it was really easy and no one else in my group knew it. :D :P was fun. :D

One last thing that I wanna say is that one of my arch-enemies at my old school wants to friend me on Facebook and I don't wanna accept the request but if I don't...I'm gonna probably get it in CCD class next year even more so. :P I really didn't want anyone from my old school to know I had a Facebook cuz I never wanna talk any of them again really...except for my old friends, but none of them have a Facebook so I don't wanna see any of the people from my old school on Facebook. I dunno what I should do...but I do have some other people from my old school as my "friends" on Facebook cuz they didn't hate me too much. :P I use it mainly for talking to my friends at BLS and even then...I don't like Facebook too much so I only go on it once or twice a day. :P I think I'll just ignore the request though cuz if I accept it...I'm gonna probably get a bunch of stupid random mean crap posted on my wall by her. :P I don't need that. :P Yeah...I'm gonna hit ignore. :P Screw her!!! :twisted: :P

That's about all I haveta say. :P I'm gonna start troublemaking again tomorrow. :D And uh...sorry about scaring you with the title and first paragraph of this blog...I was just sorta tempted to I guess. :P make it up to you all...actually...ah...I'm not gonna give you anything...hehe. :P But feel free to do something to me if you wanna cuz whatever the heck it is...I'll probably deserve it. :P Bye bye! :D -MightyBFan25

Today Was One Of The Most Normal Days Ever For Me...

Honestly, today was the most normal day I've had in a while. :P It's sorta wierd though cuz usually at least one or two wierd things happen to me every day cuz I go to a wierd school, some of my friends are wierd and crazy...and well...I'm wierd and crazy. :P But nothing wierd happened today but I'm bored so I'm just making a blog for the heck of it. :P

Like I said day was pretty good and normal and nothing wierd or stupid or crazy happened. I only had Italian homework when I got home and I'm not busy AT ALL tonight but I'm still ridiculously tired. I'm still sorta stressed out even though I'm on top of everything cuz I have a bunch of things on my mind. It's just a bunch of stupid little, almost unimportant things but effect my academic career. So far...this week's really been taking a toll on me and that never happens so it's wierd and I don't like it at all. I hope the rest of this week is better.

One other thing that I've been thinking about is that since I'm Catholic and I go to a public school, I'm gonna haveta take CCD classes next year which is gonna suck. I have a friend in the ninth grade who's taking them this year and she says that they're just stupid and annoying and a waste of time and you learned all the stuff in like kindergarden. It'll be easy...but stupid and annoying I assume. Another thing that I think I'll hate about it is that I know most of the people at my old school are gonna be taking CCD classes next year at the same place that I'll be doing so. I'll be nice to see my friends from my old school...but other than that...I'm gonna be afraid to get beat up in the parking lot after the class or something. :P That's an exaggeration...but I know I'm gonna be in for the bullying session of my life...obviously with me on the recieving end of it cuz I'm a nerd. Ah well...that's next year though. And I'm gonna haveta take those classes for two years and then haveta recieve Confirmation and I'm gonna haveta wear the most prissy article of clothing imaginable, a dress. I know it's two years from now...but I think I'll still be a tom-boy two years from now and I'm just dreading the idea of wearing a dress cuz it's so prissy. I'm just glad it's A LONG time away from now.

The last thing that I wanna say is just a clarification of what I said in yesterday's blog. I'm gonna quit my pranks and troublemaking for a while after what happened on Sunday. I thought of the AWETHUMEST set of evil pranks and then I just didn't seem to have the guts to pull off any of them so I dunno now if I'm supposed to be playing pranks and stuff. Maybe it's just not in me and maybe I really don't have the guts for it and it's time for me to just grow up and become somewhat mature now... But...I dunno yet...this is a tough decision for me and I don't think it'd be good for me to be persuaded by anyone and I should make this decision on my own. This has nothing to do with me being a tom-boy or my personality or anything like that, this is just really a matter of my maturity level and my troublemaking-ness. But...I'm gonna put a halt on the pranks for a while until I can sort things out in my head.

I actually just got a phone call from my mom who's somewhere, I dunno where, and apparently she found out from one of her "friends" that there's some speech team or something that's not really big and my mom's "friend" said that it's apparently fun and it's sorta like doing declamation at BLS, which I actually enjoy. And I guess they meet up every Thursday and they only have like 7 peoples so they could use some members, especially ones that have some experience with public speaking already. I guess I might join if I like what I hear about it when I get the specifics on it.

That's about all I haveta say. One thing that's scaring me a little bit though is I went on a walk today cuz the weather's relatively nice again and I walked past the park and it was really muddy there and I didn't even have the slightest urge to go and get filthy! :? Usually when I go on a walk and pass the park I either have a huge urge to get filthy and I force myself not to cuz I don't feel like taking a bath later...or...I get that same urge and I just give into it. :P I dunno...I just don't feel like myself lately and it's freaking me out a little. Someone please hit me as hard as you can! I'm serious...I really am. Fine...if you feel bad about hitting a nerd who wears glasses I'll just take them off for you to hit me. (takes off glasses) Feel free to hit me as hard as you can. Bye... -MightyBFan25

Okay, There's Absolutely No Way I Can Go Outside Today!!! :(

Yeah...the weather in MA is so suckish right now. It's raining like mad and it's ridiculously windy so I obviously can't go outside to do anything at all. And even if the weather was nice...I'm not in the best of moods right now and I've been busy today and now I just wanna take a nap. :P I don't plan on making this blog ridiculously long like some of my others so I doubt this'll bore you. :P

My day was pretty good aside from being in a not-so-good mood and being tired. Nothing stupid or crazy or wierd happened except that we had a substitute in History who I hated cuz she's evil. Her name's Ms. Burke and she's the worst substitute in the entire school! But...I'm still alive and typing this so it wasn's too bad and I didn't die at least. :P I had A TON of homework when I got home. It was just a lot of flute practicing and ELA stuff. I had to practice my flute for about an hour, then I had to pick out my Declamation piece for ELA, which took about 15 minutes, and then I did this ELA paper WAY in advance that took me about 2 hours to do. It's not due till February 3rd but I just wanted to get it outta the way. :) So...I've been pretty busy today and I'm pretty tired now. You haveta remember that since I live pretty far away from my school I don't get home until about 3:15, so that's also a factor in my time-managment. But...I still have some time to myself to relax and take a nap later at least... :)

I guess I'll just say why I'm in a bad mood to save you the trouble of typing up the question. I'm in a bad mood for a bunch of reasons. It's Monday, I'm ridiculously tired, the weather sucks so I can't go outside, one of my best friends was absent from school today, and uh...I think that's it. Sorry for being such a pessimist right now but I'm just in a bad mood. I hope none of you are in a bad mood. I'm usually in a good mood and am an optimist but with this set of bad things...ah...I don't think you can really blambe me. :P Oh, I forgot one of the things that has me in a bad mood. It actually involves yesterday. I was too lazy and I didn't seem to have the guts yesterday to do all those horrible things to my mom that I was planning on. I'm actually shocked that I didn't and it's had me thinking about a few things involving my personality and being a troublemaker and I always thought that it was perfectly fine but now...maybe my mind isn't amused by this anymore and I'm just not supposed to act like this at all. I dunno. I'm just a little confused and sorta questioning what I've done for a while now but I'm sure that after I think for a while I'll clear things up in my head. Don't try to persuade me or anything to do something though cuz I'm very hard to persuade and I think this is something I need to work out by myself. Ugh! This is gonna require a lot of thinking and I'm not in the mood to do so right now... :P

That's about all I haveta say. I'm gonna quit troublemaking and torturing my mom for a while until I can sort things out in my head. Bye. -MightyBFan25

So Far My Weekend Was AWETHUM But I Don't Want It To End...

The title says it all. :P So far my weekend's been AWETHUM and I'm gonna talk about it on this blog but I honestly don't want it to end cuz I don't wanna go back to school and I don't wanna go back to my mom's place. :P I hope I don't bore you with this I probably always do...but ah well, I just wanna type stuff and maybe a few people will actually read it. :P

Saturday was AWETHUM!!! :D I just relaxed a lot and didn't really do much. :P I watched TV, went online, played video games, and slept A LOT. :P I was too lazy to make a blog yesterday though. :P

So far, today's been about the same but I seem to be WAY too crazy right now so I hope I calm down soon. :P I mean, I slept in, watched TV, went online, and then I did something a little crazy but fun. :P I don't get why I'm so crazy right now though cuz I didn't have excessive amounts of sugar or anything but ah well.'s what happened: Me and my little brother just took every single pillow in the entire house and went into my dad's bedroom. Then we used all the pillows to make this AWETHUM fort. :D And we were just goofing around and we made the rule that no adults were allowed to come up on the fort and that only members were allowed in and that to be a member you had to pass an "initiation ceremony". :P That was just for our own amusment and the initiation ceremony was just getting sprayed with a water gun. :P And of course since me and me little brother made the fort we didn't haveta pass the initiation ceremony. :P And we also made the rule that if you left you weren't a member anymore. So then I forgot about that rule and I left the fort for a few minutes to go to the bathroom or something and I came back and you can probably tell where this is going, right? :lol: :P Yeah...I got soaked with the water gun, luckily I was smart enough earlier to have filled it with warm water and to turn the heat up in the house a little bit more. :P Of course, after that I had to change my clothes which I didn't care too much about. I was actually sorta glad that I got sprayed with the water gun for some wierd reason which I'll probably never figure out. :P Well anyways, so far my day's been AWETHUM and that game with the fort went on for about two hours. :P And then we put back all the pillows but before that we had the funnest part left. :D We got to destroy the fort which was AWETHUM!!! :D :P Well...I should stop talking about this now cuz it's just a game and none of you probably care. :P

Anyways, I'm gonna enjoy the rest of my day and I hope you all do too. :D I just don't wanna go to school tomorrow or back to my mom's place tonight, but I guess that's normal. :P Oh, and some of you may remember that my mom's been being pretty nice to me lately, right? Well...I'm gonna put that to the test when I get back to my mom's place and try to get her ro remember how horribly behaved I am. :P I don't like her being nice to me and I'm gonna do the worst string of evil things that I can possibly think of!!! :twisted: And I hope that then she'll be ready to kill me cuz I want her to hate me again. :P If this set of evil things that I've planned doesn't work...I don't think that anything will and that'll just be horrible cuz my mom will actually like me!!! It's cuz of those Italian lessons, I know it! I'm not gonna say what I'm gonna do but later I'll put an edit in this blog and you can read it if you wanna know what the heck I did. :P

That's about it. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

It's Really Late Right Now But I'm Bored and I Can't Get To Sleep... :P

Sorry about the title. :P But it's true. :P It's like 11 in MA right now as I'm typing this and I should be in bed but I'm not tired at all really and I'm bored and can't seem to fall asleep so I'm just gonna type this blog. :P I hope I don't bore any of you with this... :P

So...overall my day was pretty good. :) We legit did NOTHING in school today which was AWETHUM!!! :D In Italian and ELA, we watched movies. In History and Math, we took tests. And in Latin we just translated stuff. And in Band we just played a little music and goofed around A LOT. :P And I had a study and got a lot of homework done. I actually had no homework when I got home which was AWETHUM!!! :D

So I got home, packed up some stuff, relaxed for a while, and then my dad came to pick me up which was good. :D I'm really glad that I'm at my dad's place now. I mean...I always am but this time more than usual. I think it's cuz my mom's been unusually nice to me lately and she hasn't really let me leave the house for some odd reason. I mean...I know she's trying to make an effort to me nicer to me, probably cuz I'm teaching her Italian now. But I don't like her being nice to me. :P I mean...that's a good thing I guess but I don't wanna be like my mom or spend time with her. :P I'd much rather be at the park getting dirty or on a long walk or something. :P I just need to get away from my mom and get some fresh air this weekend. I'll just go crazy if I don't! :P Tomorrow I'm planning on being outside doing some stuff for a while. I'll probably be doing some yard-work or going on a walk or going to the park or something. :P But...anyways...this may seem wierd but I actually want my mom to hate me so she'll just let me leave the house and get some fresh air. :P

Oh, and YOU BETTER READ THIS, Girlygirl24: Okay...this is nothing stupid or one of my evil pranks. :P This is actually something that I thought you might like to hear about cuz you like Michael Jackson. Well...I've heard that in Band at my school, another song that we're gonna be playing at the Spring Concert, along with Amazing Grace, is Michael Jackson's song "Thriller". Personally I don't like him or his music but a good musician has no preferences about what music they play and I wanna be a good musician so I'm gonna put my preferences aside and just play it when I get the music. :)

I don't have much else to really say. :P I just noticed that I'm becoming a pretty quick typer compared to a few months ago. This blog only took me about 15 minutes to type up. :D Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

Scott Brown Won/Wierdest Dream Ever/I'm More Crazy Than Usual Right Now... :P I always say in my blogs, I REALLY hope I don't make you fall asleep by reading this and I hope you actually read some of this. :P

So...first of all...SCOTT BROWN WON THE ELECTION AND IS OUR NEW SENATOR IN MA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Sorry ' bout that, I got sorta excited and I'm more crazy than usual right now...but I'll explain why later. :P

Overall, my day was good and nothig stupid or crazy or wierd happened to me today. :D The only thing that was sucky is I came home REALLY TIRED and I had a fair amount of homework to do and some studying for History so I stupidly bought a Red Bull at this corner store that's like legit two doors down from my mom's place and I had it and now...I'm more crazy than usual. :P Ah least I'm not tired and I did my homework. :D :P Oh...and something stupid was up with the T today so I had to get off the train at Airport and take a shuttle bus home to Suffolk Downs. I got home just fine cuz I'm smart but I actually thought it was cool cuz I never took a shuttle bus before. :P

Anyways...I won a few auctions for Bakugan on ebay and they're AWETHUM!!! :D I already set aside the money for them so when my mom's credit card bill comes in I can just give her the money. :) And...I just wanna say the Bakugan that I got: I got a Ventus Coin Scorpion that has 850 G's, a Pyrus Coin Scorpion that also has 850 G's, a Translucent Darkus Abis Omega that has 550 G's, a Translucent Pyrus Abis Omega that has 720 G's, and best of all: a Haos Pearl Abis Omega that has 750 G's. :D Pearl Bakugan are part of this super rare limited-edition set and they look really cool. :D You might be wondering why I got 2 Coin Scorpions and 3 Abis Omegas. Well...I love the Bakugan coin Scorpion and I'm mainly either a Ventus, Pyrus, or Haos battler so I thought it'd be convenient to have one of Pyrus and Ventus so I could use it in either deck...and if I really wanted an Epic Brawl, I could use either Coin Scorpion and combine it with one of my Haos attribute change traps to make it Haos so I could use it with my Haos deck. :D And I got the 3 Abis Omegas cuz I just love that Bakugan and it's actually my favorite Bakugan. I dunno why but ever since I got my first Abis Omega, which was a Pyrus Baku-flip one that looks really cool and has 530 G's...I've just loved that Bakugan and it looks cool no matter what color it is and it's generally powerful. :D 1 to 3 weeks, I have 5 AWETHUM Bakugan coming my way in the mail and I can't wait to get them...ESPECIALLY the Pearl Haos Abis Omega. :D Sorry about all the Bakugan stuff though. :P

Anyways...that's about all I really haveta say...but I do wanna talk about this REALLY WEIRD dream...that in my opinion was more of a nightmare than anything. I wanna talk about it a little. I can't get into much more detail than what I'm about to tell you cuz I can't remember too much about it. So...I dunno why but one day I just randomly decided that everyone in my cluster, Sigma, would have this AWETHUM epic paintball war in Sigma hallway the next day at school. :P And that day after school...all my friends knew about it and were giving me high-fives in the hallway and saying how AWETHUM that idea was and calling me by my nick-name, which I can't tell you cuz it's my last name actually. It's a really cool last name and it's a Latin word but I don't feel comfortable with saying my last name openly on this site. Anyways...then some of those evil prissy girls who I'm arch-enemies with took the train home with me and were telling me to call off the epic paintball war cuz they didn't like the idea of it and didn't wanna do it cuz apparently they'd get dirty and covered in paint or chip a nail or something stupid. And I had shut off my brain for the day cuz I didn't have any homework that night and after school work I normally do that. :P So...I was very easy to be persuaded and I decided that some peoples who didn't wanna participate didn't haveta. And then after that...they tried to persuade me to not take part in the paintball war and I actually said yes! :? I thought that was very wierd cuz I'd never do that in real life and in my dreams I always seem to act just like how I would in real life. So then the next day I told everyone that I wasn't gonna participate in my epic paintball war and everyone else...including my friends...wanted to kill me. And I sat out the paintball war with those evil prissy girls and ugh...I can't believe I'd do that, even if it was a dream. And then the paintball war was over and then I realized that I was retarded to listen to those evil prissy girls so I took a paintball gun and shot them multiple times and then they wanted to kill me so I went back into the hallway where everyone else wanted to kill me and I got shot a bajillion times with paintballs. :P It was really wierd but then I woke up. I guess in my dream I deserved that for acting like such a stuck-up jerk. :P I have no clue what I was thinking about before I went to bed and it was such a random dream. :P Ah well. :D I have wierd dreams all the time cuz I am wierd. :P That dream actually gives me the urge to have a paintball war in my school though. :P Like that'll ever happen though. :P

This is a little random and I REALLY hope you're reading this: But if I EVER start acting all stuck-up and prissy (which odds are will never happen and I hope never does), PLEASE slap me as hard as you can. :P

That's about all I haveta say. :P I have WAY too much energy right now so I think I'm gonna go outside to do something later today. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

Scott Brown Vs. Martha Coacley...

Sorry about the title involving the senator election in Massachusetts today but it was something that we've been talking about all day in school and politics interest me. :P So...the two main parties that are running for senator are Scott Brown and Martha Coacley. I want Scott Brown to win and so doesn't pretty much everyone else I know. My dad's gonna be voting for him today. :D Since my mom is stupid...she's legit voting for Martha Coacley and I wanna KILL HER!!! :twisted: :P Ah well. :P Enough about MA politics for now though... :P I'll find out who wins when I watch the new tonight or tomorrow morning... day was pretty good overall. Nothing stupid or crazy or wierd really happened aside from a little arguing here and there about this senate election today. :P I had no homework when I got home so uh...yeah. :P Not much for me to really say... I bet you're glad about that. :P

I'm starting to teach my mom Italian today and I already know it's gonna be funny but not good. :P She just wants to learn the language but doesn't care AT ALL about learning the culture!!! Seriously, if you wanna learn Italian, it's ABSOLUTELY USELESS unless you learn about the culture!!! I can't do anything about that I guess though... :P Ah's only my mom we're talking about. :P But for today my lesson's gonna basically be about: The alphabet, the numbers from 0 to 20, pronounciation, and that's about it. You gotta start somewhere. :P I just love the idea of getting to boss my mom around a bit. :P He he he!!! :twisted: :P I'll tell you how that goes later if you actually care. :P

One thing that does suck about today is that it's raining so I can't go outside at all... :( Well...I could but my mom won't let me. I feel like I'm under house arrest right now. :P least I can go to the park or something tomorrow... :P

Now to a few Bakugan related things... Well...I've started to get some sweet Bakugan on ebay as of yesterday cuz I was thinking about it for a while but I didn't really care too much... :P So...apparently I won this auction yesterday and got these AWETHUM Bakugan trap Ventus and Pyrus coin Scorpions that each have 850 G's which is just AWETHUM!!! :D And...I'm on ebay right now as I'm typing this...well...I mean, I have the ebay window minimized. :P That's about all I haveta say. :D If I win an auction I'll mention it on here.....not that you care but still... :P

That's about all I haveta say. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

Update On My Long Weekend...

Yeah...I had no idea for a title. :P I was literally sitting at the computer desk for five minutes trying to think of a good title and I couldn't come up with anything. :P Well...I just feel like talking about how my day's been so far and that's about it. By the way...I know I got this Bakugan profile banner a few days ago but whaddya think about it? :D I forgot to ask when I first got it and then it just slipped my mind. :P Oh...and this is sorta random but have any of you ever mixed blue Mountain Dew with ice cream? It's AWETHUM and I'm drinking it as I'm typing this. :P long weekend has been pretty good so far. :D And I'm staying at my dad's place until tomorrow night cuz I don't have school tomorrow. :D I haven't really done much today. :P All I've really done is sleep till 11, play my Bakugan video game for two hours, play a few games of real Bakugan, watch TV, and go online. :P Very unproductive, but hey, I have nothing to do. :P And's AWETHUM!!! :D Oh...and I went on a long walk around the neighbourhood too. I like going on walks cuz it's good exercise, (which I don't really care about :P ) and it gives me some time away from the house to think or clear my mind about whatever and I can get some fresh air cuz I can't stand being inside all day. :P I'm not an outdoors but or anything...I actually like being inside better but I can't be inside all day or I'd just go crazy. :P

The weather's been really nice for the past few days where I live. :D When I went on that long walk today it was pretty darn warm considering that it's the winter and I live in MA. And I went past the park and the ground was really muddy there. :P I didn't do anything crazy at the park but I'm gonna go back and play there after I'm done typing this blog and checking a few forums. :P I'll tell you how that goes in an edit on this blog when I get back and take care of things. :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Are any of you peoples into Bakugan or have at least heard of it before I started talking about it? just sorta curious. :P

That's about all I haveta say. :P I'm going to the park to play and get dirty in a few minutes. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

EDIT: I actually came back from the park a while ago but I was too lazy to edit this then. :P So...I just felt like saying that I had an AWETHUM time at the park and I got so dirty there and since I'm at my dad's wasn't a huge ordeal like it is at my mom's place. :P I just had to take a bath...which I didn't like but didn't argue about taking cuz I knew I needed one. :P I'm glad I got to get filthy at the park again cuz I haven't for a while cuz I've either been too sick, tired, or lazy to. :P That's all I haveta say. Bye...again. :P -MightyBFan25

Hive Of Darkness and B Plus One Aired Today!!!!! :D

Yes they did. :D I just finished watching Hive Of Darkness and B Plus One, which were the two new Mighty B! episodes that aired today and both were AWETHUM!!! :D I can't choose which one I liked better though. I mean, Hive Of Darkness seemed to have more action and Bessie seemed to torture everyone a lot and act like a tom-boy and it was really funny. But in B Plus One, for the first time ever, EVERYONE in San Francisco was nice to Bessie which was AWETHUM!!! :D I can't decide. :P But it doesn't matter cuz both were AWETHUM so why should I choose?! :P

Sorry I haven't made a blog in a few days but I've been in a really lazy mood lately and I was really tired and stuff toward the end of the week. And...when I came on here I didn't really have much to blog about. :P But...I'm okay...I was just a little under the weather for a few days. But I'm fine now. :) What I mean by under the weather is just that I was a little sick and had a fever but it was only for a few days. Luckily I wasn't too sick to miss school. :D But sorry about not making a blog for a few days.

So far my day's been AWETHUM and I'm enjoying my long weekend which I can thank MLK for. :D I helped my dad do the grocery shopping which I normally do on Saturdays and I enjoy doing it. I can be boring...but I love steering the shopping cart cuz when there's an aisle that barely anyone's in I ride the shopping cart like a scooter down the aisles. :P It's fun. :P And...I picked up some new Bakugan today. :D I'm not gonna get into it like I did last time but I got 7 new Bakugan. 6 of them were traps and the other was a regular one. I needed some new traps anyways. These ones are AWETHUM cuz each one can change the attribute of my Bakugan to a different one. Each trap can change it to one attribute and there's six attributes so I have one trap for each attribute so I can basically change the attribute of any Bakugan of mine to whatever I wanna in battle. :D AWETHUM, huh?! :D Oh...and my dad had to go to the car-wash today to get his car washed and I love going there. :P It's just really cool to be in the car as it's being cleaned and well...I dunno but it just entertains me. :P

I'm really glad also cuz now that I'm not sick or have laryngitus or anything and cuz it's so nice out today where I live. :D I can't wait to go outside again today. :D I's humid but it's the winter so it's AWETHUM!!! :D It's pretty warm for winter in MA, the sun's out, it's partly cloudy, and it's sorta windy which I like. I don't know what I'm gonna do outside though. :P I'm probably either gonna go to the park or just go on a long walk. The only sucky thing is that I haveta take a bath later and I don't wanna. :P Well...I'll probably go to the park and have my fun, then I'll take my bath and after that I'll probably go on a walk cuz since it's windy that'll make my hair dry quicker and it won't look all nice and stuff. :P Yeah...I'll do that. :P

RANDOM QUESTION: Do any of you peoples believe that the world's gonna end on Decelber 21st, 2012? I'm sorta skeptical about it but the day before my family will probably go to the White Mountains in New Hampshire just to be safe.

That's all I haveta say. :P Ciao! -MightyBFan25

Level 11! / I Feel REALLY Stupid Right Now... :P're probably wondering how in the world someone as smart as me could possibly feel stupid...but this doesn't involve school at all...something else. :P And well...I'll get to that soon. I just wanna talk about something else first and I hope I don't bore you. :P

First of all, I reached level eleven. :D AWETHUM AWETHUM AWETHUM!!!!!!!!!! :D You may say congradulations to me if you're actually reading this part. :P I have a feeling that Girlygirl24 isn't gonna do that though. :P Just kidding. :P

Now...this is why I feel REALLY stupid right now. I mean...I just got approbation so of course I feel academically smart...but I KNOW that I lack common sense. One thing that I've noticed about myself that I frequently do is make assumptions about things before really giving them a fair chance. And...I doubt any of you remember...but I think I once mentioned that I hated Taylor Swift. Well...I'm listening to my i-pod right now and I'm listening to some of her music. I feel that I was very stupid to just listen to some of her music on the radio and not even think much about it or bother to read a short bibliography about her and then just assume that I hated her. I mean...I downloaded some of her new music on my i-pod...along with some of her older music and now that I really think about it and I've listened to it for a while...I actually enjoy her music. And...I've been google-ing her bibliography and I found some interesting things about her...but in a good way interesting. Apparently before she became all famous and stuff she was a straight A student and people gave her a hard time at think it's safe to say that she was somewhat of a nerd. If that's true...I personally think that's AWETHUM! So...I take back what I said about hating her cuz I actually like her now. No one made me give her a fair shot...I just chose to take some time outta my life to do that. The only think that I don't like about her newer songs is that it discusses a lot of stuff about relationships and stuff but ah well...what can you do.

Anyways...TODAY WAS NATIONAL BRING YOUR BAKUGAN TO SCHOOL DAY!!!!! :D Just kidding. :P Not really...I wish it was though. :P You know'd haveta be such a nerd to bring a Bakugan to school! Wait...oh crap...I actually brought a Bakugan to school with me today. :lol: :P Ignore that and don't make fun of me...well...not too much anyways. :P

Now day was AWETHUM!!! :D It seemed to go by really fast and I enjoyed it. I didn't have ANY HOMEWORK when I got home cuz I either did it all WAY in advance or I did it in a study cuz I'm an AWETHUM evil mastermind. :P So...NO HOMEWORK!!! WOO HOO!!! :D voice is getting a lot better now too. It still sounds screwed up and stuff but not nearly as bad and I can speak up a lot more now...which I'm really glad about cuz I seem to be a very loud talker for the most part. :P Nothing stupid really happened to me except when I showed most of my friends my Haos Falconeer for the sake of showing them a Bakugan...they jokingly said that I act like I'm 10 and toys shouldn't be in school. :lol: :P Of course then I had to say that the Bakugan aren't just a toy or part of a simple game and explain the whole show. :P And when one of my crazy friends was bothering me today I was trying to talk to Haos Falconeer to make it come out of it's ball form and attack my friend...which obviously didn't work and I knew it wouldn't. :P But overall...AWETHUM day!!! :D

My mom's not home from work yet and my brother is at one of his friend's houses so I'm home alone...which I'm enjoying. I'm bored... :P I'm gonna go to the park later today and do what I normally do there and get some fresh air while I'm at it. That'll be fun. He he he! :twisted: :P I'll tell you how that goes. :P

And I don't think I'll get in trouble for doing that cuz my mom actually wants me to do something for her now. She wants me to teach her Italian. Now, you're probably thinking something like: Ha, yeah right! Alicia wouldn't do that for her mom of all people! Well...I actually wanna. It'll give my mom something to do that's not cleaning the house like she has OCD or smoking a whole pack of cigarettes. Besides...I get to boss her around a bit and see how dumb and incapable of learning she really is. :P But you know...I'd actually like to see her learn something from it. But I dunno. :P I'll do it and Italian is really easy to learn and get a base in. And it'll help me also cuz it'll refresh my memory of what I'm learning in Italian. And I remember I made this one smart remark about this last night that was something like: I'll only teach you while covered in mud with a lolly-pop in my mouth. :lol: :P Of course I don't mean that but I got a good laugh outta that. :P But...I'm gonna enjoy doing this starting next week and I'll keep you updated on that. :D

I don't have much else to say. I'm gonna go to the park in a few minutes and when I come back I'll tell you how that was if you care. I'm probably not gonna get into any trouble cuz my mom probably doesn't wanna get on my bad side when she wants me to do something for her. :P I'm definately gonna take advantage of that opportunity. :twisted: :P And later I'm gonna try to get my Haos Falconeer, the Bakugan that I brought to school cuz it's my lowest G-power one and I don't like it too much and it's only a B1 Bakugan, to talk to me like Drago does to Dan in the show. :P Just kidding, that'll never really happen...although I wish it did. :P I think I'm obsessed with Bakugan too. I should add that to my favorites list...I will. :D Ciao! -MightyBFan25