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MightyBFan25 Blog

Okay...Even I Managed To Be Nice To My Mom Today So I Hope Everyone Else Did... you may or may not know today is Mother's Day. As the title states...I was actually nice to my mom today so if I can do that...I think pretty much anyone in the whole universe can do so as well. :lol: :P My and my little brother came back to my mom's place early this morning and I gave my mom the card and flowers that I got for her. Ugh! I hate being so nice to my mom...but it's only one day I guess. :P After that I'll go back to my evil ways...he he he! :twisted: :P Anyways...most of the people on my mom's side of the family came over to my great-grandmother's house to celebrate Mother's Day ( great-grandmother is still alive and in pretty good shape and I'm very fortunate for that.) and as usual...most of the snobby adults were upstairs and some of the AWETHUM adults were downstairs along with me, my little brother, and my cousins. I was just so glad because my AWETHUM cousin who is really fun and acts really immature even though she's about 20 came over as well. It was SO FUN because me and my older cousin got into this AWETHUM prank war against each other which was well...AWETHUM!!! :D :P I could only do that with my older cousin. :P If you want me to tell you all the details just ask...I'll be more than glad to tell you them. :P I dunno who won though...probably me. :twisted: :P Yeah...I SO won! :twisted: :P I won because I'm an AWETHUM evil genius...MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Seriously...I dunno. :P Then after that was all over and done with since none of the pranks that we played on each other really involved getting a little dirty...I asked my cousin if she wanted to go into the backyard and I was just screwing around and asked her if she wanted to mud wrestle with me. :lol: :P She said no...not on Mother's Day...but she said that she would actually do that with me on the Fourth Of July when we see each other again as long as I bring a spare change of clothes. And I just said that of course I would. Aw man...I can't wait for that! I mean...I KNOW I'll get my butt kicked because I'm a wimpy nerd...but still...I don't care if I'll just be fun! cousin never really plays in the mud and well...of course I want her to because it's fun and I actually can do that without someone calling the police on me for harrassment or something. :lol: :P'll just be AWETHUM!!!!! :D :P So...I behaved for the remainder of Mother's Day so far and then we went home at about 2 I think. Now we're just kinda relaxing and at about 6 or 7 we're gonna go to the Red Sox game which will be taking place at 8. Aw man...I can't wait for's gonna be AWETHUM!!! I think John Lackey's pitching... Anyways...that'll be good. :D

I just wanna say one thing. Okay...earlier today when I was still at my dad's place in the morning one of my friends from my old school called me to tell me something which was a huge blast from the past for me. my best friend ot my old school is currently attending EBCC and apparently she's the Valer Victorian there whichis the best honors there at a graduation and I'm really happy for her. I know if I went to EBCC though I woulda won that. :P I and my old best friend were really competative with our grades and I love being all hyper competative was actually a good challenge. :P But anyways...I woulda won that because my old friend USED to have a one or two point edge on me with everything until the fifth grade. Then I got the one or two point edge on her ever since that. :P PLUS...I had better people skills and I have a cleaner record than her. She got a detention and I never did...I forget what it was for though... :P Anyways...I SO woulda won that but anyways...I don't care...getting highest honors at EBCC means nothing...there was NO competition...just attending BLS is amazing. She woulda went to my school but she lives in Winthrop, not Boston, so she couldn't go because you haveta be a resident of Boston I guess. Anyways, that wasn't what she wanted to tell me exactly. Apparently two kids that I also used to go to school with at St. Mary's were caught drinking alcohol! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT!!! I of the kids, EM, I can picture her doing that, but the other person she did that with, CK, I can't believe that! I don't care about EM at all...she made my life MISERABLE in the fifth grade because she thought I was cheating off one of her papers before which is the STUPIDEST THING EVER...but anyways...I can't believe CK did that! I mean...I don't wanna get too into it but I was okay friends with her and she didn't hate me like almost everyone else did and this is what I don't wanna get into: Life dealt her some bad cards, figuratively speaking of course. I don't wanna talk about that though because I have no right to do so in my opinion. Anyways...I feel SO BAD for her because she was a good kid and she was really smart and she WOULDA got into BLS but she forgot to prove her residency!!!!! I just feel TERRIBLE for have no idea though! I just wish I was there and I did something! But you know what...who needs her! I'm fine...I don't care! Awww...who the heck am I kidding?! I feel terrible about this! I just hope nothing bad happens to her that will effect her future! But...I just wanna forget about this at the moment. I don't want anyone to comment about this on this blog at all! If you do...well...I dunno what I'll do but...I'll just be upset! Sorry about this...this just has me in a bad mood and you have no idea how upsetting this is to me! But...I'm okay...I'll try to forget about this...

I don't have anything else to really say in this blog. I hope that ALL of you were nice to your moms so far today because even I managed to so if I can do that...ANYONE can! :lol: :P I can't wait for the Red Sox game later today and I'm gonna bring some stuff with me just in case of whatever. :P I can't wait until the Fourth Of July now and I'm sure you know why, hehe. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

Just Another Completely Useless Blog In Which I Will Talk About My Day... :P

This blog is pretty much completely useless aside from me making it for my own amusment. :P day was pretty good I guess. Nothing much to really talk about. :P All I did was sleep, watch TV, and go online, and then I had to go out to dinner with some of the people on my dad's side of the family for mother's day because I won't be with them to celebrate it tomorrow. Other than that I didn't really do much. :P And I couldn't go outside either because it's been raining off and on like mad today. At the moment it's stopped but just like 30 minutes it'll be raining again. :P I don't really care's a warm rain, not a stupid cold rain that almost hurts. I might go on a walk later...and even if it does start raining, so what if I get a little wet? It's no big deal so I don't care. :P Yeah...I think I'll go on a walk later...

Tomorrow I'll be celebrating Mother's Day with my mom's side of the family. I'm pretty sure my dad's gonna drop off me and my little brother at my mom's place. And don't worry about my well being...I bought my mom a card and some flowers with some of my money and I will give those things to her when I see her. And it's not a stupid prank either...and the card doesn't say anything that when she reads it she'll wanna kill me. :P Although...I WAS thinking about getting my mom this HILARIOUS card that I saw but then I was talking to myself and this is basically what I said, "Come on (then I adressed myself by my last name which also happens to be my nickname cuz it's a really cool Latin word), what are you thinking? Mother's Day is the ONLY day that I should actually make an effort to not act stupid." So...I talked myself out of getting that card. :P I'm just ticked off that I'm actually gonna...behave myself tomorrow. I can't believe that I'd do that actually! I mean...seriously...I'm a complete troublemaker...but...I guess I's for my mom only for one day. After we're done celebrating Mother's Day with my mom's side of the family...I'm really excited for what we'll be doing next. of my mom's friends got us tickets to a Red Sox vs. Yankees game that's taking place tomorrow so my mom, her friend, me, and my little brother are going which will be AWETHUM! This might sound wierd but even though I live in Boston I've never been to a Red Sox game ever. :P It'll be AWETHUM to go. I can't wait personally. And the thing that's even better is that that friend of my mom's that going with us is the one that I actually like. :P'll be AWETHUM!!! :D I can't wait!!! :D

Now...before I end this blog I'd just like to say one thing about myself that I've never mentioned on this site in one of my blogs yet and I wanna say. I just wanna say that I wasn't actually born normally like most peoples are. My mom apparently had some problems with having me and my little brother so all this science stuff had to be done and there was only a 50% chance of it actually working and it worked apparently for both me and my little brother. So technically I wasn't even supposed to be born. I just wanted to say that and if for some reason you just randomly begin to hate me...don't ever...EVER mention that because if you do...I dunno what I'll do but TRUST won't be pretty. When people mention that in a mean wayto be it infuriates me because I can't help how I was born and that my mom bad problems with having babies and stuff. Anyways...I remember reading some article on kids who were born like how I was and it says that typically kids that wereborn like I was are generally stronger (doesn't apply to me at all...I'm just a wimpy dorky nerd. :P ), taller (kinda makes sense...I hit a few growth spurts and at the moment I'm about 5 feet 6 inches tall at the age of 14.) and smarter (DEFINATELY applies to me because I'm wicked smart. :P ). So uh...yeah...I just wanted to mention that. So...I was never normal since birth I guess. :P Hehe...I guess I've always been wierd and different. :P I don't care though...I'm a special peoples then. :P

I don't really have much else to say in this blog. :P I just have one random question: Have any of you seen those random colorful bracelet things that turn into animals and stuff? I have a bunch of them and I'm wearing a few at the moment that turn into dinosaurs. :P I mean...I don't wear jewelry at all...but it's not jewelry at's more of just fun random items. :P Anyways...I'm just asking cuz I wanna know if it's just like my school that's obsessed with them or if like ANYONE else actually even knows about them. :lol: :P Anyways...that's about it. :P Sorry for having you waste part ofyour lives if you read this. :P Or am I sorry at all...? :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! I'm not sorry at all! :twisted: :P I'm an evil genius...I don't feel sorry for anyone! Kidding. :P Sorry...I'm just being stupid. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

Once I'm Done Typing This Blog I'm Gonna Do The Most Evil Thing Ever... :P

MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P The title is true. :P I can't wait to finish typing this blog because once I'm done...I'm gonna do the most evil thing ever! :twisted: :P I'm not gonna say what unless someone asks though...but I don't really mind saying it at feel free to ask away. :P Anyways...I'll tell you why I'm gonna do this. Well...earlier this week my mom had one of her friends over and I overheard my mom talking to her friend and mentioning that I was "a little troublemaking punk" or something like that. Anyways...that annoyed me SO MUCH...I don't even know how ticked off that got me! Seriously...I'm not "alittle punk"...I might be a troublemaker...but I'm centainly not a punk! I mean seriously...I cause a little trouble and I might act crazy but...come on...I'm attending Boston Latin School, I do all my schoolwork, I get good grades, I'm not into any lovey dovey crap and don't plan on it anytime in the near future, I come home from school by at least 3:30, I hardly ever swear or use any swear words, and I go to bed at 9:00...9:00...most people my age go to bed at like 10 or 11. I could name some other things too but I don't wanna because I think that's a good enough amount of things to prove that I'm not a punk. I might cause a little trouble and play some harmless but wicked funny pranks and I might go to the park and get filthy...but please...that's not THAT bad if you ask me...I could be WAY worse. :P And even though I know that my mom probably wants me to get ticked off by this and do something about it...I just haveta to something wicked evil to get back at her because of that. And if you ask's not even that bad because I'm not doing it directly to her. Anyways...that's why I'm doing the most evil thing that I could POSSIBLY do to my neat-freak of a mom who disapproves of nearly everything that I do. :twisted: :P

Anyways...the rest of my day was pretty good. It was Day 2 so I had Band and a study. Band was AWETHUM because we started playing the Pink Panther theme and it sounds AWETHUM already...I love the Pink Panther song! It's AWETHUM!!! :D I'm sure you know it. :P If not...well...I dunno what to say...hehe. :P Anyways...I had no homework when I got home tonight...and I didn't rush to do it all in a study either...I never do actually...I didn't have any History, ELA, Latin, or Italian homework, and I did my Math homework in my study. We have a big History Project on a BLS alumni due tomorrow and I did it all on Monday cuz I'm AWETHUM. :D :P This is random but did you know that Benajmin Franklin was a drop-out from Boston Latin School? I personally think it's pretty cool. :P Anyways...nothing too crazy or wierd happened for the most part. In my study I just talked to my friends a little and I drew a picture os a super-powered monkey called Mega Monkey...don't ask why...I've had this idea for making a cartoon about super-powered monkeys ever since the second grade. :P In Math we had a substitute teacher so we just did some worksheets. :P Yesterday in math we were learning about the Fundamental Counting Principle which was wicked easy and a nice break from all this crazy random stuff that we've been learning lately in Algebra. :P And I asked this one question and Ms. Gribaudo finally commented on the fact that I use the work "like" so much when I talk. I've been trying to break out of that habit since I found about it in Reading class last year and well...I'm still working on it. :P I just can't help it sometimes though cuz I wanna keep talking and using that word just buys be that small amount of time in which I can think about what I wanna say next. Anyways...that's about all I haveta say about today. :P

I don't really have anything else to type about in this blog so thanks for taking the time to read all the stupity that I've just created. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I bet you just wasted like 30 minutes of your life reading this crap. :lol: :P Seriously...sorry about that...but I wanted to be evil there. :P Anyways...I don't have anything else to type in this blog and now I'm gonna go do the most evil thing that I could ever do to my mom! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P -MightyBFan25 (Who hopefully will get rid of some of her absolute evil-ness at the moment by doing the most evil thing ever. :P )

EDIT: I'll tell you what the most evil thing that I could possibly do to my mom is that I just did a little while ago. Well...first of all the water contamination thingy where I live is all over and done with now. I was waiting for that to take place actually. that that's over and after what my mom said...well...I just had to do this. all know that my mom's an absolute neat-freak, right? Well...I realized...if me going to the park to play in the mud and get filthy drives hercrazy...the most evil thing I could possibly do is have a giant mud pit in the backyard like 24/7. How did I do this? my mom's place we have a pretty big backyard and my mom has a pretty big part of it used for gardening but she never plants anything at all...she's too afraid to get her hands dirty if you ask me. :P Anyways...I took the garden hose and just drenched that area until it was all muddy. :twisted: :P And if it dries up...I can just get the hose and do that big deal. I know it's driving her absolutely crazy because now I don't even haveta go to the park...I just haveta go to the backyard and if I wanted to...I have access to that 24/7. After that was taken care of...I was thinking, "Ah...I shouldn't play in the mud today...I've made my mom freak out enough as it is probably." But then...I was saying to myself, "Wait...what am I thinking?! Screw that! I'm gonna do that to make this even AWETHUMER." :P So of course I went and played in the mud...then of course I had to take a shower. :P And if I wanna...even if I'm too lazy to do much tomorrow...I can do it all over again! :P I know my mom wants to kill me but I don't care...she hasn't punished me yet and I don't really respect her authority either. :twisted: :P Besides...she already hates me...why not have fun with her hating me? :P's not that evil but trust me...I know I'm really messing with my mom's mind because she's a crazy neat-freak. :twisted: :P is one of the most evil things that I've ever done to my mom. :twisted: :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I am such a troublemaker, aren't I? :P

You Will Not Believe What Happened Today...

This isn't what I mentioned in the title but I just realized this actually...last week was AWETHUM. :D I mean...I hated going back to school and it was stressful but think about it: I got a 96% on my Declamation, our Band nailed the Spring Concert, I forgot to mention this but I got a 100% on a math test which only like one other person in the entire cluster did and I'm not even that great at math compared to some people...I just was a little lucky and focused and I knew what I was doing, and I got an 89% on a Latin test that we just got back that like everyone failed...and I was so happy about that because I usually get low B's or high C's on the Latin tests and everything else brings up my grades. So...last week was stressful but rewarding now that I think about it. :D But...enough of to talk about my completely unproductive day and then I'll get to the title. :P day was pretty good today. Other than the thing mentioned in the was completely unproductive. :P All I did was sleep until about 10, watch some TV, go online, I took a nap for like two hours, and that's about it. :P I'm so glad that I got to just relax today after that first week back at school...I needed to get some more sleep and just relax for a while...last week was pretty stressful with the Spring Concert and Declamation. One thing that's somewhat annoying is that in Eastern Massachusetts ever since about 4:30 P.M. there's been some issue with the water so I guess we can't use it apparently at the moment. I don't really care though...I never drink tap water and I took a shower earlier today...probably at around 1:00 P.M. Anyways...I'm sure that'll be back to normal soon...besides...there's nothing I can do about that...I don't run a water purification plant. :P It'd be cool if I did though...well...maybe not...I'd much rather be a medical doctor of some sort. :P Anyways...onto the title...

Like I said in the probably won't believe what happened today. It's nothing sorta is to me...but no one else probably cares but I still wanna say it. :P So...I remember much earlier today I was going to the park because I haven't really been able to all week because I've been kinda busy or just wicked tired or lazy. :P And while I was walking there I saw my old arch-enemy at my old school and she wasn't with any of her stupid cronies and she went up to talk to me. I really didn't wanna even bother with her. I just started cleaning off my glasses and I was just like "Yeah, yeah, what do you want now? Did you come here to call me a nerd or something?". And strangely enough her answer was no and she said that she actually wanted to apologize for being mean to me at our old school. I really didn't care and I thought it was fake so I just said, "Please...this is obviously a prank. Who's making you do this? I bet it's (and then I said one of her friend's names but I shouldn't say names on this site because even though I hate the person I just shouldn't.)" Then she said that it wasn't a prank or anything and at the time I didn't believe it. Then she actually said sorry and apologized for constantly being an absolute jerk to me at our old school and how I didn't deserve that and blah blah blah... I still didn't believe it and I thought that she just wanted help with her math homework or something. So then I just asked, "What's all this for? Need help with your math homework? I know you suck at math. suck at school period." She said no and that she didn't want anything. Then I said, " you just wanted to apologize to me?" And she just said yeah and then all I said was, "Well uh...thanks...I's okay...that was almost two years ago anyways. Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to go to the park." Then I left and that was the end of that conversation. Don't get me was nice that she apologized to me...but I still hate her with a passion...just a little less now. Besides...I don't even care about her anymore...she's part of my past at my old school...I just want to forget about the past, live in the present, and look forward to the future. After that I went to the park and played in the mud and I got absolutely filthy there and then I left. :P Then I got home and took a bath and that was that. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P By the way...THE RANDOM GAME is officially over and thank you to all who participated. :D Vale! -MightyBFan25

Okay...Sigma Cluster Rules...Sumus Primi!/End Of The Random Game...

I'll explain the title in a sec. :P day today was pretty's Friday and my day went by wicked fast and I had no homework when I got home. So I went home, had dinner, got changed, and then I had to go back to BLS because out band needed to preform in BLS Music Night. And...just to explain the Class V (5) Band (The Band that I'm in as a member of Class V) is all eigth graders (like me) and we're all in one cluster this year and that cluster is Sigma...and we did so AWETHUM so...Sumus Primi! :D (Latin for literally: We are first!) Anyways...we were the first band to preform and we played "Black Is The Color...", "Amazing Grace", and "Normandy Beach" which we did wicked AWETHUM on!!! :D Aw man...I was kinda nervous but we did so AWETHUM and once I got on stage with the rest of the band...I wasn't was just me, my music, and the conductor...that was all I was thinking a true musician. We nailed all those songs and Mr. Harper was smiling and I knew that he was happy and the audience in the auditorium was clapping for us and it was just AWETHUM!!!!! :D I'm so proud of myself. :D I'm just a little sad now because that was our last concert in Class V year we're all moving up to Junior Band...but you know what...this isn't my last preformance and in upcoming ones I'm gonna be even AWETHUMER...if that's even a word. :P Doubt it is... :P Anyways...our preformance was just AWETHUM and I hung around for a while after to watch Sixie Band, Junior Band, and the Symphonic Band...Sixie Band was okay...but the Junior and Symphonic Bands were just AWETHUM!!! I know that in a few years I'll be able to play music at that level...and I was watching the flutes so fingers were moving over the keys like crazy...but I'm sure I could do that as well...with practice...actually...make that A LOT of practice. :P But I have good hand-eye coordination from playing video games so I'll be okay...I think. :P Anyways...I'm just wicked proud of myself and it was just AWETHUM...that's the reward of all our hard work and practicing! :D And another thing is that soon we might start getting calls to go somewhere during school and play at random places so it'd like a mini music-related field trip. :P I'd so love doing that. :P Anyways...that's all I haveta say. :P

Now...THE RANDOM GAME is officially over...but here's the answer to that last question: The right answer was to make some sorta potion to bring back everyone in the world that you killed. All the others were just stupid...except for giving me a Bakugan. :P That one woulda worked as well. :P Seriously...that one was wrong. :P

Now getting back to the end of the story: decide to learn a magic spell that will bring back everyone in the world. You try so many different things but nothing works. Eventually you create the correct spell and you use it to bring back everyone in the world! Then you go back home and see your family. Everything has returned back to normal and you've saved the day...for now...he he he!... :twisted: :P

That's about it...I'm leaving it open-ended in case I get the urge to do another one of these things. :P Anyways...that's about it. :P The only other thing that I wanna say is: Cras cupio ire ad area. (Which is Latin for basically: Tomorrow I wanna go to the park. Too bad I can't use long marks on the computer. :P Ah well. :P ) Vale! -MightyBFan25

I Aced My Declamation But Now I'm Ticked Off/Continuation Of The Random Game...

Yep...I had my Declamation today and guess what? I aced it! :D I got a 63 out of 65 on it which is about a 96%...which isn't my best...but it's still an A which is AWETHUM in my opinion! :D I was so happy about that and I'm so glad that that's finally out of the way. No more Declamations for the rest of the school year! :D Now all I gotta do is play in the Spring Concert for Band. Which actually brings me to what I'm ticked off about. Well...I forgot to say this but instead of playing Thriller as our comtemporary piece...we WERE gonna play The Pink Panther theme song...but now...Mr. Harper's cutting it from the program and I wanna kill him! I mean...yeah...we haven't really rehearsed it too much but it sounds AWETHUM and we know what we're doing and the audience would love it!'s so annoying! Ah well...nothing I can do so I should stop complaining about that...for now. :P The rest of my day was pretty good though...actually pretty normal and I think I'm back in the swing of everything again. I did have History and Latin homework when I got home which took me about three hours and even though that isn't that long compared to some nights...I'm still tired. :P But at least now I have the rest of the day to do whatever the heck I wanna. I wish I could go to the park but it's too late if you ask me now and I'm too lazy to at the moment. :P That's all I really haveta say about my day. :P

Now getting back to THE RANDOM GAME:

So my last question was what would your next move be for fighting against the evil wizard. Well...C was wrong because fighting might not solve anything if you chose it...but neither does running away. :P A and B were wrong because've been fighting and shooting magical lightning bolts and fire balls at the wizard for so long by this point so what would one more possibly do? :P So...guess what...the right answer was actually D! :twisted: :P Besides...don't you remember in the story the Evil Wizard mentioning that he hated stupid vampire movies? :P So...choosing the stupid answer actually scored you a right answer in this question. :twisted: :P Yeah...that was so evil...wasn't it? :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :twisted: :P

Anyways...getting back to the story: So then you force The Evil Wizard to watch The Twilight Movies with a magical spell and he hates them and watching it begins to drain his evil powers. You force him to continue to watch it until he's lost all of his magical powers which he will never gain back. Then you shoot him with a magical lightning bolt and he dies! You've finally killed the evil wizard! And now you're the only person left in the whole world! So...what will you do with your spare time now?

A) Kill yourself. (please don't. :P )

B) Try to use a magic spell to bring back everyone in the world that you killed.

C) Watch The Twilight Movies to have your own powers drained. (please don't do that either. :P )

D) Give MightyBFan25 an AWETHUM super-rare Bakugan. :P (feel free to choose this one. :P )

Seriously...don't listen to my little commentaries on each choice...I don't wanna influence any of your decisions. :P So uh...just answer the question when you leave a comment on this blog and uh...that's about it. :P Vale! -MightyBFan25

First Day Back To School/Continuation Of The Random Game... was my first day back from school after Spring Break but it didn't feel like the Monday after a long felt pretty normal and actually nice...probably cuz I'm well rested now. :D :P day was pretty good actually. Nothing special really happened today aside from doing VTS's in History today.:P It was Day One so I had Music Sectionals and a Study which was pretty good. I didn't have much homework when I got home...just Latin which took me about an hour...and then I practiced my flute and Declamation. This week's gonna be a little stressful cuz tomorrow I have Declamation and on Friday I have the Spring Concert. But after that forth term's pretty much over and fifth term's wicked easy cuz there's no concerts, no declamations, and it's mainly just reviewing after a month of wicked easy stuff to get ready for finals. Once finals are over the rest of the year's pretty laid back if you ask me. :P Anyways...I have Declamation tomorrow and I'm a little nervous but I know that I'm gonna do AWETHUM because I've been practicing all over my break and it's AWETHUM!!! :D I'm so gonna nail it tomorrow and I know that I can do just as good on Juror #10's Rant as I did on Mark Antony's Speech At Caesar's Funeral! :D Maybe better... :P Wish me luck. I just hate dressing up all nice and since I don't have PE tomorrow I'm gonna haveta wear my stupid nice declamation clothes all day. Ah well...I don't really mind it too's only one day. :P After all my homework was taken care of and my mom came was kinda wierd but my mom actually said that I could go to the park if I wanted of course I did and I got absolutely filthy again. :twisted: :P When I got home my mom didn't seem ticked off at me like she usually does. I dunno why but over the break at my dad's place...I think she missed me and my craziness a little. :P So then all I did was take a shower and get changed and now I'm just typing this. :P Nothing much else to say about today... :P

Not getting back to THE RANDOM GAME: So...the question was what do you do while waiting for the wizard to stop taking a crap basically. :P Well...killing yourself was stupid so that's wrong. :P Killing Ms. Gibbons would be funny but guess already killed her when you killed everyone in the world. :P Taking a nap is also terrible cuz what if the wizard's bluffing and he might kill you in your sleep. :twisted: :P So the only right answer was Wait for the Evil Wizard to come out and keep your guard up at all times.

Not getting back to the story: So you wait for the Evil Wizard to quit his little potty break and keep your guard up. Then he eventually comes out and says that he will finally fight you in a one-on-one magical duel to the death! You each grab your magic wands and prepare to fight. Then you begin fighting each other and you're doing pretty good but it's too close to call a winner at this point. You keep fighting until both of you are pretty beat up. Then you realize that you can't keep this up for much longer so you talk to the wizard to stall for some time. You ask him what he hates the most and he says stupid vampire movies. (Hint) Then you ask him what he likes to do in his spare time and all kinds of random stupid junk. :P Then once you're feeling a little better you decide to continue fighting. But what will be your next...and possibly last...move?

A) Shoot The Evil Wizard with a magical lightning bolt.

B) Shoot The Evil Wizard with a magical fire-ball.

C) Run away because fighting doesn't solve anything.

D) Force The Evil Wizard to watch The Twilight Movies! :twisted: :P

So uh...just choose the right answer and that's about it. :P Thanks for reading my useless blog. :P Vale! -MightyBFan25

Completely Unproductive Day Today/Continuation Of The Random Game... whole week was pretty unproductive so far...but today was by far the most unproductive. :P All I really did was sleep until about 10, watch some TV, go online, and go to the park earlier today. :P I had fun at the park usual, and of course when I got home I had to take a bath. :P One random thing that I wanna say though is people think that playing in the mud is disgusting probably...well...maybe it is...but...I also think that taking baths and/or showers are also disgusting. I might think I'm crazy but just think about it...the shampoo, conditioner and soap and all that crap is pretty slippery and of the main reasons why people probably think that mud is just so disgusting. And you know what...playing in the mud is fun...but you can't say the same about baths...all you do is clean yourself up. And then there's the issues with the water being too hot or whatever. So personally...I think that both are equally disgusting...I just don't mind playing in the mud at all. But baths are worse cuz they're not fun...mainly just a stupid waste of time. But then again...who am I to go and say this don't haveta take my word for it. But of course...who else do you know that'd go and play in the mud? :P Anyways...that's the random thing that I wanted to me crazy of whatever the heck you wanna but I won't care at all. :P

Now I just wanna talk about this random dream that I had last night and then I'll get on with The Random Game. So in my dream I remember that I was running away from my arch-enemy at my old school for some reason and then she caught up to me and tackled me and threw me in a dumpster near my old school that I used to go to before I got accepted into BLS. Then I just kinda said to myself that even though I was just thrown into a dumpster at least I was safe cuz she'd never go into a dumpster just to beat me up. Apparently she knew what I was thinking and sent one of her cronies to beat me up and then I just said to her, "Fine...I don't care...I'm not gonna see you for a long time from now because I'm at Boston Latin School and you're just jealous." Then she just kinda laughed and said, "Your stupid nerd school's closed for a year due to renovations so I guess you're coming to school with me at EBCC (East Boston Central Catholic)!" Then she left with her stupid cronie and I climbed out of the dumpster and went home where my mom wanted to kill me cuz she thought that I did that on purpose to get her ticked off...which I might've done eventually...but not in real life...only in a dream...unless a bully really did that to me. :P Anyways...then I was going to school at stupid EBCC and it was so boring and I was getting straight A's without even usual at any normal school. Then I decided that during the spring I guess so I wasn't as bored...and I joined the Student Council for some reason...but I never did anything there in my dream for some reason. :P Anyways...then the Spring came and we were playing softball and my arch-enemy was on my team along with a few of her stupid cronies. We won all of our games and made it to the play-offs and my arch-enemy wanted to sabotage our team so we'd stop playing and end the season so we wouldn't play as many games cuz she hated playing. And in our first playoff game I remember I was pitching and I was doing really good for three or four innings and then my arch-enemy left a Pokemon video game on the bench and told the coach that I was kinda tired and should take a break this inning. I was too preoccupied with the video game to argue about that and go out to pitch again. Then another pitcher came out and blew our lead and we ended up losing the game. I remember my team was ready to kill me at the end of the game cuz I was on the bench playing Pokemon and then I looked up at them and all I could say was, "Uh...sorry about that...this game is wicked fun should play it sometime.". :P Yeah...not my best excuse ever. :P Then I remember they went and picked me up and threw me in the mud and left...leaving me and the coach...who was STILL ridiculously ticked off at pack up the equipment. Yeah...worst game ever. :P Then I remember going back to school the next day and my arch-enemy and her cronies were being nice to me and took the train home with me for some reason and they said that we should go to the mall sometime soon. I just kinda laughed and said that I don't care about how I look and then my arch-enemy called me immature and laughed at me. Then I said, "You know're WAY too self-concious. And you know what the moment you're still wearing your school uniform...just like me and all your stupid single-minded you can't say anything to me at the moment! And you know what else else? I know the Quadratic Forumla: x equald negative b plus or minus the square root of b squared minus 4ac all over there! It pays to be a nerd sometimes! Oh...there's my stop...Suffolk Downs...bye morons." Then I got off the train and called my best friend at my old school and told her about that and my dream ended. It was kinda nice but kinda not so nice at the same time. Anyways...enough of this. :P

Now getting back to THE RANDOM GAME:

So my last question was something like what do you do about The Evil Wizard? Well...D was a terrible answer because even though you'll have shiny's pretty much useless if you're gonna be fighting an Evil Wizard. B was also a bad answer because going to Antarctica to live with the polar bears doesn't solve anything and they'll probably kill and eat you anyways. :lol: :P A was okay but it's wrong also cuz you're not gonna be able to kill an evil Wizard when you don't know any magic spells and you think that you're just gonna somehow manage to kill him with a katana. :P So the only right answer was C because if you wait you can learn some magic spells in a week and then have some chance of defeating the Evil Wizard.

Now getting back to the story: So you tell The Evil Wizard that you'll have a magical duel to the death with him in exactly one week. You leave the Magic Palace and go to some shops to get a magic wand, hat, robe, and some spellbooks. Then you practice magic spells for a week and then you go back to the Magic Palace to finally fight him! You call out the Wizard to come down and fight you but he says that he has to go to the bathroom first and runs into the Magic Palace. You wait for three hours but the Evil Wizard hasn't come out of the bathroom yet. So...what do you do?

A) Kill youself because you're tired of waiting.

B) Kill Ms. Gibbons because you're tired of wating.

C) Take a nap...

D) Wait for the Evil Wizard to come out and keep your guard up at all times.

So uh...yeah...just choose the best answer when you leave a comment in this blog and uh...that's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P I'm gonna say good-bye in Latin from now on in my blogs. :PVale. (and by the way...the v's in Latin are pronounced as w's. Don't ask me why though...that's what my Latin teachers have told us.) -MightyBFan25

Today Was The Only Bad Day This Week/Continuation Of The Random Game...

As the title was probably the only suckish day of my Spring Break and probably the only one. Like I said in my last I had to go stupid clothes shopping with my mom. Ugh...I hated every second of it! I HATE shopping for clothes cuz it's just so stupid! I mean...I am a 14 year old girl and this probably sounds strange to hear a teenage girl say this...but...honestly...I don't care how I look at all...I really don't...all I want is to be comfortable in whatever the heck I'm wearing...I really don't care how I look as long as I'm not wearing anything pink or ridiculously prissy looking cuz I find that annoying. But...anyways...I did get some stupid "nice-looking" clothes to wear for my Spring Concert for Band. I really don't care how I look while I'm playing the long as I'm somewhat dressed up so I don't get in trouble with Mr. Harper and that I can play the flute with no problems. But least that got taken care of and I don't haveta go there for a long time. After that we went out for lunch and then I went back to my dad's place. It wasn't an absolute living hell like I usually exaggerate it to be ( :P )...but I still absolutely hated it...I hate department stores and malls...they're so big and annoying and did you know that there's not even real air in them...I'm pretty sure that it's all pure oxygen that they have in the air at those places because I think it messes with your mind and makes you wanna buy more crap or something. :P But I'm serious about that...but I'm not completely sure so feel free to correct this nerd if she's wrong. :P You know...I could go on and on with a whole blog in which I rant about the mall...but I'm not gonna...not today...maybe tomorrow...or some other day. :P I just wanna say one thing though...while at that stupid department store my mind was all wrapped around Pokemon because I was playing my old Emerald version game a few days ago and I lost to this one stupid kid in the Battle Tower because she had a stupid Kindra that knew Ice Beam and that completely obliterated all my Dragon Types! So I was just kinda rambling on and on about training a Kadabra that can learn the three elemental punches to give people like that a taste of their own medicine. Geez...having a stupid dragon type use an ice type move...what the heck has this world come to?! :P And then I got bored with that and began rambling off some random mathmatical formulas and my mom kinda overheard some of my ramblings and had like no clue what I was talking about and then I started to laugh a little and I asked her what 25 to the power of 0 is and she said 25! :lol: :P She's so stupid...anything to the power of 0 is 1...duh! :P Anyways...that kept menot completely ready to kill myself during that. :P Other than that my day was pretty normal and unproductive. :P


So my last question was: Which attribute of Bakugan to battle with against Masquerade? Well...since none of you seemed to know anything at all about Bakugan...I KNOW FOR A FACT that all your answers were random guesses. :lol: :P I did that on purpose with the Bakugan question...I knew that would throw you off...just like the Pokemon one! :twisted: :P Anyways...before my nerdy ego gets any bigger...the correct answer was Haos. It's correct because Haos trumps...or has the advantage over...Darkus...which is the attribute of Bakugan that Masquerade battles with. But if you said Pyrus...even though I know that none of you know anything about Bakugan...I'd haveta say that that's also right because in my question I caught that I didn't specify the fact that I was looking for a trump...and with Pyrus you have the diagonal relationship between Pyrus and Darkus which also gives you a pretty big power boost so that was also right...I guess. :P If you said's wrong but it's not too bad cuz at least you don't have any disadvantages against Darkus. Now...the worst answer was Ventus (which I remember you picking Girlygirl24...but...I know that you don't know much about Bakugan...same goes with I think I'm just gonna shut up. :P This is random but I asked my mom that question and she picked the same answer. :P ) because Darkus trumps Ventus which puts Ventus Bakugan at a disadvantage so you're pretty much screwed. :P So uh...yeah...the answer was Haos but I'd accept Pyrus as well. :P

Now getting back to the story: So you decide to battle with your Haos deck against Masquerade. He uses the Doom Card (What a surprise...and yes...that is sarcasm. :P ) and then you each throw down your gate cards. The battle starts and you defeat each others Bakugan one at a time and eventually you're each down to one Bakugan left...Masquerade has his Darkus Hydranoid at 450 G's...and you have with you a Haos Delta Dragonoid also at 450 G's. Masquerade plays his ability card Chaos Of The Darkness and then he's about to win...but you have an ability card...or two...of your own to play. You play your ability card Boosted Dragon and then activate its fusion ability which gives your Bakugan the higher G-power rating and you win the battle! Then Masquerade disappears somewhere and it's just you and the Evil Wizard left. The Evil Wizard laughs evilly once more and jumps down from the top of the Magic Palace with his magic wand and spellbook. Now you finally have your chance to kill the wizard and avenge your family and all the people in the world that you killed under his mind-control! feel that you couldn't possibly kill the Wizard right with just your bare hands and your need a better plan...but what will you do?

A) I don't care...I'm just gonna kill that stupid Evil Wizard once and for all!

B) Run away to Antarctica to live with the polar bears.

C) Tell The Evil Wizard that you're not gonna fight him right now but you'll challenge him to a magical duel to the death in a week.

D) Polish your Bakugan so they're really shiny for your next brawl. :P

So uh...yeah...I do have some stupid answers up there so this question should be easy enough I guess. :P Just say your answer when you leave a comment on this blog and uh...yeah...that's about all I haveta say in this blog. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25

I Had An AWETHUM Day Today/Continuation Of The Random Game...

As the title day today was wicked AWETHUM!!!!! :D Now I'll actually explain why in case you actually care. :P So usually every year during the summer or Spring Break my family goes to this place called Salem Willows...and it's AWETHUM there because it's this long stretch of buildings that has arcade games, some amusment park rides, a mini-golf course (which to be honest isn't that great but I don't go there to play mini-golf cuz there's a course that's like ten times better and way closer to my dad's place. :P ), and some places where you can get ice-cream and that sorta stuff. So, my little brother, my dad, and my grandma went there today for about three hours...not counting the ride to and from there...but I think that was about an hour or so for both ways. So when we got there we played some games first which was pretty fun. I played ski-ball a lot (because that's pretty fun and there is some physics in it when you think about it so it's kinda mentally stimulating for me...but that's not the real reason why. :P It's just fun.), me and my little brother went on that roller-coaster simulator thingy which was AWETHUM, and I played a few other random games. Then my grandma told me to try playing this one random game where there was thing big wheel thingy and you pulled some lever thingy and it went around for a while and then it landed on some random number which was how many tickets you won. If I remember right the thing cost four quarters to play...which my grandma did give me to play for some reason...I dunno why though...but my grandma is pretty nice. So anyways...I played it two times and I gota decent amount of tickets on it both times...but I kinda realized that I was in a bit of a rut because the spinner kept landing in the same area about when I was pulling the lever pretty then on my third try I decided to pull it not so hard and it slowed down in this area where you had this small area where you could win 1,000 tickets and it legit landed in that area! :D Aw was AWETHUM!!! :D And I'm like wicked unlucky...but...I guess maybe I was lucky for that one moment in time...and apparently some people were saying that it was like impossible to get the 1,000 tickets...kinda wierd huh? I grandma just randomly told me to play it and on my third try I just won the best thing that you could on it. :P So anyways...we played a few more games after that then we went to take all our tickets to the ticket eater thingy and all together the four of us had 2,280 tickets. But...I didn't get any prizes there...I didn't want anything and I figure I can save them for something next year. Anyways...after that we went to get some ice-cream and some other stuff which was good and then we decided to leave. All in was pretty fun and I can't believe what I did in that was so random...and I personally thought that it was impossible and so stupid...but...maybe it wasn't. :P I always thought the same thing about that game with the light that spins around and you haveta get it in between those to colored gate things...but...I've won that so many times because I have wicked good reflexes from video that came in handy. :P Other than that...the rest of my day's been pretty unproductive and I don't have much else to talk about in this blog. :P

Now getting onto THE RANDOM GAME OF ABSOLUTE RANDOMNESS: ( :lol: ) last question was which Pokemon you should use to take out that swarm of Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengars. Well...I decided to make that question cuz I knew that a lot of people would get it wrong (ESPECIALLY Girlygirl24, no're AWETHUM...but I wanted you to get at least one question wrong...and I know that you know nothing about Pokemon. :P ) and I was right. :twisted: :P Sorry peoples...but I wanna be evil in this game...because...well...I am pretty evil when I wanna be and it's fun to be an evil villain. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Anyways...enough gloating about my absolutely evil nerdy plan. :lol: :P The right answer was Alakazam...I forget what letter it was though. Sceptile was a terrible answer (hate to admit it...well...actually...not too much...but yes...if you said're wrong...Girlygirl24...yes...I remember what answer you picked. :twisted: :P ) because...well...Sceptile is a grass-type and those Pokemon that you needed to take out are poison and ghost types and guess what...grass types have a terrible weakness against poison types so that's not good at all. Machamp and Linoone were also terrible answers because Linoone is a normal type and Machamp is a fighting type and ghost types aren't effected AT ALL by fighting and normal type moves so you couldn't even attack them! :lol: :P (You can see that I'm having fun with this game, huh? :P ) So...the only correct answer was is a psychic type which has the advantage over ghost and poison types because its moves are super effective againest them. So there...that's why the only right answer was Alakazam...which also happens to be one of my favorite non-legendary Pokemon. :D :P to continue the story: So you take the Pokeball that contains the Pokemon Alakazam and release it saying "Come on out Alakazam!" and then it comes out. Then you say to Alakazam, "Use Psychic on the Ghastly, Haunter, and Gengars!" and then Alakazam uses Psychic on those Pokemon and makes them lose all their HP's and faint in one move! Then you can finally see the Evil Wizard up in the Magic Palace and you scream, "Come down here so I can kill you!!!" and then he just laughs and says that you need to go through the Magic Palace first which is booby-trapped...or you can choose to have a Bakugan Battle with Masquerade who is working for him and then he'll come down and fight you! You decide to have the Bakugan Battle with Masquerade (who is a Darkus Brawler *hint*) and you can battle with any attribute of Bakugan to battle with so...which attribute will you battle with? (MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Let's see if anyone besides me knows stuff about Bakugan... I am evil...aren't I? :P )

A) Haos.

B) Ventus.

C) Pyrus.

D) Aquos.

Once again...MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P You must really hate me for being such a nerd now...huh? :P Ah well...I don't really care too much...I love being an evil nerd. :twisted: :P I don't have much else to say. But just so you can laugh at me...I haveta go clothes shopping with my mom tomorrow to get something "nice" to wear for my Spring Concert for Band...and I hate clothes shopping...I'd rather be playing in the mud...actually...I'd much rather be playing the the mud and getting filthy. :P So...laugh at me all you want. :P I don't care though. :P Bye bye! -MightyBFan25 (who'd appreciate it if all of you...ESPECIALLY Girlygirl24...don't laugh at me too much. :P )