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MightyBFan25 Blog

I'm Gonna Leave This Site For A Few Days...

This isn't a trick or anything like that first of all...although it would be a good idea for a prank. :P He he he! :twisted: :P But seriously...I'm gonna leave this site for a few days. I'm not ditching the site and I promise that I'll be back on this site! I'm just not gonna be on this site tomorrow and Friday. So...after I log off of this site today I won't be back on until this Saturday. After that everything will be back to normal and I'll come on just as frequently as I normally would...perhaps even more. Anyways...the only reason that I won't be on this site for two days is because I need some time to clear my head about something having to deal with my mom and I could also use the spare time to type my Summer Reading reports because I finished my fifth and final book. So...don't's nothing that serious as to why I'm leaving this site for a few days...I just need to clear my head and do a little work. So...don't worry...I'll be back on this site by Saturday afternoon to participate in the Weekly Mighty B! Discussion. I hope you don't miss me while I'm gone but I doubt you's only two days and I'm sure that all of you are probably sick of me to a certain degree by now and everyone needs a break from me I think or else you'd go mentally insane. :lol: :P I shall bid you a farewell in Latin until we meet again. Vale. (which basically means farewell in Latin. ) -MightyBFan25

I Know That This Is A Day Late But Come On...I Got Home At Midnight Yesterday...

Okay...I know that this a day late but I hope that you all had an AWETHUM Fourth Of July!!! :D I would say I hope that you all had a Happy Fourth Of July but ah...that's boring...everyone says that...besides...that's how Bessie from The Mighty B! would say that. :P Anyways...I hope you enjoyed your Fourth Of July and I have an excuse as to why I didn't make this blog yesterday. :P

Okay...this is an excuse but it is true so uh...if anyone that happens to read this blog is a bully who wished to beat me up, a wizard, a zombie, or a member of the Mafia ( I'm starting to get somewhat paranoid of this as well...but ah...this paranoia isn't as bad for me as it would be for some people because I'm about half Italian...and that part is Sicilian and from what I know people from actual Italy aren't too fond of people from Sicily. :P And even's stil irrational I guess but ah...who cares?! :P ) or even has connections with the Mafia...PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!!! :P And for that matter...don't make my life miserable in any way, shape, or form. :P But...I don't think anyone falls under any of those catagories of things that I'm paranoid of. :P Anyways...I didn't make this blog yesterday because I spent my Fourth Of July with the rest of my family members on my mom's side of the family at my great-grandmother's house and we didn't finish up everything that we were doing and go home until about midnight...hehe. :P So uh...there's your excuse. :P aside...I should start talking about what the heck I actually spent my day doing, huh? :P And if you answered "no"...ah...that's your're in my world now so you're still gonna haveta read this. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Kidding. :P yesterday in the morning ar around 10 me and my little brother packed up our stuff and my dad dropped us off at my mom's place. Then we got some stuff that we wanted to take with us to my great-grandmother's place for when we went there. So then at around 11 my nana came and gave us a ride there which only takes about 20 to 30 minutes because we're only going to Winthrop (which isn't far from East Boston at all in case you're wondering. :P ) So when we got there some of my family members were there but not all of them yet...and my older cousin (who I planned to do something stupid with later. :P ) still wasn't there either. So in the meantime I just did some stuff...I kinda alternated between a bunch of I do whenever I go over my great-grandmother's place because I get bored after doing the same thing for too long of a time. :P So while I waited for my older cousin to show up I greeted any of my family members who finally showed up, I played some card games with a few of my younger cousins and my little brother, I tried solving my Rubic's Cube that I brought with me (and TRUST ME...I may be smart but the best I can do is get two or three sides...after that if I go for a fourth one...I just screw up everything. :P ), went out in the backyard to play soccer and catch and that sorta stuff with my little brother, got into a few intellectual conversations with some of the smarter adults about random stuff because the conversation always switched topics, etc... (You know...just stuff that any normal kid would do at a family get-together. ) Then finally my older cousin showed up at around 3. I was waiting for her to show up for hours but then when she finally showed up...a lot of nervousness just kinda hit me...kinda like on the day when you have Declamation and you're not nervous at all until it's like two minutes before your turn. :P But in a few seconds it just kinda went away...I'm not one to get too nervous about anything for the most part anyways. :P while she greeted everyone there (except me because I wasn't inside like pretty much everyone else...I was outside being evil and I took the hose in the backyard to use the water to spray this pretty big area in the backyard that no one uses that my nana used to use to plant stuff but hasn't bothered with for a while wasn't inside...I was outside being evil and making mud. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P ) and then I bet she realized that she hadn't seen me yet and that I was up to something stupid. :P So then she went outside while I was still in the middle of my evil shenanigans (shenanigans...haha...that's a funny word. :P ) and of course she couldn't just say hello to me normally like everything was fine and dandy...we just kinda started trash-talking each other (TRUST ME...I might be a wimpy nerd but I know how to trash-talk and I'm darn good at it too! :twisted: :P ) and then she said that we'd mud wrestle each other in a few minutes...she just wanted to settle in for a few minutes. So in that time I left the hose running and I went downstairs and took off my glasses and put them away in their case and I took off my sneakers as well. By the time I got back outside my older cousin was there and apparently she shut off the hose (she probably thought that I was an idiot for leaving it on...but ah...I don't care. :P ) and then...FINALLY...we got to mud wrestle each other! :lol: :P I know that my older cousin was going easy on me because is she wasn't I probably wouldn't be online right now and typing this blog...and for that matter...I'd probably be in the hospital in a full-body cast. :lol: :P Anyways...she was going easy on me but come on...I'm just a was still pretty darn hard just to not get pinned down in like two seconds. :lol: :P But anyways...I think I did okay even though that sorta stuff isn't my forte and I didn't even care about was just a fun way to play in the mud. :P So after about 30 minutes (We took a couple breaks every few minutes) we were done with that...and completely filthy and covered in mud for that then we went inside. :P This part would be the interesting one! :lol: :P So...only a few adults actually saw us when we went inside and when my mom saw us...she surprisingly just kinda laughed a little bit to herself and then she told us to go clean up. So since there are two bathrooms at my great-grandmother's place (we brought a few spare changes of clothes with us by the way) we just each went into one of them and took a bath and got changed and that was that. A little while after that the food from the barbecue (that one of my uncles was cooking) was ready and we all had some food and then at around 8 we started doing some sparklers and stuff like that in the backyard before we went to watch the fireworks. After that we went to watch the fireworks and they were they are every year! :D So uh...after that we just kinda relaxed for a while and I got to play with my nana's new kitten, Oreo, who by the way is ridiculously cute and is to energetic and loves to play. :D (Yeah...I'm an absolute sucker for baby animals. :P ) And then at around 11 me and a few of my family members came to watch another one of my uncles light some of his own fireworks on the beach...which technically illegal in MA. :P Hehe...this is kinda awkward. :P Anyways...those were pretty cool to watch as well. :D And uh...after that we finally went home at around midnight and that was that.

So uh...yeah...that's pretty much all I haveta say about yesterday. One other thing that I wanted to mention is that I found out something about my mom yesterday through one of the adult conversations that I was just kinda half-listening to while trying to solve my Rubic's Cube. So...I found out that my mom was a tom-boy when she was little up until she was about my age. It was SO SHOCKING to me because I never woulda guessed that but I guess it must be true because no one had a different version of that story. And my mom didn't try to end the conversation either and was actually kinda laughing...probably because she didn't think that I was listening. :P So...I dunno how I feel about's just kinda strange...I think that some time soon...maybe this week...I'm gonna take a break for a few days on this site to clear my head about this and ask my mom some questions about this. Because if she's a tom-boy I wanna know why she changed...and if she really is a tom-boy then maybe...maybe I could find a way to bring out that tom-boy side to her because I can seem to do that with anyone if they have a tom-boy side to them. So...I have some thinking to do about this...but I'll tell you when I plan to take my break from this site. day's been pretty good and unproductive so far today. :P The only real productive thing that I did was read more of "On Fortune's Wheel" and I'm almost done with it. Nothing really that special. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Sorry that it's so long and I'm probably annoying all of you so much right now. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

I Can't Wait For Tomorrow...

I'm sure you know why I can't wait until tomorrow...but in case you don't...I'll tell you. :P Tomorrow's gonna be the Fourth Of July and I love that holiday for a few reasons...but mainly because I love watching the fireworks. :P The other stuff and the real meaning behind it all doesn't matter...just the fireworks. :P Kidding...the fireworks are nice but I always keep the real meaning of it all in the back of my mind throughout the day. :D Anyways...aside from the usual Fourth Of July stuff that will be taking place at my great-grandmother's place this and my older cousin are gonna do what probably is one of the stupidest and craziest things that can be done without killing someone in the process. :lol: :P If you've read any of my blogs you'll know what it is. I can't wait for that'll be WICKED AWETHUM! :D :P He he he! :twisted: :P

Now getting on with my day. :P's been pretty unproductive so far which is really nice. I'm still getting used to the whole being on Summer Break thing but ah...I'll get into the swing of this in a few more days probably. :P So far I've just gone online, watched some TV, and I read some more of my fifth (and final) Summer Reading book called "On Fortune's Wheel". (Yeah...I already finished Cat's Eye a few days ago. :P ) It's a pretty good book and I'm about a third of the way done with it. It's not too's actually the shortest of all my books that I've read. :P And the AWETHUM thing is that I'm almost done with all my Summer Reading and I've only been on Summer Break since Tuesday. :D :P But then again...I started my Summer Reading on June 6th. :P Anyways...I'm probably gonna read some more of "On Fortune's Wheel" tonight and I have some online stuff that I haveta do as well tonight and other than that I have no plans. :P I WAS gonna go to the park but I've heard a lot of shouting outside (It seems like it's coming from the bar that's right across the street from my dad's used to be a hair dresser's place but then they went out of business and it got turned into a bar a few years ago...which I still find really annoying. ) and I dunno but I feel if I go outside something's gonna happen and it won't be good...and even if nothing bad happens to me...ah...I don't wanna see anything bad happen. :P So...I guess I'm not going to the park today...hehe. :P

Now I just wanna talk about something wierd that happened today...and this involves VD yet again. So...after I was done reading a good amount of pages in "On Fortune's Wheel" today I felt kinda tired so I took a nap. When I woke up a little while later...VD was at my dad's place (which is where I currently am in case you forgot...I stay with my mom during the week and my dad on the weekend) for some reason and when I woke up I put on my glasses and VD said that she apparently wanted to talk to me. At the time I was somewhat annoyed with this because I still wanted to continue taking my nap because I was tired from staying up late on Friday night to read. :P So at the time I didn't really care about much else. :P So I just took off my glasses again and tried to fall asleep. (I didn't actually realize that with this I was kinda pushing my luck. :P But now that I think about it...even though I didn't care about this at the was a good way to see if VD would bother to put up with me acting kinda annoying. :P ) And while this was going on my dad and little brother were in the computer room doing something...probably some random word games that they like playing. :P Anyways...then VD was saying that she just wanted to talk to me and I just kinda ignored this and said that I was tired. :P Then she threw a pillow at me to try to get me to just wake up. :P After that I put on my glasses but I still didn't wanna get up so then she took the water gun in my room and sprayed me with it. :P After that I just finally got up...knowing that I wouldn't get any more sleep at this rate. :P After that we just kinda talked about some random stuff for a while and it wasn't absolute torture...I wasn't what I would call fun...but it was okay I guess. After a little while she left and that was that. It was kinda wierd because now that I think about it I was really pushing my luck there and she didn't like beat me up or anything...the stuff that she did do to me was harmless...and actually kinda funny compared to what she used to do to me. :lol: :P Anyways...I'm pretty sure that she was for real when she apologized to me because if she wasn't by now she probably woulda killed me. :lol: :P So...I guess I was right and I wasn't just being gullible again. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I can't wait until tomorrow! :D And I probably shouldn't stay up until midnight reading again...I wanna be able to stay up and watch the fireworks. :P seems that when I don't get enough sleep I do really stupid stuff without even meaning to. :P Vale. (That's Latin for "farewell") -MightyBFan25

It Still Doesn't Really Feel Like I'm On Summer Break... :P

Okay...I've been on Summer Break for about 53 hours as of right now but it still doesn't feel like I'm on Summer Break which is kinda wierd. :P I just wanted to say this and I hope that I get used to being away from all the stress of BLS soon so I can just relax and think about nothing for two months...or at least...after I finish my summer work...which shouldn't take too much longer because I'm almost done with a lot of it. :P Anyways...aside from the fact that it doesn't feel like I'm on Summer Break and it feels more like just a random week off from day's been AWETHUM so far! :D's really wierd for me because I usually haveta wake up at around 5:30 in the morning to get ready for and go to school...and now I can sleep until as late in the day as I mom won't even bother waking me up...she probably likes me sleeping until like 10 in the morning because it's less time that she has to put up with me. :P Anyways...I really like getting to sleep until 9 or 10 in the morning now...and I know that that doesn't seem that late but to's really late because I haveta wake up at like 5 in the morning during school-days. :P Anyways...aside from doing some Summer Reading my day's been really unproductive so far which is just AWETHUM! :D All I did today was go online, watch some TV, and uh...that's really about it. :P Then I continued reading some more of my forth Summer Reading book called "Cat's Eye" and I mean...the book's okay I guess...I don't like it but I don't hate it either...I'm just kinda indifferent to it and I'd give it a 5/10 if I had to ever rate it. But's my second day reading it and I'm already a little over half way done with it. The only reason is because I just wanna get it over and done with because the book's just dragging on and on and it's getting annoying now because it's just the same sorta thing and the main character, Elaine Risley, is really annoying and I just hate the way that she's acting within the novel for the most part. If you wanna know why feel free to ask...but I'm not gonna go out of my way and type it all out if no one even cares. :P And uh...yeah...that's pretty much how I've spent my day so far. :P

I think that later today I'm gonna take a nap...actually...yeah...I'm probably gonna do that when I'm done with typing this blog. :P And it's really nice outside's not wicked hot like it is usually during the summer so I think I'm gonna go into the backyard and play in that mud pit that I still have in the backyard at my mom's place. :P He he he! :twisted: :P I can't wait to do that! :P And after that I have absolutely no clue what I'm gonna do with myself. :P Isn't that just great?! :P Wait...well...actually I'm probably gonna finish up this game of Monopoly that I was having with my mom yesterday. By the way...I have both commodities, two railroads, two monopolies, and I'mthree properties away from three more monopolies. MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P I'm so gonna kill my mom in this game! :twisted: :P And uh...that's about all I plan to do with the rest of my day. :P Then I might just read a little bit more of "Cat's Eye" and then I'll probably just go to bed. :P

You know what...I completely forgot about something but when I found out that this Sunday is the Fourth Of July I remembered it. So...I remember that on Mother's Day my AWETHUM older cousin was there and we got into this epic prank war and then I remember that I jokingly said that I'd mud wrestle her (I have no clue why I had the urge at the time to do that so don't ask. :P ) and then my cousin said that she would but it would be on the Fourth Of July because that would be the next time that we'd see each other. So...hehe...I guess I'm gonna be mud wrestling my older cousin this Sunday. :P But to be honest it's not a big deal and I'll be fine...she's my cousin...she wouldn't completely obliterate me...she'd just obliterate me. :P Kidding...she seriously won't do that. :P Anyways...I'll obviously haveta take off my glasses but I can see just fine without my glasses because I have an astigmatism and I only need my glasses because I get headaches when I'm straining my eyes from watching TV or reading for several hours...which I won't be doing. :P And another thing is that I'm not gonna get in trouble with my mom because my mom loves my older cousin for some reason which is wierd because I have a personality like my older cousin's and my mom hates me. :P But anyways...because that's the case I won't get in any trouble. :P I'm so smarticle, aren't I? :twisted: :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P Well...I'm gonna go take a nap now and after that I'm gonna do some training for my mud wrestling match with my older cousin...well...that's if you count playing in the mud training. :lol: :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

Finally...Today Was My Last Day Of School!!!!! :D / More Online Stupidity...

Well...before I get to all the nice happy stuff that I planned on talking about in this blog...I have some serious business to discuss in this blog before I get to my usual random crap that no one cares about. :P I'm serious. today when I came on this site...first thing I notice...two messages in my message box on this site. And it turns out that some stupid person called aaaaaaaaqqw (stupid username, huh? :P ) is now tracking me and sent me some stupid, annoying, offensive PM as well. I deleted that PM and I denied being that person's friend without even thinking about it for half of a second. Anyways...I'm pretty sure that it's the same person that's been doing that to a bunch of other people...that person probably just got banned or something and made another new account with a different email address. I honestly think that this aaaaaaaaaqqw person needs to get a life and stop annoying people. And you know what...what this person is saying doesn't even bother me at's annoying but I don't really care at all yet. Besides...if you seem annoyed with someone they'll just keep doing it. And I'm not gonna even really talk to this person...I'll just ignore this person and report him...which I've already done by the way.And to be honest...I don't care if this aaaaaaaaaqqw person reads this blog...this person isn't a friend of mine and I don't even know this person. to put that aside and get on with the rest of this blog...and for that matter...the rest of my life. to get on with the rest of this blog...which will put me in a much better mood. :P So...TODAY WAS MY LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (By the way...I put exactly 25 exclamation points at the end of that last sentence...and 25 just so happens to be my favorite number...or any multiple of 25 for that matter. :P ) So...the day was completely unproductive. It was a half day in case you're wondering. Italian class all we did was talk and play random card games. Then in my study all me and my friends did was get passes to go buy some freeze-pops on the third floor (Don't ask why people were selling freeze-pops on the third floor though...I honestly have no idea. :P ) and then we played more random card games. And finally in History last class ever as an eigth grader at Boston Latin School...I played some more random card games with my friends and then me and some of my friends left the room to say good-bye to all our friends and teachers. And then me and 5 of my other friends went to the ISGM after school to do a screwed up version of a VTS to make fun of them. :P And after about one and a half hours of doing htat we went and got some ice-cream and then we said good-bye and went home. And now I'm at home doing nothing productive for the first time in what seems like forever. :D I've been so busy these past few weeks getting ready for finals and starting my summer work and being really stressed out and now the school year's just kinda...well...over...and now I can finally relax for two months! :D I'm so glad! :D I mean...after like 9 months at BLS and getting stressed out to the max...being on summer break just feels like heaven. :D :P Oh...and by the way...I'm gonna get my final report card for this year mailed to my dad's place sometime in the near future and then I'll tell you my grades for term five and for the year and then I'll calculate my GPA and tell you that as well because I love showing off my grades. :P And they might not be straight A's...but TRUST ME...BLS is really hard and I always got straight A's at my old school and I'd be getting straight A's easily at any other school without even trying just to let you know. :P Anyways...I have some work to do over the summer but it's not that bad and I have two months to do it and I've already started some of it. So...I haveta get my Writing Folder together (I did that already), I have 25 math problems to do and review (I did that already as well), I haveta get a copy of my last physical for the first day of school (which is really something that my mom has to do...not me. :P ), I have my summer reading to do (And I just finished my third book today and I'll do all the stupid one page, double spaced papers all on one day), and then I haveta practice my flute which I wanted to do so I don't lose my mad flute-playing skillz (Yeah...that's right...I spelled skills with a "z" because I'm AWETHUM like that. :lol: :P Kidding. :P ), and then that's really about it. :P

One thing that's wierd right now is that it doesn't feel like I'm on Summer Break yet. I wish it did feel like that but it just doesn't. But I'm sure it's no real'll probably feel much better when I wake up tomorrow and realize that I can sleep until noon. :P Besides...I've been feeling kinda sick lately so thatmight be it as well. Either way I'm sure I'll be fine soon. :P And just to let you thing that I hate about the summer is that it's always wicked hot so I can't go outside that much...and one other thing...once I finish all my work that I haveta do over the summer...I have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with myself so then I get bored and then I start doing random stuff...which isn't good at all...because to me random stuff is stuff that just jumps into my mind and then I do it on impulse without thinking about anything else (Like the time last summer when I tried to cut a Gobstopper in half with a pocket knife and I accidentally cut myself because I wasn't thinking. :P ). And it seems that when I'm on summer break when I'm done with all my work I just seem to act more stupid than usual because all that I'm doing is random stuff and I'm not doing anything academic-related to keep my mind sharp. :P But ah well...I don't care at's fun to just do random stuff and put my smart, hard-working mind to rest for about two months and just not think logically. :P But of course...with me...that's gonna spell disaster...and I know that for a fact! He he he! :twisted: :P

Anyways...that's about all that I haveta say in this blog. :P I don't have any real plans for the summer because during the school I was too busy to plan ahead but don't worry...I'll find some thing to do with myself...I always do. :P I'm just so glad that I'm finally on summer break! :D I'm gonna go take a nap now for like four hours. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25 (Who is officially now on Summer Break!!!!! :D )

Today Was My Last Full Day Of School... wasn't my last day of school but today was my last full day of school. :D And my last Day 6...and the last time that I had Band...and the last time that I had Latin class because I have it fifth period.'s not my last day of school. I still have two half-days of school left tomorrow and Monday and I'm coming to both of them even though I don't haveta because we're not doing anything for the rest of the school year except listening to our ipods, playing card games, talking, and watching movies. :P I have my locker and backpack all cleaned out and I'm done with doing real work in all my classes for the rest of the school year. :D AWETHUM, huh?! :D

Anyways...the last two half-days of school are both Day 1's. Tomorrow we'll go to the classes that we have for first, second, and third period on a normal Day 1. Then on Monday we'll go to the classes that we have for forth, sixth, and seventh period on a normal Day 1. What happened to fifth period, you might ask? :P's a little complicated but all you need to know is that I'm not going there because I can't on the half-days. :P So...that's why today was my last ever Latin class with Mr. Chavero.

Now...I'll tell you why I'm going to both the half-days even though they're virtually pointless. :P Well...first of all...I wanna go to get perfect attendance because I haven't missed a day of school all year, nor did I last year. Second...I usually work really hard in school along with most people so it's just nice to go to school and not haveta do anything and you can just relax. Third...a lot of my friends are going on the half-days and I wanna see them as well. And forth...on Monday after school me and some of my friends are gonna go to the ISGM and have a screwed up version of a VTS because we hate them so much and we just wanna make fun of it. :P So...yeah...that's my reasoning for going to school on the useless half-days. :P

Sorry for talking so much about school but just one thing and then I'll get on with something non-school-related. :P So...I feel that I'm already in pretty good shape with everything that I haveta do over the summer. I always make a Summer To-Do List and tape it on my wall and take it down when I've done everything and even then...I might keep it up until the summer's really over. So...we have some summer math homework do to and I already did that. We haveta get together our writing folders which I already did. (By the way...I'm still in school so I shouldn't even be doing this yet. :P ) I have my summer reading as well and then I just have to practice my flute. I'm already on my third summer reading book called "The Crystal Cave" and it's long but I really like it and I know that I'll finish it in no time because of that. :D And I'm gonna get my summer rental flute and some new sheet music for over the summer tomorrow after school. :D So...I think I'm in pretty good shape with all my school-related summer activities. I still have no idea what I'm gonna do with myself aside from all that though... :P But I'll figure out something. He he he! :twisted: :P Kidding...just kidding...during the summer I'm not as's too hot outside. :P

I haven't done anything with myself really since I've gotten home actually. :P I've just been thinking about what the heck I'm gonna do with myself during the summer aside from my work. :P To be honest...I have no idea. :lol: :P My mom thinks that I should get a summer job but please...come on...I don't wanna work during the summer...and the money that I get would be nice but I already have a ton of money and I have like $7,000 invested in the stock market...and even then I also have about $500 still left in my bank account. So...I don't think I need any more money...although it would be nice. :P During the summer I'm probably just gonna do nothing... :P Nothing's always good when you're out of school. :P

I don't have much else to say in this blog. The wierd thing is that I usually have much more to say. :P But I dunno...maybe I'm just tired or something. :P To be doesn't even feel like it's near the end of the school year. :P I wish it did but it doesn't. :P Ah well...maybe it will when I'm on my first day of summer break. The first day of summer break always just kinda hits be because on the last day of school I know that it's the last day but I don't realize it until the next week day when I actually get to sleep past 6 in the morning. :P Anyways...I'm tired...I wanna stop typing. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

Today's The Longest Day Of The Year...

Not seriously is the longest day of the year. It's the Summer Solstice or something like that so today's the day where there's the most daylight and therefore it's the longest day of the year. I didn't realize this until one of my friends told me this in the hallway though...but I knew that already...I just didn't bother to pay any attention to it. :P Anyways...not on with my day... :P

My day was pretty good. We took the Algebra final today and it was WICKED EASY!!! :D There were 50 problems and I solved 48 of them wicked fast and I knew EXACTLY what I was doing. There were just two problems that I was having some trouble with. One was something having to do with the order of operations and I kept getting negative numbers and it was multiple choice and all the choices were positive integers so I guess guessed C and I heard that I probably got it right. :D There was only one problem that I know I got wrong and it was the last one. I kept thinking that it was solved using the midpoint formula when all it was is using the distance formula. But hey...I got a 98% probably on the Algebra final and that's just AWETHUM if you ask me! :D Other than that the rest of my school day was the most unproductive school day ever. :P I missed my study and History to take the Algebra final like everyone else during my first two classes. Then I had ELA and that got turned into a study. Then I had Health and that also got turned into a study. Then I had Latin and all we did was work on this translating project that I did over the weekend so that was another study for me. :P Then in Algebra all we did was talk and my teacher gave us some Sudoku puzzles to solve which obviously were just for our own amusment so that class was just fun. :P And then in Italian the teacher was out so we had yet another study! :lol: :P So...all I did today was take my math final and then do nothing. :P Haha...I don't care though...that's how every school day should be! :lol: :P After that I got home and I don't have any homework so I've just been sitting around and watching TV all day. :P

One last thing that I wanna mention is that last night I had this really scary dream...and I mean...this one was WICKED SCARY...even to me...and I can watch all the Saw movies without cringing or looking away once. I think it's because I was in the dream though and it was a lucid dream.'s basically what happened: Me, my dad, and my little brother just got out of my dad's car after going some place and then we went inside. But just as we closed the first door in his house, which was this see-through glass door, we heard a lot of screaming and then some of the city was on fire and we heard gun shots and people were screaming and running away and we were wondering what the heck was going on. Then we saw why there was all this panic. There were a bunch of cannibals ( used to be scary zombie dreams but it's cannibals I guess! :P ) terrorizing the whole world...and they were specifically targeting my neighbourhood I guess! And then we decided that we should go upstairs and into out apartment and just wait out this whole craziness with cannibals. But then some of the cannibals noticed us as we were going upstairs and they tried to kill us and then they were probably gonna eat us just like cannibals. And these cannibals by the way, looked like normal people but they were really violent and covered in blood and they had guns...or at least...some of them had guns...WITH ammunition. But the ones that were trying to attack us didn't have guns. But they were trying to break open the glass door and attack us. Then my dad told me and my little brother to just go upstairs and he would hold the door and then he'd follow us upstairs. So we did just that and the cannibals were chasing us up the stairs and then I was fumbling with the keys to open the door to our apartment but I finally opened it and all of us got in safe and sound and no cannibals got in either and then they just kinda left us alone...and we were never bothered by any cannibals was like there was some kinda anti-cannibal force-field around our apartment or something. :P Anyways...then we waited out the entire thing and then there was a world-wide announcement saying that all the cannibals were supposedly captured and killed and this whole ordeal was over and all the survivors could celebrate and get on with out lives! So then I went alone to visit my grandparents and make sure that they were okay. I saw my grandma in her rocking chair and I ran up and hugged her but then I looked around for my grandpa...but he wasn't there. My grandma never talked to me in that dream by the way...I was the only one talking in this part of the dream. So then I was just kinda snooping around the house trying to find my grandpa and then I walked into this really dark area of the house and there was blood everywhere and I heard some disturbing noises. I stupidly kept going farther and farther into that dark area and then...all of a sudden...cannibals appeared out of no where and were all surrounding me and ready to kill me and then I woke up. And just in time too...because I've heard that if you see yourself die in a dream then you really will die because of the shock of just seeing your body dead...even if it is "justa dream". was just really scary and it was definately a lucid dream. I've been kinda paranoid about going anywhere dark or by myself all day now because of this. :P I hope it wears off soon but I doubt it will...I still haven't managed to rid myself of all that zombie paranoia yet. :P

That's all I haveta say in this blog. :P Sorry for wasting like 20 minutes of your life if you actually read all of this. :P Actually...I'm not sorry. :P MWAHAHAHAHA!!!!! :twisted: :P Haha...just kidding...I wish I could stand to make my blogs shorter but I dunno...I just have a lot of stuff to usually say and I'm not the kinda person that can summarize something in one sentence. :P And I mean...that's a good quality for writing like 10 page research papers...but that also means that I absolutely suck at paraphrasing...which I wish I was good at because it would make note-taking much easier for me...but ah well...I'll manage without that skill...I mean...I've managed so far without it. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

Today's Father's Day...

I'm sure you all know that today is Father's Day already but if not you do now. :P I'm glad that I at least got to see my dad this Father's Day and I'm really glad to have him as my dad. He's the only parent that I have that isn't wicked annoying. And I love my dad. He's AWETHUM! :D I miss him sometimes during the week but when I get to see him on the weekends I really enjoy it. Anyways...I hope that you all enjoy your day and are nice to your dads. :D I bought my dad a card and a gift and I've been on my best behavior so far today for him. So anyways...enjoy your day and don't forget to spend some time with your dads. :D

So far my day's been pretty good and unproductive. I slept until about 9 (which for me is pretty late considering that during the week I haveta wake up at about 5:30 in the morning. :P ) My grandparents on my dad's side of the family come over and we went out for dinner just a little while ago and soon we're gonna have cake and all that sorta stuff now that we're home. And the rest of my day has been spent watching TV, going online, just kinda screwing around, playing some board games, and reading some more of "Rocket Boys". I only have about 100 pages left and the book's pertty interesting so I think I'll finish in about two or three more days. So uh...yeah...that's pretty much how I've spent my day so far. :P

One other thing that I wanna mention is that lately I've had this obsession with playing that board game Monopoly. :P I've been playing that game aganist my family members all week. :P I dunno why I'm getting so into that game though. :P It's kinda wierd. :P But ah well...I don't really care...I like playing the game and I'm sure it's just another random phase of obsessions that will wear off least...I hope it does. :P And just to let you know...when I play that game I love to be the Banker because I can do all that math so quick and I never make any mistakes with the money so I always do a good job and I keep everything pretty organized. And when I play I always get kinda hyper-competative...but I'm that way with a lot of stuff...including academics. So...I won't be a sore loser or anything like that but ah...while I'm playing I can get kinda annoying...ESPECIALLY if I own all the railroads and a bunch of red, yellow, or orange areas. :lol: :P And I was just playing that game a little while ago and I won because I owned all the railroads and had a monopoly on the yellow, purple, and orange areas. :D :P So uh...yeah...I just wanted to mention that. :P I just hope this obsession wears off soon. :P

One last thing that I wanna say is this really weird dream that I had a few nights ago that's kinda scared me a little bit and I dunno but maybe my mind's giving me a wake-up call with it. So...there was no real story in my dream but in my dream it was just a normal day but I was watching myself in my dream...and in my dream I was an absolute punk and I hated it!!! I mean...the actual me was watching the dream me who was living my life but in her way. And that dream me was dressed in all these black and pink punky-looking clothes instead of my usual attire, she wore black sunglasses instead of glasses like I do, and her hair was died to be the color black and had some stupid highlights in it...which I would never do...and my hair isn't black hair'sa dark brown color. And I was watching that punky dream me spend a normal day and I was following that dream me around. So the dream me woke up at like noon on a school day and then got into this huge fight with my mom...which I would never do...and that dream me was swearing and was actually about to get physical in that fight but then left and went somewhere. Then that stupid dream me went and met up with some of her "friends" and they were smoking and drinking and acting really stupid. And that stupid dream me and her "friends" had some stupid conversation that I was listening in on and I found out that dream me dropped out of BLS and didn't go to school anymore. Then when it was beginning to get dark outside that stupid dream me went into another one of her "friends" garage because they had apparently started some stupid punk rock band or something like that and they rehearsed in that person's garage. I had no idea who that person was though. And then the rest of the band members came and they started rehearsing. And the band didn't have normal band instruments like a guitar and the drums and stuff like that...we were playing electric band instruments like the electric snare drum, the electric trumpet, and of course...there had to be an electric flute, which I did play in that dream...well...not me but that evil punky me in that dream. And all the instruments were like the normal band instruments only they were painted a bunch of cool colors and were hooked up to amplifiers. And then that band was rehearsing until midnight and then the police came and arrested the whole band, including that stupid dream me, for disturbing the peace and they stayed in jail for the night. And that was how the dream ended. I hated that dream so much but I figured that I might as well tell you about it. I dunno why I had that dream but if it was a wake-up call...I KNOW that I'll never do any of that stuff!!!!! I might be an annoying smart *** troublemaker but I am NOT a punk and I never will be! I'll never drink or smoke or do drugs, I'll never treat my mom like that, I'll never have friends like that, I'll never dress like that, and come on...the electric flute doesn't even exist!!!!! That's just some random thing that exists only in my sick and twisted mind I guess. :P Anyways...I know where the line is that I know when to stop and I'll keep my troublemaking to just my annoying harmless pranks. :P I'll never go beyond that because I know better and I'm a good kid and I have my whole life ahead of me and I'm really smart and I can be anything that I wanna be so why would I wanna throw that all away?! Anyways..that's how I feel about the dream.

I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I wish I did but I don't. :P Now that I think about it...I probably shouldn't say much more...this blog's kinda long. :P Bye! -MightyBFan25

Almost Done With The School Year...

Yeah...ALMOST. :P I have 6 days of school left and two of them are half-days. I mean...I know that a lot of you are probably getting out of school much earlier than me but ah well...I don't really care. :P Good for you if you're already out...I could care less. :P Kidding. :P Anyways...yeah...I'm almost there...and I'm glad about that. School's been kinda stressful for the past few days with finals and all that sorta stuff so that's why I haven't been doing as much online as I usually would be. Anyways...I've already taken my History and ELA finals, I have my Math one on Monday, my Latin one on Tuesday, and my Italian one on Wednesday. After that I'm all set. :D I can't wait for the year to be over. Then I'll be a Freshman at high-school. Kinda weird to say that I'll be in high-school next year...and I don't ever haveta make any transitions...I'm staying right at BLS...and no...I didn't stay back a year...BLS begins in the 7th grade and ends at the end of Senior year. Anyways...I can't wait until school's over. :D

One thing that I'm really glad about is that I've already started on my Summer Reading and I'm not even out of school yet! :D I've already read "The Color Of Water" and taken notes on that and I'm a little over half way done with "Rocket Boys" and I've also taken notes on that. I'm gonna buy my third required book, "The Cat's Eye", tomorrow at a book-store that I just so happen to have a gift-card for that I've never used. So...once I get my required books out of the way I haveta read two more books of my choosing from a decent sized summer reading list on Anyways...I think I'm making good progress with that and I'll be done with summer reading in no time. And by the way...I take notes when I read because on one of the first few days of school we have a test on the books that we were supposed to read so I can have those to study from...and because when I'm done reading a book I don't just go and type the report...I plan to do those all on one day when I'm done reading all my books cuz I can. :P And when I'm on summer break since I'll have nothing to do I can read at a much quicker pace and set higher page-reading goals for the day.

Now getting onto my day. My school day was okay. We took our ELA final today and it was wicked easy...and I mean...WICKED EASY! Probably the easiest test I've taken all year actually... :P I didn't have much stuff to carry home today for homework but I had like 4 hours worth of stupid Latin homework! Ugh...Mr. Chavero's beginning to get on my nerves. He wants to have us finish translating the Hercules stories for next year but maybe that wouldn't be a problem if he actually have us the Fabulae Romanae books before the fourth term! But ah...I guess some work won't kill me...only my mom can kill me for playing in the mud. :P Anyways...other than that my day was pretty good. My dad came to pick me up and now I'm at his place.

I don't have much else to say in this blog... :P I thought I would have more to say but I guess I don't. :P Well...the only reas purpose of this blog was just to let you all know that I'm not too busy to make a blog right now and that I'm getting there. Bye! -MightyBFan25 (who is now determined to ace all her remaining final exams by the way.)

I Scored Summa Cum Laude On The National Latin Exam! :D

Okay...I'll just explain the title right now. :P So...remember me mentioning that I took the National Latin Exam (NLE) a LONG time ago? Well...if you don't remember...I did. :P And we FINALLY got our results back today and awards and certificates and all that sorta stuff today in Latin class. It was AWETHUM! :D So...there were 5 rankings for the NLE this year (four technically but I'm counting another one that shouldn't really count cuz I can. :P ) and those 5 rankings were: Sine Laude (which you only got if you didn't take the NLE), Cum Laude (which you were pretty much automatically guaranteed to get if you just took the test and you got awhite certificate), Magna Cum Laude (which is a step above Cum Laude and you got for doing pretty good and you got a green certificate), Maxima Cum Laude (which is another step above Magna Cum Laude and you got a silver medal if you got this rank along with a silver certificate) and finally...Summa Cum Laude (which you haveta be pretty much a Latin genius to get cuz you needed a pretty high score and if you got this you got a gold medal and a gold certificate and this is the best you could do). And...guess what? I got Summa Cum Laude on the NLE!!!!! :D AWETHUM, huh?! :D Yeah...I is SO smarticle! :P And as Mr. Chavero (my Latin teacher) handed out the awards to everyone...everyone clapped and cheered and stuff...and it seemed like when my name was called everyone cheered louder than normal...probably because I'm not like an A+ Latin student...I'm like a B or B+ student in Latin. And while everyone was clapping and stuff some people were kinda laughing a little and it's because I got Summa Cum Laude and if you knew my last name you'd laugh too. :P If you wanna know my last name you can just ask me in a PM but I'm not gonna type it in this blog. was just AWETHUM and I hung my certificate on my bedroom wall and I'm still wearing the gold medal. And by the way...I did better on the NLE than anyone in my class...I got a 36 out of 40 and the two other people that got Summa Cum Laude in my class only got 35's out of 40. Yeah...I'm AWETHUM. :D :P was just AWETHUM!!! :D

Now to talk about the rest of my day... :P So...I had three studies today and all my normal classes aside from Italian. The reason was because it was Senior Sign-Out Day at BLS so all the seniors who graduated had to sign out of all their classes so we had extended homeroom that lasted for all of R1 so it was pretty much a study. The rest of my day was pretty normal...nothing really wierd of crazy or stupid happened and I have no homework. Although...I have something special that I need to do to try to persuade a certain wizard to do something evil...he he he! :twisted: :P And I also wanna read some of "Rocket Boys" tonight...which will be the second Summer Reading book that I'll read...I already read one and took notes to study from for the test next year and so I can type my reports easily eventually...and I'm not even on Summer Break yet. :D :P And uh...that's about it. :P Then my dad came to pick me up and now I'm at his place typing a blog... :P Oh...and I just wanna say that last night I had a wierd dream where there was this huge world-wide famine and it was the end of the world and the two horsemen from the Four Horsemen Of The Apocalypse came and those two were Famine and Death...kinda wierd if you ask me. :P I dunno why though...that makes two dreams that I've had this year where it's been the end of the world...the other being that one with the swarm of bugs and zombies and Satan. :P

Uh...I don't have much else to say in this blog. :P I think I'm gonna go to the park later...he he he! :twisted: :P Either that or I'll be a good little dork and read my book...but that'll happen! :lol: :P Bye! -MightyBFan25