Well...as you may or may not know today is Mother's Day. As the title states...I was actually nice to my mom today so if I can do that...I think pretty much anyone in the whole universe can do so as well. :lol: :P My and my little brother came back to my mom's place early this morning and I gave my mom the card and flowers that I got for her. Ugh! I hate being so nice to my mom...but it's only one day I guess. :P After that I'll go back to my evil ways...he he he! :twisted: :P Anyways...most of the people on my mom's side of the family came over to my great-grandmother's house to celebrate Mother's Day (yes...my great-grandmother is still alive and in pretty good shape and I'm very fortunate for that.) and as usual...most of the snobby adults were upstairs and some of the AWETHUM adults were downstairs along with me, my little brother, and my cousins. I was just so glad because my AWETHUM cousin who is really fun and acts really immature even though she's about 20 came over as well. It was SO FUN because me and my older cousin got into this AWETHUM prank war against each other which was well...AWETHUM!!! :D :P I could only do that with my older cousin. :P If you want me to tell you all the details just ask...I'll be more than glad to tell you them. :P I dunno who won though...probably me. :twisted: :P Yeah...I SO won! :twisted: :P I won because I'm an AWETHUM evil genius...MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Seriously...I dunno. :P Then after that was all over and done with since none of the pranks that we played on each other really involved getting a little dirty...I asked my cousin if she wanted to go into the backyard and I was just screwing around and asked her if she wanted to mud wrestle with me. :lol: :P She said no...not on Mother's Day...but she said that she would actually do that with me on the Fourth Of July when we see each other again as long as I bring a spare change of clothes. And I just said that of course I would. Aw man...I can't wait for that! I mean...I KNOW I'll get my butt kicked because I'm a wimpy nerd...but still...I don't care if I win...it'll just be fun! Besides...my cousin never really plays in the mud and well...of course I want her to because it's fun and I actually can do that without someone calling the police on me for harrassment or something. :lol: :P Anyways...it'll just be AWETHUM!!!!! :D :P So...I behaved for the remainder of Mother's Day so far and then we went home at about 2 I think. Now we're just kinda relaxing and at about 6 or 7 we're gonna go to the Red Sox game which will be taking place at 8. Aw man...I can't wait for that...it's gonna be AWETHUM!!! I think John Lackey's pitching... Anyways...that'll be good. :D
I just wanna say one thing. Okay...earlier today when I was still at my dad's place in the morning one of my friends from my old school called me to tell me something which was a huge blast from the past for me. Okay...so my best friend ot my old school is currently attending EBCC and apparently she's the Valer Victorian there whichis the best honors there at a graduation and I'm really happy for her. I know if I went to EBCC though I woulda won that. :P I mean...me and my old best friend were really competative with our grades and I love being all hyper competative sometimes...it was actually a good challenge. :P But anyways...I woulda won that because my old friend USED to have a one or two point edge on me with everything until the fifth grade. Then I got the one or two point edge on her ever since that. :P PLUS...I had better people skills and I have a cleaner record than her. She got a detention and I never did...I forget what it was for though... :P Anyways...I SO woulda won that but anyways...I don't care...getting highest honors at EBCC means nothing...there was NO competition...just attending BLS is amazing. She woulda went to my school but she lives in Winthrop, not Boston, so she couldn't go because you haveta be a resident of Boston I guess. Anyways, that wasn't what she wanted to tell me exactly. Apparently two kids that I also used to go to school with at St. Mary's were caught drinking alcohol! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT!!! I mean...one of the kids, EM, I can picture her doing that, but the other person she did that with, CK, I can't believe that! I don't care about EM at all...she made my life MISERABLE in the fifth grade because she thought I was cheating off one of her papers before which is the STUPIDEST THING EVER...but anyways...I can't believe CK did that! I mean...I don't wanna get too into it but I was okay friends with her and she didn't hate me like almost everyone else did and this is what I don't wanna get into: Life dealt her some bad cards, figuratively speaking of course. I don't wanna talk about that though because I have no right to do so in my opinion. Anyways...I feel SO BAD for her because she was a good kid and she was really smart and she WOULDA got into BLS but she forgot to prove her residency!!!!! I just feel TERRIBLE for her...you have no idea though! I just wish I was there and I did something! But you know what...who needs her! I'm fine...I don't care! Awww...who the heck am I kidding?! I feel terrible about this! I just hope nothing bad happens to her that will effect her future! But...I just wanna forget about this at the moment. I don't want anyone to comment about this on this blog at all! If you do...well...I dunno what I'll do but...I'll just be upset! Sorry about this...this just has me in a bad mood and you have no idea how upsetting this is to me! But...I'm okay...I'll try to forget about this...
I don't have anything else to really say in this blog. I hope that ALL of you were nice to your moms so far today because even I managed to so if I can do that...ANYONE can! :lol: :P I can't wait for the Red Sox game later today and I'm gonna bring some stuff with me just in case of whatever. :P I can't wait until the Fourth Of July now and I'm sure you know why, hehe. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25
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